Game of Thrones: I became a crown prince for a day

Chapter 545 I will ride him over and over again


One of the nine free trade city-states, a rare inland city.


Brown dragon wings streaked across the sky, and the ugly mud dragon screamed.

"Steady, you sheep thief."

Aemond's voice was displeased, and he held a trembling delicate body in his arms.

Celine turned pale and whispered, "I'm fine."

Aemond frowned and drove the sheep thief to slow down.

He probably shouldn't have brought his mistress.

Celtija, who smelled of the sea, could not bear the dragon of blood and fire.

"Brother, are you almost here?"

Celine was so dizzy that she couldn't open her eyes, leaning into Emond's arms and asking.

Emond glanced down and said confidently: "After crossing the River Thern, Qohor is not far away."

Hearing this, Celine nodded with relief.

The destination of this trip is Kohol.

"I'll take a nap for a while and I'll call you when I get there."

Emond hugged Celine's slender waist, resting his pointed chin on the silver-gold curls, fully enjoying the moment of tranquility.

Celine was the best woman he had ever slept with.

Younger than the brothel madam, more mature and charming than Floris.

When he stayed in Celine's bed on the first night in Climax City, she was still a virgin.

Gods be upon you, thanks to the late Cousin Lanino.

It was his alternative orientation that made him pick out a Valyrian woman who looked so much like his sister.

So palatable.


The sheep thief flew across a vast forest, suddenly lowered his head and neighed in warning.

Emond immediately opened his eyes and looked down warily.

Below is the Qohor Forest, the largest virgin forest on the Essos continent.

Ignoring the lush and towering trees, the noise of people and horses appears.

On a winding road, a cavalry team that stretched for more than ten miles marched slowly.

Aemond's single eye widened, paying attention to the brutal appearance of the cavalry.

Wearing clothes made of animal skins, carrying a scimitar and a bow and arrow on his waist.

No matter men, women, old or young, they all rode tall horses and followed the team in an orderly manner.

"It's the Dothraki!"

Celine opened her eyes and spoke weakly.

"That's right, a group of East Road savages."

With a grim look on his face, Aemond suddenly noticed the mixed carriages in the cavalry team.

It was pulled by several war horses and covered with a layer of rags.

From its towering bulge and crossbow-like outline, it's not difficult to guess what it is.

"Scorpion crossbow produced in Qohor, escorted by Dothraki?"

Emond's eyes flashed and he said excitedly: "The weapons purchased by Slaver's Bay also hired these savages."

After being exiled for half a month, news of the war has been cut off.

But judging from this Dothraki tribe of more than ten thousand people, the family must have officially launched a war on Slaver's Bay.

"Take this news back?"

Aemond's eyes flickered and he quickly dismissed the idea.

He patted the dragon on the back and urged: "Speed ​​up, you sheep thief!"


The sheep thief roared out of temper, flapped his ragged brown dragon wings, and disappeared over the forest in the blink of an eye.

Imond smiled broadly and muttered: "First recast the crab claws, and then recruit a group of mercenaries. Who can stop me?"

He wants his name to be resounding in the continent of Essos.

Time passes slowly...

Slaver's Bay, Astapor.

The city walls were in dilapidated condition, and they were scorched black from fire and filled with the stench of death.

Inside the city-state, there are no people in the quaint urban area, and garbage and feces are piled up everywhere.

The Wise Master hid in the pyramid and summoned the Unsullied to protect him in all directions.

Slaves were kept like livestock and kept in stables with chains around their necks.

Occasionally, one or two slaves would sneak out, but they were all sallow and skinny and unable to walk.

He didn't go very far when he fell down on the muddy ground.

The slave soldiers waiting for the patrol cut off the neck with a knife, dragged them to death like dogs, and fed them to the wild beasts in the arena.


A huge yellow jade dragon soared past and plunged into the thick clouds in an instant.

Hearing the roar of the dragon, the wise masters of the entire city-state were trembling.

In the western part of the city-state, a 400-foot-tall pyramid stands.

At this moment, the wise masters swarmed in.

Without exception, discuss how to deal with force majeure war.

The fleet blocks the Worm River and there is a food shortage in Astapor.

The giant dragon harasses people every day, and people in the city are in panic.

If they don't want to come up with a solution, the wise masters will go crazy.

Worm River, station.


At the entrance of the camp, a giant yellow dragon slowly landed.

Rhaenyra turned over and slipped from the dragon's wings, raised her hand and bit off her glove, and said happily: "Well done, Syrax."


Syrax has gentle eyes, and the dragon kisses the driver, just like a spoiled little girl.

"Today's mission is accomplished, good girl."

Rhaenyra rubbed the dragon's jaw, turned and walked into the camp.

"His Majesty,"

Two Kingsguards in silver armor and white robes had been waiting for a long time, one tall and one short, standing on both sides and saying greetings.

"Thank you, sirs."

Rhaenyra's steps were brisk, and she had already become familiar with the two new White Knights.

Tall and handsome, with silver hair and blue eyes, Bells Dane of the Dane family in Starfall City.

The other is short and lean, with gray curly hair and green eyes, paired with a harmless baby face.

Hall Reed, who came from the Reed family of Greywaterwatch and was famous for his archery skills.

One of them is the city lord of Starfall City, and the other is the second son of the earl.

When selecting a vacant position in the Kingsguard, win the position with strength.

Rhaenyra walked quickly.

When she arrived at the tent, she saw a group of people in rags and linen hurried out of the camp.


Rhaenyra looked closely and saw that the leader was Grey Worm, the leader of the Unsullied.

The others were also grassroots officers from the Unsullied or slaves.

Entering the tent, Rhaegar was playing with a gold coin engraved with the image of a harpy.

The gold coin turned over with a slight movement of his fingertips.

“You’re back?”

Rhaegar suddenly looked up and asked with concern: “How is it, did you encounter resistance?”

“No.” Rhaenyra poured herself a glass of wine and said strangely: “Did you assign a task to Grey Worm?”

The siege lasted more than a month, and Astapor went from the initial stubborn resistance to complete collapse.

In addition to constantly requesting the rear to dispatch ships and food, Rhaegar did not mention taking the initiative to attack.

Rhaegar smiled mysteriously, stood up and pressed Rhaenyra on the chair, and whispered: "The wise lords in the city can't stand the pressure, and someone came to me to make peace."

"What conditions?"

Rhaenyra looked at him sideways, guessing what he was up to.

Rhaegar chuckled: "Cease-fire and peace talks, the wise lords want money, I want an army."

Rhaenyra was surprised and said: "Will they sell you weapons?"

The Unsullied trained in Astapor are world-famous.

How could the wise lords sell the strongest army in the middle of a war.

"I didn't say how many, but it's estimated to be no more than half of all the troops in the city."

Rhaegar put half of his butt on the table, narrowed his eyes slightly, and said cunningly: "But I want them all!"


At night, the sky was dark.

At the base of the red-gray wall, the broken and charred corpses were piled up randomly, as high as a small hill.

Gray Worm's face was cold, and he bypassed several corpses with black armor blended into flesh and blood, and lay at the base of the wall to search together.


An Unsullied companion exclaimed softly, digging open the muddy drainage hole.

The hole was not big, like a dog hole dug by a cat or dog.

Grey Worm took out a chisel, aimed at the drainage hole and banged it, expanding a passage for one person to enter and exit.

Tap tap...

The fire flickered, and a team of Unsullied soldiers patrolled on the city wall.

The night wind blew, and dark clouds covered the bright moon.

"Move faster."

Grey Worm first stuffed a clanging sack into the hole and led the team into the hole.

Returning to the purgatory of the past, I never thought that I would need to find another way.

A moment later.

Several figures passed through the curfew area and skillfully avoided the patrolling soldiers.

After a lot of twists and turns, they mixed into a pyramid.

Not long after, they quietly slipped out.

Grey Worm lifted the sack, which was more than half shriveled.


The voice was low, revealing uncontrollable excitement.

For three days, there was no trouble.

After careful consideration, the wise lords opened the city gates and requested negotiations.


Five thousand Unsullied walked out of the city-state in unison, with an additional three thousand hired mercenaries.

A dozen wise lords dressed gorgeously and set up a temporary pavilion outside the city gate.

Behind them, a huge bronze statue of a harpy stood on the city gate.

Hundreds of slaves crowded together, like prey under the claws of the harpy.


The roar of thunder resounded through the sky, and the dark dragon that covered the sky and the sun slowly took off.

On both sides of the black dragon, two golden dragons of similar size accompanied it.

The cavalry of the Second Sons followed and escorted a convoy full of boxes.

After a while, both sides took their seats.

The wise lords sat at the top of the pavilion, each of them fat and strong, like gorgeously dressed pigs.

The leader was a mature woman with darker skin, wearing only a beige veil, with a pair of elastic long legs raised.

"Oh, she's still a great beauty."

Aegon smiled, his eyes shining as he stared at her crotch.

The mature woman tilted her head and suddenly spread her legs, revealing a clump of black forest.

Aegon was startled and his smile disappeared.

Rhaegar passed by, completely ignoring the sack-like opening.

Rhaenyra looked unkind and said in a faint voice: "Be good."

The first meeting between the two sides was obviously not pleasant.

The three siblings stood in the middle of the pavilion, looking up at the wise masters gathered together.

Each of them led a female slave with them, and occasionally held a whip in their hands.

The mature woman sat in the middle, staring at Rhaegar.

Rhaegar had a head of silver hair braided into a braid, and he looked around with interest.

The mature woman was very interested in him.

Putting aside his status, his slender figure and handsome appearance are nothing more than his slender figure and handsome appearance.

Targaryen's inhuman beauty is perfectly reflected in him.

It would be so comfortable if he could ride under me.

"Take back your gaze, slave master!"

Rhaenyra's face turned cold and she warned in High Valyrian.

The mature woman looked at her in surprise and responded in the same language: "Your husband is very handsome. Did you ride him secretly when you were siblings?"

Slaver's Bay was built on the ruins of ancient Ghis and was once a slave of ancient Valyria.

To this day, people of status are proud to speak fluent High Valyrian.

Rhaenyra smiled and said the cruelest words with the most gentle expression: "When I cut off your head, I will put it by the bed so you can see how I ride it."


Aegon couldn't help laughing.

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