The flat-topped tower is a special building in ancient Valyria.

It is said that it is exclusively used by the forty dragon king families, and the top blood witches and fire warlocks are enshrined in the tower.

These blood witches and fire warlocks study magic day and night, guide the expedition army, and teach the descendants of the Dragon King knowledge.

Lei Jia's heart was pounding and his voice slowed down: "Do you have similar drawings?"

It seems simple to pacify a high tower, but it is extremely time-consuming and labor-intensive to build.

Like the Hightower's tower in Oldtown, it's a majestic building that almost cannot be replicated by craftsmen in Westeros.

Varys raised the corner of his mouth and said with deep meaning: "Essos has a long history, and a lot of knowledge is deliberately buried, and I happen to be good at discovering it."

After hearing this, Rega thought for a moment and agreed with a smile.

Both Westeros and Essos have left various legends over the years.

People who are based on the land are paranoid and would rather bury things than share them.

After laughing, Rhaegar said seriously: "I am willing to hire you, but for the time being you can only show up in Lys and cannot set foot on the land of Westeros."

He is a cautious person who hates the presence of threats.

Rhaenyra and the unborn child were his life, and he could not coexist on the same continent with a dangerous guy like the Blood Witch.

Varys knelt down on one knee and said humbly: "Thank you for your trust, Prince Rhaegar of Targaryen."

Rhaegar looked at him and said bluntly: "I am considering building a pacification tower to be used for future political institutions. You have to get busy."

Glancing at Johanna, he spoke sharply: "The governor's political structure is not perfect. The abolition of slavery requires a new system to replace it, otherwise serious trouble will occur."

Rhaegar was a gifted dreamwalker who had all kinds of strange dreams.

He clearly knew the harm and cruelty of slavery.

Moreover, the death of slavery represented the birth of monarchy.

Targaryen's Iron Throne is enough to rule this city-state, but the placement and survival of slaves always threaten the rule of those in power.

Slave owners existed, slaves were oppressed, and most of them had a mouth to eat.

Without the slave master, the slaves will lose the "food" they depend on for survival, and they will try to overthrow the "new master".

Johanna was stunned for a moment, then whispered: "I recruited a large number of slaves to join the team of building the city-state, and various professions will be needed in the future."

Looking at the nine free trade city-states, except for a few inland city-states without ports, it is the coldest city-state in the north.

The port city-states headed by Pentos and Braavos are all extremely wealthy.

Braavos has a unique industrial system, a powerful fleet that spans the seas, and an "Iron Treasury" that controls the lifeblood of the world's economy.

The castle hated slavery and had no need for it.

The remaining city-states, whether it was the Three Women's Kingdom or Volantis, or Pentos, which signed the "Abolition of Slavery" after its defeat, all needed a lot of slave work.

The city-state has an electoral system, and equal citizens have the right to vote.

The land of the city-state is no more than a small piece of land, and it cannot be divided among each citizen.

Therefore, the system of slavery was born and applied on a large scale.

Slaves had no human rights and were not eligible to vote.

Slaves do not need land. As long as they have food to eat, they can make a living and undertake more than 80% of the work of the city-state.

Over time, there are fewer and fewer civilians in these free trade city-states, and more and more slaves.

The only thing that remains unchanged is a small group of "rich people" at the top of the pyramid.

Rhaegar broke the pyramids, pulled the rich off their pedestals, and squeezed the slaves into the common class.

The land and jobs in the city-state were not enough to support so many "commoners", so it was necessary to earn wealth through navigation and trade and make effective use of these "commoners".

Regath thought about it and joked: "If it doesn't work out, just move some of the population back to Westeros and reclaim the ownerless wasteland."

"Your question is forward-looking and I will consider it seriously."

Johanna lowered her eyes and couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

She did not intend to completely abolish slavery, which was a great purge and transformation of Reese.

Change represents danger and can easily overthrow rule.

However, Lei Jiadu proposed two proposals for maritime trade and industrial development, and she could take the risk.

The conversation ended, and Johanna and Varys left one after another.

Before leaving, Wallis frowned slightly and said hesitantly: "Prince, I wish your heir can be born safely."

The words were strange, and the eyes vaguely glanced at Rhaegar's face, which made people confused.

Rega was stunned for a moment, and then he was very alert.

The knowledge of blood witches covers many fields, and they may not be able to do medicine or divination.

Rhaegar had no intention of eating anymore and ordered the elite of the Second Son Regiment guarding the door to go out and call for someone.

Less than a quarter of an hour later, Xi Liu came to meet him.

A dozen figures in black robes followed him, and there was no sound of footsteps on the floor.


Xiliu greeted respectfully, raised his finger and pointed at the men in black robes, and introduced with a smile: "They are members of the shadow. How can I help you?"

Rhaegar glanced at it and said casually: "What's the news from Dragonstone?"

Shiliu was once the chief swordsman of Braavos, a water dancer who was proficient in the "water dance" sword technique and was very good at assassination.

Over the years, dozens of "Shadows" have been trained at great cost and dispersed across various places to serve as intelligence spies.

After hearing the prince's inquiry, Xiliu told the truth: "Dragonstone Island is guarded by dragon guards. Her Highness the Princess is safe and sound. The fetus is very stable, but Miss Lanner's condition is average."

"That's good."

Rhaegar felt relieved and asked, "Is Aunt Rhaenys gone?"

"Yes, the residents of Myr are making trouble all the time and need Targaryen dragons to suppress them," Shiliu said.

Myr is different from Lys. Both civilians and slaves have been affected by the dragons, and have been incited to rebel by those who are interested.

After Lys is stabilized and Tyrosh conquered, it is time to start the political structure of Myr.

Asked everything that needed to be asked.

Rhaegar raised his forehead helplessly: "I always feel uneasy keeping an eye on Braavos and Dorne."

The enemy hides in the dark and remains motionless, even a giant dragon will respond.

Take the time to return to King's Landing and shock Xiao Xiao from all sides.


Sunspear City, the castle of House Martell and the political capital of Dorne.

It is located north of the Greenblood River, on the southeastern coast of Westeros, surrounded by sea on three sides.

The castle is built of tan mud and straw and has a triple curved wall surrounding it.

The overall appearance is very impressive and it is a very beautiful city.

In the center of the city, several tall towers stand side by side.

Tower of the Sun.

It has a majestic appearance, with golden vaults and tall towers with leaded glass.

In the throne room, two tall carved spears and sun-patterned seats stand side by side.

A figure sat on the seat of the carved spear and murmured: "Lys has also fallen."

The voice is magnetic and full of the vicissitudes of a middle-aged man.

The figure sat up straight, revealing his handsome appearance.

The long black hair is loose, the muscles are strong under the brown skin, and the face has the unique exotic style of the Dornish people, as if it has been carved with a knife and an axe.

Wearing a tawny light dress, the low collar reveals large chest muscles, exuding strong masculine charm.

It was the then Prince of Dorne - Ke Oran Martell.

Ke Olun sneered, leaned back on the chair, and said sarcastically: "Bambaro, this idiot, really thinks that taming a wild dragon can defeat the Iron Throne?"

After more than a hundred years of development, Targaryen is at its peak.

There are six adult dragon masters alone, not counting Velaryon's brother and sister.

As the Prince of Dorne, he is personally a restless adventurer.

After the First Battle of the Stepstones failed, he sneaked into King's Landing as a medicine dealer.

Just at the entrance of the Dragon Cave, I caught a glimpse of the young crown prince from a distance.

A handsome young man who looks very young, but he is also kind to his subordinates.

Lament the diversity of gods.

It was such a half-grown boy who tamed the world's largest wild dragon-eating dragon at the age of 6. When the war went against him, he commandeered the dragon to attack Lys and burned down the city-state of the Three Women's Kingdom.

Three consecutive fires killed more than ten thousand people.

Ke Olun felt a cold breeze on the back of his head just thinking about it, and he didn't want to provoke an "executioner with a dragon."


There were light footsteps outside the throne room, and a little girl with black curly hair ran in.


The little girl has a beautiful smile, very delicate brown skin, and a beauty that belies her age between her eyebrows.

Ke Olun crumpled the letter paper as usual and responded with a smile: "My daughter, who brought you here?"

Alexandra nimbly climbed onto the seat carved with sun patterns, raised her chin proudly, and said proudly: "I can come whenever I want, and no one can look down on me."

Alexandra Martell just turned 6 years old this year.

Keolen's eldest daughter is basically the legal heir and the future Princess of Dorne.

"Alexandra, you are a bit disobedient."

Keorun doted on his eldest daughter, and he put his chin on his hand and said: "The Targaryen boy has captured Myr and Lys. When will you seize a territory for your father?"

Alexandra has an unrestrained personality, her blue eyes widened, and she said boldly: "Then you marry me to that young boy, and my child can inherit the entire Westeros and overseas city-states!"

Ke Olun was stunned and laughed out loud.

As expected of his daughter, she has such a tricky perspective on things.

It's hard to imagine that this was said by a child.

Dong Dong...

The heavy door of the throne room was knocked, and a tall figure with blond hair and blue eyes stood.

Seeing the visitor, Keolun stopped his smile and said seriously: "Is the fleet ready?"

"Yes, Prince."

The visitor ignored the guard's warning look and stepped directly onto the marble floor of the hall.

A thin man who looked about 40 years old, with slightly rough skin and piercing blue eyes, like a falcon waiting to be hunted.

On his white attire, he wears a black gate emblem on the sand.

The most powerful ancient surname in Dorne besides House Martell is House Yronwood.

Ke Oran glanced at him and said: "Count Olivier, the fleets at the port of Sunspear and Plank Town must be ready to prepare for the attack on the Stormlands."

Olivier raised his head and said respectfully: "Braavos has sent a large amount of armaments, enough to give Stormland a head-on attack."

"The Sea King of Braavos is also a fool, but he is quite generous."

Ke Olun made a judgment and specially reminded: "The vultures who send the message to the Crimson Mountains, hurry up and act, don't let the Iron Throne easily capture the Three Women's Kingdom."

The strongest point of the Free Trade City is its port control.

Now that the Stepstone Islands are in the hands of the Iron Throne, the Three Women's Kingdom is being occupied one after another.

Ports such as Sunspear and Plank Town, which are also located in the southern part of the Narrow Sea, should not expect smooth trade in the future and wait to be blocked by shipping routes.

Olivier nodded lightly and said solemnly: "Prince, don't worry, the army in the Reach has always been weak, and the Duke of Highgarden is an old man. The vultures will eat him up."

After some preparations for the battle, he said goodbye and left.

Ke Olun looked at his back, licked the corners of his lips, and grinned: "Be careful, don't die in the hands of the Stormland army."

Dorne was silent for a long time, and he gained a lot of benefits from Braavos and the Three Kingdoms.

Dorne is not monolithic, there are always radicals and conservatives.

The radicals believe that they should attack the Stormlands and the Reach, plunder the wealth and feed the barren lands.

The conservatives believe that the radicals are too conservative and should unite with Braavos and the Three Women to counterattack the Iron Throne and invade a new and wealthy land.

Ke Olun is caught between the two factions, and rational decisions are often not accepted, so he chooses to provoke a war.

Without fighting, the aristocratic forces under his rule became increasingly powerful, threatening Martell's rule.

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