Game of Thrones: I became a crown prince for a day

Chapter 494 The Illegitimate Son of Hull Town

Time flies, and the sun sets.


On Dragonstone Island, a pitch-black dragon flashed by, stirring up a fishy and salty sea breeze.



Wormisoer and Silver Wing came late, intimately entangled and intertwined, leaping over the winding stone steps.

At the very end.

Gray Shadow flapped his wings hard and hung tightly behind the tail of the three-headed dragon.


Iragas called softly, lying on the back of the gray-white dragon, spreading his wings to baptize the sea breeze.

Gray Shadow turned his head and glared at it, and a hot stream spurted out of his nose.

The little guy immediately became honest and curled up in a ball.

Gray Shadow was satisfied, and landed on the cliff behind the Stone Drum Tower with his head held high.

The little guy had just arrived and was helpless.

Compared with the three-headed dragon's covetous eyes, he took a fancy to the shy Gray Shadow at first sight.

The two dragons, one big and one small, quickly formed a deep friendship under the threat of the dragon whip.

The sun gradually set.

The glutton circled around the stone drum tower twice and also landed on the open space on the cliff.


His feet sank deep into the soil, and a gust of wind was raised on the flat ground.

"The day of grazing is finally over."

Rhaegar stretched his waist hard and climbed down the dragon's back lightly.


The glutton was not interested and lay on the ground decadently.

Being driven by the driver for a whole day, he still had to catch fish in the sea to fill his stomach.

It felt like this was the end of his life.

"Don't be discouraged, there are many days to come."

Rhaegar walked to the dragon head and smiled evilly: "If you are tired, you won't have the heart to eat dragons."

Glutton: ...

The dragon head twisted to one side, too lazy to pay attention to the black-hearted driver.

After chatting for a few words, the old couple entangled in the air slowly landed, rubbing their ears together.

Rhaegar looked at them from the side and couldn't help but sigh: "No wonder Silverwing is a big egg producer."

The relationship between the partners is so stable, it would be unreasonable not to produce more dragon eggs.

Rhaegar sat down in front of the black dragon's mouth, rubbing his hands on the hard scales, and whispered: "They are simply the future of Targaryen."


The glutton glanced at them with disgust.

Rhaegar smiled but said nothing, and his eyes swept across the dragon whip at his waist.

After a whipping, the glutton's mood was particularly stable, and he became more and more embarrassed.

It's a bit weird!

But it doesn't matter.

Wormithor and Silverwing, the couple, chose to obey and accompanied one person and one dragon to wander for a whole day.

Let Rhaegar have a good time as a "dragon herder".

Who can understand the joy of herding five dragons together.

The sun sets, and the clouds are red like fire.

Five dragons gathered on the cliffs facing the sea, like five mines of different sizes.

Glutton crawled on the ground, with its neck and dragon head pressed against the grass, and lazily shook its tail.

Rhaegar looked relaxed, leaning on the dragon's snout, closing his eyes and enjoying the breeze blowing on his face.

Across a golden beach, there was an endless sea in the distance.

Peaceful and peaceful.


Gray Shadow hissed in confusion, moving his body lying on the edge of the cliff, stretching his neck to look into the distance.

Iragas was lying on the tail of the new big brother.

The unreliable gray shadow moved, and the little guy fell to the ground with a snap, rolling and crawling against the grass.

Rhaegar noticed something strange and opened his eyes to look into the distance.

At the end of the sunset, the sea was reflected in a gradient red.

"Hiss... Snap..."

A sharp and piercing hiss spread far away, with extremely strong penetrating power.

Rhaegar sat up straight, with doubt in his eyes.

A bloodthirsty dragon with a body as long as a snake and a scarlet body slowly soared towards the sunset.

On the dragon's back, there was a familiar figure.

Rhaegar frowned: "Daemon, what is he doing so late?"

The good uncle was going back to Tyrosh and passed by Tidehead Island to pay a courtesy visit.

They had just parted in the morning, but he came to visit in the evening.


Korakshu flapped his wide dragon wings, and his slender body was vertical, landing leisurely on the cliff.

Daemon was wearing black clothes, with his hands on the saddle, and teased: "I saw you herding dragons a long time ago, and you feel very accomplished?"

As he said that, his eyes swept across the dragons present without hesitation.

When he saw Wormisol and Silverwing, he stared at them for a little longer.

The good nephew really surprised him. He could drive dragons regardless of whether they had owners or not.

An enhanced version of the dragon keeper in the dragon cave?

Rhaegar had no time to chat, so he sat down and asked, "What's up?"

The baby dragon was in hand, and he would go back to King's Landing if nothing happened.

Daemon was about to answer, but noticed Iragas hiding under the wings of the gray shadow, and his face changed slightly: "A baby dragon I've never seen before."

Look at the appearance of the baby dragon.

Isn't this Balerion in his infancy?

Rhaegar said lightly: "A wild baby dragon, just caught by me."

"Wild dragon? What a coincidence."

Daemon's eyes flickered, and he thought of a possibility and revealed some information: "My spies reported that a wild baby dragon appeared in the Sea of ​​Smoke."

Rhaegar was refreshed and asked hurriedly: "What color?"

"Blue." Daemon answered truthfully.

"That's right!"

Rhaegar slapped his thigh and smiled innocently.

The baby dragons in the dream were one black and one blue.

Daemon frowned and said uncertainly: "Do you know the news about the two baby dragons?"

The wild baby dragons in the Sea of ​​Smoke were his first-hand information.

Rhaegar pointed to his head and grinned: "I have a dream."

Daemon was speechless.

Rhaegar stood up, patted his clothes, and said, "It's getting dark, let's go."

After saying that, ride on the dragon's back.

Daemon was silent and drove Colakxiu to turn around.

When it comes to blue dragons, the uncle and nephew have a common goal.

Can't be left outside!


The glutton shook his body slightly, ran towards the cliff with both feet, smashed a piece of cliff and flew high.

Rhaegar faced the setting sun, untied his dragon-taming whip and raised it.

Gray Shadow trembled, grabbed Ilagas in his mouth, threw it on his back and followed quickly.



Wormisor and Silver Wing reluctantly climbed to the edge of the cliff and jumped straight down facing the earth.


As soon as the dragon body descended, two pairs of dragon wings spread out, undulating and following the large army.

The turbulent sea is full of dragons flying together.

Chaotou Island, Chuanhui Town.

While it was still completely dark, the ships in the port were still busy.

A three-masted warship.

The sea snake stood with his hands behind his hands and looked around at the people on the deck.

Shipwrights repaired the ship's planking, and sailors hung hemp ropes to clear away the barnacles and algae clinging to the hull.


A bucket of fresh water was poured on the deck, and the boy's hesitant voice came to his ears: "Sir, please move."

The sea snake turned back and frowned slightly.

A young man with silver curly hair and dark skin was carrying a bucket of water to wet the blood on the deck.

The skin color is not tanned, but is naturally dark.

"Brother, I'm going to be too busy."

Before the sea snake could react, another boy with similar features came over carrying a mop.

The boy has short hair, with slightly visible silver hair roots, and a pair of violet eyes.

His expression was very anxious, and he was holding a mop to wash away the blood.

It seems like there is no work to finish and no food to eat.

The sea snake paid special attention, stopped the older curly-haired boy, and asked seemingly casually: "Where are your elders?"

The curly-haired boy obviously didn't expect that the lord would talk to him, so he answered carefully: "My grandpa is a shipbuilder, and he retired when he was too old."

"May I have your name?"

The sea snake looked at it carefully and asked: "Is that your brother?"

The curly-haired boy was even more confused, and said cautiously: "My name is Adam, I am twelve years old, and his name is Erin, who is three years younger than me."

Hearing this, the sea snake looked at the two boys carefully, his eyes shining with an inexplicable light.

Hear both names, combined with background and age.

He immediately thought of an unknown past, and he was very sure about it.

"These two children are of Velaryon blood."

The sea snake thought to himself, and said calmly: "Work hard, and when you get a reward from the treasurer, you can tell me that I agree."

After that, leave the two boys behind.

Adam and Erin looked at each other, not expecting an unexpected surprise.

"The Lord is such a good man."

Adam looked at the back, his eyes full of each other.

Aylin was still struggling to mop the floor and muttered in a low voice: "The lord is suddenly so kind to us, we can't be his illegitimate children, right?"

You know, the brothers don't have a father.

Because he was not sure who his father was, he couldn't even use the illegitimate surname "Weishui".

Belongs to the general public without a surname.

"Shh, keep your voice down."

The sea snake patrolled around and stepped on the ladder to get off the boat.

Walking on the port with a strong smell of fish, I looked back secretly.

The two and a half boys were still on the deck, working hard.

The sea snake nodded and walked towards the town.

Passing by an alley, a scantily clad prostitute was adjusting her collar as she walked out.

The sea snake glanced at it and didn't take it to heart.

The prostitute has an average appearance, with flaxen wavy hair, olive skin, and dark eyes.

The only characteristic of a prostitute of this appearance is her exotic style.

She can only be a prostitute.

When the sea snake passed by the alley, the prostitute went back dejectedly.

After a while, a little girl with the same hair color and skin color ran out.

The little girl was ordinary-looking and had a scar on her nose. She yelled in the alley: "I don't have the money to fuck you, you old bastard!"

"Gan, your mother, you little bastard dares to scold me!"

A fishmonger in tattered clothes rushed out, cursing.

Suddenly, a strong wind smelling of ashes blew.


A thunderous roar resounded through Hull Town, making people's eardrums ache.

Everyone raised their heads in unison and looked at the ever-dark sky.

A pair of jet black wings enveloped the sky, and the pale green vertical pupils were like two dark lanterns.

Smelling the smell of ashes in the air, it's like an invitation from the evil god to come to the world.


Soon, several more dragon shadows soared past.

The fishmonger was stunned and forgot about revenge for a moment.

The prostitute picked up her skirt and ran away, grabbing her waistband.

Only the little girl with lotus flowers spitting out her mouth stared closely at the giant dragon in the sky, her black grape-like eyes full of reverence.

Climax City.

Rhaenys looked out the window and watched in surprise as several dragons landed outside the city.

"It's Vormisor and Silverwing."

Lanner stood aside with a surprised tone.

The pair of giant dragons have always been sleeping in Longshan and rarely travel.

"Don't worry about it, go greet your cousin first."

After the initial surprise, Rhaenys calmly went downstairs.

Castle hall.

Rhaegar and Daemon walked side by side into the hall.

Rhaenys happened to come downstairs and came forward to greet her: "Rhaegar, you have brought several dragons."

"Just a little test."

Rhaegar waved his hand and turned serious: "There are dragons in the smoke sea. I need the help of the Velaryon family."

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