Game of Thrones: Lord of the Deep

Chapter 26: No business is without fraud

Early the next morning, Hago arrived at the dock.

After boarding the Poseidon, Newgate met with Hago.

As soon as he met Hago, he looked happy for Newgate, "Mate Newgate, I have good news!"

"Huh?" Newgate was a little surprised.

Your wife gave birth? What kind of news could make you so happy?

"We have gathered a total of 2,196 Unsullied and 25 Golden Dragons each. What do you think?"

"Two thousand two hundred?" Newgate was a little surprised. He didn't expect Hago to be able to gather so many Unsullied ones.

"With such a large quantity, there won't be any problem with the quality, right?" Newgate wondered whether Hago had taken out the sick or older Unsullied to make up the number.

After all, he was a slave before and knew the treachery of these slave owners all too well.

Hearing this, Hago slapped his chest loudly and said, "I guarantee there will be no problem. If you want it, you can bring it over tonight. Then you can check it in person. If it's not good, just don't leave it."

Newgate said with a smile: "What are you talking about? We all want it, let's trade it tonight, 2196 Unsullied, how about 2190?"

Ha Ge immediately laughed loudly and said: "No, just count it as 2180, and the extra 16 will be regarded as gifts from me!"

For Hago, the Unsullied he took from other small slave owners was only 23 golden dragons. With more than 2,000 Unsullied, Hago could easily earn more than 4,000 more golden dragons.

Newgate enthusiastically invited Hago to stay for a drink, but Hago refused, saying that he still had to prepare for the transaction, and left in a hurry.

After sending Hago away, Newgate went directly to the Poseidon Palace, the cabin of the Poseidon, which was decorated with a large number of rare treasures.

And Jack was resting on a throne made of huge sapphire, wearing the scarlet dragon crown given by the unknown young woman from Qarth.

Newgate came to Jack and whispered: "Your Majesty, there are 2196 Unsullied in Hago. He calculated them as 2180, each with 25 golden dragons, for a total of 54,500 golden dragons."

Jack nodded. The price was not bad. Last night, he sent people to check out the opinions of several good philanthropists. In the end, these good philanthropists were only willing to lower the price to 29 gold dragons.

But Jack knows that there has been no large-scale war in Essos recently, and the sales of Unsullied have declined, so these good lords have a lot of Unsullied in their hands.

And they still have more than 10,000 Unsullied in reserve. Even so, they are still unwilling to lower the price.

Jack originally prepared 200,000 to renovate merchant ships, but now he has changed his mind and plans to buy more Unsullied.

In addition to the more than two thousand points in Hago's hands, he also reserved a hundred thousand gold dragons for the Unsullied from several great benefactors in Astapor.

One hundred thousand gold dragons bought a total of 3,450 Unsullied Ones. Originally, he could only buy 3,448, but the group of benefactors "generously" gave him two.

As a token of his gratitude, Jack decided to visit the homes of these good lords when Daenerys liberated Astapor.

For this reason, Jack has sent people to inquire about whether these benefactors have any information on small treasury.

There are 8,000 Unsullied and 14,000 reserve Unsullied in the entire Astapor. Originally, Jack was planning to buy 10,000 Unsullied.

But when Jack worried about buying up all the finished Unsullied, Dani's life path changed.

Without obtaining the Unsullied, Slaver's Bay may not be in chaos, nor can Essos.

And Jack himself has no way to fish in troubled waters and make a fortune from the war.

Moreover, the two hundred ships under Jack's command consume a lot of supplies every day, so Jack still has to leave about 100,000 to buy some supplies.

So after much consideration, Jack chose to buy Unsullied ones worth about 150,000 gold dragons, but Hago's ones only cost 25 gold dragons, so Jack bought some more, for a total of 5,646 Unsullied ones.

When the transaction is completed, plus the 1,228 Unsullied that Jack already has, the number of Unsullied under his command will reach an astonishing 6,874, nearly seven thousand Unsullied.

Coupled with the Navy Guards formed by Jack himself, the number of armed soldiers under his command will reach 8,000.

This strength is completely worthy of facing some city-states in Essos.

It's just that with so many people, the supplies consumed every day are astronomical. Jack must quickly establish the first archipelago base.

Soon night fell, and Hago arrived as scheduled with 2,200 Unsullied. Hago selected four from the reserves and directly made up a round number.

"I selected four high-quality Unsullied ones from the reserves and gave you a round number. If you want to buy them next time, remember to contact me. The price is definitely right."

Jack looked at Hago, who was smiling in front of him, and kept laughing in his heart. You should survive Daenerys's knife first.

"Okay, next time I buy, I will give priority to your products. The quality is indeed good."

Then dozens of Unsullied appeared, and they began to help Unsullied on the scene untie the slave collars.

Hago looked at this scene with slight surprise, and finally couldn't help but remind him: "It is not a good thing to cut a slave's collar. It will make them think too much and forget that they are slaves!"

Jack smiled and waved his hand, "It's okay, I can control them."

Hago didn't say anything when he saw this. Anyway, the goods were already taken. Even if the group of Unsullied ran away, it would not be his fault.

At noon the next day, Jack also completed the transaction with several big benefactors, and successfully obtained 3450 Unsullied.

Then Jack dispersed these 5650 Unsullied and incorporated them into the original 1228 Unsullied army.

After redistributing the Unsullied troops, Jack kept 2000 Unsullied for himself, and then asked Newgate to go to Meereen and Yunkai to buy a batch of bed slaves and skill slaves who can reproduce normally, escorted by the remaining Unsullied, and go to the Seychelles to explore the way first.

Handed a nautical chart to Newgate, "After approaching the Seychelles, you must follow the route on the nautical chart, otherwise it will be very dangerous, understand?"

This nautical chart was drawn by Jack based on Poseidon's reminder, and it was quite detailed.

Newgate solemnly put away the nautical chart. He trusted Jack 100%.

He gained dignity from Jack. Even if Jack asked him to go to the sea to fight sharks alone, he would not hesitate at all.

As for Jack, if you doubt someone, don't employ him; if you employ someone, don't doubt him. He believes that Newgate will not betray him. How can he achieve great things if he is timid?

Even if Newgate really takes his people away and becomes independent, there is still Poseidon. Even if Newgate runs to the ends of the earth, he will be caught.

After receiving the order, Newgate immediately took the entire Atlantis, including all the ships of the Sea King, and left Astapor.

Jack took two thousand Unsullied and stationed near Astapor, just waiting for Daenerys to arrive and make a fortune.

The savings of the slave owners of Astapor for hundreds of years, just thinking about it makes Jack a little excited. With this money, he can quickly develop the archipelago base and convert all his merchant ships into warships.

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