Time passed by and dusk came.

The patter...

The sultry weather has passed, and the salty sea breeze is blowing fine raindrops.

Maegor's Tower, the princess's bedroom.

The sky was dark, and the rain, accompanied by the cool breeze, slapped against the glazed windows, making a dense crackling sound.

Helena was awakened by the sound of rain and opened her eyes drowsily.

The wind and rain gradually increased, and the weirwood trees swayed.

He moved his body, and the feeling of restraint from the wrapping disappeared.

Helena looked around blankly, curled up on the lounge chair, and the red carpet covered her body.

"Where's my brother?"

Breaking away from the hard-won embrace, Helena sat up suddenly and looked towards the door.

The door was closed and the bedroom was empty.

Helena was completely sleepless, and she immediately became energetic and whispered: "Going out?"


Suddenly, a shrill female voice sounded, resounding throughout most of Maegor's Tower.

The sound was almost broken, with a strong sense of panic.

Helena frowned slightly, having a bad premonition.

"Go out and have a look."

He moved as quickly as he could, stood up, folded the red carpet, and pushed out the door.

Something must have happened while she slept from day to night.

Rose Avenue.

The sky was cloudy and the wind was blowing dark clouds, blocking the sunset.


A group of cavalry galloped on horseback, heading west along the flat Rose Avenue, their horses' hooves kicking up a trail of dust.

The team was small, about a dozen fully armed knights.

The emblems of the three castles are engraved on the armor and shield.

"Everyone, run quickly, we'll be at Bitter Bridge soon!"

Urwin Peake shouted sharply, his expression extremely tense.

He met the princess privately, and his rude language revealed his purpose.

In Helena's condition at that time, there was absolutely no chance of him reaping the benefits.

Born in the harsh environment of the Dorne frontier, awareness of danger is a good quality that every member of the Peake family should have.

Before the princess made an attack, the king didn't know about this and immediately led his team to flee.

Avoiding censure at the first opportunity, the king's weak character would not pursue an earl too much.

Tick ​​tick tick...

The sky is getting darker and darker, and heavy rain is coming as expected.

Urwin panted tiredly and cursed in his heart: "Hightower's bitch has no credibility!"

He tried to see the queen to ask for forgiveness.

The queen only sent a maid to send him away, not wanting to care about his life or death.

"Women are weak. They deserve it. Four children cannot fight against a crown prince!"

Urwin was filled with resentment and couldn't help but curse.

If he had been in the queen's position, he would have poisoned the crown prince and promoted his own child to the throne.

The Green Party is rubbish, backed by the Hightowers.


The heavy rain gradually poured down, and there was a burst of lightning and thunder.

In the blink of an eye, it was so dark that I couldn't see the road clearly, and the rain mixed with the strong wind made my face hurt.

The road gradually became muddy and the horses could not move forward.

"Damn it, I'm so unlucky to catch you."

Ulwin was angry and anxious, and spanked the horse's butt hard.

It’s hard not to feel desperate when the house is leaking and it rains all night.

"Sir, there is fire ahead!"

Mervyn Fohua ran at the front of the team and shouted in surprise.

Urwin rubbed his face, and through the fine rain, his eyes saw the thin fire a few miles away.

The fire was in mid-air, covered by something, like a guiding tower in the storm.

Urwin's eyes widened and he laughed loudly: "Speed ​​up, there is a bitter bridge ahead!"

Bitter Bridge is located on a tributary of the Mander River, and the Caswell family built a long bridge across the river.

The fastest way back to the Reach from King's Landing is to cross this bridge.

Urwin suddenly felt relieved and rushed forward.

As both lords of the Reach, he had frequent contacts with Baron Caswell, so he happened to stay for a night's rest.

Not long after.

A towering castle appeared, blocking the bridge across the river.

The fire seen in the distance is the bonfire on the castle wall.

Urwin led the team to the front of the castle. Without waiting for his men to shout, the castle's suspension bridge slowly lowered.


As soon as the suspension bridge landed, a group of soldiers ran out in two rows.

He was escorted by a tall, lanky man wearing black attire and a bald head.

Urwin's eyes were strange and he looked at the other person warily.

The bald man is the guardian of Bitter Bridge, Baron Caswell.

Caswell greeted him warmly with a smile on his face: "The guard said that a group of cavalry was coming, who did I think it was, Lord Ulwin."

Urwin braved the heavy rain and said in embarrassment: "Lord Caswell, hurry up and come back as soon as possible to send a message to the family. Please stay overnight."

He came up with a reasonable excuse to cover up the reason for his escape from King's Landing.

Casway's smile did not fade and he said generously: "The wind and rain are too strong. Come to the castle to take shelter from the rain. I will prepare hot water and food for you."

"Thank you for your generosity."

Looking at the other party's smile, Urwin felt faintly in his heart. Due to the wind and rain blocking the road, he could only dismount and walk inside.

Casway was very enthusiastic, holding his hand regardless of the coldness and coldness, and went into the city to greet him.

The moment he entered the castle gate, Urwin's expression changed slightly as he remembered something important.

He grabbed Casway's arm and said cautiously: "Where are the salt and bread?"

According to the guest rules of Westeros, before he enters the castle, the other party should provide salt and bread for protection.

Casway's expression remained unchanged, and he pulled him to the front courtyard of the castle with a smile: "Don't be impatient, I'll take you to see a guest first."

The Caswell family holds the title of baron. The area of ​​the family castle is not large, and you can see it all at a glance.

However, the sky was dark and the sight was blocked by the rain.

Urwin looked hard and could only vaguely see the outline of the castle.


A bolt of thunder fell, illuminating the scene for a moment.


Outside the towering castle, a giant dragon as tall as a mountain was prostrate on the ground, its long and thick neck leaping over the city wall dozens of feet high, and a pair of green vertical eyes staring coldly at the vestibule.

Urwin's eyes were about to burst, his body was stiff in place, and the cold air penetrated into his mind along his tailbone.

Casway was polite and raised his hand: "Sir, distinguished guests are waiting for you."

Urwin was frightened and cast his gaze tremblingly.

The castle gate is open, and orange torches are added to both sides, reflecting a warm glow.

The back of a man with silver hair and black clothes stood upright, like a green pine on a rainy night.

He put his hands behind his back and turned his head with a kind smile.

A hearty laughter came from my ears: "Lord Peake, I'll be waiting for you."

King's Landing, Red Keep.

Helena, her hair disheveled, trotted downstairs.

The silver hair didn't have time to be tied up, and it was full of fluffiness as it swayed.

Just now the maid came with the news that Aegon made a big mistake after drinking and having sex.

"Bastard! Look what you did!"

Arriving at the door of the fireplace hall, Leonor's roar could be heard through the door.

Helena was stunned for a moment, expecting to hear her father or mother roaring first.


Stephen and Laurent of the Kingsguard guarded the door and greeted them respectfully.

Helena nodded and motioned to the two white knights to open the door.

In the Fireplace Hall, the guests had already been cleared out.

The only people present, apart from the king and queen, were only members of the royal family and royal ministers.

As soon as Helena entered the door, she saw Harwin Strong, the commander of the Capital Guard, kneeling on the ground, and Prime Minister Leonor pointing at his nose and scolding.

Harwin's eyes were dull, and his handsome face was bruised and bruised.

Not far away, a wailing maid was kneeling, hiding her face in fear and crying.

It's hard not to think about this situation.

Helena's eyes widened and a question mark appeared in her mind.

When he turned around again, his father's face was livid and his whole body was shaking with anger.

The mother's face was ugly, and she opened her arms to block Aegon's face.

"Helena, my daughter!"

Allison whispered, leaving the trembling Aegon behind, and held his daughter in his arms as he walked towards her.

The experience of one night is difficult to digest, and I cherish my pure daughter very much.

Helena was stunned and at a loss.

Little Darren ran over with his short legs, his brows furrowed together, showing a hint of sadness.

He hugged his sister's thigh and reported in a low voice: "Aegon is miserable."

After a while, Helena sorted out the trouble.

She refused to attend the afternoon banquet and missed a lot of things.

As the sun sets, the sky becomes gloomy.

The attendants collected the leftovers and moved the tables, chairs and benches back to the castle.

When things get busy, commotion inevitably occurs.

Aegon slipped out of the godswood and returned to the attic alone.

On the way, he met Selina Hightower, who had lost her girlfriend, and dragged her to have sex with her.

Just as he was about to succeed, another scream broke out.

Harwin Strong drank too much at the banquet and returned to the Prime Minister's Tower to rest alone.

The maid was cleaning up the room, but he pinned her down on the bed and brutally violated her.

By the time the guards heard the sound and arrived, Harwin had already pulled up his pants and was fast asleep.

Helena was stunned and shocked.

Aegon teased Selina, Harwin raped the maid...

"Beast, I asked you to find a woman to marry, and you go and defile the maid!"

Leonor roared loudly, as if he wanted to explode his lungs.

Harwin lowered his head and said nothing.

Seeing this, Leonor became even more angry and kicked him hard: "Trash! You are not worthy of being my son."

The big foot hit his chest. Harwin groaned and was kicked over and rolled.

At this time, Rhaenyra and Lannar stood hand in hand, watching this scene in disbelief.

The twins closed their eyes in fear and hugged their adoptive mother and mother's thighs tightly respectively.

No one expected that Harwin, who had always been upright, would do such a scandal.

Leonor walked up to the king and lowered his head in shame: "Your Majesty, it's all because of my incompetence in raising my son that this kind of palace scandal happened."

Raping a maid in the Red Keep is equivalent to insulting the royal family.

Viserys glared at Aegon and said solemnly: "It's not your fault, everyone has a son who is worried."

Speaking of which, he also wanted to thank Harwin.

If Harwin hadn't raped the maid and made a noise, half of the Red Keep would be alarmed.

Aegon not only molested the noble daughter, but also the second rapist.

Allison hugged his daughter and whispered: "Viserys, now is not the time to talk about this. We have to take care of things."

"How to deal with it? I can't wait to castrate him immediately!"

Viserys was furious and pointed angrily at Aegon.

How brave to openly molest the daughter of the mother clan.

Aegon trembled in fright and turned pale: "I didn't. It was just a temporary fever. I didn't even know what I was doing."

He really didn't lie.

I was so drunk at the time that I felt so hot all over my body that I wanted to go back inside to vent.

Selina, who happened to bump into Heita, couldn't control herself for a moment.

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