Dawn of the Greatsword.

Rhaegar looked at the sword with surprise in his eyes.

Dawn's body surface shone with a milky white halo, glowing with colorful colors.

This is not the magic of the sword itself, there is another reason.

Within three meters of a person and a sword, stars are floating around, and bright moonlight flows.

The Starry Church is large in area and is made of black stone. The roof adopts a typical dome style and is paved with colored glass to open up a skylight for stargazing.

The night sky is dotted with stars, which are projected through the glass skylight into the temple, shining on the seven sculptures of gods.

Rhaegar sat in the center of the Seven Gods, and strands of starlight fell like cotton wool, splashing out a bright light.

The great sword shines in the dawn, and the blade forged from meteorite iron absorbs the starlight bit by bit.

This situation and scene are like a vision from God.

Dozens of nuns were guarding the church to serve the Seven Gods. Seeing this scene, they were shocked and fell to their knees.

On the other hand.

Rhaegar's face was calm, his long silver-gold hair spread around his shoulders, and he wiped the sword blade in a leisurely manner.

Dawn trembled slightly, working harder to absorb the starlight.

Every time it absorbs more starlight, the milky white sword body will become more and more transparent, like an invisible sword.

An elegant and handsome prince, a holy sword endowed with mythical color.

Such a scene happened in the Starry Temple, between the sculptures of the Seven Gods. There is no doubt that one person and one sword are gods descending to earth.

"Seven gods above..."

The nuns were almost dumbfounded. They clasped their hands and prayed eagerly.

Rhaegar chose to ignore it as always, and there was indeed a revelation of divine brilliance that was somewhat otherworldly.

Only he knows that all this is just a misunderstanding.

The system panel appears.

Trigger prompt: "The fallen stars absorb the magic of starlight and awaken the mysterious treasure."

After completing the exploration during the day, you will obtain the [Star Heart] produced by Dawn.

At night, I happened to be in the Starry Temple, trying to trigger the Heart of the Stars.


The giant sword buzzed at dawn, and one-seventh of the sword's body turned transparent.

At this point, the silky moonlight disappears and the firefly-like starlight fades.

Rega looked confused and murmured softly: "Can't you bear it?"

Dawn's only sword blade is made of star meteorite iron, and it cannot absorb excessive starlight magic power at once.

Rhaegar was exposed to the magic of starlight for the first time.

how to say.


Compared to the violent and violent fire magic, the starlight magic is sometimes quiet and peaceful, and sometimes cold and bone-chilling.

More time, there is a sense of distance that seems to be absent.

Once the boundary line is touched, a black hole-like feeling of darkness, nothingness, and devouring will be born.

More importantly, Rhaegar cannot absorb starlight magic.

The fire magic in the blood is like a bad-tempered lord, driving away any outsiders who try to enter the territory.

"It shouldn't be!"

Rhaegar held his forehead with one hand, and picked up the giant sword of more than ten kilograms with the other hand, and played with it lightly.

The inherited knowledge of pyromancers does not say that fire magic is so exclusive.


He is obviously a fire magician by profession, but he only knows the blood witchcraft of blood witches and does not understand any fire magic.

How did the pyromancers of ancient Valyria survive? They left no inherited knowledge to future generations.

"One seventh at a time, it looks like we have to wait six days."

Rhaegar carelessly inserted the great sword Dawn on the floor next to him, stroked the blade and closed his eyes.

He gave the Archbishop seven days and nights of retreat, just enough to absorb enough starlight magic activated by the Heart of Stars in the Starry Temple.

If the Archbishop thinks it through, everyone will be happy if the relic is triggered.

If the other party can't think about it, then use Dawn to chop off his head.

Time flies and six days pass.

Lei Jia lived in the Starry Cathedral and did not eat or drink every day. He was a more eminent monk than a real eminent monk.

On the first day, the nuns were attracted by a vision at dawn.

On the third day, the missionary admired his endurance and willpower.

On the fourth and fifth days, the entire Starry Cathedral was attracted to him, secretly watching the Targaryen prince under the sculpture of the Seven Gods.

There are even rumors.

The person sitting among the sculptures of the Seven Gods is no longer a mortal, let alone the stereotyped Dragon King, but the human messenger chosen by the Seven Gods.

--God's son.

Because he is very handsome and has an extraordinary strong will, even if he does not eat or drink, he still remains the same.

In addition, the black dragon outside the temple is another piece of evidence.

The guardian assigned by the Seven Gods to the messenger, symbolizing the miserable green dragon flames of hell, cleanses away all injustice and sin.

Once the rumors spread, it was like a flood that could never be stopped, and various versions were derived.

What about the reincarnation of a warrior, the blessing of the Virgin, the hand of a stranger...

He also said that the victory of the Dorne War was due to the Seven Gods guiding the way and the warriors being given infinite power.

Anyway, nonsense does not violate the law, so you can use it as exaggerated as you like.

Intensified and became popular in the old town.

The missionaries and nuns couldn't get enough of it, but it attracted a large number of Seven Gods believers from Old Town to visit.

Rhaegar said he had heard about this, but ignored it.

He sat quietly under the sculpture of the Seven Gods.

During the day, he explored the path of fire magic and tried to create his own fire magic.

In the dark night, he draws the magic power of the stars to baptize the giant sword Dawn, sitting cross-legged and falling asleep.

As for why you don’t eat or drink?

He is a dragon-born, with an otherworldly body, and can go without food or drink for seven days without any problem.

The magic power of fire is enough to nourish the body's needs.

Of course, the two bastards Aegon and Aemond seemed to have forgotten about him and did not bring him food at all.

He did not dare to enjoy the bread and water provided by the Church of the Seven Gods.

The Dragonborn is also afraid of being poisoned, and the death of his grandfather Baelon is not a happy one.

"Just wait, it's tonight."

Rhaegar looked back and saw that the gate of the temple was crowded with people, all of whom were Oldtown believers who were watching admiringly.

I was confused and didn't understand the mentality of these believers.

Then I thought about it.

Looking at the statue of the seven gods in one, Rhaegar's eyes seemed to be flashing with stars, and an idea suddenly appeared.

King's Landing, Red Keep.

Seven days have passed since the last imperial meeting.

Allison fed her husband some vegetable porridge until he fell asleep again and walked out of the bedroom.

Two white knights guarded the left and right, and a tall, thin, black-haired bachelor waited silently.

"Your Majesty the Queen."

Academician Mu Kun greeted in a low voice.

Allison closed the door casually, took one last look inside, and deliberately walked a distance away with Mu Kun.

Make sure the two white knights won't hear the conversation.

She crossed her chest with one hand and covered her face with the other, and said, "Viserys is in a very bad state. He often suffers from nightmares at night. Can you give him some poppy milk to calm him down?"

"This is contrary to what the prince said."

Mu Kun looked normal and answered matter-of-factly.

As he spoke, he quietly observed the queen with not very deep eyes.

From the other party's behavior, a kind of anxiety can be discovered.

Allison's face fell, and he said aggressively: "Rhaegar, it's all Rhaegar! I am the queen, the one who has always taken care of Viserys."

Mu Kun remained silent, not wanting to offend the other party.

"Listen to me, Maester Mukun."

Allison calmed down his temper, forced a smile and said: "You are an insightful man who has read poetry and books. I believe that you have talents that are not inferior to Orville, but you just lack an opportunity to show off your talents."

Mu Kun was surprised and refused: "Your Majesty, I don't think I am smarter than anyone else. I just have an extra platform for learning."

Allison frowned.

Unexpectedly, Mu Kun changed the subject: "Of course, I don't think anyone is smarter than me, and knowledge is not a tool for comparison."

His words were both modest and arrogant, and were also given a strong philosophical flavor.

"Smooth-tongued, no wonder Viserys likes him."

Allison thought to himself.

The two negotiated for a while, but no one knew what was said.

All in all, Alisson left satisfied.

2 p.m.

The Royal Council was convened again, and Allison initiated it in the name of the Queen.

Parliament Hall.

Linman, who was old and frail, was the last one to arrive, and his dim eyes immediately saw Allison sitting in the main seat.

The old man frowned, but did not object due to his status as queen.

In the absence of the king and the prince, the king's hand should take over the throne.

Linman turned his head and found Leonor with a dark face in the lower right corner of the main seat.

Leonor was already obese, and when he was angry his whole face became round, like an angry brown bear.

"Something happened!"

This was the first thought in Linman's mind.

After thinking about it, Lin Man slowly walked to his seat and joked: "As people get older, they will inevitably fall asleep at noon. Don't blame me."

Allison leaned back on his chair and showed a tolerant posture: "It doesn't matter, you are the pillar of the kingdom, I hope I didn't disturb your sleep."

"Haha, Her Majesty the Queen is really considerate."

Lin Man said "Oh" and sat down.

With his arrival, the imperial ministers put the stone balls into the slots, and the parliament was officially convened.

There was silence in the hall for a few seconds, and the atmosphere was strange and quiet.

Lin Man looked around, paying special attention to the queen, prime minister, and intelligence chief, trying to discern some clues.

Tormund changed his usual kind smile, his eyes narrowed darkly, and his hands were intertwined in his sleeves.

On the shoulders of the black and white robe, ravens and white falcons appeared like pendants, turning their heads to inspect the people present.

Lin Man looked at it and immediately guessed that the matter was related to the crown prince.

In the high-pressure atmosphere, you can hear a needle drop in the hall.

Alisson looked around and opened his mouth to break the atmosphere.

Before the words left his mouth, he was interrupted directly.

Leonor said solemnly with a dark face: "The Crown Prince is visiting Old Town. The Starry Cathedral and the Academy should receive him with the highest courtesy. It's better not to mention some gossipy things."

"Your Majesty Prime Minister, how can something that has attracted so much attention have no basis?"

Allison frowned and said the problem: "In the name of supporting Old Town, Rhaegar controlled the dragon and damaged the towering tower."

After a pause, he said impatiently: "Of course, this may be an accident, and Earl Mond does not want to pursue it."


Allison looked around and said seriously: "Rhaega controls the dragon and threatens the Starry Temple. He intends to violate the co-creation contract signed by His Majesty King Rui and the Faith of the Seven Gods for his own selfish gain."

King Renrui and the Seven Gods are the spiritual pillars that support her until now.

Some people want to catch both of them in one fell swoop, and this is the bottom line that she cannot tolerate.

Leonor said: "This is something without basis. There is no news from the Starry Temple. On the contrary, the Archbishop neglected Prince Rhaegar."

Allison almost laughed angrily, thinking that he would say anything for Rhaegar's sake.

Knowing that he couldn't make sense with the stubborn Prime Minister, Lin Man was targeting the old god.

The first question he asked was: "Earl Bisbury, you are the lord of Hive City and a noble of the Reach. You should understand the importance of the faith of the Seven Gods?"

It looks like a question, but it's actually full of threats.

The Linman family of Beehive City is not only a noble family in the Reach, but also a direct vassal of the Hightower family.

Linman was more cautious than suspicious, and pretended to be stupid: "I am old and don't know many things. The crown prince's visit to the Starry Cathedral is a good thing no matter how you look at it."

Alison was furious and excited: "Rhaegar wants to break the peace treaty. He rides a dragon to threaten the church and reconquer the scene of the Archbishop forcing him to retreat."

Linman thought after hearing this: "Your Majesty, you might as well tell me what you want or what solution you have."


Alison was waiting for this sentence, and slammed the table: "I demand that Rhaegar's bad behavior be reprimanded by the order of the Iron Throne, and recalled to King's Landing if necessary!"

"This is impossible."

Lyonor was the first to object, refutation: "The prince is on the front line of conquering Dorne, and no one can hinder this except the king."

"Then let him leave Oldtown and give up the wishful thinking of violating the peace treaty!"

Alison's eyes widened, and he shouted without showing any weakness.

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