Game of Thrones: I became a crown prince for a day

Chapter 562 It’s over! They’re all coming for my child

King's Landing, Red Keep.

Rhaegar got up early and headed to the throne room sleepily.

Today we will summon the ministers to discuss the celebration and wedding matters.

"His Majesty."

As soon as he walked out of the palace, Ilic and Tormund followed him.

Rhaegar's eyes were surprised and he asked: "What's the wind? My Iron Guard Captain and Intelligence Chief came to the door together."

These two guys are both hardcore and don't hang around very often.

"Your Majesty, that's it."

Ilic was more anxious and glanced at Tormund as he spoke.

Tormund kept a smile on his face and said casually: "You speak first, I'm not in a hurry."

Rhaegar clicked his tongue and secretly thought that something was really going on.

"Your Majesty, it involves the deployment of the Iron Guard brothers."

Ilic walked steadily and said seriously: "There are seven people in the Kingsguard, excluding myself. There is one for each of the five young princes. The manpower is a bit tight."


Rhaegar hesitated upon hearing this.

Apart from Visenya, who was still a baby, there were already five free children.

Ser Alec was assigned to Beron as a guardian knight and tutor.

Ser Laurent moved away from Rhaenyra to protect Aemon.

Ser Steffon crossed the Narrow Sea and arrived in Volantis to protect Maekar.

Of the remaining children, Daenerys and Lyanna do not yet have a bodyguard.

"If we have too many children, we just can't get enough good things."

Rhaegar was quite distressed and asked, "Can Cole and the other two spare some time?"

Jeyne arrived in King's Landing yesterday, bringing her eldest daughter Daenerys and her companions Jamesover and Sapphire.

The three sons are all protected by iron guards, and they cannot favor one over the other.

Ilic shook his head and said helplessly: "Cole has just recovered from his injury. The other two are assisting in patrolling the Red Fort. Besides, the workload of the Iron Guard is very heavy and complicated."

"Couldn't Cole come out alone?"

Rhaegar frowned, still holding out hope for the former Commander of the Iron Guard.

It's okay for an iron guard to protect two daughters.

"I'm afraid that won't work."

Eric looked embarrassed.

Tormund was very discerning and intervened at the right time: "Your Majesty, this is also one of the pieces of information I want to report."

"tell me the story."

Rhaegar stepped down.

I never expected that after a war, so many potential problems would be left behind.

Tormund smiled shyly: "According to the report from the manor owner in Myr, Prince Aemond used a dragon to kidnap Otto Hightower and sent him to Crab Island to propose marriage."

"Otto, that old guy?"

Rhaegar thought he heard wrongly.

Tormund shrugged: "That's him. He has served more than a dozen farms in the past six years and has almost disappeared from everyone's sight."

After working diligently for six years, my hair is almost white.

"A cunning old fox, but unfortunately all his teeth have been pulled out."

Rhaegar pondered for a moment and asked in confusion: "Aemond proposed marriage to Crab Island. Count Celtigar has a cousin who is about to marry?"

The previous Earl Bartimus Celtija had only one son and one daughter.

I am exhausted, and I have a cousin and nephew who I have raised since childhood.

I haven't heard of any girls of the right age.

"Your Majesty, it seems to be quite involved."

Tormund had a strange look in his eyes and said, "Prince Aemond is interested in Sir Lannino's widow, Lady Celine Celtigar."

Rhaegar was stunned for a moment.

Tormund continued: "Otto sent a message with a raven this morning. On behalf of Prince Aemond, he hopes that the royal family will approve the engagement and send people to attend the ceremony."

Ilic quickly continued: "The message in the letter is that Prince Aemond wants to develop overseas and asks for Cole's help as a tutor."

Rhaegar thought for a long time, shook his head and laughed: "Aemond wants to marry a widow, and he also draws Cole over."

It’s not that being a widow is bad.

With the way Lanino behaved, he believed that Celine was a virgin.

But marrying Celtigar's daughter, Velaryon's widowed daughter-in-law, was really a messy move.

The key is Cole.

Over the years he has taught Aemond a ruthless swordsmanship, and it seems that the two frustrated people have much in common.

Ilic said nervously: "Your Majesty, I guarantee the loyalty of every Iron Guard brother. Cole will never betray."

The white robe is an honor that cannot be tarnished in the slightest.

"It doesn't matter, it hasn't been easy for Cole these years."

Rhaegar chuckled.

Since Cole came to prominence, he first defeated the Kargel brothers in the tourney, shattered Harwin's collarbone, and won the favor of Rhaenyra.

When Harold, the previous captain of the Iron Guard, passed away, he was elected as the new captain at a young age.

The Stepped Islands made a mistake with Tailan and were relegated to ordinary soldiers.

In the tournament at Lake God's Eye, he fought his way through a group of contestants and was once again promoted to the Kingsguard.

During the Dornish War, Cole had no credit but hard work.

After the war, he continued to teach Aemond martial arts.

The first half of his life was full of ups and downs. Because he was the son of a housekeeper, he was ridiculed by many nobles overtly and covertly.

Tormund always paid attention to the king's micro-expression and asked: "Do you fully accept Prince Aemond's request?"

A self-inflicted wedding, a battle-hardened Kingsguard.

It was the lion who opened his mouth.

Rhaegar did not answer immediately, but weighed: "What's going on with Aemond?"

This kid is arrogant and not a laissez-faire character.

"As you expected, Your Majesty."

Tormund took out a letter from his white cuff and said truthfully: "After Prince Aemond left Meereen, in addition to finding Otto Hightower, he also recalled the Dothraki cavalry and ordered the tribe to breed towards Qohor Forest. Migration.”


Rhaegar muttered, his eyes flashing.

Kohol is a closed and rigid city-state, and its overall strength ranks in the middle and lower reaches of the nine free trade city-states.

The only two characteristics are the inland mountain and forest geography and the high level of craftsmanship.

"An arms dealer accustomed to making war profits."

Rhaegar smiled playfully.

Ilic and Tormund took a step back and respectfully waited for the next step.

"There is no rush to send the princess an iron guard."

Rhaegar's thoughts turned and he considered: "I will not interfere in Aemond's marriage. I will ask Cole if he intends to set off."

"His Majesty!"

Ilic was shocked when he heard this and did not want to lose a brother of the Iron Guard.

"No need to say more."

Rega waved his hand to interrupt and frowned: "Ask Cole what he wants, he can go if he wants and attend the wedding on behalf of the royal family."

An iron guard who has no heart for the royal family and is deeply utilitarian, the white robe on his back looks particularly heavy.

Rather than keeping it around, let it go.

It can also have the effect of urging Emond.

"Then let's do it."

Tormund was never one to delay, and he resigned as ordered.

Rhaegar then looked at Ilic.

Ilic didn't want to give up any of his Iron Guard brothers, but he couldn't bear the complicated feelings.

He reluctantly agreed: "Yes, Your Majesty."

Throne Hall.

In the empty hall, the dragon stone floor was dark and shiny.

The ministers of the Royal Council stand on the left, and the princes and nobles stand on the right.

Everyone raised their heads together, looking at the Iron Throne in front of them that exuded majesty and loneliness.

The Iron Throne was reforged, and the blades like a jungle of swords melted into a majestic and towering Iron Throne.


The door opened slowly, and Eric looked solemn:

"Greetings, Rhaegar I of Targaryen, King of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Warden of the Realms, God of the Narrow Sea, Ruler of the Disputed Lands, Liberator of Slaves, Dragon Shepherd!"

Bang bang bang...

The imperial ministers all looked back and applauded with admiration.

Between the two doors, Rhaegar, dressed in black robes and a conqueror's crown, walked into the hall step by step.

The tall figure is tall and straight, and the stern face is unsmiling.

The princes and nobles looked at each other sideways, and whenever they met the king's gaze, they all lowered their heads silently.

Although he has long been accustomed to the king's sharpness, he still cannot stop the gaze that stares straight into the soul.

Rhaegar walked slowly up the eighteen-foot steps, turning around and sitting on the cold Iron Throne.

The seat is square, the backrest is wide and tall, with a three-red dragon clan emblem carved in the center and three giant dragon carvings wrapped around the edges.

Symbolizing the three founding dragons of the Targaryen dynasty; Balerion, Meraxes, and Vhagar.

"Everyone, the celebration is coming!"

Rhaegar leaned back, put his hands on the dragon-shaped armrests, and smiled slightly: "Many people have come from afar to fulfill their friendship as landlords."

As he spoke, he touched the dragon head on the armrest with his palm.

The armrests on the left and right sides are modeled after the Bronze Wrath and Silver Wings respectively, to commemorate King Renrui and Queen Alexa.

The ministers looked up, looking at the Iron Throne high above, and expressed their thanks one after another.

Compared with the danger that was once visible, the Iron Throne today is majestic and solemn.

Looking at it from a distance is daunting.

Next, the princes, princes and ministers came out one after another to report on the government affairs that fell during the war.

It's all trivial, but it's how these people show their presence.

Lei Jia's face remained calm, but his heart was filled with boredom.

"His Majesty."

After a long time, a female voice came to my ears, and a figure walked out of the crowd.

Rhaegar heard the sound and cast his gaze.

Malice had beautiful makeup, wore a gorgeous dress, and bowed respectfully.

Once her eldest sister Cassandra died, she became the outspoken Duchess of Storm's End.

In just two months, the change has been huge.

It is the time when the spring breeze is triumphant.

When Rhaegar saw her, he immediately thought that someone was investigating the cause of Cassandra's death, and said politely: "Mrs. Malice, I'm really sorry for your sister."

"Thank you, my sister passed away without pain."

Malice smiled with relief and changed the topic: "Your Majesty, my sister was engaged to Prince Aemond. This is a marriage between the royal family and the Baratheon family. I hope it can continue."

Be calm and get to the point.

Rhaegar frowned slightly, thinking that Cassandra's death really had something to do with him, he was so cruel.

"I heard that your sister was looking for a husband for you during her lifetime?"

Rhaegar glanced at it and asked pretending to be confused.

"Yes." Malis admitted generously and stated her intention: "But I am not engaged yet."

Now that her sister is dead, everything about her will be taken over by herself.

Rhaegar's eyes flickered and he cursed secretly: "No wonder I can't wait to come to King's Landing. It turns out that I am reluctant to marry."

According to the agreement between the two parties, the first born will be named Baratheon.

According to the "Dragon Law", Aemond's direct children have the right to control dragons.

Despite the agreement, only one child was adopted to Baratheon.

But even one dragon master is enough to prosper the Baratheon family for decades.

Thinking this, Rega narrowed his eyes and looked at the other two women in the hall.

As the Duchess of the Eyrie, Jeyne is like a proud female eagle, holding her eldest daughter Daenerys and second daughter Lyanna in front of the Vale faction.

Noticing his gaze, she nodded slightly at him.

Next to her was Margaery Tyrell, who represented Highgarden and the Peake family.

This Highgarden rose is only in its twenties, the most beautiful time in a woman's life to bloom.

Wearing a tight-fitting light green dress, her brown hair was tied into braids hanging down on her chest, and her bright eyes were like a deer in the forest.

At this time, Margery was smiling and holding the hand of a little boy.

Rhaegar glanced at it and immediately looked away.

Regarding Margery's evaluation, only beautiful things are painful.

Her stepmother successfully gave birth to a baby, named Leonor Tyrell.

It was the little boy with a worried look on his face next to Margaery.

Mother is more valuable than son, so her stepmother, together with Earl Rowan, quickly found a husband for Margaery.

Margery was not a soft persimmon who could be manipulated by others. She went to the Dorne borderland on the pretext of condolences and "accidentally met" the then Earl of Peake.

After Urwin Peake's death, his title and fiefdom were inherited by his cousin Romond Peake.

Romont fell in love with the "kind-hearted" Margaery at first sight (and became interested in her) and threatened not to marry her.

Margery was worried about leaving home, and the two hit it off.


On the night of the wedding, Luo Meng was drunk and died on the spot in the bridal chamber.

Margery became a widow and inherited not only her husband's large fortune, but also the three castles owned by the Peake family.

But things are far from over.

Within half a year, her stepmother died unexpectedly, due to sudden death while doing embroidery in the middle of the night.

Margaery volunteered and moved back to Highgarden from Star Shuttle City to take care of her under-1-year-old brother in the name of regent.

This care lasted for six years.

Feeling Rhaegar's gaze, Margaery smiled even deeper and patted her brother's hand: "Little Leonor, talk to the two princesses more."

As he spoke, he smiled kindly at Jenny beside him.

Jenny frowned slightly, but didn't say anything.

"elder sister."

Leonor Tyrell held his sister's hand, too timid to move.

"Don't be afraid, your highness the princess is a very cute girl."

Margery's voice was extremely gentle.

Little Leonor looked timid and raised his eyes to look at the two girls.

"Humph, I won't play with you."

Lyanna stuck out her tongue and turned her head in disgust.

Daenerys was listless, leaning on her mother's legs, not paying attention at all.

Rhaegar's senses were sharp, and when he heard Margaery's whisper, his head was filled with black lines.

No wonder he jumped high and ran to King's Landing, his feelings were directed at his daughter.

Highgarden reigned as regent for six years, not a duke but a duke.

She really thinks of herself as a duchess, which is unreasonable.

Not finished here, Malice continued: "The marriage was decided by King Viserys and my mother. It is expected that the two families will advance and retreat side by side."

Rhaegar's smile did not reach his eyes, and he said bluntly: "I'm sorry, Lady Cassandra passed away, and Aemond has a new candidate, so he cannot fulfill the engagement."


Malice said in surprise.

Her sister had just died and had not been buried yet.

Rhaegar pretended to apologize: "It's the marriage with Celtija, and I didn't know about it for a long time."

Both are bad women.

Although Cassandra is stupid, she is better than stupid because she doesn't have a bad heart.

After all, he doesn't have that ability.

Malice has poor appearance, but has the most thoughts among the four storms, so she is not suitable to marry into the royal family.

After hearing that Aemond was already engaged, Malice breathed heavily and gritted her teeth: "Your Majesty, I sincerely hope to complete the marriage between the two families."

"There is no suitable candidate."

Rhaegar spread his hands and said with a smile: "All three of my brothers are engaged."

Aegon was to get married soon, or two.

Aemond found himself a widow.

Even the youngest Darren was engaged to Renya.

There is nothing I can do to help.

At this time, footsteps came from the side of the hall.

Rhaenyra walked over, holding Visenya in her arms, surrounded by the sisters Baelon, Aemon and Baela.

The meeting was not over for a long time, so she came here specially to take a look.

Malice heard the sound and looked over. Her eyes fell on Belron, who looked like Rhaegar, and her eyes lit up: "Your Majesty, the royal family is not without men."

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