Game of Thrones: I became a crown prince for a day

Chapter 391 Return to King’s Landing

August, a scorching day.

King's Landing, Mud Gate.

It was hot at noon, and the fishermen gathered their sails and huddled at the foot of the city wall with three taels of catch, feeling indescribably satisfied.

Thanks to the king's benevolent government, many idle gangsters in the city were captured and sent outside the city to reclaim wasteland.

Therefore, the mud door lost the smell of homeless people's urine, and only the fishy smell of rotten fish and shrimps remained.

An old fisherman with a sallow complexion lay barefoot on the cracked mud. He spoke with a thick accent: "Did you hear that the Crown Prince has conquered the Kingdom of Three Women and will return to King's Landing?"

"Nonsense, such big news has spread all over Flea Bottom, and you still need to fart!"

"Old Xiufu, you are just picking up on other people's bad stories."

His words were like pebbles thrown into a calm lake, triggering teasing and ridicule from the fishermen around him.

The old monk held two sea fish in his hands and said eagerly: "What do you know? The prince is back, and the Three Women's Kingdom is our territory."

"Tsk, that territory called the noble master has nothing to do with you, you idiot."

There was immediate ridicule from cynical young people.

"But the prince is very kind to us idiots..."

The old Xiufu retorted a little angrily.

There are no more gangsters lying on the ground in King's Landing, there is no more feces and urine on the streets, and the gangsters who collect and pay bonds have also been cleared away.

They, the fishermen who live under the city wall, can no longer smell the smell of feces and urine that spreads for ten miles, and they are not afraid of being kidnapped in the city.

Another fisherman crossed his legs and said curiously: "But I heard that the prince is coming back soon. Maybe he can recruit a group of soldiers."

"You want to go to the battlefield?"

"A little bit. After the battle is won, there will definitely be a shortage of manpower."

"Yes, maybe I can become a squad leader."

The fishermen were laughing and joking, discussing their own little plans in private.


The sun was getting hotter and hotter, and an exciting horn sounded far away.

On the refracted sea surface of Blackwater Bay, a dozen magnificent three-masted sailing ships crossed the harbor.

At the head of the banner are three majestic red dragons.


The roar of the dragon sounded like a bell, and the dark dragon spread its wings and soared. Its huge body was like a thousands of miles of dark clouds covering the blazing sun.

"Prince, you are back!"

The fishermen scrambled to their feet and looked up into the shadows.

The dark dragon was indifferent and aloof, flying leisurely into the city of King's Landing, blocking out the scorching light of summer.


Another dragon roar, as loud as thunder, followed closely, carrying a strong sense of oppression.

A huge green dragon cut through the sea, its huge wings whipping out strong winds, as majestic as a giant mountain.

Old people who have lived in King's Landing for a long time all recognize that it was the dragon of Prince "Belron" of Spring Dawn - Vhagar.

With the help of the strong wind caused by the dragon, the ship speeded up and sailed smoothly into the dock of Mud Gate.

Big flags are facing the cold wind, symbolizing every ancient force fighting on the battlefield.

Seahorse, tower, purple grapes...

Even the tiger flag of Fan Bang and the flag of Pantos.

Red Keep, Godswood.

The two giant dragons circled twice around the vast garden, each choosing an open space to land slowly.


As soon as the huge body fell, a strong wind instantly set off, causing grass blades and petals to dance wildly.


Rhaegar jumped off the lawn on the ladder, and the silver-black baby dragon on his shoulders screamed excitedly, flapping its wings and flying around.

Smoothing down his blown silver hair, Rhaegar glanced at Thrax, with a smile on his lips.

The little guy huddled in his arms all the way, freed from the aura of the glutton.

"elder brother!"

A clear shout came from the direction of the castle.

Helena smiled broadly and trotted towards this side.

The little girl was wearing a long white dress, and she clumsily held up the skirt while running.


Rhaegar smiled and looked behind her.

Rhaenyra was wearing a white suspender skirt, holding her bulging belly in her hands, looking at this with a smile.

After dealing with the cheerful little girl, Rhaegar walked up to her with a smile and hugged her gently happily.

Rhaenyra responded carefully, rubbing her head against her chest and whispering softly: "Let's go to the vestibule first. Father is waiting impatiently."

"Okay, but let me hear the sound first."

Rhaegar squatted down, hugged his soft waist, and put his ear against his sizable belly.

As soon as my cheeks were close to each other, I suddenly felt a weak pushing sensation.

At four months, there were already fetal movements.

Rhaegar's eyes widened and he got a little closer.

Suddenly, another weak push touched his chin.

Rega raised his head and said with a smile: "It seems like someone punched me. It's really lawless."

Rhaenyla felt sweet in her heart and couldn't hold back the smile on her lips: "I'm afraid this arrogance is hereditary."

As he spoke, his green-white hands rubbed his younger brother's head, and the tenderness in his eyes almost overflowed.

Rhaegar closed his eyes in enjoyment and said quibly: "I am the most approachable, you are slandering me."

"You are beautiful, leave now."

As he said this, Renee pulled his ear without moving at all.

I haven’t seen you for more than a month, so I miss you so much.

The two siblings are attached to each other and spend a moment of tenderness together.

Later, a grand banquet was held at the Red Fort.

The hero who conquered the disputed land returned and was warmly welcomed by the princes and ministers.

Conference hall.

Sunlight refracted through the glass windows, the room was filled with the aroma of wine, and the sounds of celebration could be vaguely heard below.

There were more than a dozen figures sitting beside the large conference table.

King Viserys, several ministers...

Rhaegar sat on the right side of his father, with a stone ball with black background and green patterns placed in the groove.

Rhaenyra sat at his right, smiling proudly.

Lanner and Helena stood quietly behind them with calm faces.

Sitting across from each other was the proud-looking sea serpent Corliss, two envoys from Pentos and Volantis.

The Three Women's Kingdom was destroyed, and the disputed areas were initially settled.

The Iron Throne's allies began eagerly dividing the spoils.

"Viserys, drink less."

Allison looked helpless and held down her husband's hand as he poured one drink after another.

The queen wore a dignified yet gorgeous green dress and participated in the parliament on the grounds of taking care of the king.

"Ahem, I'm happy today, it doesn't matter if I drink more."

Viserys looked slightly embarrassed and coughed twice to cover it up.

"Promise me, one last drink."

Allison persuaded softly and poured the wine for him personally.

At the end, he whispered a reminder: "You have been in poor health recently. Orville warned you."

Viserys forced a smile, his interest in drinking gone.

Rhaegar heard clearly and looked at his father vaguely.

The appearance looks no different. The crown symbolizing power and the solemn black clothes are as majestic and benevolent as ever.

If you look closely, there are still differences.

The lips were bloodless, the dark circles under his eyes were thick, and his eyes drooped tiredly.

Lei Jia's nose twitched slightly, and he smelled the faint smell of oily hair and the smell of medicine.

"The war seemed to put too much pressure on my father..."

Rega lowered his head slightly and thought to himself.

Viserys was in a very bad state, like a drug addict who had overindulged himself.

I don’t know what happened to the cuts on my body.

Take the time to help remove it again.

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