Game of Thrones: I became a crown prince for a day

Chapter 568 The Dragon Mother's Temper

"No, Dany!"

Jenny was shocked, and her heart seemed to have been pinched violently.

At the top of the dragon's lair, there are chains and nets.


A slender young dragon with silver scales all over its body roared loudly and soared around the dragon's lair.

"No! Follow my orders!"

Daenerys's pale face was full of panic, and her eyes were blown by the wind and could not be opened.

Blizzard has a surly temperament and drives the driver faster and faster.

After a while, it rushed into the sky and blocked the mouth of the driver with the help of clouds.

Daenerys screamed loudly, took a swig of cloud mist, and coughed hard.


The blizzard jumped over the clouds, and the sun illuminated the silver scales, like a gorgeous dragon made of white crystal.

Not giving Daenerys a chance to breathe.

Blizzard's golden vertical pupils blinked lightly, the dragon's head tilted back and turned upside down, and the whole dragon fell straight down like a shooting star.


The strong wind blew, and Daenerys' face turned red and she couldn't even scream.

Subconsciously, his little hands tightly grasped the gaps between the scales to prevent him from getting off the dragon's back.

In the dragon's lair, many people saw this scene.

Jenny's eyes were about to burst as she saw her daughter's silver hair flying and half of her body hanging in the air.


With a shrill scream, Jenny couldn't bear it anymore and rushed out of the dragon's lair at all costs.

"hold on."

A hand held her, his voice was soft and calm.

Jenny suddenly looked back.

Helena's eyes were blank, she looked up at the silver-white baby dragon in mid-air, and murmured: "The dragon will not hurt the driver."

Without recognition, no one can ride on the dragon's back.

Of course, not counting some brave boy who jumped high in the sky as a child.

"Listen to my instructions..."

Blizzard's eyes were full of excitement, and he plunged into the clouds, turning a deaf ear to the driver's call.

After shouting for a long time, there was no order.

"Listen to my instructions,"

Daenerys opened her eyes hard, bit her lower lip with her teeth, and suddenly shouted: "Blizzard, Dragon Flame!!"

"Dragon flame...Dragon flame..."

A clear voice shouted, echoing over and over with the sound of the wind.

Blizzard's golden vertical eyes were startled, the dragon's body suddenly shook, and its descending speed faltered.

But the order has been issued.


The next moment, Blizzard roared loudly, and Dragon Kiss sprayed out a large ball of tornado-like silver-white dragon flames.


Dragon flames rolled and emerged, one person and one dragon plunged into it, breaking through the restraints in an instant.


Blizzard's golden vertical pupils were solemn, the dragon's wings were slightly folded, and the dragon's body was adjusted to change direction one second before it fell and hit the dragon's lair.

Along with the crackling sound of wind, the chain bridge was blown and rattled.

Blizzard was gliding smoothly, his belly clinging to the iron ropes.

In the dragon's lair, Jane opened her jaw wide and saw the baby dragon's abdominal scales as bright as silver foil, and soon only the tip of its tail with a dorsal fin was left.


Belron raised his head and marveled, vaguely seeing the figure still on the dragon's back.


There was a roar like a silver bottle bursting, and the silver-white baby dragon disappeared in a flash.

In an instant, everyone's hearts were in their throats again.


Suddenly, the little girl's laughter echoed through the air.


The silver-white baby dragon once again soared to the top of the dragon's lair, its golden vertical pupils shining brightly.

The flying speed slowed down significantly.

"Blizzard, go higher!"

On the relatively flat dragon's back, Daenerys finally straightened up, her eyes showing surprise.


Blizzard roared softly, as if responding to the driver.

Soon, Daenerys only felt a wind resistance coming, and the blue sky above her head was getting closer and closer.

"Blizzard, faster!"

Daenerys clasped the scales with her little hands, her face flushed with excitement.

Those dazzling purple eyes lost their fear of the sky and glowed with freedom.

Do not know why.

When she couldn't hold on anymore and fell off the dragon's back, the name "Blizzard" came to her mind.

The name appeared suddenly, but it seemed to be engraved in my mind.

"It's so hot."

Daenerys muttered softly, her face getting redder and redder, and there was a faint heat coming from her forehead.

She seemed to be about to faint just now.

Could it be a sequelae?


Blizzard glanced back at the driver, flapped his dragon wings and flew high into the sky, circling a few clouds to cool down.

Daenerys noticed this and said dizzy: "Thank you, Blizzard."

What a considerate little dragon.

A flash of suspicion flashed through Blizzard's golden vertical pupils, two clouds dispersed, and they slowly descended downwards.

If it doesn't land, the driver will fall.

Dragon lair, main hall.


Jenny murmured to herself, looking at the suddenly friendly silver dragon in astonishment.

Even the old dragon man looked stunned and muttered in High Valyrian: "The young dragon has recognized its master..."

It is undeniable, looking at the slowly falling silver baby dragon.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and their hearts dropped back into their stomachs.

However, one wave comes after another.


Ilagas roared angrily, his vertical pupils stared at the gray shadow and the blizzard in the air, and the dragon's kiss overflowed with dark dragon flames.

It is very angry and no one can think about it.


The gray shadow's vertical pupils were full of anger, and Long Yi's front fingers hooked on the wall, ready to teach his disobedient brother a lesson at any time.

The Huanlong people surrounded the two dragons, looking nervous and not daring to step forward.

"Madam, leave now."

The old dragon keeper noticed this and raised his hand to persuade again.

Jenny was in a trance for a moment and did not refuse the kindness.

"Suppress, Menghuo!"

A soft voice came from her ear, and Helena silently gave the order.


The light blue dragon crawling in the corner suddenly opened its eyes, supported the floor with a pair of dragon wings, and stood up shakily.

Helena glanced at it and whispered: "It's coming."

"Who's coming?"

Jenny stared at Menghuo in a daze, not understanding what the other party meant.

Helena turned her head and strengthened the order: "Suppress them!"


Menghuo's vertical pupils were sharp, and he roared violently, and his huge body rushed out like a tidal wave.


Iragas had no time to resist, and was stepped on by the light blue dragon claws that fell from the sky.

The dragon claws clamped his neck tightly, and the sharpness pierced the black scales.


Dreamfire was furious, its huge body swayed violently, and its slender tail whipped in the air.

Just as Gray Shadow was about to flee, a light blue dragon tail as thick as his neck swung in front of him.


Gray Shadow didn't even scream, he was dizzy from being whipped, and fell with his wings flapping wildly.

Helena watched quietly and commanded from the side: "Be gentle, Dreamfire."

Dreamfire, who had swallowed [Dragon Essence], has broken the age limit and reached an astonishing 100 meters.

At the same age, only Gluttony is better than it.

Even Wormisol is only on par.

"So powerful."

Bellon was very surprised and admired: "Auntie, Dreamfire is great."

"You can't ride it yet."

Helena tilted her head and said frankly: "I still have many years to live, you have to find another dragon to tame."


Bellon almost peed his pants when he heard this.

He didn't mean that!

Suddenly, a hurried shout came from the dragon cave gate.


Baeron hurriedly looked back and saw two white wheel palaces parked almost at the same time.

Rhaenyra jumped off the wheel palace and ran into the dragon cave, worriedly saying: "Baeron, how are you!?"

The bottom of her eyes was full of worry, and she seemed to be scared.

Another wheel palace opened, and Rhaegar looked anxious, helping Viserys to walk down slowly.

"Don't worry about me, take a look at them first."

Viserys panted and waved his hand.

Rhaegar did not delay, handed his father to the captain of the Iron Guard, Erik, and quickly entered the dragon cave.

Rhaenyra was one step faster and hugged the dusty Baeron.

Rhaegar looked around and saw that the Dreamfire dragon suppressed two dragons, and there were two charred corpses on the ground.

"Woo woo woo~~"

Anna cried and hugged her father's thighs, and apologized fearfully: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry."

It was because she annoyed the dark young dragon that someone died.

"Hush!" Rhaegar stroked her head, saw a scratch on her forehead, and gently comforted her: "Don't be afraid, father will solve the problem."

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!"

Anna's tears flowed and she shook her head vigorously.

Rhaegar had no choice but to hold his heavy daughter in his arms and questioned the old dragon keeper: "What's going on? Why are the young dragons rioting!?"

"Your Majesty, the young dragons have been very agitated recently."

The old dragon keeper was terrified and said truthfully: "In order to get through the anxious period, I specially put on shackles and chains."

The young dragons were kept in the dragon cave for a long time, so it was inevitable that they would have manic emotions.

Bound by chains, the negative emotions were further aggravated.

"Idiot!" Rhaegar frowned and scolded: "I ordered when I was a child that chains were prohibited in the dragon cave!"

"Sorry, Your Majesty."

The old dragon keeper lowered his head in guilt and dared not refute.

Rhaegar searched back and forth, restraining his anger: "Where is Menas? Such a big thing happened, where is the Dragon Cave Maester?"

"Maester Menas is not here."

A young dragon keeper trembled and explained in a low voice: "The maester has to teach in the royal academy, and it will be Menas' turn in the next half month."

"Damn it."

Rhaegar was also furious.

In the Red Castle, he heard the roar of the dragon, and a silver dragonfly flew out without paying attention.

Just when he was discussing taxation in various places with his father, the father and son rushed to the dragon cave together.


There was a hissing sound in the air, and Blizzard flew lightly and landed outside the bronze gate.


Rhaegar was stunned when he saw this, and then he saw the little figure on the dragon's back, and suddenly said: "Dany, she tamed Blizzard."

At this moment, Blizzard bowed his head obediently, allowing the driver to get off the dragon's back.

Daenerys was reluctant to leave, looking at the people in the dragon cave, and her little face showed a strong sense of tension.

Sneaking into the dragon pit, almost being eaten by the dragon.

She will definitely be scolded.

Rhaegar looked at his eldest daughter who was safe and sound, and heaved a sigh of relief. He turned to Baelon and asked, "Are you hurt?"

"No." Baelon answered in a low voice with a look of trepidation.

Rhaenyra frowned slightly, lifted the sleeve of her eldest son, revealing a row of dense blisters.

"How could this happen!"

Jennie was startled and reached out to touch Baelon's wound.


Rhaenyra slapped her hand open and warned, "Don't touch him, or the next slap will be on your face."

"I don't know, Rhaenyra."

Jennie panicked and hurriedly explained, "Anna startled the young dragon, and Baelon tried to stop it. It was an accident."

Anna curled up in Rhaegar's arms with her head down. Her little body trembled when she heard the sound, and she kept repeating, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

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