The next day.

Two giant dragons, one black and one blue, soared together, hovering over the smoke-filled Stone Helm City.

Outside the city walls, ashes were spread for miles.

Suddenly, the ground shook slightly, and a large group of storm knights came on horseback.

There were a lot of people, about two thousand people.

The leader is none other than the Earl of Nightsong City, Royce Cullen.

The Knights of the Storm camped outside the city, and some of the officers entered the castle.

Royce felt anxious and climbed onto the damaged gray-white city wall.

Under a watchtower facing the sea, Rhaegar supported the parapet with his elbows and quietly admired the waves.

War wears away people's patience, but beautiful scenery nourishes the mood.

"Brother, Earl Karen is here."

Helena wears a green cloak, and two strands of silver hair behind her ears are like ropes, braiding her naturally loose silver-gold hair.

Rega turned his head slightly and saw a middle-aged man with a much weathered face.

Royce knelt down on one knee and said in a low voice: "I'm sorry, I failed to play the role of commander and caused this disaster."

He was referring to the destruction of the Swin family.

They are both stormland nobles, and they are also noble families guarding the border.

The Si Wen family was cut off, and he had an inescapable responsibility.

Rega rubbed his brows and sighed softly: "As long as you know where the problem lies, I haven't had time to hold you accountable."

After saying that, he turned around and leaned against the wall naturally.

Every word and action is indescribably calm and composed.

Royce glanced at the crown prince's profile and felt ashamed: "Prince, I will destroy the remnants of Dorne that are invading the Stormlands as soon as possible."

Helena looked back and forth between the two, quietly studying her brother's way of doing things.

Rhaegar's eyes rippled, and his expression turned serious: "Olifa Yronwood fled. The remnants of Dorne are not a problem. I want to ask about the issue of the Vulture Mountains."

Since ancient times, Dorne has often been in conflict with the Riverlands and Stormlands, and mutual aggression and harassment have become the norm.

This large-scale Dornish invasion of the Stormlands is still very rare.

There are currently three dragons in the Stormlands. The Dornish War Commander fled and it was only a matter of time to destroy the remaining remnants.

He suspected there was more to Keolen's actions than that.

There will also be a large-scale invasion of Prince's Pass and Bone Road.

Royce's expression changed slightly, as if he had thought of the key factor, and quickly replied: "Yege City is short of major generals, and it all depends on the support of the Duke of High Court. The prince should start from this aspect."

He is the Lord of Nightsong City.

He was in Stonehelm City, and Nightsong City was under the care of his brothers who were left behind.

As the territory of the Dorne Frontier, there is no fertile land next to the river, and there is no port with developed maritime transportation, so it is not rich in nature.

Coupled with the constant fighting with the Dornish people, the territory is very large, but the population is not prosperous.

To garrison the fortress at Prince's Pass, Highgarden would have to dig into its wallet and provide manpower and material resources.

Rhaegar was still relieved and said thoughtfully: "Duke Tyrell has already sent troops."

Although the old Tyrell of Highgarden is mediocre and greedy and lustful, he is very dedicated to his duties as the steward of the Reach.

Royce hesitated for a moment and said: "The combat power of the Riverbend army is limited, and most of them are recruited by force. It's better for you to supervise them personally."

As we all know, the armies of the Riverlands and the Reach are the best equipped and the weakest.

Old Turrell is old and has a pleasure-seeking temperament, so he will definitely not be able to lead an army on an expedition.

If we want to unleash our full combat effectiveness, it is best for the crown prince to take over.

Lei Jia's eyes flashed, and he heard the deep meaning of the other party's words.

The Reach is very wealthy. Excluding the troops from Oldtown who went to sea to participate in the Battle of the Narrow Sea, there are at least 10,000 people stationed at Prince's Pass.

This large-scale army can have a great impact if used properly.

Let’s talk about it on a smaller scale.

Once the Dornish Rebellion is over, Rhaegar's prestige in the Reach will rise to a new level, eclipsing the towering towers of Highgarden and Oldtown.

"Thank you for your advice, Lord Royce."

Rhaegar smiled slightly.

"I wish you all the best."

Royce retreats.

After he walked away, the brother and sister looked at each other.

Helena tilted her head and whispered: "Are we going to Highgarden?"

She thought of Little Rose in Highgarden, who took the initiative to make friends with her.


Rhaegar said ambiguously.

For the time being, there are no fewer than three places where wars are known to have broken out.

Braavos attacks Pentos.

The Stormlands sweep away the remnants of Dorne.

There is also the threat from the Vulture Mountains.


A sharp dragon roar came, interrupting the brother and sister's chat.

Rhaegar looked up and saw an ugly mud dragon flying over and circling the sea below the watchtower.


In the claws of the mud dragon, a silly goat was gripped.

"It hasn't given up yet."

Helena spoke softly.


The sheep thief neighed and moved closer, wanting to please but daring to do so, stimulating the goat to bark wildly.

It looks like he wants to exchange the goat for something.

Rhaegar's posture did not change and he couldn't help laughing: "This guy is really smart, but he doesn't look like a dragon."

The giant dragons are very proud, and the mud dragon is a little embarrassed.

Helena puffed up her cheeks and stretched out her little hand: "No."

She was talking to the slime dragon.

The sheep thief looked twice, the vertical pupils in the sunken eye sockets appeared for inspection, and he refused to leave.


The two giant dragons flying in the sky gradually lowered their bodies and roared in warning.

The sheep thief was startled and quickly moved away.

The two giant dragons folded their wings and stepped on the gray-white city wall with their hind feet.


The glutton's green eyes flashed, targeting the dishonest sheep thief.

A giant dragon with a sneaky dog ​​looks bad at first glance.

Dream Fire chirped softly and landed next to Helena. An elegant light blue dragon head stretched out to the driver's shoulder.

Helena smiled and stroked the tall dragon.

Lei Jia looked at one person and one dragon, especially the energetic Meng Huo, and commented: "Meng Huo is very energetic."

This was the first dragon he had ever truly come into contact with.

She has a slender figure with gorgeous silver lines, and her temperament is as outstanding as her appearance.


Meng Huo glanced at Lei Jia with vertical eyes, opened his mouth slightly and kissed him, and let out a slight neigh from his throat.

Helena rubbed her face against it and said in an expectant voice: "Menghuo ate that scale and was in a very high mood."

Just last night, the brother and sister gave Menghuo the [Dragon Essence] to swallow.

Gluttons and sheep thieves were present.

When he saw [Dragon Essence], Gluttonous was very calm, as if he was looking at an ordinary scale.

The sheep thief drooled as he stared at the [Dragon Essence] in the shape of dragon scales, his eyes shining brightly.

Menghuo swiped it away with his tail and swallowed the dragon scales first.

Facts have proved that [Dragon Essence] does not seem to be attractive to adult dragons, but instead arouses fanaticism for dragons who have not yet reached their peak.


Menghuo arched the driver, and stared at the sheep thief who refused to leave. A pair of light blue wings spread out, giving an unceremonious warning.

It is very large, with a head-to-tail distance of more than 80 meters and a wingspan of up to 100 meters.

This size is far inferior to that of Glutton, and inferior to Wormisor and Silverwing of the same age, but it is still more than enough to outshine the sheep thief.

Colaxio and Melias are about 60 to 70 meters in size, and the sheep thief is about 70 meters tall.

According to the ancient records of Diane Liga, the former two are of normal size, while the latter is the best among mature dragons.

Excluding the factor of wild dragon, the former two are inferior in size, but have more eye-catching talents.

Corakxiu is nicknamed Blood Worm. His slender snake-like body is a mutant species, his character is brutal and bloodthirsty, and his dragon flame is powerful and domineering.

Melias was known as the "fastest dragon" when she was young, and no dragon has ever surpassed her in this regard.

Rega was fascinated by the sight and murmured in his heart: "Size is not the decisive factor, more emphasis is placed on the use of talent."


Just as he was thinking about it, Meng Huo jumped forward a distance, baring his fangs fiercely.

The sheep thief immediately dropped the goat and flew away in despair.

As a wild dragon, not fighting easily is also a survival skill.

Helena was delighted to see it and was happy with Meng Huo's change.

Dreamfire used to be ferocious, but would not provoke other dragons.

After swallowing special scales, he becomes very domineering.


Menghuo roared, the dragon's head nuzzled the driver, then flapped its wings and flew away.

Helena was stunned, her expression was very cute.

She didn't know if it was an illusion, but she seemed to feel what Meng Huo wanted to express.

Breathing dragon flames, hunting for prey...

Seems like a positive growth change.

Helena didn't hide anything and told her brother the truth.

Rhaegar only replied: "Good thing."

The time comes in the afternoon.

Stonehelm City is bustling with activity. Storm warriors are repairing the city walls and gates, and the remaining servants are preparing a cauldron for cooking.



Helena walked alone in the kitchen, and the cooks and attendants passing by said hello.

Helena nodded in response, checking the cellar inventory.

After the looting by the Dornish people, the cellars and granaries were basically wiped out, and they were all maintained by the dry food transported by the Storm Riders from Crow's Nest City.

Helena didn't have any mood swings, so she checked carefully.

Her brother discussed strategies with Lord Royce to clean up the Stormlands, and she applied for a job supervising the cooking.

Although it is a bit useless, a little learning is always good.

And coming full circle, Helena decided that cooking wasn't easy.

How can it be simple when it comes to soldiers filling their bellies.


While making the noodles with his own hands, there was a noise in the corridor outside the kitchen.

Helena wiped the sweat from her forehead and looked suspiciously deeper into the corridor.

Around a corner, a man with silver-blond hair poked out.


Helena murmured, put down the basin and looked for it.

The people around him didn't pay attention and were still cooking enthusiastically.

Soon, the siblings met at a hidden corner.

Aemond's face was sullen, as if he was deep in thought, and did not speak immediately.

"If you have anything to say, ask directly. You don't have to hide it."

Helena's eyes are clear and there is no deception at all.


Aemond opened his mouth, then looked around cautiously to make sure there was no one around, and then said: "I see you and Rhaegar hugging each other."

When he spoke the words, his expression showed grievance visible to the naked eye.

Helena: "Are you jealous?"


Emond was choked and said in despair: "I have an engagement."

I don’t deny it, I have self-awareness.

Helena asked directly: "Then what do you want to say, break off the engagement?"


Aemond was startled and quickly stopped his sister from talking nonsense.

This sister is good at everything, but she has a mouth that loves to tell the truth.

Helena shrugged and stared at Aemond with her eyes, showing him a guilty conscience.

Emond still wanted to refute, but gradually lowered his head and said helplessly: "You shouldn't be like this, you are almost an aunt."

He went to look for the sheep thief in the morning and happened to see two people getting intimate on the city wall.

This won't work!

Aemond was worried and advised: "Rhaenaela is a bad woman. If she knew about this, she would sell you to a brothel in Lys."


As expected of a child raised by his mother, he even speaks the same words.

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