"Run faster, run faster..."

Helena was nervous and trotted upstairs with a confused Meka in her arms.

"Little aunt."

Meka lay listlessly in her aunt's arms.

"Don't rush, don't rush, we're almost there."

Helena muttered, looking back nervously from time to time.

Sir Stephen followed behind, not daring to disturb the princess and the little prince.

Hall of Silence.

A bonfire burned brightly, dispersing the shadows of the night.

Helena quickly entered and knelt down on the edge of the bonfire altar.

Meka looked back in confusion and saw the red-robed monk Varys lighting a candle.


Wallis's face was calm and he greeted him as usual.

Helena remained silent, rocking Meka back and forth as if coaxing the child to sleep.

She likes this nephew.

Somehow, I subconsciously woke up my sleeping nephew and ran to the safest place.

"I'll stand guard."

Stephen looked helpless and stood sideways at the hall door.

Wallis smiled slightly and said in a sweet voice: "You should inform other Iron Guard brothers that this place is not dangerous."

Stephen didn't realize it, and looked at Varys, who had a twisted tattoo on his face, and then at the fragile princess and little prince.

Without saying a word, he straightened his back and stood firm to his position.

He is Maekar's personal bodyguard, protecting him more than anything else.

"Uh-huh, forget it then."

Varys shrugged, lit two sticks of calming incense, and looked outside the hall door.

call out!

A shadow flashed past, like a wandering ghost.

Wallis's smile did not diminish and he shook his head with emotion.

"This family is petty."

Messalia ran downstairs in a panic, but the Kingsguard who was supposed to be on duty was nowhere to be seen.

"Seven Hells!"

The corridor was dark, and Messalia was alone.

Looking at the deep corridor, a sense of powerlessness eroded my chest.

She wasn't sure who gave the assassination order.

But someone touched her near her room, and the Kingsguard who were supposed to be on guard disappeared.

All kinds of coincidences seemed to remind her that there was no one she could trust in the tower.

"Woof woof~~"

The puppy ran out with a pout and whimpered towards the corner of the stairs.

Mesalia's expression changed drastically, and she vaguely heard the accusations and curses from the two men.

Turn around and continue running downstairs.

She doesn't trust other people, but knows a safe haven.

Late at night.

Mesalia huddled up and hid in the cold and damp vegetable cellar.

The vegetable cellar was very cold, and there were radishes and potatoes everywhere.

Mesalia let out a breath of hot breath and rubbed her hands together for warmth.

As long as you spend tonight safely, you can take Myr's merchant ship back to Tyrosh early tomorrow morning.

"Damn it, where is that bitch hiding?"

"Keep your voice down, you ask me how I know?"

Just as he relaxed his guard, a familiar voice came from outside.

Mesalia's eyes widened and she hurriedly covered her body with the sack, feeling more nervous than ever before.

Why would anyone come to the vegetable cellar?

She had clearly inquired, and no one except the kitchen helpers would enter the vegetable cellar.


The puppy whimpered and slipped into the slop bucket in the kitchen to find food.

One person and one dog are separated by a door, and they can hear each other's breathing.


The swill bucket was kicked away by someone, and he yelled in a rough voice: "You can't chop off the head of a white maggot, and you won't even get a cent of the reward."

The puppy was bullied, and the cook also got angry: "Why are you so angry? Maggots can't get in there."

Behind the door, Mesalia didn't dare to breathe when she heard this.

Sure enough, someone put a reward on her head.


Suddenly, a furry rat came out, jumped on Mesalia's lap and jumped out.


Messaria was shocked and covered her mouth to suppress her voice.

The mouse squeezed out from the crack in the door and sneaked into the back kitchen to look for food.

"Woof woof~~"

The puppy who licked the swill was the first to discover that dogs were meddling with mice.

Going back and forth, the vegetable cellar made a sound.

The fat man and the cook were stunned, and turned to stare at the closed vegetable cellar door.

There are many rooms in the tower, and you can hide there until dawn.

But White Maggot did not ask the guards to arrest him.

Is it possible...


The two looked at each other, and the fat man kicked open the vegetable cellar door, exposing the pale woman hiding under the torn sack.

"Haha, it takes no effort at all."

The assistant cook laughed and reached into his crotch.

After digging twice, he took out a dagger.

The fat man grabbed the dagger and said with a sullen face, "You hold her down, and I'll do it."

"Who are you and how much is the reward?"

Mesalia breathed heavily and tried to bribe her: "I'll give you ten times the price to let me live."

"ten times?"

The fat man drooped his eyelids and seemed to be excited: "That's a lot of money."

Mesalia took advantage of the victory and swallowed: "With the money, I can find a ship to Pentos to ensure your safety."

"Oh, what do you think?"

The fat man had no expression on his face and looked at the mischievous cook.

Mesalia retreated silently, holding a carrot in her hand, waiting for the outcome of their discussion.


A slap hit her face hard and hard, causing her cheeks to become red and swollen rapidly.

Mesalia felt only a sharp pain and fell to the ground dizzily.


The fat man spitted and said contemptuously: "I've been using deceptive words since I was a child."

The kitchen helper grabbed Mesaria's hair and urged: "Hurry up and leave."

"I know."

The fat man raised the dagger and aimed it at the pale neck.

At the critical moment, a dog barked.

"Woof woof~~"

The fat man was stunned when he heard the sound, and turned his head angrily: "Damn stupid dog, can you stop barking!"

At a glance, there was more than one puppy at the door of the vegetable cellar.

There was also a slender shadow holding a crossbow.


A crossbow arrow flew and pierced the neck of the excited kitchen helper.

The kitchen helper's body stiffened, and blood gushed from the wound.

Mesaria's face was splashed with blood, and she came back to her senses suddenly after smelling the fishy smell.


The fat man was shocked, and because of the light, he could only see a vague ghost.

Swish! Swish!

Two more crossbow arrows were shot out, piercing his arm and thigh respectively.


The fat man screamed, and the dagger fell uncontrollably.

His eyesight was not good, all because he was attacked by a light silver dragon out of control when Dorne invaded the Stormlands.

His comrades died in front of him, and the fire hurt his eyes.

He was terrified and became a deserter.

"Go to hell!"

Messaria was ruthless. She picked up the dagger and stabbed it into the fat man's beer belly, and ran out.

At the door, the shadow holding the crossbow was still there.

"Who are you?"

Messaria didn't trust anyone and didn't dare to get too close.

The shadow glanced at her, pulled off the black scarf covering his head, revealing an exotic face.

Sarah had a cold expression and said casually: "Don't worry, you are safe."

"The queen sent you here, so who are they?"

Messaria was confused and couldn't tell the enemy from the friend.

Sarah filled the crossbow and said calmly: "I don't know, just a little thief."

The tower is not a rat's nest like King's Landing.

Let people come and go freely.

Seeing that she was going to shoot the crossbow, Mesalia stopped her immediately: "Leave a live person and interrogate the mastermind behind the scenes."

Sara paused and felt that it made sense.


Suddenly, a trivial sound came from behind.


The puppy lay on the ground, covering his head with his two paws and dared not look.

Another ghost appeared, holding a bamboo stick in his hand.


The bamboo stick bullet shot out and went straight to the fat man's neck.

Sara's eyes condensed, kicked the bamboo stick away with her foot, and said coldly: "What are you going to do?"

"Don't be excited, little girl."

The ghost tilted his head, his voice delicate: "Believe me, he shouldn't be alive."

"Playing tricks." Sara raised his crossbow directly.

The ghost sighed softly and slowly walked out of the dark.

Sloppy brown curly hair, rough skin, unkempt dress.

Xiliu glanced at Mesaria, and said calmly: "The Faceless One taught us not to leave hidden dangers when we attack."

He saw the assassin enter the tower.

But the assassin's origins were hard to guess.

Leaving a survivor would be bad for the reputation of the royal family.

Sarah raised her eyebrows and said bluntly: "He must be alive, the queen will interrogate him personally."

Two assassins slipped into the tower, intending to assassinate the prince's mistress.

If the truth is not found out, the queen and Miss Lannar will be thrown on their heads.

"It doesn't make sense?" Xiliu's eyes were as sharp as a hawk.

Sarah showed no weakness and said lightly: "There must be an explanation."

The two top assassins had fierce sparks in their eyes.

Mesaria's face was tense, and she moved out the door step by step.

In a flash, two black shadows collided with each other, and the sound of metal clashing was heard.

"Come here, where are the guards!"

The first thing Mesaria did when she ran out of the door was to call the guards boldly.


The guards rushed to the vegetable cellar after hearing the news.

In the vegetable cellar.

There was a bloodstain on Xiliu's face, and he moved with elegant steps.

Sarah stood there motionless with two daggers in her hands.

"You lost."

Xiliu left a mocking voice, looking for an opportunity.

Sarah said nothing, covering the bloody wound on her left thigh.

"Come on, hurry up!"

"There's an assassin, hurry up!"

There was a noise outside, and a team of guards hurried over.

Xiliu's eyes darkened, and he took out a carrot to test.

Sarah waved her hand, and the carrot was split in half.


Xiliu rolled sideways, picked up the crossbow on the ground, and shot a crossbow arrow at the fat man.


Sarah didn't have time to stop it, and it pierced the fat man's eye socket.

The next second.

The two looked at each other, picked up their equipment, and left tacitly.

If someone dies, they don't care about the rest.

That night, the whole tower was boiling.

The lights were bright and the crowds were bustling.

They were searching for the suspected accomplices of the assassin and investigating the truth of the assassination.

Rhaenyra woke up from her sleep and joined in.

The white maggots could be assassinated, but they could not die in her territory.

Daemon would not give up.

A few days later.

Volantis, the mansion.

"Volantis and its affiliated towns have surrendered completely. The next strategic goal is to focus on the Slaver's Bay."

In the bright hall, Rhaegar moved a hanging sand table.

Daemon and Rhaenys were on both sides, staring at the three slave city-states intently.

Rhaegar was refreshed and said loudly: "I suggest attacking Yunkai first and adopting the strategy of besieging the points and attacking the reinforcements."

The Slaver Bay is too big, and three dragons and the sea fleet cannot defeat them all.

Consume first, then destroy.

Only then can we subdue the remnants of the ancient Ghis Empire and the bastard dragon kings.

Knock, knock!

There was a knock on the door.

A servant walked in silently and whispered a few words in Daemon's ear.

Rhaegar took a breath and watched quietly.


Daemon suddenly became furious, slammed the table, kicked the chair away and walked out.

He cursed as he walked: "Damn bitch."

Rhaegar and Rhaenys looked at each other, not understanding why Daemon was furious.


Daeron hurried over, holding two letters in his hands.

Rhaegar opened the first letter, which contained the details of the assassination of White Maggot Xiaomei.

The sender was Rhaenyra.

Looking at the second letter, the sender was Maris Baratheon of Storm's End.

Rhaegar opened the ink and read the contents of the letter.

Immediately, his face turned as dark as the bottom of a pot, and his breathing became hot.


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