Game of Thrones: I became a crown prince for a day

Chapter 389 A one-day crown prince?

"Ah... Rhaegar... come out quickly..."

Suddenly, Lanner's screams sounded again, calling out the name prepared for the fetus in her belly.

Rhaegar heard this cry, but no one else in the mirror heard it.

No, someone seems to have heard it.


Emma Aylin on the delivery bed stopped screaming, her pupils quickly dilated, and she repeated the name.

Rhaegar's heart trembled, and he almost couldn't tell the difference between reality and fiction.

The next second.

The mirror image shattered like a glass pane, falling apart in the blink of an eye.

The last image is of a baby crying.

Rhaegar didn't want the mirror to be shattered yet, so he stared blankly at Emma Aylin.

This was his mother, a mother he had never seen before.

There is no portrait of her in the Red Keep, and no trace of her in the Eyrie.

In the mirror, every glance is a gift.


"Emma, ​​are you saying the child's name is Rhaegar?"


The familiar voice was filled with sadness, and the mirror image disappeared.

outside world.


A baby cried, waking up Rhaegar who was staring at the candlelight.

"Come out, the baby is out."

The old bachelor looked excited, holding a bloody, red and wrinkled baby in his hands.

The baby's limbs were drooped, with only its head and body held in a pair of big hands.

After the cry, the crying stopped abruptly.

The old bachelor didn't realize it yet, so he cut the umbilical cord with scissors.

Rega came to his senses in a daze, and placed his palms against his cold belly, channeling the remaining fire magic power.

Lanner's eyes were blank, her breathing was imperceptible, and her whole body was soaked with sweat.

The old bachelor handed the child to the prostitute to hold, took out needle and thread and asked shakily: "Prince, are you sure you want to suture the wound?"

There were incisions in the belly and uterus, and there was almost no possibility of suturing.

Rega looked at the prostitute whose expression changed greatly, nodded and said: "Stitches, ouroboros will speed up the wound healing."

At this time, I don't care about hygiene or whether the wound will become infected.

Seal the wound first to speed up the healing of the flesh and blood.

Stopping the bleeding is the key.

The old bachelor heard this and started to sew with difficulty.

There was a lot of blood during the abdominal dissection, so I wiped it with cotton cloth washed at high temperature and sutured the wound with cotton thread.


The Ouroboros lay on its belly and twisted randomly, its body swallowing the black smoke and becoming bloated, still absorbing the newly born black smoke.

A few minutes passed.

The uterus was sutured and the wound healed quickly.

Cut off the twine, wipe away the blood, and sew up the belly.

The old bachelor's skills were skillful and he determined that this method was feasible and quickly sewed up the wound.

The Ouroboros squirmed twice and swallowed the last wisp of black smoke.


The wounds were healed one after another, Lanner suddenly woke up, and the pain in her body was greatly relieved.

"Did the child survive?"

Lanner looked around blankly, her lips bloodless.

"Get some rest, your body is severely anemic."

Rhaegar warned, silently stood up and walked out.

The caesarean section gave him too much psychological stimulation, and his brain was a little confused.

And the mother in the mirror seemed to have some kind of special reaction.

Perhaps, his mother, who is of Targaryen blood, is also a dreamwalker and collides with his dreams.


Damon watched the whole thing, hurriedly walking towards his wife and passing by his nephew.

Rhaegar left the attic and found a pavilion to rest.

Clear your brain and release stress.


Vhagar stood up, supported the ruins with his broad wings, raised his head and let out a deep mournful cry.

It senses the emotions of its driver.

Deep sadness!

Rhaegar glanced at it and continued to close his eyes and relax.

Either it was held in for too long, or it was premature, and the child did not survive.

About a quarter of an hour later, Damon walked out of the attic holding a baby.

Rega raised his head and closed his eyes. He heard the footsteps getting closer and closer, and said softly: "I tried my best."

He was not talking to Damon, but to Lanner.

"Lannaer fell asleep."

Damon looked down at the baby and said, "You saved the child's mother."

Rega opened his eyes and said calmly: "Congratulations, you didn't lose everything."

Lanner was in exactly the same situation as her mother.

The difference is that a husband makes the choice and a husband leaves the choice to his wife.

When Rhaegar helps Lannal, he is not helping his mother who has never been masked.

"Rhaegar, I want to thank you."

Damon looked disappointed and murmured: "But this child is not as lucky as you."

Both were named Rhaegar, and both cried only once at birth.

However, his child would never open his eyes.


Rhaegar shook his head and laughed, and said bluntly: "Damon, you have been willful and willful in your life, and he may be your retribution."

Damon remained silent, holding the baby's hand tightly.

Rhaegar was reluctant, tilted his head and asked: "You once called me the one-day crown prince, do you remember?"

Damon's face turned cold.

Rhaegar didn't care, pointed at the flames of war outside the mansion, and said, "Look at what you did. You destroyed a city-state against orders."

"I took it." Damon's voice was cold.

Rhaegar dismissed it and sneered: "It's your greed and arrogance that's causing trouble."

"Your father promised to give me a city-state, and I will support myself." Damon's eyes were gloomy.

"Since you know that he promised to give you a city-state, why do you still make your own decisions?"

Rhaegar laughed angrily and said what he really meant: "The ownership of each city-state must be strictly allocated. I originally planned to persuade my father to give you Lys, but you like Tyrosh more."

"My brother never said that he would give me a city-state. He just kept perfunctorily telling me."

At this point, Daemon was really angry and expressed the resentment that had been suppressed for a long time.

"When has your brother ever treated you unfairly for what you want!"

Rhaegar was indignant and his voice could not help but rise.

Except for the Iron Throne and Rhaenyra, what did Daemon want that Viserys did not give him.

Golden cloaks, honor, wealth...

Even if Rhaegar died at birth, Daemon did not say "one-day crown prince", and the heir might not have fallen on Rhaenyra.

Daemon glared at him and sneered at his statement.

A young boy who knew nothing.

He did not want to inherit his brother's throne at all, but wanted to be the hand of the king.

For this reason, he rotated almost all the positions in the Royal Council in the first few years before his brother ascended the throne.

Without exception, they were all criticized and eventually kicked out of the royal council and relegated to the capital garrison.

You know, even the commander of the capital garrison is just a subordinate position of the Minister of Justice.

He was constantly demoted!

Rhaegar looked straight at his good uncle and was too lazy to mention more.

He had a general understanding of the past of his father and brothers.

Daemon's personality was unpredictable and he acted arrogantly and perversely.

For some reason, the former King's Hand Otto Hightower had a grudge with him, and the two often quarreled.

After a long time, Daemon lost to Otto in the political struggle and was kicked out.

Rhaegar rubbed his tense eyebrows and said seriously: "You conquered Tyrosh, I will report to my father and propose to give you Tyrosh as a fiefdom."

"I conquered the city-state, don't use the attitude of reward." Daemon said unhappily.

"Your army comes from the Iron Throne, and your dragons belong to the Targaryens."

Rhaegar responded directly, saying: "The fiefdom is settled, I will ask my father to formally enthrone you as a prince and incorporate Tyrosh into the territory of the Targaryen dynasty."

Daemon was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect his good nephew to be so easy to talk to.

He thought that there would be some twists and turns in entering Tyrosh.

Rhaegar glanced at the swaddling clothes and said directly: "Uncle, you are a prince and have your own territory, but your heir seems to be the one-day crown prince."

Although it is not in accordance with etiquette, the meaning is clear enough.

What Daemon once said was confirmed by his child.

"I will not attend the child's funeral. Remember to guard the Targaryen territory."

After venting, Rhaegar walked out without looking back.

The good uncle has been stubborn all his life, and he hopes that he can grow up as he wishes.

Daemon was scolded and tightened the swaddling clothes in his arms, with a flash of confusion in his eyes.

He got the city-state, but lost a male heir.

The male heir he had always wanted!


The Glutton roared loudly, carrying the rider into the sky.

Rhaegar's face was calm, thinking that he had brought it upon himself.


Vhagar roared, looking up at the dragon-eating species that smelled of ash.

It was a dangerous breath with restrained fangs, replacing the pungent stench of decay.

The Glutton flapped its wings and soared, its huge body passing over the mansion.

The two dragons met one above and one below, and their sizes basically overlapped.

Rhaegar's thoughts turned, and he judged: "After eating the dragon, the Glutton's size skyrocketed."

The Glutton's original size was less than one-fifth of Vhagar's, about ten meters apart.

Rhaegar's bloodline transformed, and the ability provided by swallowing Mogul.

The Glutton grew wildly in his sleep, and at the peak of 90 years old, it reached the size of Vhagar's 170 years old in his old age.

There may be a difference in talent.

After all, the Glutton is different and has the habit of cannibalism.

Vhagar has fought all his life, but his talent ranks last among the first three dragons.

I believe that after 20 or 30 years, Wormithor will also reach this size.


The Glutton roared, and his green vertical pupils revealed arrogance.

At this moment, it is no longer afraid of the old dragon below.

If it really has to fight head-on, at least it will not give it a chance to die together.

Rhaegar couldn't help but smile and said, "Let's go, man."

It seems that the Glutton's achievements will not stop at the King of Wild Dragons.


Stormland, rain forest.

During the period of the Children of the Forest, the continent of Westeros was full of forests.

The Andals arrived and used iron tools to force the Children of the Forest to retreat step by step, and cut down countless trees.

To this day, the Royal Forest of the King's Territory and the rain forest of the Stormland are the rare forest landforms on the continent.

Starting from the coast of Stonehelm in Cape Wrath, bypassing the edge of the rainforest, a road winds its way to Storm's End.

Along the way, there are several noble castles that have been passed down from generation to generation.

Crow's Nest of the Morrigan family, Griffin's Roost of the Clinton family.

Dorne invaded for many days, and 10,000 soldiers besieged Stonehelm. More soldiers were scattered near the rainforest, ambushing the reinforcements of the two city-states.

Fifty miles away from Crow's Nest, there is a lush primeval forest.

A large group of Dorne soldiers wearing brown armor marched slowly.


The wheels made a sound, and the soldiers pushed several huge scorpion crossbows.

"Hurry up, the reinforcements of Storm's End passed by here, let's ambush the dragon rider of the Velaryon family in advance."

A young general with black hair and brown eyes shouted an order.

His armor is painted with golden quills on a green checkerboard, symbolizing House Jordain of Dorne, whose land is located on the southern shore of the Dorne Sea.

The Qiao Dain family was one of the main forces in this invasion of Stormland.


Suddenly, the ground trembled, and there seemed to be the neighing of a war horse.

Bart Jordan immediately lay down on the ground, listened carefully to distinguish the sound, and said excitedly: "Get ready to fight, there are drum cavalry ahead!"

Needless to say, it must be the Storm Knights from Storm's End Castle rushing to help.

Five thousand Dorn soldiers quickly dispersed and spread out in the forest with their bows and arrows ready.

The crossbowman controls the scorpion crossbow, and the launch pad filled with stainless steel spears is pointed at the blue sky.

Just wait for soldiers, horses or dragons to appear, and immediately attack and kill them.

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