Game of Thrones: I became a crown prince for a day

Chapter 593 Fire Dragon Bug and Fire Ore

Rhaegar was shocked beyond words.

It was the first time he saw so many dragon corpses, as if he had stepped into a graveyard full of death and wailing.

"Your Majesty, there are many small words here."

The sea snake said in a deep voice.

Rhaegar looked dazed for a while, and he slowly approached on the broken walls.

It was a relatively intact stone wall, black and seemed to be made of dragon stone.

Although it was also broken into several pieces, it was thick enough to be preserved.

Rhaegar rubbed his brows and focused more on checking the subtle words.

It was still High Valyrian, which included some of the local dialects of the Long Summer Land.

Translated, it was roughly:

"Dragon King... Da'anliga... Marriage..."

Rhaegar translated word by word, and his heart jumped when he read "Da'anliga".

The space bracelet given by the good uncle came from one of Da'anliga's heirs.

Looking at the family of the forty dragon kings, their strength should not be underestimated.

Rhaegar's eyes flickered, and he translated the last few paragraphs based on some vague spells at the beginning.


He picked up a piece of gravel and scratched the vague spell. It was the opening words for learning the binding spell.

I think the top dragon king families would carve some binding spells in important places such as dragon caves to teach their offspring to contact dragons.

The sea snake chose to ignore it and read the last paragraph: "Family marriage, blood fusion."

There was also a simple volcanic mural on the stone wall.

But there was only a totem with two dragons entwined on the left, and the right was empty.

Rhaegar saw it at a glance and speculated: "This is the building of the Daanliga family, and the totem is also the symbol of the family."

As for the blank on the right side of the volcanic mural, it must be an unknown dragon king family.

For this type of dragon king family, the domesticated dragons are relatively unstable and there is no exclusive totem engraving.

Including the Targaryen family, they can all be called poor.

In addition to a few dragons, the assets are not even as good as some local nobles and fleets in the land of Changxia.

The sea snake was well-read and had a clearer understanding of the traditions of his ancestors. He laughed and said, "Maybe the family we are marrying into is one of ours."

The surnames of the three families are inextricably linked in the culture of ancient Valyria.

Two of the families are likely to be bloodline branches of another.

After all, ancient Valyria was originally a group of backward herdsmen.

It was not until the dragons living in the Fourteen Fire Peaks that they rose up at lightning speed.

Rhaegar remained silent and was not interested in jokes.

After the Doomsday, ancient Valyria fell like a meteor.

Ninety percent of the culture and heritage were buried under the magma, causing the Targaryen bloodline, the only remaining dragon king, to remain backward.

"I'll go around, Lord Corliss."

Rhaegar was in a low mood. He tied the small dragon skull to his belt and walked towards the several dragon skeletons in the ruins.

He was a pure descendant of Valyria and had a special feeling for dragons.

Even if he rode on the dragon's back, he did not think that the dragon was a slave, a tool, or even a cold-blooded livestock.

Dragons are sacred, the only remaining magic of ancient Valyria.

"Lord Corliss, help me cut off these dragon skulls."

Rhaegar said in a low voice, drawing out the "true fire" and slashing the spine of the dragon lying on the wall.

He wanted to bury these dragon skulls.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Corliss could understand this feeling, just like Velaryon's love for ships and the sea.

With a wave of his hand, he ordered the sailors to help.


Rhaegar swung his sword and got stuck in the gap of the dragon's spine, splashing sparks.

After years of wandering in the dragon's lair, Rhaegar did not stop, fiddling with the hilt of the sword to pry the gap.

After the dragon fell, it was difficult to remove the scales, flesh, and fascia.

On the contrary, it was easier to cut off the spine and preserve the dragon skull.

Bang! Bang!

The sailors joined the work, using scimitars to chop the keel.

Rega turned a deaf ear to it and concentrated on dealing with the dragon skeleton in front of him.

A rough count showed that there were at least five dragon skeletons in the ruins.

The largest one was the one in the middle, and the smallest one was a pendant on his waist.

The rest were lying in various places in the ruins, with broken bones, caused by being crushed when they were alive.


Rega narrowed his eyes slightly and chopped harder and harder.

Gradually, his mind seemed to be immersed in it.


A sword cut off a piece of bone residue, and sparks splashed all over his head.

Rega subconsciously raised his elbow to block it, and suddenly his eyes blurred.


In a trance, painful dragon roars came to his ears.

Rega's body stiffened, and a sense of weightlessness filled his body.

"This exploration mission is launched, the target is the remains of a group of dragons."

The system prompt sounded abruptly, issuing an explorer mission.

Rega frowned, the dragon roar in his ears gradually disappeared, and his body gradually regained control.


After exhaling deeply, Rega looked around to make sure no one around noticed anything unusual.

Call up the explorer panel.

[Dragon Remains]

Exploration progress: 0.2%

Rega stood in front of the dragon skeleton, with the true fire stuck in the gap between the spines.

Looking down at his feet, a piece of black bone residue was ordinary.

"Do you want to rest in peace too?"

Rega sighed in his heart, feeling both relieved and helpless.

Several dragons were buried together, and it actually formed an exploration mission.

It should not be a matter of quantity, but the sadness and unwillingness of the dragons when they fell.

The fourteen fire peaks that he relied on the most and regarded as his nest erupted without any warning.

Real helplessness and despair.


Rhaegar had nothing to say and just kept repeating the action of swinging the sword.

At night, the sky is dotted with stars.

It's hard to imagine that there is a piece of soil where you can see the stars in the sea of ​​smoke.

"Hiss... Ga..."

Suddenly, a long and sharp scream came from the mist-shrouded fire peak.

Look down.

Completely opposite to Snow Peak, Fire Peak is a truly giant volcano.

The majestic mountain is hidden in the mist, and its surface is covered with a layer of withered green plant roots.

At the foot of the bare mountain, rocks formed from volcanic ash are everywhere.

At first glance, Dragonstone Island and Dragon Mountain have expanded several times, but they are not so majestic.


A black dragon shadow flew over and lay in a cave on the surface of the fire peak. It didn't take long to get in and came out angrily.

Next, we went to look for the next cave where volcanic ash accumulated.

Going back more than two hundred years, the caves were all dragons' lairs.

After the doomsday catastrophe, magma blocked all caves and tunnels, restoring the original solidity of Fire Peak.

Fire Peak, underground mine.


A bunch of torches were lit, illuminating the deep tunnel filled with dust and cobwebs.

"Fire Peak Embers is worthy of its name."

Damon covered his mouth and nose, his eyes as sharp as an eagle.

After a brief inspection of the caves on the mountainside, it was impossible to enter with Colakxiu's huge size.

The next best thing is to go into underground mines.

During the Free Fortress Empire, the Fourteenth Fire Peak was a hell for slaves, digging day and night regardless of life and death.

In historical records, there have been several riots.

This was how the faith of Braavos and the Faceless Men was born.

Damon continued walking inside and saw many broken bones along the way.

Most are human, with some rare sheep and pig bones.

These dead bones had been lying there for who knows how many years, and they were almost broken at a touch.

Damon was always on guard and silently pulled out the Dark Sister from his waist.

He wants to prove to his good nephew that he is the perfect candidate for "Prince of the Dragon Clan".

In order to prevent my brother from always putting on a stinky face that hates iron but does not make steel.

As we go deeper and deeper, the tunnel widens and rises uncharacteristically.

I don’t know how long I walked.

Suddenly his eyes lit up, a tiny light dazzling his eyes.

Damon's eyes flashed, and he tightened his grip on the Dark Sister.

After passing a corner, the view is wider than ever.

To the eye, the stone walls are inlaid with various minerals, shining brightly in the dim environment.

This is not over yet.

Dai Meng's expression changed slightly, as if he had seen something strange.

A giant dragon!

To be precise, the skeleton of a giant dragon.

The skeleton fell in the grotto. The huge body could not be seen from head to tail at a glance, like a dark fortress.

Damon slowly approached and looked at the dragon skeleton carefully.

The frame is relatively slender, and when alive, it would most likely have the appearance of Yang Yan or Silver Wing.

At a rough glance, it was over 150 meters tall, larger than Vagahar.

Looking at the brief history of the Targaryen family, probably only the Black Death - Balerion and the Glutton can compete with each other.

"An unfortunate old dragon!"

Damon muttered quietly, lowering his guard and approaching.

The dragon skeleton was comparable to a hill, curled up in an uncomfortable posture.

One side of the dragon wing was completely broken, and there seemed to be traces of the same kind of tearing.

Dragon head, chest, dragon tail...

They all had scratches of varying degrees, and they looked like they had been through a lot of battles.

Damon was daunted.

Facing this dragon skeleton, I felt an ancient, indifferent aura pressing down on my face.

On the dusty ground of the dragon's bones, a few palm-sized bronze scales scattered, reflecting smooth light.

Damon bent down to pick up a piece and carefully put it into his arms.

"Hiss... Ga..."

Suddenly, a sharp dragon roar sounded, full of threat and power.

Damon was startled, turned around and said: "Colakxiu!?"

Ignoring the ore and dragon bones that filled the cave, he withdrew from the tunnel to look for the dragon.

Underground mine.

There are dark red ores everywhere, filled with desperate and terrifying heat.

"Hiss... Ga..."

Corakxiu clung to the stone wall, his body slightly arched like a snake, showing pure murderous intent.

Gulu gulu...

On the uneven ground, a bulge arched out of thin air, and traces of red liquid emerged.


The ground suddenly broke open, and a huge scarlet-colored creature emerged, resembling a giant python.


The monster opened a split mouth that resembled the mouth of a lamprey and flew towards Colaxio, with red saliva splashing everywhere.


Corakxiu raised his eyes fiercely, and he accumulated a mouthful of dragon flames and spurted out.


The monster broke through the dragon flames, its scarlet body surface glowed with a moist sheen, and it twisted its body while roaring in pain.

Strangely, the monster has no eyes, ears, or nose, and its body is covered with fine scales.

Like a snake, but not like a snake.

Ugly, twisted, rotten...

There are so many words stacked up that it is difficult to describe the absurd appearance.


Corakxiu let out a roar, spread his wings and rushed towards him.


The two giant beasts collided into a ball and both fell to the ground.

The monster is huge, but it is only a sub-adult dragon, and the total size is no more than ten meters.

Phew! Phew!

Corakxiu's eyes were sharp, the dragon's kiss bit off the monster's flexible body in one bite, and the small dragon claws tore the two bodies into pieces.

It seemed like he was facing a natural enemy, and his methods were horribly brutal.


The monster was torn into pieces, and turned into rotten meat.

"Hiss... Gah..."

Korakxiu stretched his neck and let out a loud and sharp hiss.

Immediately, the dragon claws crushed the rotten meat and crushed every inch of red body fluid.


Korakxiu's nostrils blew hot air, and he bit off a piece of fiery red ore on the stone wall with his dragon teeth.

With a gurgle, he swallowed it into his stomach.

Korakxiu narrowed his pupils slightly, revealing a hint of satisfaction, and leaned against the edge of the stone wall and lay down.

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