"Old Valyria fell from power."

Rhaegar sighed and loosened the restraint of the dragon training whip on Haiyan.


Haiyan shook his head and took a deep breath.

The strange whip strangled its neck, almost suspending its breathing.

"Haiyan, I won't stop you from searching for Lanino, but you are not allowed to attack everywhere anymore."

Rhaegar wrapped around the dragon-taming whip and walked toward the dragon without fear.

Hai Yan's eyes were confused and he just panted.

Rhaegar stretched out his hand and pointed his palm at its dragon's kiss.

The dragon has feelings for its driver, and he cannot force Haiyan to retract to Dragonstone.

At least don't go around wreaking havoc and making people angry.


Hai Yan seemed to understand, and stretched out the dragon's head forward, but his neck and back were clamped by a pair of dark sharp claws.

The glutton glanced down, revealing its staggered sharp fangs.

Both are giant dragons, but the size difference between the two is huge.

The glutton stood motionless on the ground, and one dragon wing could wrap the sea smoke tightly.

Hai Yan lay weakly on the ground, his huge body looking extremely petite.

About a quarter the size of a glutton.

Rhaegar looked at the big evil dragon and smiled helplessly: "Glutton, let it go."

The dragonborn's blood flows and has an extra special function.

Feel the dragon's emotions.

The blood was burning hot just now, representing the strong hostility of Haiyan.

Now the blood flows normally and there are basically no problems.


The glutton roared, full of warning, and moved away a pair of thick claws.

Haiyan twisted her body and retracted her flat wings.

"Hai Yan, give me an answer!"

Rhaegar's tone worsened.

Hai Yan made a move, his vertical pupils flashed as he struggled.

After a while, he moved closer to the huge dragon head, and the light silver scales touched the palm of the silver-haired boy.

Rhaegar's eyes were burning, and he rubbed Haiyan's dragon kiss, feeling the touch of scales that was different from that of a glutton.

The ice is cool and smooth as ice cubes.

Rhaegar smiled: "Good dragon, obey the orders."


Haiyan neighed and slowly got up.

Rhaegar looked at it with a flash of pity in his eyes.

Lanino probably encountered an accident.

Today's Targaryen has a dragon at his disposal, and his children have not yet been born.

Otherwise, you can try to tame the sea smoke and weaken the Velaryon family.

Rega's eyes flashed, and thousands of thoughts emerged.

According to intelligence, Lanino was probably killed by his current lover Cole.

The reason is that Cole disappeared together, and Lanino's former lover Joffrey who was hiding in the military camp was also discovered.

Or the sea serpent Corliss...

"Lanino was killed, and the sea serpent has no heir."

Rhaegar thought with a mixture of joy and sorrow.

Sea Snake and Aunt Rhaenys are both over fifty, and their granddaughter is almost grown up, and it is impossible to have another child.

There are some branches of the Velaryon family, and the sea snakes are greedy for power and will not be willing to give them away.

"Haha, those who strive for power have no successors."

Rhaegar laughed evilly.


Haiyan arched the dragon's head, stared at the black dragon warily, turned around and flapped its wings to take off.

The glutton's green vertical eyes flashed, and his broad wings spread out.

"Glutton, let it go."

Rhaegar looked at the figure of the light silver dragon and spoke to stop it.

The sea smoke will not fly out of the Westeros continent, and it will naturally return to Tidehead Island or Dragonstone Island if it cannot find Lannino.

It just so happened that Jenny was pregnant, and Blizzard and Thrax couldn't get enough of each other.

Sea smoke is also an option.

Watching the dragon shadow disappear from the horizon, the Thunderbolt returned to the dragon's back, full of energy and said: "Glutton, fly!"


Glutton takes to the air and soars westward along the rainforest.

Stonehelm City.

The gray-white city wall is devastated, with traces of various rolling stones and giant crossbow bombardments left behind.

On the female wall, there are many fine steel spears inserted deep into the radius, which cannot be pulled out.

On the top of the tall tower, a "Black Gate" flag hangs high, replacing the "Black and White Swan" flag of the Swin family.


A loud dragon roar resounded within ten miles, and a mud-colored dragon shadow hovered in the sky.

"Dragon Flame!"

The silver-haired boy rode on the back of a dragon and rushed over with a loud laugh.

The sheep thief's vertical pupils turned around, his huge body dived straight, and the shriveled dragon head sprayed out a mouthful of messy dragon flames like mud dots.

"Duck! The dragon is coming!"

"Stuffed scorpion crossbow..."

On the city wall, hundreds of Dornish soldiers were shocked and screamed.


A round of dragon flames swept the ground, screams continued, and a circle of brown dragon flames ignited on the city wall.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

On the battlements, several powerful scorpion crossbows trembled and fired fine steel spears.


The sheep thief neighed sharply, flapped his wings and dodged sideways, nimbly dodging the attack.

Aemond's eyes were full of excitement and he shouted: "Burn the sheep thieves!"

The sheep thief punched his nose, then Shi Shiran flew over the city, breathed a breath of dragon flame and changed his position.

Foolish driver, without it he would have been shot through.

Aemond grinned happily, looking down at the screaming Dornish soldiers below.

When he heard that the Si Wen family was destroyed, he came immediately.

Riding an ugly and fierce sheep thief, he led two thousand storm warriors.

Aemond's smile remained unchanged, he took off a three-foot-long keel horn from his back, took a deep breath and blew it suddenly.


The solemn sound of the trumpet spread far away, straight through the solid city walls.


The Storm Warrior heard the sound and moved towards Stonehelm City, carrying a thick shield as tall as a man.

The Dornish soldiers were extremely nervous. They hid behind the shooting holes in the city wall and used Myr's special three-shot crossbow bolts to fight back.

Behind the city wall, more than a dozen catapults were fully prepared and loaded with rolling stones to throw.

boom! boom!

Rolling rocks hit the storm warriors' charging path, causing objective casualties in an instant.

"Don't retreat, keep charging!"

The commander shouted at the top of his voice, picked up his huge shield and rushed to the front.

Everyone was encouraged and rushed under the city wall with rolling stones and crossbow arrows.

Since ancient times, the number of people attacking a city must far exceed the number of defenders, otherwise they will just die.

But they remained brave and fearless.

Unconsciously, he raised his head and looked up at the mud-colored dragon hovering in the sky, bombarding the city wall one after another.

It's all because of the dragon, which gives the storm warriors the spirit of not fearing death.

The Targaryen princes were all on the battlefield, and an adult dragon suppressed the fire, making it no longer difficult to attack the city.


The sheep thief changed his position to avoid the attack of the scorpion crossbow, and counterattacked with a burst of dragon flame.

Aemond's face was full of pride, showing no hint of timidity or surprise.

His elder brother taught him that war is flexible.

First use the firepower of the dragon to suppress it, and then use the soldiers to charge and break the formation. Even if the force is ten times weaker, you can win.

He listened carefully and used it better.

at the same time.

In the inner city wall, Olifa Yronwood looked solemn and said angrily: "The archers are dispatched and cooperate with the scorpion crossbow to shoot down the dragon!"

"Yes, sir."

The adjutant responded and conveyed the order.

Soon, a group of well-equipped archers appeared in various high places and corners of Stonehelm City.

With a command, arrows flew like raindrops.


The sheep thief breathed out a dragon flame and quickly left the low-altitude combat.

Dragon Flame's attack range is limited, and it has to swoop down every time it sprays.

Iron arrows cannot break the scales of sheep thieves, but they can effectively harass them to a certain extent.

The sheep thief looked at it for a few times, curiosity flashing through his deeply sunken brown vertical pupils.

Although it can't break through the defense, it still hurts a bit when it hits.

The arrow is too secretive, it is afraid of hitting the eye, and it is also afraid that the driver will be unlucky.

"Sheep thief, Dragon Flame!"

Aemond put down his dragon horn and patted the dragon's back to urge him.

The sheep thief glanced at him and swooped down reluctantly.

Aemond was not a soft persimmon and commanded: "Aim at the archers!"


The sheep thief neighed and glided sideways over a row of archers hiding behind the female wall, and the dragon flames arrived as expected.


"Help, I'm on fire!"

"Run quickly..."

A group of dozens of archers screamed miserably, some were burned to death, and others were scurrying around like headless flies.

One of them accidentally fell off the city wall and was smashed into pieces.

Under the city wall, the Storm Warriors formed a circle with their shields raised high, pushing a siege vehicle to hit the city gate.

There are shooting holes all over the city wall, and the crossbow bolts are fired at the gaps.

Many storm warriors were hit and shot to death after being unable to block their vital points.


Without a siege ladder, the Storm Warriors had no choice but to resort to the clumsiest method and risk their lives to seize the city gate.

Seeing the cooperation between the dragon and the army, Olifa Yronwood was anxious and angry, and ordered: "Bring out the old and weak of the Swin family!"

I am afraid that the city cannot be defended.

It depends on whether the Targaryen boy is stupid enough to do something that will make the world famous.

Olifa looked ugly, but he was calm inside.

According to the strategy discussed by Prince Keolun.

The invasion of the Stormlands was just a performance, a performance that had to be performed.

If a large amount of cattle and sheep supplies can be looted, it would be best to occupy Stonehelm City, which is the first line of defense.

Make a fortune and get an ideal bridgehead.

If something cannot be done, there is no need to force it. If you delay it for a while, you can escape.

Prince Keoran's goal for the Stormlands is to defraud Braavos and the Three Maidens of supplies.

The real invasion points are the seemingly impenetrable Prince's Pass and Bone Road.

After sacking the Stormlands, it was natural to sack the Reach.

Dorne is too poor and needs to rob from the rich and give to the poor.

As for whether war will lead to a decline in national strength, economic regression, and popular rebellion?

Dorne has always been barren, and this year's harvest is the worst. It is impossible to survive without detonating a war.

After fighting this war, we can still get support from many parties secretly.

Moreover, the Iron Throne occupied the Three Women's Kingdom and controlled the Stepstone Islands.

If given a year and a half to breathe, sea control in the lower half of the Narrow Sea would be easy, and Sunspear would not even be able to put another ship into the sea.

With the temperament of the Targaryen prince, the butcher's knife will fall on Dorne's neck sooner or later.

If you don't rebel now, it will be too late later.


Above the city wall, sheep thieves swooped back and forth to attack the archers hiding in the darkness.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

The scorpion crossbow fired one after another in an attempt to kill this ugly mud dragon.

Aemond stuck out his head and looked down at the scene below the city, feeling anxious.

The offensive strategy he thought of was good, but it was too dense and too sparse.

The siege engines are inefficient and the Storm Warriors cannot break through the city gates.

The sheep thief and a dragon attacked the archers and bombarded the Dornish soldiers on the city wall. The firepower gradually failed to cover the battlefield.

Dornish soldiers came out in large numbers, throwing rocks and rolling logs at the city walls, pouring kerosene and setting them on fire.

For a time, the Storm Warriors suffered heavy casualties.

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