Game of Thrones: I loaded the Witcher system

Chapter 397 Internal strife? Battle of the island.

Indeed, the White Walkers just ran away, leaving behind those 100,000 servants, taking the Wild Hunt's portal, and leaving the valley.

Without him, it hurts from being beaten.

In this battle, they left almost double digits of their fellow White Walkers in the valley.

How many do they have?

If you keep fighting, they will all be gone.

It was obvious that even if there were still hundreds of thousands of ghouls in hand, it would be impossible to fight against humans in the valley.

Why did you choose a poor place like the Valley to land in the first place?

The White Walkers were very depressed.

They were unhappy, and so was the Wild Hunt.

They were fishing behind the battlefield, but they did capture the whereabouts of Jiviel, also known as Ciri, at the last moment of their retreat.

This makes them overjoyed and finally found you. Fortunately, I didn't give up!

However, they still have to retreat, their lives are at stake.

But after returning to Skagos Island, the guys like Eredin became more and more angry, and they were almost there.

In the past, they had no idea where the ancient blood was, but now they know it clearly. However, they have also lost the ability to obtain the ancient blood.

They originally wanted to defeat the natives here and use this as Ain El's new territory.

But now that I think about it, it’s all nonsense. How is it possible?

If they can take back the ancient blood, they will never come back to this world again.

This world that can suppress the magic power of one's own portal is simply too troublesome.

They knew very well that they were cooperating with this group of ice creatures who could control the dead, and they were typically seeking skin from tigers.

Although they have to do it.

Today, these guys only have a small number of ghouls around them.

Wild Hunt had other thoughts.

If they can get this power to control the dead in their own hands, then when they attack other worlds in the future, their power will be significantly improved and they can quickly open up the situation.

The White Walkers followed them to Skagos Island, and soon they were put under house arrest in disguise by these guys.

That's right, house arrest.

The Wild Hunters lured these guys into a cave.

It is true that your weapons can break steel, but if I put you in a pile of dirt, what can you do?

The White Walkers realized something was wrong and wanted to come out, but were immediately locked inside by Karahir who followed them.

The servants of the Cold God roared and wanted to command the army of the dead outside to riot, but they were besieged by the equally desperate dogs of wild hunting.

Eredin, who had been watching the battle between humans and dead people in the valley, of course knew that the weakness of these dead people was fire, or fire magic.

They don't have dragon crystal arrows, but they can still do it by letting the wild hunting dogs rush in with torches and fuel, and then bring up the sky-high flames.

As a result, the White Walkers' means of resistance were quickly eliminated.

There were only seven unlucky ones left, who had never seen a human being or the world-famous Wanwanwen, and were easily fooled into the cave.

This is not the land of the Cold God, and the White Walkers are not their home ground.

It's very simple to weaken them. Just heat up the cave and use high heat to consume the cold magic power of the White Walkers little by little. They will eventually be exhausted.

Just put it this way, the White Walkers are outside the wall, and the gods are killing gods. They are arrogant. Fighting wildlings is like beating a son.

But think about it, change this scene to the hot and scalp-numbing desert of Dorne, and have a big ice sculpture chase people around with an ice sword?

That's impossible, the White Walkers don't have that ability.

The White Walkers chose to land in the valley because further south, there was a fleet blockade and the temperature was not suitable.

Even though it is already winter.

After learning that the White Walkers and Wild Hunt had retreated to Skagos Island, Clay was not prepared to give these guys a chance to breathe.

Want to run? There are no doors!

The fleet immediately pulled anchor and headed north.

This time, he was determined to win the lost territory of Skagos Island.

The navy pounced, and the army began to move north along the King's Road.

There is no need to mobilize the entire army this time. If the hundreds of thousands of troops gathered in the valley are pulled to the north, even if Brynden Rivers is killed, he will not be able to support such a huge army.

As long as it can be guaranteed to suppress what Clay thought was an army of 10,000 to 20,000 dead men, that would be enough.

There is no one left outside the wall, and the White Walkers will not be able to raise such an army when they return to the wall.

In this time and space, most of the savages died under Clay's soldiers or became prisoners and were taken to various parts of the north.

The remaining few are the unlucky ones who belong to the White Walkers.

It took a month for the army to arrive.

The army originally needed so much time, and the navy fell into a war with Najirfa in the early stages of deployment.

This elusive Wild Hunt battleship attacked several longships from the Iron Islands one after another. Without even attacking, it directly used its huge hull to overturn these small ships.

This greatly slowed down the navy's action, and it had to send enough force to encircle and suppress this powerful enemy warship.

A battle broke out between the two sides on the Shivering Sea east of Widow's Hope in the north.

In the end, the combined fleet lost twenty-two large and small battleships before finally capturing the flagship of the Wild Hunt.

The loss of personnel was also considerable, after all, they enjoyed the magical baptism of the Wild Hunt's navigator at close range.

But it doesn't matter anymore because they won.

Looking at the sinking giant ship, cheers resounded across the entire surface of the Shivering Sea.

This means that the entire army no longer has any worries and can go all out to besiege Skagos Island.

So, a month later, both the navy and the army were basically present.

The Navy completed its mission of siegeing Skagos Island, and the Army also moved to Eastwatch, waiting for Navy troopships to deliver them to Seal Bay, waiting for instructions to attack the last stronghold.

No one knows what is going on on the island now, and it would be foolish to enter hastily.

Clay had not gone north before because he wanted to return to King's Landing to deal with the war wounds left by the scourge of the dead, and by the way, to solve the problems that had not been solved before.

Then, when all the troops were in place, Clay rode Galesos and started northward.

This time, he will completely solve this trouble!

We arrived at the Great Wall again.

The temperature is still the same.

Winter has arrived, but the cold wave seems to have reached its limit, becoming less severe and more lazy and slow.

Sea ice undulates on the sea near Eastwatch, but it is not enough to completely block the sea.

On the dragon's back, Clay could clearly see small boats, carrying soldiers, heading towards the large ship parked on the sea in deep water.

Eastwatch Port has limited throughput and few berths for large ships.

Therefore, in order to quickly load soldiers onto ships, only some of them had this method of transporting soldiers back and forth by small boats.

Inefficient, but this is the best way at the moment.

Arriving on the ground, a large group of nobles immediately surrounded him.

They were no longer afraid of the king's dragon.

Although it still looked scary, they knew very well that this guy probably didn't like them at all.

We are used to living a life of good food and drink, people?

Sorry, not in my recipe.

"Your Majesty, you are finally here."

shouted Lord Tytos Blackwood against the fierce north wind.

Is this damn place really for people?

For him, a southerner, it was white hell.

The large group of northern nobles standing next to him were much better. Although their noses were red, they did not look as shameful as the Duke of Crowtree City shivering.

"How is the army gathering?"

Clay motioned for us not to blow the wind here and go inside to talk.

Naturally, everyone had no objection and followed the king into the castle of Eastwatch.

But after seeing the fireplace, the southern nobles felt that this was their fate.

"More than half of them have already boarded the ship, and the rest should be done before sunset tomorrow. Asha Greyjoy and the Earl of Arbor Island have already found a location on Skane Island, north of Skagos Island. Let’s go over with part of the army first.”

This is a small island to the north of Skagos Island. It is a little big, but it is enough to temporarily give the garrison a place to stay.

"Well, as soon as possible, the faster we go, the less impact the snowstorm will have on us."

Clay nodded.

He was quite satisfied with this speed. After all, he could do this, so he couldn't be too harsh on him.

"Is there anything unusual happening on Skagos Island?"

Clay asked.

Brynden Rivers shook his head and said:

"It's very quiet. If our people hadn't seen traces of those guys' activities on the shore, they would have thought they had run away."

If others don't know, how can He not know? These guys are capable of running away directly.

There is absolutely no need to stay on Skagos Island and wait to be surrounded.

The encirclement itself is not established.

"No matter, they go about their business, and we besiege ours."

Clay was confident that the Wild Hunt would stay here.

Everyone looked at each other, and since Clay said so, just believe it, since he has no responsibility anyway.

"Order the troops to speed up and disperse."

Clay said.

The nobles all left the king's room and went about their business at hand.

"Crimson, call Thoros of Myr and the gray-haired woman beside him."

Clay poured himself a glass of strong wine, drank it in one gulp, shuddered, and then ordered to his captain of the Kingsguard.

Kristen knew who the two men the king was talking about were.

After all, he was the one who led the people inside the Red Keep.

He never questioned his monarch's habits and just took the order and strode away.

Soon after, Xili and Thoros, dressed in snow and wind, came to the king's room.

The two of them obviously had no idea what Clay had asked them to do, and their faces were a little confused.

Clay had no time to talk nonsense with them and said directly:

"The enemies chasing you are now on Skagos Island. I don't know what they are doing, but obviously they have the ability to jump out of my encirclement at any time."

Standing by the fireplace, Clay said in a cold tone:

"I will not allow my troops to go to such great lengths in vain."

"Since according to what you said, they have an irresistible interest in your bloodline, then it's time to help after they have been seeking refuge with me for so long."

Thoros and Xili immediately understood what the king in front of them meant.

This is to ask Ciri to be the bait, go up with the landing force, and lock the Wild Hunt firmly on Skagos Island.

Clay had no choice but to do this.

Even if they don't take away the heads of Eredin and the others, the Wild Hunt will still feel pain in their hearts.

Moreover, Clay asked Ciri to go to the island to verify one thing.

Most of the entire world is under the rule of various gods.

The ancient blood was suppressed.

So what about on Skagos, a de facto borderland?

Back in the Valley, the power of the Seven Gods dissipated too slowly, making it difficult for the Wild Hunt to open a portal.

Now, Clay personally sends the ancient blood to a place without any suppression.

Let's see if the swallow can be released.

"Okay, I accept."

Xili readily agreed. In her opinion, King Clay had done his best to accept her to this point.

She was the one who brought about the disaster. The average king's idea must be to hand himself over to the Wild Hunt and then get out.

However, this guy chose to concentrate the entire country's efforts to fight the Wild Hunt to the end.

She had been fighting the Wild Hunt for so long, and the casualties she had caused to them were far less than those at Clay's hands.

The relationship between the two parties is originally about using each other. They are not from the same world at all. Talking about feelings is a bit nonsense.

"Thoros, you go with her. The priest of R'hllor should be more than capable as I see."

Clay said.

"As you command, Your Majesty"

After the army was ready, it launched a landing operation on the southern part of Skagos Island at dawn.

That's the best place to land on the entire island.

The first wave of three thousand elite troops, under the cover of Galesos, approached the shore at full speed.

Soon, when they reached the shore and before they could form their formation, wild hunting dogs all over the mountains and plains ran out from behind the hillside.

These guys were not afraid of the threat of Galesos and quickly rushed into the infantry group that had just landed, causing Galesos's dragon flame to be unable to work.

"Continue to land, we must not let these guys trap us on the beach!"

There is no need to feel distressed at this time. Kindness cannot control soldiers, and sometimes one has to be ruthless.

In the end, after suffering a certain amount of casualties, the leading troops finally established a reliable position on the beach, and the follow-up troops continued to keep up.

By the time Xili landed, more than 10,000 troops had landed.

The small beach was crowded.

The moment she set foot on the island, Ciri discovered that her ancient blood, which had been dormant for a long time, was showing signs of slowly awakening.

Ciri immediately realized that her hope of returning home had reappeared.

However, for now, let's fight this battle well and do our duty well.

If he could deal with Eredin in one battle, then his wandering career would be over.

Thinking of this, Ciri drew out the long sword on her back.

Walk towards the back of the hill.

"Givier is here, on the other side of the island."

"Catch her, this is your best chance."

"It's a pity that we still haven't been able to get the power of these ice cubes."

"It doesn't matter, as long as we catch her, it will all be worth it."

"Go, let go of the restraints of those white guys, and let them deal with those daring humans!"

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