Game of Thrones: I became a crown prince for a day

Chapter 441 The Green Blood River Dyed Red

Half a month later.

Prince's Pass, exit.


Rhaegar rode a white-maned warhorse and strolled along the path.

The red open canyon, with corners blocking the view, looked like a giant beast's mouth.

The hidden arrow tower on the cliffs made it look like a giant beast's mouth full of fangs.

"It's really a trouble to hold on and not come out."

Rhaegar's eyes were deep, and his thoughts were flowing.

Half a month ago, the exit of Prince's Pass was under full martial law.

The Fowler family, known as the "Prince's Pass Guardian", retreated to Tianji City, looking like they were defending their territory.

There were several horse hoof sounds of varying weights behind him, and several war horses followed.

Mond stretched his neck to look into the distance, and joked: "The Fowler family is known as the eagle, and the eagle likes to hide in the nest when it encounters danger."

"Watch your words, Lord Mond."

Donald glared at him coldly.

Lady Jenny of the Valley bravely participated in the war, and many of her knights died. She should not be joked about.

After that, Donald quietly paid attention to the Crown Prince's demeanor.

Rhaegar looked normal and was not affected by it.

Being able to hide is also a skill, just like Hightower always being able to be humble when disaster strikes.

After observing for a while, Rhaegar asked sideways: "Lord Morse, facing the strictly guarded Tianji City, what insights do you have?"

Morse had a messy head of black curly hair, and his skinny figure riding a white horse looked like an inconspicuous monkey.

Under his thin figure, his eyes flashed with shrewd light from time to time.

Half a month after Wangzhong City surrendered, he was doing well.

Hearing the question from the crown prince, Morse hesitated for a moment and told the truth: "Tianji City is easy to defend but difficult to attack. Ordinary soldiers cannot break the city."

"With the help of the dragon's firepower suppression, consume the defense in the city, and besiege it for three to five months without attacking."

It was quite conventional, but also to the point.

Rhaegar nodded first, then shook his head: "It will take too long. It will take three months to conquer a city. It will be too far to suppress the rebellion in Dorne."

Morse hurriedly said: "Two dragons will attack in turns, and the soldiers will attack day and night. The city can be broken in one month."

Rhaegar continued to shake his head.

The dragons can hold on, but the soldiers can't.

A victory built with human lives is a miserable defeat even if it is won.

Seeing that he didn't speak, the other three fell silent.

"I have a plan that requires Lord Morse's cooperation."

Rhaegar suddenly spoke.

The three looked over at him, and Morse shuddered in his heart.

"What plan?"

Mund couldn't wait to know.

Rhaegar took a final glance at the blocked exit, tightened the reins and turned his horse around, pretending to be profound: "Let's talk about it back at the camp."


The white-maned warhorse was full of spirit, galloping with a vigorous posture.


At noon, the sun was scorching.

Rhaegar and his men rode into the camp on horseback.

The army was stationed in the second half of the Prince's Pass. Nightsong City and King's Tomb City served as two transit stations, providing supplies to the front line steadily and continuously.

At this moment, on a wide red avenue, 30,000 Hewan coalition forces were stationed.


As soon as the warhorse entered the camp, the roar of a dragon resounded in the distance.

Dreamfire glided back, the light blue wing membrane blocked the sun, casting a cool shadow.

The dragon landed, and a delicate figure in a beige plaid skirt climbed down nimbly.


Helena smiled and trotted along with her long skirt.

Rega came forward to greet him, and her soft body crashed into his arms like a cannonball. He smiled helplessly and said, "I told you to wear armor."

"Armor is too clumsy."

Helena stood on tiptoe, put her cherry lips close to Rega's ear, and shared her joy: "All my bronze runes are engraved, which is better than armor."


Rega was surprised and said, "So fast."

Helena nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, and whispered, "I feel it has something to do with the dream fire. It has grown very fast recently. It will be very comfortable to be around it."

Rega looked stunned, buried his head in her neck and sniffed, and joked, "Yes, the fragrance is mixed with the smell of dragons."

A good little girl, with a unique body fragrance.


After a long pause, she said sullenly, "I burned down Eagle Cave Castle."

Eagle Cave Castle was built in the Red Mountains and is an outpost for supervising the Prince's Pass.

Hundreds of soldiers are stationed all year round, and they are very good at mountain warfare.

"Well done, very much like Queen Visenya."

Rhaegar pursed his lips and snickered, pinched his cheeks, and took Helena back to the tent for a meeting.

Half a month.

Several disaster victims were appeased, the King's Grave City was well behaved, and the Dorne fortresses at the Prince's Pass were cleared one after another.

You can point your sword at the Sky City and attack the heart of Dorne in one fell swoop.

Mond and others entered the tent together, and a discussion on the Sky City began.

Rhaegar focused on Mors and made a special plan.

Mors was in a dilemma and gritted his teeth to agree.

A few days later.

Prince's Pass, Dorne's Stone Slope.

A steep city stands, with a banner of "a hooded sky-blue falcon on a silver background".

Sky City, the fortress of the Fowler family.


Suddenly, a muffled dragon roar resounded throughout a radius of ten miles, filled with deep anger.

Prince's Pass, exit.

The black dragon hovered low in the sky, burning the fortresses on the path with dragon flames, killing every Dornishman who dared to resist.


"Avoid the dragon, don't stop!"

Deep in the road, a group of Dornish cavalry fled in a panic, with only a dozen people left.

Further back, a large group of cavalry chased them, carrying the flag of the Riverlands in the team.

The two sides chased and fled, entering the area bombed by the dragon.


The green dragon flames like smoke and fog descended, melting the earth walls of the fortress and burning the fleeing Dornishmen to death.

This was a one-sided massacre.

The Dornishmen were frightened and fled in all directions, wailing.

The Dornish cavalry was faster and rushed straight to Tianji City on the stone slope of Dorne.

Following the cavalry's lead, the scattered Dornish soldiers followed one after another and gathered towards the dangerous city.


The black dragon was angry and jumped over the Dornishmen, who were less than a hundred people, and flew over Tianji City.

In front of the soldiers guarding the city, it spit dragon flames wantonly.

The soldiers hastily prepared scorpion crossbows, but they couldn't aim at the dragon at all, and became useless decorations.

In the end, they fell under the dragon flames.

The dragon burned from noon to dusk.

The dragon flame melted the top of the castle tower and the city wall, and the bricks and stones were twisted and deformed, like burnt glass products.

The granaries and horse corridors on the ground were burned, burning up the stored dry food and horses.

Until the sun sets, the black dragon vents its satisfaction, flaps its black wings and leaves calmly.

The cavalry of the Reach captures the exit fortress of the Prince's Pass and rearranges the defense line.

Compared with this.

The smoke of Tianji City is filled, as if it has just experienced the end of the world.

Standing on the steep hillside, facing the exit fortress in the distance.

Late at night.

The Red Mountains are silent, and the stars cast a little starlight.

The Dorne soldiers hiding in the ravine stick their heads out and sneak out in the night.

The hanging basket is lowered from the top of Tianji City.

At this time, a black dragon stops on a mountaintop several miles away, and its scales blend perfectly with black.

Rhaegar's purple eyes flicker, and he personally watches Morse and Dickon climb to the top of the city and are taken away by the soldiers guarding the city.

"Plant the seeds and wait for them to sprout."

Rhaegar whispered softly and patted the dragon's back.

The glutton shook his huge body, spread his wings and jumped down, disappearing into the night.

Greenblood River, Plank Town.

The once prosperous port was on fire, the gray-brown city walls collapsed on a large scale, and the town was wailing, shrouded in a deep sadness.

"Get the catapult ready, aim at the enemy warships!"

The sea snake's eyes were filled with murderous intent, and it roared to command the battle.

Under the moonlight, three warship fleets gathered on the river, taking a two-to-one attack.

One side hung "a golden hand with a red, brown and black fan-shaped bottom".

One side hung "three black cheetahs on an orange-yellow background".

The Arion family of God's Grace City and the Vance family of Vance City.

The former is located at the intersection of the Vance River, the Misfortune River and the Greenblood River.

The latter is located on the banks of the Vance River.

These two Dorne noble families built docks. After the sea snake attacked and captured Plank Town, they immediately heard the news and summoned the fleet to counterattack.


A golden dragon circled in the night sky, and its ferocious dragon mouth sprayed out dragon flames.

The dragon flames ignited the sails and masts of the two fleets, burned the soldiers on the deck, and severely damaged the morale of the enemy.

"Don't let the Dornish bastards escape, tighten the encirclement!"

The sea snake's dark face was solemn, and he roared hoarsely.

The two small fleets in the interior of Dorne, both the warships and the quality of the soldiers were simply not up to standard.

Facing the Stone Steps Islands defenders led by the sea snake himself and the main force of the Velaryon family fleet, they were beaten without any ability to fight back.

Especially, there was a dragon on their side, and the balance of victory tilted from the beginning.

The war lasted until late, and the flames of war never stopped.

Gradually, the day dawned.

The two Dornish fleets were completely destroyed, and the sailors either died or fell into the water to feed the fish.

The sun rose slowly, and the warm light fell on the surface of the Green Blood River.

The river water was not green, but was stained with a layer of red that could not be washed away.


Aegon rode Sunfire to patrol the river, assisting the soldiers in cleaning the battlefield and fishing for supplies on the battlefield.

The sea snake had heavy eyes and a trace of fatigue hidden in his eyebrows, and sat on the deck to rest.

Since the burning of the lemon forest, the fleet crossed the Greenblood River and quickly captured Plank Town with the help of Sunfire.

For half a month, the nobles along the river and the sea in Dorne have been counterattacking like crazy.

The first fleet was the fleet of Saltsea City.

Saltsea City is located on the southern coastline of Dorne, close to the Summer Sea. It only takes a few days to sail on the sea to support the Greenblood River.

It was a tough battle, and the two sides fought for a whole day and night.

Finally, the Sun Flame showed its power and burned through the opponent's command ship, and the sea snake took the opportunity to win.

Now that the fleets of God's Grace City and Vance City have been destroyed, there is no more sea force in the heart of Dorne.

The sea snake shook his head and laughed, looking up at the rising sun.

Where, it is the direction of Sunspear City.

Plank Town is very close to Sunspear City, and the army can reach it in one day on foot.

"Kooren, I really want to see your face at this moment."

The sea snake's eyes flickered, and he secretly complained.

Occupying the Greenblood River, completely cutting off the east and west of Dorne, Sunspear City has become an isolated city.

Just wait for the two armies of the Crown Prince and the King to break through the Red Mountains and enter the heart of Dorne.

He could then raid Dorne's interior and surround Sunspear from multiple angles.

Sea Snake's breathing became steady, and he called his lieutenant, saying, "Write to Prince's Pass and Bone Road, urging the army to enter."

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