On the west side of the Stone Drum Tower, there is a dragon-shaped watchtower.

Dang clang...

In the secret room of the watchtower, there was a clanking sound of metal, accompanied by bursts of dazzling sparks.

The secret room is square, about ten square meters, and is covered with black dragon stones.

A forging furnace left over from the war is built on one side of the wall, and the fire is burning vigorously.

A skinny old blacksmith with curly gray hair swung a hammer and forged a long sword embryo that was as red as blood in front of the chopping board.

Away from the door, Rhaegar leaned on the stone wall, patiently waiting for the new sword to come out.


The wooden door opened from the outside, and Sir Robert stepped into the secret room.

"Prince, as you expected, there is a disturbance in Shigu Tower."

No need to ask further, Ser Robert told the truth as it was his duty.

Rhaegar lowered his eyebrows and listened quietly to his report.

Otto met Allison, and Melos contacted the Hightowers one after another...

This is to be expected.

When pressure comes, people's hearts fluctuate, and they seek help in every possible way.

In addition, there are some unexpected surprises.

He knew that Damon secretly brought a mysterious mistress into Shigulou, hiding in the room and never showing up.

The little maid trained by Sarah performed a meritorious service and followed the little spider next to Allison to Damon's room and overheard the identity of his mistress.

The missing forest witch, Ari Hewen.

"Hmph, not long after I left, the rats popped out of the gutter one after another."

Rhaegar smiled playfully and crossed his arms in front of him.

The old earl paused and said cautiously: "Prince, half a quarter of an hour ago, His Highness Aemond slipped out of the castle and rushed to Longshan happily."

Lei Jia raised his eyebrows, not expecting that boy to be so courageous.

The old man looked embarrassed and continued: "Just now, His Majesty woke up from his slumber and seemed to have discovered Prince Aemond going out. He chased him out without even having time to change his clothes."

"My father?" Rega was shocked.

At this time, my father should still be sleeping soundly.

The old man said bitterly: "Prince Aemond searched for the pass tokens in the bedrooms of the King and Princess. He was probably noticed by the half-asleep King."

And indeed it is.

Viserys was lying on the bed, sleeping, and Aemond sneaked into the room to rummage around, revealing a few words about Dragon Mountain and Dragon Taming.

When Viserys regained consciousness, he found that his eldest son was not there, and his second son Aegon was even drunker than him. He personally tracked down the third son who had sneaked out of the castle.

"Prince, the king has just left. Do you want to send someone to persuade him?" Sir Robert was worried.

After the initial surprise, Lei Jia calmly thought about it.

Aemond was eager to train the dragon, and with the rune stone tablet he gave him, there was basically no danger.

My father chased me out rashly, unlike his cautious character.

Rhaegar closed his eyes gently and murmured to himself: "If you can hear Aemond's words, you can't not hear what I say."

Then, Rega shook his head and laughed: "No need to stop us, send more people to escort us."

He suspected that his father did it on purpose and tried to train the dragon in the name of Xunzi.

As the king of a country, he is also a proud man.

The old man Sir responded and silently exited the door.


The old blacksmith swung the hammer for the last time, and the long sword embryo was forged. He picked up a rag and wiped the sweat from his forehead, and said in Valyrian: "Quenching."

The young blacksmith bachelor picked up the sword embryo with pliers and put it into the bucket prepared in advance.

There was a sizzling sound and white smoke came out.

Without even looking at it, the old blacksmith took out three precious materials that had been prepared in advance.

A black dragon bone as thick as an arm, an octagonal red ruby, and a piece of parchment with runes engraved on it.

A card slot was polished at the tail of the jet-black keel, inlaid with red rubies, wrapped in parchment, and thrown into the furnace while muttering something.


The flames instantly surged, wrapping the pitch-black keel layer by layer as the old blacksmith chanted a spell.

The parchment melted into liquid, and the drops penetrated into the slot between the black dragon bone and the red ruby, merging the two into one.

"Fire red heart, fusion runes..."

Rhaegar stared at the fire with bright eyes.

The black dragon bone is taken from the remains of Balerion, the red ruby ​​is the flaming red heart, and the parchment is taken from the relic of the Valyrian greatsword Lightshout.

Bring up the system panel.

【Light Roar】

Exploration progress: 100%

"This exploration is complete, please pick up the lost treasures."

"The pickup was successful, you got..."

【Lion's Treasure】

Level: Epic (Purple)

Trigger prompt: "Blood of the King."

After glancing at the content on the panel, Rega remained indifferent.

As early as when I was treating my father's injury, I squeezed out a few drops of pus and blood from the ulcerated wound to trigger [The Lion's Treasure].

System panel records.

"Congratulations, the lion's treasure has been activated, you have obtained..."

【Fusion Runes】

Level: Rare (blue)

Function: A one-time item that combines two items of equal quality to transform decay into magic.

Comments: “Take out your two most precious things as much as possible.”


Suddenly, the flames of the furnace surged, and the flaming red heart embedded at the end of the dark keel shone brightly.

Rhaegar calmed down and said expectantly: "R'hllor's legacy will be named Targaryen from now on."

The sword-making was coming to an end, and he had to take action.


Under the dark night, an active volcano stands majestically.

"Hurry up, we'll be there soon."

In the deserted open space, Aemond held a torch and ran tirelessly.

Looking at Longshan in the distance, his face was filled with an excited smile.

Two dragon guards followed closely, each holding a torch.

Not long after, three clusters of weak firelight flickered in front of the groggy Longshan Mountain.

Longshan is huge, its surface is black volcanic rock, and the surrounding air is as hot as summer heat.

Emond worked hard to move forward, during which he encountered two teams of patrolling dragon guards, both of whom were dismissed with tokens.

Climbing up steep rocks, a wide, deep, dark cave appeared at the foot of the mountain.

Just as he was about to enter, a team of Dragon Guards with dragons hurried over.

The dragon man was old and frail, speaking in Valyrian: "Prince, please stop!"

"Why, I have a token!"

Aemond panted slightly, sweat dripping from his forehead.

The dragon man stepped forward with a bamboo pole, his cloudy eyes full of solemnity: "At dusk, the roar of the glutton disturbed the sleeping Wormisor, and it is very irritable now."

Wormisor, also known as the Bronze Wrath, is clearly a dragon with a very bad character.

The Dragonites could not afford the risk of the prince coming into contact with Vormisor.

Aemond wiped his sweat after hearing this, and his purple eyes swept over the dark grotto over and over again, and the desire in his eyes could not be hidden at all.

He was tired of being ridiculed.

He tamed the strongest and largest dragon to prove to everyone his Dragon King bloodline.

Desire overriding reason, Aemond pushed the dragon man blocking the way and shouted hoarsely: "It's better to wake up, so I don't have to wake it up!"

After that, he rushed into the cave regardless, clutched the torch and ran wildly.

There was only a tunnel away from Wormisol, so how could he be willing to give up on training the dragon and turn around and go back the way he came.

The dragon man was pushed and staggered, looking sad: "Hurry up and catch up, we can't let the prince train the dragon alone."

Even if they die, they must die in front of the prince.

Otherwise, what awaits them is the king's wrath.

The dragon guards were helpless and helped the dragon bearers to follow them all the way.

Unfortunately, when they entered the cave, Aemond had already taken advantage of the dark environment and escaped without a trace.

On the other side, there is the barren plain outside Longshan.

Clusters of firelight shined, moving towards Longshan.

Fifty Dragon Guards, armed with torches, gathered around their king on his way.

"Ho ho..."

Viserys was sweating profusely from exhaustion after running continuously, and his breathing was as hoarse as a blower.

After traveling all night, the well-dressed king didn't even have time to change his clothes, so he wore a loose silk nightgown tightly.

With the range of running movements, the collar is wide open, and it is loose and barely covers the body.

"Hurry up, we have to get there before Aemond."

Viserys was struggling to speak, looking at the towering Dragon Mountain with dazzling eyes.

While sleeping, he heard the advice of his eldest son and realized that blindly following the advice of the imperial minister would only lead to losing his own opinion.

It happened that Aemond sneaked into his room to look for something, giving him an excuse to convince himself.

Not only to stabilize the rule, but also to fly with the dragon.

He wants to tame a dragon! Also help the third son Aemond tame a dragon!

In the best case scenario, father and son will ride the dragon and fly high together tonight.

Longshan, underground cave.

"Shepherds...facing the sunset..."

In the dark cave, Aemond groped forward cautiously, humming the Valyrian nursery rhyme "The Shepherd's Sunset".

He has done special research to understand that Valyrian has the ability to simply communicate with dragons.

Humming songs to look for dragons can have a soothing effect.

As we go deeper into the cave, the temperature of the cave gets higher and higher, and touching the stone wall with your palms feels like touching burning coals.

"It's so hot!"

Aemond raised his sleeves to wipe the sweat, his freckled face turned red.

After walking for a long distance, the floor of the cave gradually became flat.

Aemond held up the torch and looked around, and he could vaguely see that the stone walls were covered with a layer of pungent sulfur ore.


Suddenly, a rough roar came from the depths of the cave, like the sound of a war drum.

Emond was so excited that he said in surprise: "Wormisor!"

There were no other creatures besides Wormisor and Silver Wing roaring in the cave.

With strong expectations, Imond ignored the influence of the high temperature and trotted in the direction of the roar.

"Quick! I heard Wormisor's roar..."

At this moment, the deep voice of the Dragon Hunter sounded from behind, and the Dragon Guard heard the sound and chased after him.

Emond glanced back and curled his lips: "A bunch of idiots, I've already run in, why are you chasing them?"

Feeling that he was getting closer and closer to Wormisor, Aemond suppressed his excitement and continued to hum the ballad.

As you chase each other, the cave gradually opens up, revealing a vast, scorching cave.

"found it!"

Aemond's eyes shone as he nimbly jumped over the bumps and potholes and jumped to the platform hidden in the darkness.

Rustling, rustling...

There was a scraping sound of scales rubbing against the rock, and a ferocious outline vaguely appeared in the darkness.

Aemond stiffened and a line of cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

He knew that it was an adult dragon.

He mustered up the courage from the bottom of his heart, stared at the opposite side of the invisible platform, and raised one hand: "Wormisor, come out and see me!!"

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