
Damon was stunned and subconsciously called his wife's name.

Lanner's eyes did not leave him for a moment, and she shouted crisply: "Dragon Flame!"


Vhagar swooped down, the dragon flames shattered the defenses of several watchtowers, and he flapped his dragon wings to quickly fly into the air.

Lannal was riding on the saddle, her shoulders were bound with chains, and her silver hair was flying in the wind.

Confined to being pregnant, she has no armor on her body, only a thin white skirt.

Vhagar is like a kind mother, flying fast and steady, protecting the driver from harm.

Damon stared straight at it, then quickly came to his senses and understood what his wife meant.


Corakxiu had a telepathic connection, roared and rose into the sky, followed closely behind Vhagar and breathed out dragon flames.

After traveling around the Free Trade City for eight years, human couples were not the only ones who developed feelings.

Vhagar and Corakxi often soared into the sky together, performing a dance of two dragons.

Going back twenty or thirty years, the masters of the two dragons were Aemon and Belron. They went on expeditions together all year round and achieved amazing results in the "Battle of the Hundred Candles".

"Dragon Flame!"

Lannar's eyes were determined, and she drove Vagahar to break through the port garrison and cut out a passage of flames.

Vhagar roared repeatedly, his vertical pupils were full of indifference to war, and his huge body was like a killing machine.

Under such power, Colakxiu did not dare to get close and surrounded the flanks to provide support.

Although Vhagar is older and his aging body has gradually become a burden, he still exerts unparalleled destructive power on the battlefield.

Demonstrated ability to be given the name of the God of War.


"Encirclement and suppression of city-states..."

The two giant dragons danced together, and their own morale soared, rushing into the city along the charred path after Vhagar's burning.

Within a moment, Tyrosh was in chaos!

Groups of garrison troops rushed up to the tower, aiming their scorpion crossbows at the dragon in the sky.


Vhagar has a strong sense of war. The dragon's head is aimed at the eye-catching tower, spraying black smoke and dragon flames.

Lanner lowered her body to protect the fetus in her belly.

She received secret messages from several cousins, and Damon insisted on starting a private war.

I became more and more worried every day, and my mood gradually became depressed.

It was only then that she truly understood how Vhagar felt.

In order to make up for her husband's mistake, she rode on the back of Vhagar's dragon and fulfilled her duties as a wife and dragon master.

Vhagar put away his mournful wails and carried the driver across the narrow sea.

This old dragon finally returned to the battlefield he longed for.

"Lanna'er, go and assist the army in street fighting!"

Daemon looked anxious and urged his wife to stay away from the range of the scorpion crossbow.

There are too many towers and Vhagar is too big, making him an easy target.


The only response was Vhagar's roar.

This old dragon was gliding at low altitude, with a pair of green wings that covered the sky and the sun, and was rampaging through the city.

The scorpion crossbow fired a crossbow bolt, which bounced off of its body, like a child throwing stones at an adult.

At the age of 170, Vhagar's scales have strengthened over time, becoming harder than steel.

Even the scales of a glutton before being strengthened are not as thick as it is.

The power of time not only weakens its body, but also enhances its ability to survive.

Damon was stunned for a moment, then shook his head and laughed.

His wife inherited her cousin's mental agility and was much smarter than him.

The couple rode two giant dragons and soared over the city, destroying towers one after another.

With the blessing of the giant dragon, the army's morale was like a rainbow and they marched forward.

In less than an hour, the stubborn garrison was defeated and the Maharaja's residence in the west of the city was surrounded.

Colaxio landed boldly and stomped on the front yard of the mansion.

Damon looked around. There was silence in the mansion, and it looked like the building was deserted.


The door of the mansion was violently broken open, and soldiers filed in.

Damon had a sullen face and shouted coldly: "Search for me, don't let anyone alive!"

Maharaja Milov sent many letters insulting him, and he must be roasted alive.

Tyrosh, a secluded beach on the east side.

"Move quickly."

"Hurry up, or it will be too late."


Hundreds of well-equipped mercenaries fled, led by Milov with wild eyes.

The mercenaries carried boxes of gold, silver and jewelry, and in the middle of the team were tied up seven or eight wealthy people who were under house arrest.

Milov looked back at the city. The huge green dragon was circling like a mountain pressing on Tyroshi's head.


Milov swallowed his saliva and said with envy: "Damn it, why are there so many Targaryen dragons?"

I thought that there was only one Daemon attacking the city, and he could barely resist.

The Sea King of Braavos also sent him a message, asking him to defend the city-state and be supported by a fleet hidden in the narrow sea.


The Sea King of Braavos was clearly tricking him, using him as a target to attract the Iron Throne's attention.

As a mercenary, I know very well whether to run or not.

Blah blah blah...

The tide surges onto the beach, and several small sailboats hide outside the rocks.

"Get aboard, don't lose my treasure and hostages!"

Milov drew his knife and shouted, using his remaining intimidation to overwhelm his subordinates.


Suddenly, a pair of dark wings covered the sky, and the beach echoed with a bell-like roar.

Rhaegar looked down and saw at a glance that this was a mercenary absconding.

Looking towards the city, thick smoke billows from the fire. It seems that the war is coming to an end.

"Dragon Flame!"

Rega said coldly.

The glutton's green vertical pupils were icy cold, and the dragon's kiss spurted fierce dragon flames.


The smoke-like green dragon flames fell to the ground, and those who touched them were instantly covered in flames, their flesh and blood scorched bit by bit, and burned into charred corpses.

The mercenaries howled to their bones, not even thinking of escaping, and rolled around trying to extinguish the flames.

"Ah! It hurts!"

A mercenary whose upper body was stained with dragon flames ran and screamed, bumping into Milov like a headless fly.

Milov was knocked all over, and the dragon flames instantly adhered to the leather armor, turning around and clinging to his head and face.

"Asshole, what kind of fire is this!"

The tight skin burned holes, and Milov screamed miserably, falling to the ground and twitching like a maniac.

For a while, the flames burned through his skull, and the convulsions gradually stopped.


The glutton landed on the ground, causing a large splash of gravel.

The remaining dozen mercenaries were frightened and looked up at the dragon in front of them with trembling legs.

The rich people had long been paralyzed on the ground, and everyone, men, women, old and young, wet their pants.

Screams surrounded his ears, and green flames swayed in his sight, as if he was in the seventh level of hell.

Rhaegar looked at it for a few times and said calmly: "Are you wealthy businessmen from Tyrosh?"

The only one who could escape at such a time was the Lord of Tyrosh.

Those who can be coerced and fled are naturally the rich people in the city-state.

A bearded man nodded his head and said quickly: "Honorable Dragon King, we have money!"

"We also promise Black Swan to be loyal to you."

Another person immediately added, fearing that it would be too late and there would be no chance.

The rest of the rich people rolled on their knees and knelt down, fearfully and anxiously bowed and surrendered.

With such a huge dragon in front of you, respect and honor seem extremely fragile.

Rega's eyes flickered and he said: "Don't worry, you are loyal to me, blood and fire will not fall on you."

Glancing at the trembling mercenaries, he said coldly: "You should do the same, abandon your evil and turn to good, protect these people, and I will forgive your sins."

"Yes, the merciful Targaryen Dragon King!"

More than a dozen mercenaries knelt down in surprise, as if they had been given a new lease of life.

"You stay here and I will send someone to pick you up later."

Rhaegar had no time to waste, patted the dragon's back and flew towards the city.

Yulong crossed the beach and curled his lips unconsciously.

I thought the pigs I raised were slaughtered, but luckily there were a few lucky enough to survive.

On the other side, the entire western city of Tyrosh was captured.

The remaining six thousand troops were divided into three groups.

Three thousand captured Nancheng District, two thousand captured Beicheng District, and the last thousand were stationed in Xicheng District.

The army's mansion.

Vhagar destroyed most of the tower and slowly landed in the front yard of the mansion.


Daemon immediately climbed off the dragon's back, his armor trembling as he walked towards Vhagar.

A line of sweat broke out on Lanner's forehead, she unchained her shoulders and climbed down on the ladder.

Before landing, Damon held his arms around his legs and back, and landed smoothly on the ground.

Looking at his wife whom he had not seen for a long time, Damon roughly pulled off his helmet and said hurriedly: "Lannaer, why are you here?"

Lanner had a complicated expression and stared at her husband without saying a word.

"Why don't you say anything?" Damon was confused.

Lanner's eyes were disappointed and she asked: "Damon, Rhaegar's military order is to siege but not attack. How dare you start a war privately!?"

Damon frowned slightly and said displeasedly: "I blocked the news, who told you?"

"Damon, I am your wife!"

Seeing that her husband was talking about him, Lanner broke out completely and argued: "My family lives and dies for you, do you think you can hide it from me?"

Damon became impatient and said in a deep voice: "I am fighting for honor, to win a territory that belongs to me and the child in your belly!"

"You only have honor and your pride in your eyes, don't use me and the child as bargaining chips!"

Lanner was disappointed and shouted emotionally: "For your pride, you are willing to sacrifice the soldiers who follow you. You are just for your own selfish desires."

After being married for many years, she understands Damon's personality better than he does himself.

After tearing open the aloof and majestic skin of the Prince Ranger, he is just a selfish, paranoid, and crazy bastard in his heart.

Sometimes they are not as sensible as a child.

Damon's anger surged. He caught a glimpse of his wife's violently heaving belly and said with force, "Whatever you say, I have already defeated Tyrosh."

"You finally reconciled with the king. Have you ever thought about how to see your brother after this battle?"

Lanner gritted her teeth angrily, and her breathing became more rapid.

She was fed up with the wandering life and her husband acting like a child asking for sweets.

It was cold, and a warmth flowed between my legs.

Lanner's face turned pale, and she put her hand into her skirt and groped without caring about the soldiers around her.

When he took it out again, his fingers were stained with blood.

Damon immediately froze on the spot.

Lanner's pale lips trembled: "I think I'm about to give birth."

In the past month, she has been restless and depressed.

After an argument with Damon, her water broke.

Damon's expression changed greatly. He picked up Lanner and walked to the nearest attic. He shouted anxiously: "Go and call the bachelor who is accompanying the army, quickly!"

The soldiers did not dare to neglect and ran out of the mansion quickly.

Not long after, Gluttony soared over Tyrosh, overlooking the chaos below.


Suddenly, a burst of emotional whine spread far away.

The glutton's green vertical eyes were indifferent, and he followed the voice to the Maharaja's mansion in Xicheng District.

Rhaegar was startled for a moment and asked doubtfully: "Vhagar?"

Vhagar was filled with mournful wails that he would never forget after hearing them once.

"Glutton, get over here."

Rhaegar frowned, feeling something was wrong.

The glutton reversed course and soared away.

Soon, one person and one dragon landed outside the gate of the mansion.


The eyes of the soldiers guarding the door lit up and they all saluted and greeted him.

Rega nodded lightly and walked straight into the mansion.

As soon as he entered the door, Vhagar's huge body was very conspicuous, lying on a piece of ruins and whining constantly.

Several hundred meters away, Rhaegar caught sight of Damon in front of the attic door.

Damon's face was gloomy, and he was wandering around at a loss.

Rhaegar strode forward and was about to ask.

"Ah! Come out quickly..."

Across the door, Lanner's painful cry came out, with heartbreaking pain.

Rhaegar shuddered and choked on the words that came to his lips.

There is only one thought in my mind:

"It hurts to have a baby!"

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