Game of Thrones: I became a crown prince for a day

Chapter 454 Otto’s guess is so accurate!

The dragon's wrath reappeared and spread rapidly throughout the seven kingdoms.

King's Landing.

Rumors spread among the people about how many benefactors the crown prince had killed and how many battles he had won.

The most chaotic Flea Bottom, the orphans exaggeratedly describe Longshan.

The latest theory is that the corpses of countless Dornish people are buried under the Dragon Mountain to suppress the innocent souls of those who resisted.

The common people do not distinguish between true and false and spread falsehoods.

They don't know how the Three Women's Kingdom war broke out, nor when it will end.

We don’t even know why Dorne rebelled.

They only know a little bit.

Rhaegar of Targaryen was brave and capable of fighting, and Prince Martell of Dorne bowed his head.

Dorne finally surrenders to the Iron Throne.

The seven kingdoms of Westeros are all included in the territory of the Targaryen dynasty.

Red Fort.

The king's palace.

A group of imperial ministers stood guard in front of the door, looking inside through the open door.

Viserys' face was pale, cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and he lay unconscious on the bed.

"Viserys, are you okay?"

Allison sat on the edge of the bed, wrung out a wet towel to wipe his sweat, and shouted softly: "Wake up, your ministers are waiting for you."


Viserys frowned, seeming to resent the noise.

Allison was very worried and couldn't help complaining: "I told you not to go on an expedition, but you just didn't listen."

After muttering for a while, he packed up the basin and stood up.

Before leaving, he made a helpless request: "Get well soon, the kingdom needs you."

After that, he went out with the basin in hand.

Outside the door.

Leonor looked solemn and asked in a low voice: "Your Majesty, there are no signs of recovery yet?"


Allison shook his head and sighed: "Ever since he returned to King's Landing, he has been in a daze. He has been in a coma more than he has been awake."

"This is not good news." Leonor frowned tightly.

A family cannot be without a master for a day, and a country cannot be without a king for a day.

His Majesty is unconscious and the imperial council cannot function normally.

Otto closed the door and changed the topic: "Your Majesty needs to cultivate himself. If anything happens, we will hold a royal meeting to discuss it."

Allison reacted at this time and told Kingsguard Laurent and Sir Stephen to keep an eye on the palace.

Seeing this, Leonor couldn't force it, so he used the topic as an excuse: "Then move to the council hall and invite Princess Rhaenyra."

Allison said in shock: "Rhaenyra is seven months pregnant, so it's best not to disturb her."

As early as Viserys was escorted back to King's Landing, Rhaenyra returned to King's Landing from Dragonstone.

Leonor didn't answer and looked at Grand Bachelor Orville.

Orvel was very obedient: "The princess's fetal position is in good condition and there will be no problem in handling government affairs on a daily basis."

Allison frowned slightly and heard the implication.

Handle government affairs!

Viserys was recuperating in bed, while Rhaegar was on an expedition to Dorne.

Rhaenyra's status as the eldest princess actually overshadowed her as the queen.

After thinking about it, Allison couldn't find a reason to refute, so he swallowed: "Okay, let's do it."

After saying that, he turned around and left, giving an excuse to change clothes.

Otto nodded kindly towards Leonor and followed his daughter's pace.

Soon, the father and daughter walked away.

Leonor and others looked at each other and headed towards the parliament hall.

On the way, they talked quietly.

"Your Majesty is in poor health, which is not a good thing for the country and the people."

"Be careful, Your Majesty will get better."

"After my diagnosis, Your Majesty was overly frightened, causing post-traumatic stress disorder. His body is not seriously injured, just like a small cold."

"A Targaryen won't be cold, let alone unconscious."

Leonor said the last sentence in an unhappy tone.

Orville stopped and said seriously: "This is a joint creation of body and mind, and it cannot be cured by herbs."

He didn't like anyone questioning his medical skills.

"Sorry, I didn't doubt you."

Leonor realized that it was too much.

"It doesn't matter." Orville said.

The Melos incident was so shocking that it inevitably put a filter on the position of Grand Master.

Leonor sighed softly, and after an inner struggle, he gritted his teeth and said: "Everyone, His Majesty has been unconscious. We should have prepared early."

"What preparations?" Jaspie cheered up.

Leonor glanced at him and confessed: "Viserys is my majesty and a friend of mine for many years. I don't want him to be in danger."

After a pause, he added: "If one day he is unable to handle government affairs and even falls asleep, there must be an heir to take over the Iron Throne immediately."

"Wait a moment."

Lin Man interrupted, and surprise appeared on the elder's face, saying: "We have the best prince, and he is in Dorne."

"Prince Rhaegar has made great achievements in battle, and no one dares to touch his bad luck."

Jaspie shrugged, laughing to himself first.

He was almost targeted by the crown prince.

"I know what you want to say, but these days are different."

Leonor looked serious: "Braavos is peeping at the Narrow Sea, and the remnants of the three female kingdoms are watching with eagerness. Now Dorne is in rebellion and the kingdom is in chaos. It is a time when accidents are easy to happen."

As soon as these words came out, several people fell silent for a moment.

Excellent crown princes are not difficult to find, and there are only two Targaryens from the previous generation.


One was assassinated in the camp, and the other died of abdominal distension.

Leonor made his point: "I propose to recall the crown prince to ensure a smooth succession process."

The words of the country's scholars are to seek stability and prudence.

Lin Man hesitated for a moment: "The prince's conquest of Dorne has already begun the second round of Dragon's Wrath. How could he give up so easily?"

Lionor said: "With Lord Corliss in Sunspear, and Prince Daemon and Princess Rhaenys, Dorne won't be active for long."


Lin Man still felt that it was not right, and said sternly: "The conquest of Dorne must be completed by the crown prince, and cannot be entrusted to others."

Lionor: "If something happens to your majesty, the prince must be present at the first time."

"Do you think someone would be so delusional?"

Lin Man's slow mind cleared up and suddenly regained its sharpness.

Lionor didn't speak, but expressed his attitude.

The few people were silent again and exchanged glances.

Theoretically, it is impossible to prevent the crown prince from succeeding to the throne.

I'm afraid...

I'm afraid that someone will lose their mind and do something stupid that will tarnish the royal family.

For a while.

Tomund, who had been silent all the time, broke the silence and smiled: "Everyone, your majesty is just sleeping, not physically ill, maybe we are making a fuss."

"This is the preparation!"

Lionor said anxiously. Tormund's expression was restrained, his eyes suddenly rolled back, and he looked straight at Lyonor, his voice was wet and greasy: "I am the chief of intelligence, there will be no accidents in the Red Castle."

He took a step forward, his thin body was in sharp contrast with the other's bloated body.

Lyonor swallowed his saliva, and his scalp was numb under the staring of those pale eyes.

Tormund touched the Valyrian steel badge on his chest and asked: "Or do you think that Prince Rhaegar, known as the young dragon king, is really just an ordinary person."


Lyonor was speechless.

Of course he is not an ordinary person, he has never seen anyone more mysterious than the crown prince.

The scarce Valyrian steel weapons were taken out one by one.

The black dragonstone of Harrenhal can be repaired with a few spells.

The latest news is that the crown prince has melted a huge dragonstone peak at the original site of Yronwood City, which is known as the Targaryen Dragon King Altar.

Tormund's face was stiff, revealing a dangerous aura. He said, "If there is an accident in King's Landing, I will notify the prince to return immediately."

As early as a month ago, Rhaegar sent him a message.

Unless the sky falls, don't stop him from continuing the dragon's wrath.

The Red Keep is vented on all sides, and his little birds have built nests.

Lyonor was speechless and nodded helplessly: "I listen to you."

The other party is the crown prince's confidant and a weird skinchanger. He is trustworthy.


The queen's bedroom.


The door was closed heavily, and Alisson was so angry that her face turned red. She sat down on the chair without caring about her image.

Humiliation, naked humiliation!

Her three children all fought in Dorne and never let down Targaryen and the kingdom.

The group of royal ministers were still wary of her and brought up the pregnant Rhaenyra to suppress her.


The door opened and Otto walked in.

Alisson knew who it was without turning around, and poured out a glass of red wine and took a sip.

Otto sat opposite silently, looking at his daughter with deep eyes, and said: "Fools get angry and waste their energy, while wise men should prepare for the rainy day."

Alison was stunned when he heard this, and then said angrily: "Viserys is not dead yet, he will wake up sooner or later."

"No one in this world can guarantee that he will see the sunrise the next day."

Otto was calm and composed, as if he was talking about a trivial matter.

Alison was shaken and hesitated: "What can I do?"

Otto smiled slightly and explained patiently: "We can't touch the position of the crown prince. Leonor and others should be discussing monitoring you and me at this time."

He knew his colleague too well.

He is wise and reliable.

But this kind of person has a characteristic, lacking quick wit and being impatient when encountering things.

Alison sat up straight and listened to his father's advice.

Otto took out a cup from the tea tray and said seriously: "Mund sent me a message that the Dornish harassed the Arbor and asked Rhaegar for help, but they refused."

"How could it be?"

Alyson looked anxious and asked: "Dorne was plowed by the so-called Dragon's Wrath, how dare they spy on Oldtown?"

"And Aegon and Aemond, Mond is their great uncle."

Otto tapped his fingers and said lightly: "According to me, Starfall and Bremont were burned by Rhaegar himself riding a dragon. Compared with Hellgate and other places, the two castles were just burned hastily, breaking up the defense forces of the two families."

In the first round of Dragon's Wrath, due to the large east-west span of Dorne, the soldiers could not follow the dragon to participate in the war.

Remote castles like Sandstone were directly burned to ashes.

For hinterland castles such as Vance, not only were the castles destroyed, but the nobles who resisted would also be captured and taken to Yronwood.

Only Starfall and Blackmont, even if they are more remote, should not be treated as a mere formality.

Alisson suddenly realized: "Did Rhaegar do it on purpose?"

"It's almost certain."

Otto remained calm and analyzed: "The Dayne and Blackmont families live along the river and can go directly to the Summer Sea by boat. Due to the terrifying dragon, the first place to retaliate is Oldtown."

"The Dayne family is very wrong. They have been eyeing Oldtown from the beginning. The scout ship entered the coastline of Qingting Island unimpeded and explored the Oldtown harbor several times."

"I knew he would retaliate!" Alisson panted.

He said again: "What should we do? We can't watch Oldtown being destroyed."

Otto: "Recall Aegon and let him go to Oldtown and take control of the remaining troops of the Hightower family."

"Aegon?" Alisson hesitated.

Otto nodded: "And Aemond, transfer him back to King's Landing in the name of young age to win over the nobles of the Stormlands."

"The two of them..."

Alison was too embarrassed to say it, and rolled his eyes: "Those two guys are like mice seeing a cat when they see Rhaegar, what can they do?"

Since the marriage, Aegon no longer contacted his mother.

Aemond occasionally sent letters, and his words were full of admiration for Rhaegar, almost forgetting who was his brother from the same mother.

Alison thought about it and wondered: "Why not transfer Helena back, she is still a girl."

The Dragon's Wrath is inhumane, and she can accept the participation of her two sons.

Helena is a little girl, which adult dares to marry her in the future?

Otto glanced at his daughter and asked back: "You really don't know the reason?"

Alison was stunned.

Suddenly, it occurred to him that his daughter wanted to intervene as a third party.

She seemed to say at that time, it was successful?

Otto did not pursue the matter, and stood up and said: "Lady Jeyne of the Vale is suspected to be pregnant, and her belly can no longer be hidden. Someone has been planning to have two wives."

"The Dornishmen are approaching Oldtown, which is a good opportunity for him to ride his dragon into Oldtown and use coercion and inducement."

"Seven Gods, those who violate the will of the church will be punished by God."

Otto pushed the door and walked out meaningfully.

"Think about it carefully, and you will have to attend the royal meeting later."

Alison was stunned.


The door closed with a slight sound.

For a long time.

Alison suddenly came back to his senses, hurriedly picked up the wine pot and poured a glass of wine, and said in shock: "How dare he, that is the contract signed by His Majesty the Centenarian King."

His Majesty the Centenarian King, that is the most perfect king in her mind.

Give her honor, confidence, and an outstanding court status.

"No! No one should question His Majesty the Centenarian King."

Alison muttered to himself, picked up the wine glass and took a sip.

And Helena, she must be involved in Rhaegar's plan.

This rebellious girl!

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