The spring thunder burned on the stone for a long time. Wherever it flowed, it would be assimilated into a yang green flame. Unlike the red and orange firewood, it seemed to have no temperature at all, like a green elf wearing a bikini, cheering and jumping on branches, stones and water, leaving a series of black footprints.

Until I got closer, I found that fire is fire after all. It is the guide who guides mankind out of the barbaric era of eating raw meat and drinking blood. It is the mercy and reward from the gods!

After gradually extinguishing, Jaehaerys walked forward and saw that the tail of the cow had been burned and melted a little. He carefully stirred it with a wooden stick. Soon the front end of the stick was burned into black charcoal by the high temperature. With a strong pull, it formed a spiral upward "horn", a bit like the glass firing process I have seen before.

However, the poor "craftsman" did not have much skills. He could only use a stick to poke and poke. After a while, "stalagmites", "stone pillars" and stone "corals" grew on the originally flat and smooth stones, and they were all very sharp.

The ground was also burned black. The sparse grass that had been trying to survive in the cracks had turned into ashes, which was so desolate.

Jaehaerys couldn't bear it. He couldn't ruin the lives of these insignificant lives because of his own evil deeds. So he pulled dry grass from somewhere else and spread it on the ground and stones. The dry grass was already full of grass seeds. In order to strengthen the nutrition, he also specially came to soak the boy's urine. I think after the spring rain next year, this place will be full of vitality again!

He left with satisfaction. The result of the spring thunder experiment made him very happy. Although it was a bit spiritual, it solved the problem of stability. It is a big killer!

But it is not suitable to expose it now. To put it bluntly, no matter what era it is, one or two weapons of war cannot change the tide of the times. Unless the quantitative change leads to qualitative change, it will only cause some trouble at best.

He decided to wait until he arrived at Dragonstone Island, settled down, and improved the magic circle first when he made further progress in cultivation. He would use the thinking of talismans to solve the framework problem. Otherwise, he would be exhausted and how many more cans of spring thunder could he make?

"You suck ginseng and deer antlers, and I suck ginseng like wine. What's the point of that? There is a fierce dragon in the pocket... Fried eggs love pear-shaped locks, and the senior sister has become spicy..." Jaehaerys hummed a strange tune and returned to his room.

But he always felt that he seemed to have forgotten something. After thinking about it carefully, damn it! It was too happy to make wildfires. I forgot to ask the old warlock not to burn the city!

Oh, the city didn't really burn in the end? That... It's not a big problem. Go back to sleep!


"Sir, why are we standing still? King's Landing is like a naked girl, waiting for us to ravage her!" In Robert's tent, the generals surrounded a pale man with indifferent eyes. The tall, one-eyed man with a bad temper asked, pulling the man's cloak.

"Sir Umber, if you continue to be so rude, I don't mind taking your other eye." The man spoke softly. He was neither strong nor tall. Compared with the one-eyed man, he was like a thin dog. But when he opened his mouth, everyone had to stop making noise and concentrate on listening to him.

Every female individual of human beings will bleed once a month when they reach a certain age. The bleeding lasts for a week, and it has not stopped yet. But the male individual in front of him is amazing. He will bleed every few days.

This person is Roose Bolton, the current Earl of the Dreadfort. He has a noble bloodline. His ancestors were forbidden to practice the ancestral craft of skinning because they liked to skin people. But it doesn't matter, he has other hobbies. If he can't peel people's skin, there's nothing wrong with me bleeding myself.

So he often put leeches on his body, sucking blood, feeling the blood flowing, and the toxins flowing out of the body with the dirty blood, he felt relaxed all over, as if his soul ascended to heaven, and the joy in his heart was beyond description.

To be honest, he and a certain vampire earl on Blue Star are really a perfect match made in heaven, one loves bleeding and the other loves sucking blood, perfect!

That is to say, there are no vampires in this world, otherwise he would have done it to himself.

"Duke Robert has ordered that all lords, big and small, should obey the command of the Duke of the North, and our Duke Stark and his eldest brother... obviously have different personalities." Earl Bolton took a sip of spiced mulled wine. It must be said that the wine in the Riverlands is worse than that in the North, with a sour taste.

Maybe it's not close enough to the south, otherwise why does the wine on the Arbor exude a summer sweetness?

But there are also benefits here. His little cuties have grown fatter and stronger, and there are even top-quality white cuties that are rarely seen in the North!

At this time, a messenger, under the protection of the guards, opened the curtain of the big tent and walked in, "Lord Bolton, the Duke has an order!"

Because there were no maesters and ravens in the army, the communication with the main force could only rely on the messengers. Fortunately, their position was not too far forward, and the messengers could convey the latest military orders in half a day.

Roose Bolton opened the leather tube and took out a wax-sealed parchment scroll with a dire wolf pattern. In front of everyone, he opened the wax seal and flattened the parchment scroll with both hands.

"Oh, my lords, we have an opponent!" The Earl of the Dreadfort still said in his usual tone.

"The Lannisters have sent troops from Casterly Rock, and Duke Tywin is leading 10,000 westerland soldiers, 2,000 knights and attendants along the Golden Road to King's Landing! The current intention is unclear..."

"The Duke thinks they might be soldiers who are loyal to the king, and ordered us to do a good job of reconnaissance and ensure our own safety!"

"One of our northern men can beat ten of them. Those young masters from the western region are dressed in fancy clothes, but they are just a group of summer knights and are vulnerable!"

"That's right! Let's smash their helmets with maces and flails!"

For a while, the crowd was excited. They had been in Sow Corner for several days and urgently needed to march and fight to satisfy their killing desires. A series of victories had made them dizzy. No, perhaps they originally looked down on the knights in the south, who were arrogant and rough in winter.

Lord Bolton raised a hand, and the generals gradually fell silent.

"Lord Severn, Lord Dustin, I need you to send your elite knights to investigate the enemy along the way. If there is any situation, report it immediately and do not engage in battle with the enemy at will! My lords, prepare yourselves and be ready to fight at any time!"

Two men wearing chain mail, lined with black wool and leather vests, turned around and left after receiving the order, and the others also got busy.


The peaceful time is always short, and soon King's Landing is filled with a happy atmosphere. Jaehaerys heard that Duke Tywin had led his army to support King's Landing and would soon arrive outside the city.

Now the whole King's Landing is talking about Duke Tywin being the "savior of King's Landing". He put aside his disputes with the king and fulfilled his obligations to his king. Glory is as precious as gold!

Jaehaerys sneered. Tywin hadn't arrived yet, but the whole King's Landing was speaking well of him. If he hadn't known the plot, he wouldn't have believed that Tywin had done anything dirty. He had no honor to speak of. He was just a cruel and ruthless executioner.

Some things had to be arranged in advance, not for the Targaryens, but because of the unresolved anger and hatred in his heart!

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