Game of Thrones: I became a crown prince for a day

Chapter 416 Information about Braavos

A few days later.

Mir, Dancing Corridor.

Located in the western part of the city-state, it is small and cramped, but it gathers the largest number of slaves.

Looking around, the gray-white mud buildings are densely packed, like a messy beehive.

"Keep order, don't cut in line!"

Near noon, hundreds of fearless men are divided into two teams to maintain a long dragon-like slave team.

The number of slaves is endless, lined up in ragged clothes, and many of them bring their families.

Thanks to the loose layout of this slum, similar teams are pulled out of several groups, all guarded by special fearless soldiers.

At first glance, it looks like free porridge is open.

In fact, it is not.

At the front of the team, a dark-skinned slave holds a square stone tablet in his hand and dances excitedly.

"Sign, I have a sign!"

The shout is so loud that everyone can hear it.

The slaves around him did not reject him, but cast envious and expectant eyes.

"Next, what craft do you have!"

A stone table was placed at the end, and the old slave in coarse linen clothes lowered his head and asked the next slave in line as usual.

The man was thin and had sunburned skin. He was timid when asked.

Humilously, he said, "Stonemason, I used to repair the palace for the slave owner."

The old slave looked up and took out a triangular stone tablet from the basket at his feet with his dry hands, and asked in detail about his name and age.

The thin slave told the truth and carefully told his hometown before being sold.

"That doesn't need to be known. From now on, we are all citizens of Mir."

The old slave had a hoarse voice and wrote the information on the stone tablet with a special dye.

Then, the stone tablet was handed to a group of neighboring craftsmen.

Someone took the stone tablet, picked up the chisel and the carving knife, and carved according to the dye part.

After a while, the stone tablet was officially handed over to the thin slave.

Seeing the other party's excited expression, the old slave frowned and said, "We are short of stonemasons. We will provide two meals a day and half a copper star. Do you want to do it?"


The thin slave agreed immediately, holding the triangular stone tablet, and joined the team of craftsmen who carved stone tablets on the spot.

The old slave was used to it and continued to ask the next slave for information.

The stonemasons stayed to work, the literate and the doctors stayed alone, and the old, weak, women and children returned the same way.

The stone tablets issued were also different.

Ordinary slaves were square, various craftsmen were triangular, and doctors were round...

Each stone tablet was an identity certificate.

Record name, age, and craftsmanship.

Only by holding it can you completely get rid of your slave status and become a formal citizen of Myr.


The former site of the Governor's Mansion.

The Dragon King's ruins with a big hole were completely blocked, and a large number of laborers who had left their slave status gathered in the ruins to be responsible for the cleaning work.

Garden building, a white stone attic.

Rhaegar leaned against the large French window, holding the stone in one hand and carving with a carving knife in the other.

His hands were as white as jade, and as his fingers moved, stone chips fell, carving out an ordinary square stone tablet.


With a casual throw, the stone tablet fell into a basket beside him.

Rhaegar's expression did not change, and he continued to carve the next piece of stone.

Like an emotionless stone carving machine.


Across the luxuriously decorated room, the door was knocked from outside.

"Come in!"

Rhaegar's hands were a little sore, and he greeted casually.


The door was pushed open, and it was Grey Worm in black armor.

Grey Worm raised his head, specially tidied his non-existent collar to show solemnity, and strode into the bedroom.

Since the "Fish Killing Festival" a few days ago, the bloated and rusty machine of Myr has resumed operation, and everything is thriving.

Especially the slave group has left the slave status and approached the Iron Throne as a civilian, and the whole city-state is immersed in positive emotions.

Conquer the city-state, liberate the slaves, establish a new order... Grey Worm, who was born a slave, was proud of it and was glad that he had made the decision to follow the wrong person. Seeing that he didn't say anything for a long time, Rhaegar threw down the carved stone tablet and said strangely: "If you have something to say, say it. If not, go to work." You don't have any sense at all. I'm working, and you come to shape it? Although carving is not only to fill in the gaps, but also to hone skills. "Ahem..." Grey Worm's face was embarrassed, and he coughed twice to cover up his embarrassment, and said: "Prince, there is a letter from Seagull Town, from Lady Jenny in Eyrie." "Jenny?" Rhaegar was surprised and put down the carving knife. Clang! As soon as the carving knife touched the marble floor, it made a crisp and pleasant sound, and the blade cut through the marble surface like cutting iron and mud. Rhaegar "tsk" and forgot about this sharp weapon again. It has been used for several days, but it has no special effect. But the knife is very fast and efficient. Grey Worm took a peek, took out the letter, and kindly advised: "There are enough stonemasons in the city, so you don't have to do it yourself."

The policy of identity stone tablets was proposed by the prince. At first, it was just a fantasy, a time-consuming and labor-intensive trouble.

There is a local saying in Tyrosh.

Slaves must be prepared to run their legs off for every word of the slave owner.

Unexpectedly, the introduction of identity stone tablets caused a great response.

Especially among the slave community, everyone scrambled for it.

Even if the slave system in Myr was overthrown, the hungry slaves still felt uneasy and could not get out of the shadow of slavery for thirty or fifty years.

They could not get rid of their former lowly status.

Rega was familiar with history books and understood something called a sense of belonging.

Through some fragmentary images in dreams, I came up with the concept of identity stone tablets.

Identity stones are issued in the name of the Iron Throne, and the slaves they receive are no longer slaves and can declare themselves to be legal citizens with great fanfare.

Although it is essentially an inconspicuous stone, it can fill the inferiority defect in the slave's heart.

At the same time, unimaginable cohesion was born through stone tablets.

The effect is similar to the unified coin system of Westeros. As soon as you use the coin, you know where it comes from.

The slave holds a stone tablet and is more than happy to call out that he is Myr.

Because they are no longer slaves.

Rhaegar was stunned after listening to Gray Worm's advice, but did not argue. He muttered: "Tell the masons to speed up the progress, try to carve out a stone tablet that will satisfy everyone as soon as possible, and increase the reward by half a bronze star."

Stone tablets are important, but only in a short period of time.

To maintain the effect, people have to fill their stomachs.

Mill is ready to create new jobs and allow the proletariat to earn living expenses.

The left and right food was provided by the Iron Throne, and then returned to the pocket after changing hands.

Going back and forth not only drives the economy of the city-state, but also increases the enthusiasm of slaves.

Having seen the powerful policies of the prince, Gray Worm followed everything and immediately said: "I will inform you."

"Remember to recycle the messy coins and distribute bronze stars and copper plates uniformly for settlement."

Rhaegar took the letter and did not forget the important reminder.

The free trade city-state is not good at this point. The currency system is scattered and the coins introduced within the city-state are not easy to use.

As a trading city-state that travels from all directions, this is understandable.

However, this is a period of reconstruction, and using Westeros' currency as much as possible will help increase people's sense of identity.

When the port is redeveloped, you can consider setting up a small bank unique to the Iron Throne.

Relieve the pressure on the iron bank.

It's very uncomfortable to be financially choked by Braavos all the time.

Gray Worm nodded quickly, keeping this in mind.

Rega smiled, opened the letter and asked, "Don't be nervous, the atmosphere is very good now."

When he was a child, he saw the chaos in King's Landing, and he wanted to use something to limit it.

At the very least, don't let displaced people from all over the city pour into the city at will, causing overcrowding and high crime rates.


Westeros is full of prejudice and rigidity, giving him no chance to flourish.

Mill is very good, he can do whatever he wants.

The identity stone tablets were launched, and the common people received a status symbol, which effectively excluded outsiders.

The information on the stone tablet is also very important, directly planning the identity of craftsmen, healers, religious believers, etc.

These people are all hidden talents and effectively help the formation of the new system.

Gray Worm breathed a sigh of relief, but still kept a serious look on his face as he recounted the recent events in the city.

Rhaegar planned to take advantage of the gap to establish a new system in Myr.

Initial goals are set to strengthen centralization.

Westeros is a feudal system, and power is scattered like a bowl of rotten porridge.

There was only one city-state in Mir, and he believed that unified government orders could be achieved.

Rhaegar listened carefully to Gray Worm's report and read the contents of the letter in a good mood.

The last time I saw Jenny was in Seagull Town.

The general process is to burn the Braavos fleet, slap Aegon in the face, and reorganize defenses...

Taking some time, the two got intimate.

As the text was read silently, Rega's expression changed a little more.

[The second mercenary fleet of Braavos, combined with Qohor to bribe the Dothraki cavalry, prepares to attack Pentos]

"Braavos isn't giving up yet."

Rhaegar frowned.

Since the last surprise attack failed, Braavos has turned from light to dark, providing food and weapons for Dorne, instigating riots in Myr, and hiring mercenaries to provoke the Stepstone Islands...

The difficulty for the end of the war has been greatly increased.

"If you dare to come, you will die!"

Rega snorted coldly and continued to check.

At the end of the letter, there was a handwritten letter from Jenny, with only a few sentences written.

Lei Jia was stunned for a moment, then his eyes widened, staring back and forth at Xiujuan's small words.

At this time, Gray Worm was still reporting the situation.

"After the port has been repaired, Ms. Carr restored the dye factory and applied to develop the port trade."

Mill was temporarily divided into three popular representatives.

Representing slaves, commoners, and old aristocrats respectively.

Karl is a representative of the surrendered old nobility, and the source of his wealth is Myr's specialty fabrics and lace.

As he spoke, Gray Worm noticed Rhaegar's trance and asked in a low voice: "Prince, are you okay?"

As blind as ever.

Rega suddenly raised the letter and smiled heartily: "Okay, very good!"

Sunlight shines on the letter paper through the floor-to-ceiling windows, making the thin paper pages transparent and the text gradually blurring.

Rega looked over and over, unable to hold down the corners of his mouth.

Gray Worm's emotional intelligence was worrying and he asked directly: "Is there any happy event?"


Rhaegar retorted and said angrily: "Go down, contact Pentos in advance, and then send a message to Tyrosh."

Braavos wants to fight Pentos, a "good ally" of the Iron Throne.

But he didn't want to take action.

The spies spread the news that Daemon had finally defeated Tyrosh's rebels, and it was up to him to provide reinforcements.

Don't even think about occupying a city-state without putting in any effort.

Gray Worm nodded repeatedly and went out in disgrace.

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