Game of Thrones: I became a crown prince for a day

Chapter 530: Royna's Water Wizard

Vhagar felt the pain he had not felt for a long time, and his old body could not support his extra movements.

The broad dragon wings flapped, and the chest was unable to exert any strength, almost flying unsteadily and falling.


Lanner was shocked and couldn't believe that the old dragon would be injured.

The weightlessness made her feel lightheaded, proving that this was true.


Vhagar raised his head and flew high, not caring about the dragon's blood spilling and maintaining balance in flight.

call out! call out!

In an instant, several streams of water struck again.

Vhagar's eyes were wild, and with his rich battlefield experience, he dodged left and right to dodge.


The dragon's tail flicked hard and a water splash came out.

Before Lannar could react, she shouted solemnly: "Vaghal, soar to the sky!"

No matter how powerful the attack is, it has a certain distance.

Vhagar smelled the long-lost scent of dragon's blood, turned a deaf ear to the driver's instructions, and followed the direction of the attack before diving again.

call out! call out!

Not only water arrows are fired, but also scorpion crossbows are fired.


Dragon flames rolled in and burned all the demons and monsters.

Vhagar's body swayed, his dragon wings blocked the clouds and the sun, and he broke through the black smoke to reveal the gaping mouth of the abyss.

At this moment, the old dragon showed his might and lived up to his name as the God of War.


A mast was shattered and the entire ship was overturned by the dragon.

Vhagar ignored it and used the dragon's claws to tear apart the planks of the next warship, using the force to soar into the air.


Black smoke obscured the view, and dragon flames burned the warship.

The fleet was unable to target Vhagar at all, so it was played by this old dragon and was on the verge of collapse.


Suddenly, a stream of water penetrated the black smoke and shot through the membrane on one side of Vhagar's wings.

"Vhagar, don't be impulsive!"

Lanner looked panicked, feeling that the dragon was gradually getting out of control.

As expected, Vhagar was completely angered.


The old dragon roared loudly, and the sound waves echoed hundreds of miles away.

A certain enemy ship, below deck.

An old man in gray robes remained kneeling, his hands reaching into a wooden barrel filled with sea water.

The old man's face was haggard, and every time his fingers moved the water, a few drops of cold sweat would break out on his forehead.

"Wakana, Royna's mother..."

Recite unknown magic spells and praise the Rhoyne River, known as "Mother".


The water in the barrel boils, drips from the ship's planks, seeps into it, and flows into the roaring sea.

Vhagar went crazy.

This old dragon, more than a hundred meters long, glides slowly, aiming at enemy ships and bombarding them indiscriminately.

"No no no..."

Lannar wiped the steel spear several times and broke out in cold sweat: "Vaghal, follow the order!"

Unfortunately, the out-of-control dragon cannot listen to human words.


Vhagar knocked away the densely fired steel spears and spewed dragon flames in the direction of the water flow.

However, something strange happened.

Every time the old dragon finds the sea surface where the water flow is launched, new water flow will appear from other locations.


A fine steel spear flew and accidentally hit the broken wound on the old dragon's chest.


Without scale protection, the fine steel spear can penetrate deep into the bone, and the dragon's blood is spilled as if it were free.

Zila Zila...

The dragon's blood was poured down on the head, the unlucky ones howled miserably, and burned into a mummy whose water evaporated.

Gradually, Lao Long's physical strength declined due to injuries.

"Lannaer, go quickly!"

Rhaenys saw something was wrong and called her daughter to retreat temporarily.


Melias sprayed dragon flames, shuttled between enemy ships, and avoided the sniper fire of stainless steel spears.

The adult dragon's scales are hard enough, but it still needs to avoid the armor-piercing properties of the scorpion crossbow.

Even if there is no serious injury, breaking the scales is a huge loss.

Lanner heard her mother shouting from a distance, but couldn't hear what it was.

The old dragon attacked furiously, not being able to control it at all.

Lannar's heart was pounding, she dug into the chains fixed on the saddle, and tried one last time: "Vaghal, stop the fight!"


Vhagar turned a deaf ear and burned several warships in succession, and his bulky body was accidentally shot again by the current.


One of the scales on the abdomen was broken into pieces, exposing an additional weakness.

the other side.

A sea serpent boards an enemy ship and fights with a machete.

Suddenly I heard my wife and daughter shouting, and I subconsciously looked up.


For a moment, he was distracted and was stabbed in the chest, causing sparks to fly.


Without waiting for the sea snake to react, it slashed his neck with another knife.

Naval battles are different from land battles.

Most infantry and cavalry have heavy armor for all-round defense. In addition to their eyes and even their throats, they have throat armor protection.

Naval battles require lightness, and you can save yourself if you fall into the water.

The sea snake is a conceited old sailor, and his throat armor and face armor are obviously in the way.


The knife cut across the throat, and the skin felt stinging.

The sea snake's eyes widened, and it mobilized all its strength between life and death, desperately falling backwards.

A drop of blood seeped out, and a bloody line was drawn on his neck.


The wound stung his bones, and he fell unsteadily into the sea.

"grown ups!"

"Lord Corliss!"


The sailors were stunned and cried out in grief.

"I come!"

A young but resolute voice sounded, and everyone saw a silver-haired figure leap into the sea, flapping and swimming towards the fallen sea snake.

But it failed to restore the morale of the lost coach.

The sailors of the dozen or so vanguard fleets led by the Sea Serpent were in a state of confusion and had the idea of ​​escaping.

Looking up, two giant dragons soared in the sky, but were restrained by the enemy's firepower.

A sense of oppression spread.


At this moment, a sharp dragon roar broke out.

Someone looked up and saw a cobalt blue dragon rushing at him at high speed.

Daeron leaned forward, his silver hair fluttering in the wind, and shouted hastily: "Dragon Flame!"

Tesarion was like a blue beam of light, piercing into the encirclement of the enemy ships, and the cobalt blue dragon flame surged.

"Shoot this dragon!"

The scorpion crossbow was mobilized, trying to aim at the third dragon that suddenly appeared.

"Don't worry about them, burn all the sails!"

Daeron had a clear mind and would never fight.

Tesarion's vertical pupils flashed with pride, and his body flexibly flipped up and down, treating the scorpion crossbow as nothing.

The advantage of small size was fully utilized.

A fleet of more than a dozen warships emerged from the flank and began to surround the chaotic fleet of Volantis.

The situation suddenly reversed.

Rhaenys swooped down on the dragon, bombing the enemy ships again and again, shouting: "Merias, burn them all!"

Unconsciously, the restrictions of the scorpion crossbow disappeared.

Even the elusive water flow retreated in the defeat of the enemy.

Vhagar stayed in the air, his huge body like a mountain covering half of the sky, and the nearby sea area was shrouded in his shadow.


The dragon flame and black smoke raged, burning the enemy's remains.


Time passed little by little.

In the evening, the sun set.

The wreckage of the broken ship burned, and the blood dyed the sea red.

Three giant dragons circled slowly, and the fleet flying the seahorse flag gathered together.

The Sea Serpent, the cabin.

Thump thump thump...

The hurried footsteps, the cabin door was pushed open.

Daeron looked anxious and asked, "How is Lord Corliss?"

A bed was laid flat, and a bloodless sea snake lay there.

Rhaenys and Lanar stood by the bed, their eyes full of worry.

Daeron saw a bloody gauze wrapped around the sea snake's neck, and said worriedly, "Lord Corliss, he..."

He was ordered to outflank the enemy ship and had just burned all the enemy ships.

As soon as he boarded the ship, he heard the news that the sea snake was seriously injured and unconscious.

The war had just started, which was like a bolt from the blue.

Rhaenys held her forehead with one hand and shook her head, saying, "Don't worry, the wound didn't cut the artery, and the maester said there is still hope."

Daeron hesitated for several times and had no choice but to shut up.

The artery was not cut, but the throat must have been cut.

In any case, it was a fatal injury.

Rhaenys sighed, shifted her attention to Lanar, and asked, "Why did Vhagar suddenly lose control?"

If it weren't for Vhagar's attack that almost didn't distinguish between friend and foe, there would be no chaos.

Lanar lowered his head in self-blame and said, "There was a water wizard who attacked secretly, and Vhagar was injured and enraged."

"Water wizard?"

Rhaenys was stunned when she heard this, and asked, "The water wizard of Rhoyna has long been lost!?"

Hundreds of years ago, the Free Fortress Empire invaded the Rhoyna River Basin.

Three dragon kings were shot down and killed by the water tornado controlled by the water wizard of Rhoyna.

The consequence of this incident caused 300 dragon kings to go out and burn the Rhoyna River to dryness.

Since then, the water wizard has disappeared.

Even when Rhoyna's warrior queen Nymeria crossed the river with hundreds of ships, there was no record of water wizards accompanying her.

Lanar nodded and said silently, "In fact, when Damon and I traveled to the Free Trade City, we heard that there were water wizards in Asshai."

The couple wanted to go to Asshai, but the journey was too long, even the dragons couldn't bear it.

Asshai itself was also full of dangers, so the two gave up the idea.

Who would have thought that a water wizard would appear today?

He fought back and injured the strongest Vhagar.

Daeron was stunned and asked in confusion: "If Vhagar could be injured, why didn't the other party attack Melias?"

"It can't be hit."

Rhaenys glanced at her nephew and said in a flat tone.

Lanar said regretfully: "Vhagar is too old and too slow. In the eyes of the other party, he is a living target."

Rhaenys looked at her daughter, then looked at her seriously injured husband, and made a temporary decision: "Lanar, you take a ship back to Lys and find Helena to treat your father."

Rhaegar mastered mysterious magic, one for defense and one for treatment.

This is not a secret in the royal family who study the binding spell.

Helena and Rhaenyra have both learned more advanced magic.

However, Rhaenyra was pregnant several times, and her learning progress was not fast.

Helena is gifted and can already treat the wounded.

Lanar looked up immediately: "Why not send a ship to escort father?"

"No, you and Vhagar are no longer fit for the battlefield."

Rhaenys refused, and could still hear Vhagar's roar outside.

This old dragon may still get out of control.

Rhaenys wanted to object, but it was useless.

He thought to himself, it's all the fault of the despicable water wizard.

The main fleet of Volantis was burned to ashes, the sea force was annihilated, and the team won a great victory.

It can be said that Volantis can't even think of sending a ship to the sea.

But the water wizard seemed to have flown away out of thin air.

All the warships were burned, and the captives were killed without exception, and no trace was found.

The mother and daughter discussed countermeasures, and Daeron at the door fell into deep thought.

After a while, he suddenly said: "We were attacked by the water wizard of Rhoyna, what about the eldest brother?"

Rhaenys and Lanar were both refreshed when they heard this.

There are water wizards ambushing on the sea battlefield, how could the main city of Volantis not be prepared.

Rhaenys calmed down and hurried to the table to write: "Notify the maesters and send ravens to inquire about the news of the main battlefield immediately."


At the same time.


The gluttons crisscrossed the battlefield, and the black dragon wings covered the turbulent river, burning hundreds of small boats on the river.

Looking around, the wide river divided the battlefield in half.

The small boats were filled with Volantis mercenaries, and they rained arrows at the valley knights crossing the river.

The valley knights were riding on large ships, and their strength was greatly limited.


Rhaegar gritted his teeth, and his index finger dug a piece of ice from his shoulder, and the white linen was flushed.


The bronze rune was triggered, and the blue runes like dragon scales covered his body.

Only the injured shoulder had a big hole in the blue dragon scales, and the surrounding area became unstable.

Rhaegar exhaled lightly and used the Ouroboros to heal his wounds.

Looking down, the long river was filled with green fire.


Bloodworms flew above it, burning and killing the small boats that resisted.

The long river is called the Rhoyne River.

Three thousand valley knights set out from Myr and passed through the disputed land to reach the river.

The Rhoyne River runs across the continent, dividing Volantis to the other side of the river.

There are several towns in the north of Volantis.

Rhaegar took half a day to capture the town of Veronthus on the west side of the Rhoyne River.

When crossing the river to attack Samael, he encountered strong resistance.

He was injured by a stream of water due to carelessness.

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