"Adam, you did a great job."

"Thanks to your bravery, I owe you a favor."


Climax City, Nine-bill Hall.

The sea snake was leaning on a cane, putting his hands on the shoulders of the silver-haired and dark-skinned young man, and solemnly thanked him.

Adam faced the Lord directly and said humbly: "Sir, this is what I should do."

"No, you did what no one dared to do."

There was a hint of pride in the sea snake's eyes, and she carefully observed the awesome young man in front of her.

Adam was dressed simply, he was holding the corners of his clothes helplessly, his eyes were wandering and he didn't dare to look at him.

Just like a simple young man.

As expected of him...

The sea snake quickly put an end to the thought that came up and looked back warily.

Center of the lobby.

Rhaegar didn't have time to change out of his black robes and was talking to his wife Rhaenys and Iron Guard captain Ilic.

"The children are fine, but Renya was frightened."

Rhaenys looked sad and sighed deeply: "Both sisters were frightened. Baenila kept crying."

Such a big thing happened, and none of the biological parents were around.

Even Benila, who has a strong personality, could not help but shed tears.

As a grandmother, she felt particularly uncomfortable.

"Ask Bellondo to accompany them. Children can be more sympathetic."

Rhaegar's expression remained normal, his gaze falling on Ilic's face: "Sir, what do you want to say?"

Ilic gritted his teeth secretly and said loudly: "Your Majesty, I'm sorry that this happened."

I thought it would be on Chaotou Island, which is almost the second home of the royal family.

A major crime of treason, openly assassinating the royal family, would actually occur.

Looking directly at His Majesty, Ilic puffed up his chest and tried his best to make amends: "Sir Cole killed seven assassins and was seriously injured. Fortunately, he was not seriously injured."

Rhaegar treated him coldly and didn't take anything cold.

Ilic quickly changed his words: "In order to protect your highnesses, I assigned Alec, Laurent, and Stephen to the three princes in turn. Similar incidents will never happen in the future."

Cole was very brave and stopped most of the assassins by himself.

But no matter how heroic a feat is, it cannot eliminate careless mistakes.

If it hadn't been for the little prince Meka saving the egg to protect himself, a big mistake would have been made.

Not to mention Prince Belron and Miss Rhaena who were almost killed.

When Rega heard this, he was annoyed and happy, and his voice was cold: "Before dark, I want to see the heads of all the assassins."

"I promise!"

Ilic said firmly: "The assassins shouted Harpy, but they were not the sons of Harpy from Slaver's Bay, but a group of illegal mercenaries."

The sons of the harpy uniformly wear golden masks as a symbol of their belief in the harpy.

The assassin who appeared was definitely not that simple.


As soon as he finished speaking, two figures walked into the hall one after another.

Alik walked like flying, holding a dark red dragon egg in his hand.

Belron followed closely, holding the dragon compass in both hands.

The two walked to Rhaegar, and Alec offered the dragon egg: "Your Majesty, the assassin who snatched the little prince's dragon egg has been brought to justice. He is on a cargo ship bound for Braavos."

"Father, compass."

Belron gasped slightly and held up the dragon compass like a treasure.

The two acted as ordered to find the lost dragon egg.

Rhaegar took the two items and ordered Alec: "Tidehead Island is completely blocked. Gluttons patrol the throat. Any suspicious ships that venture out to sea will be sunk."

"Yes!" Alec beat his chest in salute and hurriedly left.

Rhaegar's eyes flickered, and he rubbed the dragon egg in his hand, his thoughts flowing: "The men and horses of Slaver's Bay, the ships of Braavos."

I don’t know if it’s true or not, but it’s definitely related.

The sea snake said goodbye to Adam, walked up to him with a solemn expression, and was about to say: "Your Majesty."

"Quiet, Lord Corliss."

Rhaegar waved his hand to interrupt, and stared sideways into the other person's eyes, feeling extremely disappointed: "My child was assassinated in Velaryon's clan, and you don't have to say anything now."

"His Majesty……"

The sea snake was shocked and wanted to explain.

Someone moves faster.

There was a chaos in the castle, and the screams of maids and attendants could be heard everywhere.

Sir Laurent led the guards to search the city inside and out.

Without waiting for the sea snake to make any further excuses, the five Velaryon members who had been tortured during the day were escorted into the hall with a chain.

The five people had disheveled hair, and their hands and feet had different injuries.

The nails are pulled out and the phalanges are deboned.

With a rag stuffed with herbs in her mouth, she was dragged through the door like a dog.

Lei Jia narrowed his eyes slightly and clenched the palm of his hand that was not holding the dragon egg into a fist behind his back.

Lorent stepped forward to report: "Your Majesty, the truth has come to light. Five thieves secretly contacted the remnant party of the three women in Slaver's Bay with the intention of assassinating Miss Renia and committing a major treason."


Sea Snake's expression suddenly changed, thinking of being inexplicably ambushed while patrolling the disputed area.

Rhaegar sneered again and again: "Lord Corliss, Velaryon is really a crouching tiger, hidden dragon."

Sea Snake's head was swollen and he staggered in disbelief: "Both of my nephews died in the war with the Three Women Kingdom. They..."

They actually dared to commit treason and contact and kill their blood relatives.

Rhaegar said: "The Kingdom's occupation of the disputed land has long been the target of public criticism."

Bypassing the sea snake that was trapped in self-doubt, he beckoned for a long sword.

The long sword was waved, but it felt useless.

Rega turned his head slightly and stared at a blood-stained drumstick hanging on a stone pillar.

"My children are frightened because of this, so no one else can live."

He reached for the three-foot-long drumstick, and the sound was as cold as the winter in the north.

Just as he was about to take action, a beautiful figure hurried over.

Rhaegar paid attention and paused for a moment.

Helena, wearing a silk blue dress, hurried into the hall, holding the wilting Meka in her arms.

"What's up with him?"

Rhaegar hid the drumsticks behind his back.

Helena lowered her head, hugged Meka tightly, and mumbled: "Did you catch it?"

Meka lay in her aunt's arms, her head pressed against the delicate snowy neck, looking back with tears in her eyes.

This scene fell in Rhaegar's eyes, and it felt warm and slightly tingling.

Rhaenyra is taking care of a pair of adopted daughters, and usually pays more attention to the Baelon brothers.

Meka is the youngest son and has a withdrawn personality.

On the contrary, he has a closer relationship with Helena.

After Meka returned to Climax City, she was picked up by Helena who came after hearing the news.

Rega held up the dark red dragon egg and smiled slightly: "Don't be afraid, the bad guys will pay the price and the egg will not be lost."

Helena perked up and patted her nephew's little butt: "Look, your dragon egg."

After retrieving the dragon egg, my little nephew can stop crying.

As expected, Meka stopped crying and stared at the dragon egg he gave away.

There was inexplicable sadness in his big blue eyes.

Rhaegar was stunned, thinking that his youngest son was blaming himself, and comforted him softly: "No one blames you. In the eyes of father, you are more precious than many dragon eggs."

The little guy is very smart and knows how to spend money to buy his life.

When he was a child, he lived on the Crab Claw Peninsula, and he also condescended to negotiate terms with the savages.

This subcategories him!


Meka's little head shook, her eyes full of sadness, and she tried to be strong: "I gave away the dragon egg, and it won't recognize me anymore."

In other words.

The moment he saw the dragon egg again, he felt that he could never break the egg's shell.

This is the hidden price.

Rhaegar was full of doubts and felt that the youngest son was not lying.

Helena caressed Meka's back, pressed her forehead against his little head, and whispered: "Shh, don't cry, you will only find another way."

Meka wiped away the tears from her eyes, took one last look at the dark red dragon egg, and retracted it into her aunt's neck: "I'm sorry, I can't have it anymore."

The aunt and nephew got along surprisingly well.

When Rhaegar saw this, he just sighed and handed the dragon egg to Belron: "Take your brother down, father has to deal with things."

"give it to me."

Belron slapped his chest and took his brother from his aunt's arms.

Meka wanted to get off the ground and walk on her own, but was easily carried away by her brother, who was three years older.

"Leave the dragon eggs to the dragon bearers for preservation."

Seeing the two brothers leaving, Rhaegar threw the dragon egg to Ilic, picked up the drumstick and approached Marentin Velaryon aggressively.


The five Velaryons all pulled out their tongues and could only whimper in fear.

Marentin's eyes widened, he shook his head wildly, and knelt on the ground, trying to beg for mercy.


Heavy hammers and drums beat, and flesh and blood fly everywhere.

Rhaegar had no expression on his face, crushed the sticky brain, and walked to the next one.


The other party kowtowed heavily, roared like crazy, and even wanted to bite his uncle's sea snake's trousers.

"Your Majesty, will they..."


Half of the head flew out and fell at the feet of the sea snake.

The sea snake suppressed the suggestion of public execution, its pupils trembled slightly, and it gritted its teeth before retreating.

Rega turned his face towards him, with little blood stains staining his porcelain white skin, like brilliant plum blossoms.

The sea snake only took one look, and his body couldn't help but shudder, and he felt what it meant to be like falling into hell.

"Lord Corliss, did I let you speak?"

Rhaegar pretended to be confused and shook the sticky substance off the drumstick.

The sea snake was in a dilemma and had no answer at all.

At the critical moment, Rhaenys stood in front of her husband and said helplessly: "Your Majesty, Corliss just thinks that this is detrimental to your dignity."

"Besides, they have realized their mistake and may be given a chance to redeem themselves in black robes."

Collis's eyes were complicated, and his wife spoke out what was in his heart.

I couldn't help but feel a little guilty.


The three remaining Velaryons nodded repeatedly, their eyes full of desire to live.

It is better to live on the Great Wall than to die.

Rhaegar stopped moving and glanced back and forth between the sea serpent and Rhaenys.

After a while, he sighed softly.

It seems that he has been persuaded.

Rhaenys frowned and persuaded, "The assassin comes from Slaver's Bay. It's time to send a message to Daemon to be prepared."


As soon as he finished speaking, a head like a rotten watermelon flew into the air.

Rega kept swinging the hammer, with a look of pity on his face: "Sorry, I hit my neck."


The head was missing, and the headless corpse with its white and white spine shaking fell backwards.

Rhaegar turned around, threw the drumsticks to the astonished Sir Laurent, and said coldly: "Pull the remaining two down and execute them according to the tradition of the Bolton family in the north!"

"His Majesty?"

Lotran hesitated and wanted to persuade.

The traditional techniques of the Bolton family have long been banned and are opposed by many nobles and common people.

"Go quickly!"

Rega had a cold face, not wanting to listen to advice.

His child was nearly killed.

Stop talking nonsense and let the abuser feel the pain first.

Laurent did not dare to say anything and ordered the three corpses and the two half-stupid and half-mad Velaryons to be dragged away.

The hall thus regained some tranquility.

Rhaegar tilted his head and stared at the sea snake who closed his eyes in deep thought: "They don't know they are wrong, but they know they are afraid of punishment."

The sea snake remained silent, and Rhaenys spoke for him: "You are right, Your Majesty."

At this point, there is no point in saying more.

Rhaegar didn't care what they thought, and increased the punishment: "Their families will all be detained and sent to Winterfell to serve. Lord Cregan will personally accept them."

It is worth mentioning that just two years ago, the adult Cregan Stark fell out with his uncle the Regent and regained control of Winterfell.

He went to King's Landing specifically to talk to Rhaegar about the relationship between the monarch and his subjects.

After the words fell, the sea snake suddenly opened his eyes and showed a strong protest.

The five nephews are guilty, and they will die if they die.

Involving their families and exiling them to the North is not only a smear on the Velaryon family, but also a great weakening of the Velaryon bloodline.

Rhaegar said calmly, "Do you have any opinions?"

The sea snake had something stuck in his throat, and his voice was hoarse: "There is a mastermind behind this. Before the storm hits, wise sailors should not abandon all available resources."

Slaver's Bay, Volantis, Braavos...

All the forces on the Essos continent are potential enemies of the Iron Throne.

Rhaegar agreed very much and said readily, "Yes, but I am not a sailor. I am Rhaegar Targaryen I, the king on the back of a dragon."

After that, he passed by the sea snake.

"Slaver's Bay is too far, so just pick a suspect and do it."

"This is called killing the chicken to scare the monkey!"

Ignoring the stunned sea snake couple, Rhaegar strode out of the hall.

Helena watched the whole process and followed him leisurely.


The first thing Rhaegar did when he went out was to find Aemond hiding in the room pretending to be dead.

This kid lost face in the brothel and locked himself in the room to digest it.


He kicked the door open and whistled at Aemond.

A moment later, Tidehead Island.

Three dragons rushed into the sky, flew over the Throat Sea, and headed straight for Braavos.

The sea serpent was right, the war was coming.

The agreement that should be torn up should be torn up.

Or, it should be recast with the baptism of blood and fire.

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