Game of Thrones: I became a crown prince for a day

Chapter 564: Belron: I want them all!

"Whether it's about blood or feelings, I can't think of a better candidate."

The sea snake held its head high, as if it was the way it should be.


Rega frowned slightly, not agreeing in his heart.

Baenila was of superior birth, and was not only Rhaenyra's adopted daughter, but also Daemon's designated heir.

It can be seen that Benila will be the next Princess of Tyrosh in the future.

It is worth mentioning that Rhaenyra’s Queen Lys is the only title in the series.

Referring to Dorne's system of male princes and female princesses, the remaining princes and princesses were enfeoffed and crowned with corresponding titles.

Avoid the coexistence of kings and queens.

When Rhaenyra heard the Sea Serpent's recommendation, she bit her silver teeth secretly and was the first to support: "Belnyra will be raised by me, and she will definitely be a good wife in the future."

Benila suddenly raised her head and pointed at herself in flattery.

She's not ready yet.


Renya snickered from the cigarette holder and hugged her sister with her shoulders.

Belron and Aemon are like brothers to the sisters, and following the family tradition will inevitably lead to blessings.

Benila's face fell, not very happy.

The feeling of being out of control in a marriage is as bad as being ignored by your father.

Rhaegar was equally displeased and declined: "Lord Corlys, Benila's future lies in Tyrosh."

Bellon tilted his head and looked around.

Does this arrange him?

"Your Majesty, isn't this better?"

The sea snake frowned and said bluntly: "Daemon and your father are both direct bloodlines of the brave Belron. The two bloodlines merge into one, which helps to unite the royal family."

Damon was always a problem when he was living outside.

Starting with his heir, Tyrosh will remain part of the Iron Throne in the future.

Besides, Benila is his granddaughter.

Lannar's failure to marry Viserys weakened House Velaryon's influence on the Iron Throne.

It is undeniable that Velaryon was very powerful at that time and was suspected of being a great minister who deceived the emperor.

Now that the royal family is in the limelight, it's time to embrace the Velaryon family again.

Rhaegar's eyes narrowed slightly, but he still refused: "Benila's is also my adopted daughter, and I have another candidate for her marriage partner."

As he spoke, he rubbed the heads of his two daughters and held them gently in his arms.

The ministers have the considerations of ministers, and the monarch has the vision of the monarch.

Benila was not a good match for Bellon.

As soon as he finished speaking, Sea Snake's face froze, and he became slightly angry.

Rhaenyra spoke faster than him, and said suspiciously: "Rhaeja, Rhaenyra is my adopted daughter, how can she not be suitable?"

In terms of upbringing alone, she was confident that Benila, who she single-handedly took care of, was as good as anyone else.

Benila was also stunned and looked at her adoptive father and cousin with confusion.

"She's not suitable."

Rhaegar gave no chance, and even looked into Rhaenyra's eyes and said sternly: "As for the reason, as the queen, you should support her for free."

Rhaenyra was stunned for a moment, not expecting Rhaegar to be so serious.

Even the names became harsh.

Rhaegar withdrew his gaze, looked at the sea snake again, and continued: "Benila's excellence cannot be criticized, I will seriously consider her."

The sea snake's face was as black as the bottom of a pot. It was not his original skin color, but the anger in his heart.

He considered himself loyal enough to the royal family, nearly died in the Volantis blockade, and the War in Slaver's Bay was revived.

Isn’t such credit enough?

"Haha, what a joke!"

The sea snake sneered again and again, raised his hand and pointed at Rhaegar on the Iron Throne, and said angrily: "I! The most noble earl of the Seven Kingdoms, the staunchest supporter of the royal family, is my bloodline unworthy of my mother's world!?"


Why did the father and son reject one his daughter and the other his granddaughter.

"Lord Corliss!"

Rega's expression suddenly turned cold, and he said word by word: "I said, I will seriously consider it."

If you want to put pressure on him, you can't.

If ministers can take back what they have given, the monarch will not be able to secure his throne.

Even the Velaryon family at its peak, he said, would not be soft on the sword.


Sea Snake snorted coldly, pointed at Sang Huai and said: "You, like your father, are full of fear in your heart."

He wanted to point his finger at the king's nose and yell that he was as weak as Viserys.

Afraid of his power, he dared not marry Velaryon's daughter.

As the words reached his lips, his body shook violently, leaving some room for restraint.

After being refuted in public, Rhaegar calmed down and said calmly: "Sea snake, take back your words, otherwise you will never be able to tell anyone again."


The sea snake was furious and was about to curse.

Rhaenyra stood up first, stood in front of him, and said hurriedly: "Lord Corliss's words were inappropriate. I will ask him to apologize to you."

After a pause, he said the key point: "But as he said, I can't think of a more suitable partner for Belron than Benila."

She had to ask for an explanation for her adopted daughter.

Facing Rhaenyra's question, Rhaegar frowned secretly and gave Leonor a look.

Leonor received the signal and asked: "Your Majesty, since you think Miss Benila is not suitable, do you have a favorite candidate?"

The king and the sea snake questioned in public that it was a disagreement between the king and his ministers, and they could be solved no matter what.

The queen stands on the sea serpent's side, and her nature has changed.

"That's right!"

Rhaegar ignored the questioning looks from Rhaenyra and the Sea Serpent, raised his foot and kicked Baerron, and said generously: "Don't be stupid, look back."


Bellon was confused.

Rega shook her two daughters in her arms and asked with a kind smile, "What do you think of the two sisters?"


Bellon was stunned.

"Speak!" Rega frowned.


Belron was at a loss, but seeing the threat in his father's eyes, he swallowed: "I think it's good."

After saying that, it felt as if a big mountain was lifted off his shoulders, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

"very good."

Rega put down his two daughters and showed the kindness of an old father: "Between the two sisters, you can choose one or both."

"Is that okay?" Bellon's face was tense and uneasy.

"Of course." Rhaegar affirmed: "The Conqueror also married a pair of his sisters."

As he spoke, he glanced at Rhaenyra and Jeyne, and saw that both women had a look of astonishment on their faces.

Rhaegar smiled calmly and continued: "Belron, you are my eldest son. I didn't want to ask you for anything."

Bellon opened his eyes, a thoughtful look on his face.

Rhaegar added: "But you are the heir to the Iron Throne, and you should shoulder certain responsibilities."

"Can you understand?"

At the end of the sentence, encouragement and hope appeared in my eyes.

Belron seemed to understand. He first looked at his mother and Lady Jeyne under the Iron Throne, and then at the pair of confused half-sisters in front of him, and he suddenly understood.

Just three seconds later.

Belron smiled and said softly: "Father, I listen to you."

Rega also smiled and asked softly: "So, which is your choice?"

Daenerys and Lyanna looked at each other, their little heads full of question marks, and they hugged each other nervously.

Belron glanced back and saw his displeased mother, and said sensibly: "I admire the conqueror very much. He founded the Targaryen dynasty."

"Oh?" Rega's lips curled up.

Unexpectedly, the eldest son who seemed to be responsible was not as responsible as he seemed.

Belron scratched his head and said seriously: "I also admire my father. Your achievements are not inferior to those of the Conqueror. You married mine, Dany's, and Anna's mother successively."

Speaking of which,

Bellon hesitated for two seconds, stepped forward and held a pair of confused hands, looked at Jane below, and said: "Mrs. Jane is the Duchess of the Eagle's Nest City, and the two girls she has trained will definitely make me a A man envied by everyone in the Seven Kingdoms."

Daenerys and Lyanna:…

The sisters turned back to their father for help, but what they saw was a relieved face.

"Okay! That's very well said!"

Rhaegar applauded with both hands, his happiness was beyond words.

As he spoke, he glanced at the princes and ministers below, his eyes full of disdain.

A house full of princes is not as knowledgeable as a young son.

When a king marries many times, there is a potential threat of family division.

By marrying Jane's two daughters, the eldest son Belron can minimize the family's hidden dangers.

Whether it is Rhaenyra or Jeyne, the power in their hands can no longer affect their children.

The combination of Bellon, Dany, and Anna is bound to bring in the supporters of both matrilines.

Even if Rhaenyra and Jeyne want to fight among themselves, in the end the power will belong to the new generation.

Supporters of both parties are not fools and can see the future trend.

When Rhaegar was happy, someone else would be unhappy.

The sea serpent stared at Daenerys and Lyanna with wide eyes, and the anger was about to overflow his eyes.

If the crown prince can marry more, why can't he allocate a position to Benila?

Even if the princess is downgraded, it is a signal that the two families share weal and woe.

Rhaegar couldn't stop smiling and snatched the two little fools from Belron's hands.

Of course, the choice of the eldest son's partner cannot be divided.

Dany and Anna are both sisters, and both have the qualifications to inherit the nobility of Jenny Valley.

If the two sisters separate, the nobles of the valley can choose one to follow.

Otherwise, why would Rhaegar bother asking the eldest son whether he should marry one or all.

Belron looked at his two sisters lying in their father's arms, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

He is very smart, but he can also be jealous.

Besides the sea snake, there was more than one angry person.

Rhaenyra bit her lower lip and stared at Rhaegar.

From the bottom of her heart, she didn't want her son to marry Jenny's daughter.

Jenny is her humiliation!

Rhaegar glanced at her, unwavering in his thoughts.

Baela is a good choice, Rhaenyra and the Sea Serpent are right.

Similarly, Benila's background is too complicated.

To be fair, Daemon and the Velaryon family are both worthy targets.

But the royal family can suppress both for the time being, and will prosper more and more.

The future is secured.

Then, the focus should be on the present.

Baenila naturally has the support of Daemon and the Velaryon family, and is a die-hard supporter of Rhaenyra.

If Bellon marries her, his power will expand unprecedentedly.

But even if he doesn't marry Benila, these rights still belong to him.

On the contrary, Baelonra's marriage to Baelon will indirectly intensify the conflict between Rhaenyra and Jeyne.

In this case, why not let Baelon marry Dany and Anna, which can stabilize the balance of the family in the near future and win the allegiance of the valley in the long term.

As for Benila's choice of partner, there are naturally other considerations.

Rhaegar's eyes were deep and he murmured in his heart: "The political mistakes my father made should not be repeated to my children."

He spent a lot of effort to win over several half-brothers and sisters.

Helena had been close to him since childhood.

But it is hard not to say that the relationship between the brother and sister is mixed with interests.

Only by marrying Helena can Aegon, Aemond, and Daeron stay true to their hearts.

Even if Alisson was imprisoned in Harrenhal, the power of the Hightower family plummeted, and Aemond was expelled overseas...

Aegon and the others would not be angry, but accept it calmly.

Because they knew that their brother could be trusted.


Rhaenyra looked uneasy, hesitated for a long time, gritted her teeth and turned to leave.

Adhering to the relationship between the two siblings, they would talk about it in private.

"Your Majesty."

Bernilla called softly and followed quickly.


The sea snake looked ugly and left with a wave of his sleeves.

Rhaegar saw it and was too lazy to stop it.

They only care about the gains and losses in front of them, not the long-term stability.

He is the king and must take every step carefully.

At this point, no one in the parliament dared to speak.

Rhaegar looked around, patted his two daughters on the head, and coaxed: "Go play with your brother for a while, how about it?"


Dany looked at Baelon timidly and agreed.

Anna was heartless. She jumped up and down happily when she heard that they were going to play: "Okay, let's go to the dragon cave to find the little dragon."

Rhaegar smiled and was about to ask the brothers Erik and Yarik to escort them.

Jenni walked out leisurely and volunteered: "I'll take them there. It's a good opportunity to meet Blizzard."

She didn't object to Rhaegar's plan. After all, two daughters would definitely not be able to fight against Rhaenyra's children.

With her leading the team, the three children can cultivate their relationship.

By the way, take a look at the silver dragon, who used to be very close to her.

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