Game of Thrones: I became a crown prince for a day

Chapter 319 Dragons Dancing Together


Noticing the silver-haired boy's burning eyes, the sheep thief became more and more complacent, and the pair of vertical pupils in the sunken eye sockets showed scrutiny.

It seems that he is thinking whether to give the other party a chance to have himself.

As soon as the thought came up, the lean body swayed slightly, and the thick horny skin on the brown scales plowed deep grooves into the ground.

Aemond was not in the mood to waste time with this mud dragon, and shouted angrily: "You can leave by yourself when you are full, and don't come to me again!"

He wants to tame a majestic and powerful dragon.

Even if you miss Vermithor, you should try to contact Silverwing instead of this mud dragon with a bad personality.

When he thought of being abducted by sheep thieves, he couldn't restrain his grief and anger. Aemond turned around and left with his head hanging down.

He sneaked out, and now that he has failed to train the dragon, he still doesn't know what kind of scolding he will face from his mother and what kind of ridicule he will face from Aegon.


The sheep thief neighed and stared at the back of the silver-haired boy with his head tilted.

What the other party spoke was not Dragon Taming or High Valyrian, and it couldn't understand why.

But emotionally, it seems full of disappointment.


When the dragon was young, it was often hindered by shepherds and sheepdogs from stealing sheep, so it had this negative emotion.

Later, when it entered sub-adulthood, it would fill the teeth of people and dogs who dared to stop it.

After a few times, stealing sheep became much smoother.

"Wormisor has flown away, and Longshan still has a silver wing..."

Aemond walked forward in silence, not caring about the darkness of the night.

Because he felt that his future was darker than the night.


Before they could get far, the roar of the mud dragon sounded from behind, accompanied by a roaring wind that flapped its wings.

Aemond stumbled and almost fell over, and the cloak tied behind him was blown to the top of his head.

"Sheep thief!..."

Emond was annoyed and subconsciously wanted to curse.


There was a tearing sound from the green cloak, and then his feet left the ground, and his body hung uncontrollably.

Aemond turned around in panic, and saw the mud dragon covering his head, with its fangs exposed and its dragon's kiss holding the cloak.


The sheep thief spread his wide brown wings, lowered his head and held the silver-haired boy in his mouth, and shook the dragon's head evilly.

"Sheep thief, stop it!" Aemond screamed.

He is going crazy, how on earth can this mud dragon let him go!


The sheep thief neighed in a low voice, a flash of cunning flashed through his vertical pupils, and he raised his head and threw the silver-haired boy onto his back.

The wild dragon's career lasted for more than 70 years, and the surrounding creatures looked at it with eyes full of fear and malice.

Only this silver-haired boy stared at it with fiery eyes when they met for the first time, which greatly satisfied its vanity.

"Sheep thief, you scoundrel, let me down."

Aemond fell heavily onto the dragon's back, which was like a steel plate, and cursed dizzily.

The Sheep Stealer may seem ugly in appearance, but its body structure is actually different from that of an ordinary dragon.

A dragon's scales are hard and reliable, growing thicker with age.

Covered by scales, there is fragile nervous tissue.

Once the scales are broken, the dragon will suffer extraordinary pain.

Therefore, ordinary dragons will develop strong muscles to ensure that their scales are severely damaged and their bodies can still maintain their ability to adapt.

The body structure of a sheep thief is exactly the opposite.

Its body is as skinny as wood, and from a distance it looks like a thick skeleton covered in mud.

The brown scales are finely distributed, with a rough cuticle growing on them, mixed with mud to form a lumpy shell with uneven edges.

The combination of these two factors makes the sheep thief look ugly with its skinny appearance, shriveled dragon head, and irregular brown mud-colored scales all over its body.

The real purpose is to survive.


Not understanding what the silver-haired boy was saying, the sheep thief was not interested either, so he neighed and spread his wings and flew high.

Just in time, a fiery red meteor streaked across the night sky, and the sheep thief turned around with a pair of vertical pupils vigilantly, then changed direction and flew towards the black stone mountain where humans live.

It sensed that there were many dragons over there, and there was no harm in getting close to the dragons.

The dragons on the left and right are of average strength and cannot hurt it.

"Sheep Stealer, where are you taking me!?"

Emond finally grasped a piece of mud-like back scale and asked loudly in shock and fear.


The sheep thief responded with a strange neighing sound, his body flying up and down, deliberately rubbing against the silver-haired boy on his back.

the other side.

The red meteor streaked across, startling Wormisor, who was soaring above the clouds.

Viserys sensed Wormisor's agitation, struggled to get up, and tried his best to comfort him: "It's just a shooting star, let's go back to the castle first."

He had tamed Wormisor, and it was time to return to his family.


Wormisor roared low, obediently rushed down from the clouds, and soared towards the Black Stone Castle in the distance.

It was very fast and arrived with the driver in a short time.


There was no need for the driver to say anything. Wormisor roared vigorously like a declaration, circled twice in a row around the castle, and then slowly landed in the clearing on the edge of the cliff.

The roar of the bronze beast caused a great response.

People in the Stone Drum Tower ran out of the castle gate and came to the cliff near the coast.

Everyone knew that someone had tamed Wormithor, but they didn't know whether the person riding on the dragon's back was Viserys, Aemond, or a dragon species from an island.


Wormisor lay on the ground, scanning the approaching crowd with his cold vertical eyes.

"Wormisor, they are my family."

Viserys was pleased that the dragon was protecting him, and chuckled as he explained.

As he spoke, he rubbed the rough bronze scales a few times, then chose a lower position and slowly climbed down the dragon's back.

"Viserys, you tamed this dragon!"

Allison, who was dressed in green, was the first to rush to her husband, staring at the bronze dragon with timid eyes.

After being educated as a lady since she was a child, she doesn't like dangerous dragons.

As a girl, Rhaenyra invited her friend Allison to ride on Sylaxon many times, but she would find excuses to decline.

In the blink of an eye, Rhaenyra, Daemon and others also hurried over and looked at Vermithor in surprise.

No one expected that his seemingly weak father and brother could actually tame such a violent beast.

"Allison, you should be proud of me."

Viserys smiled proudly and couldn't help but step forward and hug his wife.

He experienced more thrills tonight than he had experienced in the previous half of his life combined.

Allison raised his hands helplessly, wanting to be gentle but not knowing where to start, and said incoherently: "Viserys, you smell so strong."

After saying this, she regretted it and spoke her mind openly.

Viserys didn't think anything was wrong. He lowered his head and sniffed his body, pretending to be disgusted and said, "I'm covered in stinky sweat, and I still have the stench of a dragon queen."

While he was talking, he saw his younger brother Damon and a group of children.

After patting his wife on the back, Viserys relaxed his embrace with satisfaction and asked teasingly: "Do I smell very strong?"


As soon as the words came out, he couldn't help but laugh out loud, which seemed to show off.

Rhaenyra rolled her eyes cutely, stepped forward to hug her father, and slightly raised the corners of her mouth: "Father, congratulations."

She was worried about her father's safety, but she was even happier for him at the moment.

Not because his father could tame the powerful Wormisor, but because his father abandoned the idea of ​​trying to please and laughed from the bottom of his heart.

Damon led his two daughters forward and said with a complicated expression: "Brother, should I say it is the family's honor to see you riding a dragon again in my lifetime?"

"Perhaps." Viserys smiled unabated.


A dragon roar as dull as a bell came from afar, and the dark dragon shadow passed through the billowing dark clouds and soared over the castle.


With a fierce look in his eyes, Wormisor stared at the night and spread a dragon's kiss.

"Wormisor, the fight is over."

Viserys spoke soothingly, his words calm and firm.

He read the heart of Wormisor, a violent and irritable beast.

Before tonight, this was the stereotype he had of dragons, and he was disgusted with them.

However, at this time, he was willing to help the other person calm down his emotions and awaken his reason.

Wormisor glanced at the driver, suppressed the anger in his heart, and simply closed his eyes to avoid seeing.


At this moment, another sharp scream sounded, coming from the direction of the long steps of the stone bridge.


Gluttony was the first to land, his sturdy feet firmly stepped on the grass on the cliff, and he folded his wings that were whipping up the strong wind.




As soon as the glutton landed, the four dragons that had originally flown back to the castle began to scream in panic again.

This time, they did not flee, but instead hovered in the sky and looked back and forth.

Glutton landed south of the edge, and Vormisor lay crouched north of the edge.

The two dragons are clearly separated and separated by a large area.


Dream Fire neighed, flapped its light blue wings, and tentatively approached Wormisor.

Wormisor showed no reaction and remained motionless in his sleep.

Realizing that nothing happened, Meng Huo landed not far from Wormisor cautiously, staring at the glutton with a pair of vertical pupils vigilantly.


Seeing this situation, Yang Yan anxiously moved around and settled on the other side of Wormisol in a similar manner.

The glutton glanced at the two dragons, his green vertical eyes filled with contempt.

"Glutton, put me down."

Rhaegar patted his dark scales in a funny manner and climbed down the ladder onto the dragon's back.

As soon as his feet landed on the ground, the golden-scaled Syracuse slowly flew over and crawled behind the glutton about ten meters away.

The two dragons are so close that even if their habits are different, they are still accustomed to each other's presence.

In the night sky, only Theselion was still circling in circles, screaming and daring not to land.

The appearance of Wormisor broke the original dominance of the glutton.

Two giant dragons divided the two sides. Menghuo and Yangyan did not dare to settle in the middle area, subconsciously staying away from the dangerous glutton.

Thessalian was too young, unfamiliar with both sides, and was left alone.


A sharp scream came from the long steps of the stone bridge again, and a brown mud-colored mud dragon flew slowly over.

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