Game of Thrones: I became a crown prince for a day

Chapter 578 The Wild Dragon Whose Home Was Stolen

Green Hell.

The vast virgin forest stretches as far as the eye can see, including mountains, wastelands and swamps.

It's night, the moon and stars are sparse.

An unknown valley, filled with desolate rocks.


The sharp blade penetrated flesh and blood, which was particularly harsh under the night sky.

Rhaegar was wearing a black robe, his silver hair covered his sharp eyes, and he was holding the "Dawn" spear to pierce a dragon-shaped skeleton.

The bones were in tatters, leaving only a layer of rotten flesh on the surface.

Dawn pierced the neck with clear bite marks, bringing out burnt carbon stains.

"Brother, is this the Winged Dragon?"

Darren lit a bonfire, his green face showing a desire to explore.

Rhaegar pulled out his spear, wiped carbon stains on his fingertips, sniffed, and said solemnly: "It's not just the Winged Dragon."

The skeleton was found improvised.

Judging from the degree of decay of the remaining flesh and blood combined with the hot climate of the Sothoryos continent, the time to death would not exceed three days at most.

"Are there any traces of wild dragons?"

Darren immediately became alert.

"It's hard to tell." Rhaegar picked up a burning tree branch and said as he walked: "It's late at night, you stay where you are, and I'll look around."

The territory where the long-winged dragon inhabits will have some clues left by the wild dragon.

Darren hesitated for a moment and stayed by the campfire obediently.


Theselion lay lying above the valley, looking down at the dejected driver, and entered the night with his eyes raised.

Rhaegar stepped on the gravel of the valley, torches driving away the darkness nearby.

It has to be said that Longpterosaurus seems to like the gravel-paved environment.

It is worth learning and passing it on to the Huanlong people.


A gust of night wind blew, and the flames swayed away.

Rega tilted his head, his eyes showing such joy as expected.

In the hidden part of the valley, a rugged cave opened.

At a glance, there is a large pile of dried black dragon dung at the entrance of the cave.

The smell was pungent, mixed with a strong smell of sulfur.

No need to look too closely, it must be the excrement of a giant dragon.

Rhaegar drew out the "Dawn" spear and apologized: "Sorry, old man."

After that, he raised his spear and stabbed it into the dragon dung.

Rustling, rustling...

The one-foot-long spear blade easily pierced the surface of the dragon dung. There was no sticky string of fresh dragon dung inside, but instead it was as hard as stone.

"At least three days or more."

Rhaegar's eyes flashed as he walked around the dragon dung and entered the cave.

By the way, let’s compare the size of the dragon dung. It’s so big that it’s almost half a person’s height.

To be able to pull out such a big lump of dragon dung, the dragon must be quite big.

"It's probably the wild dragon that I encountered in the Dorn Sea."

Rega's brain was spinning and he was groping around in the cave.


The sole of his foot struck, as if he had stepped on a pebble.

Rhaegar looked down and saw two colorful long-winged dragon eggs buried in the sand.

At midnight.

The bonfire burned vigorously, crackling to drive away mosquitoes.

Rhaegar held two long-winged dragon eggs in his arms and slowly walked back to the camp.


Darren grilled a piece of meat and took the pterodactyl egg.

"We found a pile of dragon dung, we need to be careful."

Rhaegar frowned, not liking the hide-and-seek game.

"It doesn't matter, it would be great to have clues."

Dairen knew that the main purpose was to find blood food for Yang Yan, and was not surprised by the existence of the wild dragon.

Gluttony was once also a wild dragon.

No one knows whether it hatched on Dragonstone or wandered to Dragon Mountain, an active volcano, to nest.

Maybe one day, wild dragons will smell the smell and fly to Dragonstone Island.

Rhaegar smiled and looked at the gluttons beyond the valley.

The big evil dragon was very tired after flying for a whole day. He lay on the ground and closed his eyes and fell asleep, looking like a majestic mountain of coal.

Rhaegar was suddenly stunned and asked strangely: "Where is your dragon?"

Darren looked around and said naturally: "Maybe he went out to hunt."

Theserion was smaller and could travel long distances with less effort.

It is normal to lie down in the dense forest and sleep soundly during the day, and to go out to look for food at night.

Rhaegar frowned and warned: "There are wild dragons in the Green Hell. Let's not stay too far away from the dragon."

Anyone who has ever suffered a loss knows that a dragon driver cannot live without his dragon.

other side.


A beautiful cobalt blue dragon lay on the ground, sniffing hard with its nostrils wagging, and crawled farther and farther into the dense forest.

Suddenly, the dragon's head was raised high.

Doubts flashed through his vertical eyes, and he followed the smell and stared at an inconspicuous low mountain.


It chirped excitedly, flapped its wings and flew away.

The night becomes darker and darker.

In the valley, the two brothers slept in their clothes.

Rega seemed to be worried, his brows furrowed from time to time, and his body curled up slightly.

Suddenly, a thundering dragon roar sounded.


The glutton suddenly opened his eyes, his green vertical pupils were revealed, and he shot straight into the sky.


Along with the noisy chirping, small dragon-shaped creatures like locusts emerged from the night.

The glutton plunged into it, opened its huge abyss mouth, and smashed seven or eight of them into pieces, with flesh and blood flying everywhere.


The dragon-shaped creature revealed its true appearance. It was a brown-bellied long-winged dragon with a body size of less than one meter, a bumpy back, and a brown mud-colored belly.

This is also a branch of the long-winged dragon group, and it is a dangerous group as famous as the shadow long-winged dragon.

The individual strength is not strong, but they appear in swarms like bats and wasps, and can gnaw an elephant into a skeleton in an instant.


The Glutton's pupils were stern, and a mouthful of dark green dragon flames spurted out, and the dragon flames that looked like smoke and fog quickly spread.

In an instant, the night sky burned with green fireflies, forming a huge net.

The brown-bellied long-winged dragons screamed in pain, colliding with each other and sticking to each other's dragon flames, spreading like a plague.

In a short while, a dark green rain of fire fell from the night sky.

The Glutton looked down on it, snored heavily, and shuttled through the rain of fire to devour the charred flesh and blood.

What level dared to fly over its head.

In the valley.

Rhaegar was awakened as expected, and looked at the night sky blankly.

At first glance, it looked like a meteor shower.

"What happened?"

Daeron asked sleepily.

"It's okay, go back to sleep."

Rhaegar saw the figure of the Glutton and lay down again with confidence.

No matter how difficult the environment is, it can't stop a wild and untamed beast.


A pair of vertical pupils the size of a bronze bell stared at the scene.

Dozens of miles away, there was a lush primeval forest.

A huge dark green monster, as if covered with moss, quietly lay in the depths of the forest, and the breath from its nostrils burned the grass and trees dry.

The amber vertical pupils stared at the dark beast in the night sky, containing hidden vigilance and hostility.

Even from a long distance, the familiar smell of ash still filled the nasal cavity.

It made the dragon sick.

A certain, low mountain.


Following the smell, Teselion climbed over mountains and ridges and finally found an underground cave.

The cave was deep and dark, emitting a scorching high temperature.

Teselion’s vertical pupils were full of curiosity, and the dragon’s head tilted slightly.

The remaining brain capacity did not allow it to think too much, and relying on its instinct for fire, the dog sneaked into the cave.


The dragon's wings missed a step, and the whole dragon fell down, tumbling and crawling, and fell into a pool of spring water.

Suddenly, towering waves were raised.

"Hiss, hiss..."

Tesarion was terrified, choked on a mouthful of water, and almost drowned in the water.

Fortunately, the temperature of the spring water was extremely high and did not cool the boiling dragon blood.

Tesarion hurriedly climbed out of the hot spring full of sulfur.

The dragon raised its head and was stunned.

In front of the eyes, the cave was wide and deep, with hemp-like tree roots piercing into the ground from above, and shining crystals buried in the surrounding earth walls.

In the center of the cave was a hot spring with white smoke and bubbles rolling.


Tesarion's pupils widened, as if he had seen heaven, and he was obsessed with biting off a piece of shiny crystal.

The cave was deep underground, connected to the lava of the earth veins.

Teselion felt the burning temperature, and ran and fluttered happily as if he was back in Dragon Mountain.

He was not careful.


Teselion's dragon mouth was filled with crystals, and his hind feet suddenly stepped on something.

The dragon head turned back and saw a pile of dark dragon dung.

The shell of the dragon dung shattered, and the cobalt blue dragon claws were gently raised, sticking to the hot mucus.

Two dragon eggs, one black and one milky yellow, were scattered to the left and right, avoiding the stepping of the dragon claws.


Teselion's vertical pupils shrank slightly, his neck sank slightly, and he found a broken eggshell at the bottom of the dragon claws.

The eggshell was green and white, and at this moment, the egg liquid mixed with dragon dung and soil burst out.



Teselion's dragon head tilted, and he stretched out his scarlet tongue to lick back and forth.

At this moment, danger quietly came.


The furious roar of the dragon resounded through the night sky, and a hot and violent wind hit the entrance of the cave, like a huge bombing.

Teselion looked up suddenly, and the cobalt-blue dragon scales stood upside down, sensing the fatal danger.


In a hurry, he spit out the crystals on his cheeks and picked up a black dragon egg and held it in his mouth.

Teselion fled in a hurry, holding the earth wall with a pair of dragon wings, and plowing a gully with the copper foil-colored belly scales.

Before the owner of the dragon roar returned, he climbed out of the cave and went into the forest.

Aiming at a towering pine and cypress, he sprayed dragon flames, forming a cobalt-blue torch.

Teselion trembled all over and flew low in the opposite direction.

Not long after, the night sky was howling with a strong wind.


The dark green dragon shadow flashed by, and it rushed straight into the cave like a falling meteor, and landed on the ground with a bang.

The huge body fell to the ground, instantly creating a deep pit, and the dragon body tilted and splashed a layer of smoke and dust.

The wild dragon's pupils were murderous, and the bare dragon head plunged into the cave, searching back and forth in the cave.

Half of the dragon was gone.

As soon as he saw it, he saw the crushed dragon dung embryo and the only remaining milky yellow dragon egg.


The wild dragon was shocked and angry, and raised his head and let out a shrill and mournful cry.

Anger filled his heart, and revenge became the goal.

The wild dragon pulled out the dragon head, and his pupils were focused on the forest that ignited the cobalt blue dragon flame, and then his nose twitched to find the direction.

"Hunchi hunchi..."

After a fierce inhalation, he locked the direction of Teselion's escape.

Without any hesitation, the wide milky yellow dragon wings spread out and instantly took off into the air.


The dragon roar shook the entire primeval forest, and all the birds and beasts fled.

Having done a good deed, Tesserion glanced back hastily, flapping his wings even harder.


Suddenly, a ball of scorching fire fell from the sky.

A huge monster with dark green moss all over its body, as huge as a mountain, towering over the clouds.

Its fangs were sharp, and its huge scarlet mouth opened wide.

Tesserion's pupils shrank suddenly, and he saw the smelly ambergris stuck between the dragon's mouth.

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