Game of Thrones: I became a crown prince for a day

Chapter 393 System and Benefit Distribution

The sound was not loud, but it reached everyone's ears.

Viserys's expression turned ugly, but he was unable to protest.

With a heavy "hum", he changed the subject: "Lord Corliss, tell me about reopening trade. You are an expert in this field."

"no problem."

Collis agreed immediately and talked eloquently.

Rhaegar ignored these and glanced at Allison vaguely.

Allison looked calm and remained silent again, with a trace of dissatisfaction hidden in his eyes.

Otto lowered his eyes and glanced at the silent Helena from the corner of his eye.

Rhaegar followed his gaze and landed on Helena's lovely freckled face.

It is said that Helena did not inherit Allison's stunning beauty, but instead resembled her father's mediocre appearance.

However, the little girl is slim and graceful, like an orchid when she is quiet, with an inexplicable intellectual beauty.

Noticing that someone was watching, Helena quietly raised her head and smiled at him.

"Naughty." Rega couldn't help but smile and put his weight back on the council table.

It was an important matter involving Targaryen's territory, so he proposed to invite several younger brothers and sisters to participate.

Aegon is guarding the Stepstones, Aemond is wandering in the Stormlands, and little Daeron is too young.

In the end, Rhaenyra and Helena were the only ones accompanying them.

"Your Majesty, the plan is roughly the same. I wonder how much port tax you plan to enact?"

Corliss told the story in a matter-of-fact manner, and then began to reveal his true thoughts.

Viserys hadn't noticed yet and said patiently: "Customs matters should be the responsibility of the Minister of the Sea. You and Lord Tyran have withdrawn from the Imperial Council. This responsibility will be held by the Prime Minister and the Minister of Finance."

Responsibilities of the Minister of the Sea; taxation of major ports, control of pipelines...

This position has been basically held by members of the Velaryon family since the Conqueror's generation of the Council.

To some extent, the office is said to be a hereditary authority of House Velaryon.

Corlys withdrew from the Council, and the Iron Throne lost its grip on the Throne.

Even Tailan's tenure could not reclaim this right.

The only function is to use the experience of dealing with Lannister Port to collect customs duties.

Therefore, Viserys was originally afraid of the Velaryon family's rebellion.

Tidal Head Island is very close to King's Landing. With the cooperation of the dragon and the battleship, the Mud Gate can be breached in one day.

Collis hesitated and said politely: "Your Majesty, the customs and tax matters are very important. It would be better for you to make the promotion as soon as possible."

"Lord Corliss, I believe you are the best person to serve."

Rhaegar smiled and spoke for his father.

Corliss frowned and did not reply immediately.

Viserys then persuaded: "Lord Corliss, you have just handled the port's plan very thoroughly, and you should be responsible for it."

After saying that, the father and son looked at each other and saw that each other's eyes were shining brightly.

Rhaegar raised the corner of his mouth and added more leverage: "Less's tower system will eventually be implemented. My cousin and cousin are both candidates for parliament, so that Lord Corliss will not have to travel back and forth."

Corliss thought for a moment, glanced at his daughter sitting opposite, and agreed: "Fortunately, Your Majesty has your trust. Velaryon will not disappoint the king."

"Haha, welcome back to the Imperial Council."

Viserys laughed with joy and raised his glass to drink together.

Corliss nodded slightly, raised his glass and drank it in one gulp.

Through the voices of the king and the crown prince, he had already heard the key information.

The Velaryon family will share in the profits, and the Councilors of the Tower System are one of them.

but! An MP cannot be a member of Parliament himself.

He has excellent political qualities, and any member of the royal family who serves as prince is at risk of being sidelined by him.

Instead, he was promised the position of Lord of the Sea, and the Tower Councilor was reserved for one of his children.

With the dual duties of King's Landing and Lys, the Velaryon family's power is undoubtedly rising again.

Rhaegar also raised his glass and smiled without saying a word.

A smart person knows everything right and knows how to make trade-offs and analyze the pros and cons.

After the Battle of the Narrow Sea, Targaryen's prestige reached its peak, and no force could shake it.

The Velaryon family has lost its vitality, and returning to the embrace of the royal family is the right path.

This is the power that rights bring.

Leonor asked in surprise: "Prince, what is the tower system?"

“What are the rights of MPs?”

Otto crossed his arms and looked at him with deep eyes.

In a few words, the ministers heard the prince's special arrangement and seemed not to be prepared to use Westeros or the local system in the three city-states.

Rhaegar was well prepared and spoke clearly and unhurriedly.

The ministers were extremely intelligent and quickly understood the profound meaning.

"Prince, who will assume the position of prince?"

Leonor frowned slightly and asked his doubts.

Otto took advantage of the opportunity and said as a matter of course: "The position of prince is naturally held by the heirs of the royal family."

Suddenly, the ministers present looked pale and had different thoughts.

Allison breathed heavily and stood up to pour wine for her husband, paying attention to his expression.

Being awarded the title of prince is a treatment that even Damon does not have.

In the two city-states of Myr and Lys, her children have a good chance.

After looking around, Rhaegar took Rhaenyra's hand and said openly, "The prince can also be the queen. I am ready to support Rhaenyra in managing Lys."

He said he would make Rhaenyra queen.

Having conquered the Three Women's Kingdom, this traceability should be realized.


Even though she was prepared, Rhaenyra was still moved.

"Okay! A great proposal."

Viserys smiled, clapped his hands and shouted in agreement.

His eyes noticed the eldest daughter's belly, and his smile became more sincere.

The eldest son inherits the Iron Throne, and the eldest daughter governs the newly occupied Lys.

According to Grand Maester Orwell's judgment, there is a high probability that Rhaenyra is pregnant with twins.

Twins were born, and it happened that each of the two brothers would inherit the throne.

Allison's face changed slightly, he calmly poured the wine and sat down.

Viserys was completely unaware and glanced at his wife with a smile.

Otto's eyes narrowed and he said in a deep voice: "According to King Renrui's wishes, the male heir has a higher order of succession than the female heir."

Without the two children speaking, Viserys said displeasedly: "Rhaenyra was once the heir to the Iron Throne. I believe she has this ability."

"Your Majesty, you still have many heirs." Otto said unwillingly.


The stone ball hit the groove heavily. Rega's eyes were unkind and his tone was strong: "Lord Otto, I will capture the three city-states. It is not up to you to decide how to distribute them."

"As the imperial minister, I have the obligation to speak boldly and directly."

Otto argued.

Rhaegar grinned, a dangerous gleam in his eyes.

"Don't worry, I'll do it."

Feeling her brother's protection, Rhaenyra patted the back of his hand and stood up holding her round belly.

Rhaenyra smiled warmly, looked at all the ministers with her eyes, pursed her lips and said, "My lords, some of you once swore allegiance to me, when I was still an ignorant girl."

Leonor and Linman nodded secretly and did not deny this.

Even Corliss straightened his back, his majestic face a little more solemn.

Excluding the newly appointed Orville and Tormund, several ministers present had vivid memories of the allegiance ceremony that year.

Rhaenyra held her belly with both hands and smiled shyly: "In a flash of many years, I have become a woman and will soon become a mother. My not-so-strong shoulders shoulder another responsibility."

"Princess, we all see it."

Corliss's eyes were sharp and he entered the state of a royal minister.

Leonor and others nodded in agreement.

Propagating the Targaryen bloodline and giving birth to a legitimate heir is as practical as conquering the disputed land.

With the minister's approval, Rhaenyra became more confident and declared: "The Iron Throne already has a crown prince, and Lys needs a queen."

"For the sake of my father and husband, and also for the sake of my unborn child, I will definitely govern with all my heart."

After saying that, she looked at Rhaegar tenderly and looked at him for a moment.

Rhaegar smiled softly and squeezed her hand.

Rhaenyra smiled shyly, her eyes falling on her father.

Viserys was looking at his children with joy, and couldn't help but miss his late wife Emma Arryn.

If Rhaenyra can be promoted to the position of Prince/Queen of Lys, the guilt of the original change of bank can also be erased.

Just as Rhaenyra's eyes met, Viserys was slightly startled, with an encouraging look in his eyes.

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