Game of Thrones: Lord of the Deep

Chapter 82 Centralization

Jack carefully read the work reports submitted by the stewards appointed by Newgate and found that these stewards were more useful than the scholar-officials of the Celestial Empire.

Even the high-level slaves who were teachers had governance skills that were better than the stewards after they adapted to the work content.

These teachers who were high-level slaves were essentially the same as the scholars in Westeros. Reading and literacy were only the most basic.

Astronomy, geography, history, politics, and even swordsmanship were all covered by this group of teachers.

In this regard, the university scholar and the group of teachers under Jack were undoubtedly ahead of the scholar-officials of the Celestial Empire, and governing the country was naturally a piece of cake.

In this case, Jack had to choose between the feudal system and the centralized feudal system. It was impossible to directly cross over to the modern or even modern system, because productivity and people's wisdom could not keep up.

The first is the feudal system, which established the country by enfeoffing the princes.

But as time goes by, the royal family will have no land to enfeoff, and if you don't pay attention, it will be easy for the local princes to become bigger and stronger, resulting in the failure of the imperial power and the chaos among the princes.

The centralized feudal system also has its shortcomings, the biggest of which is land annexation and incompetent rulers.

In ancient China, the lifespan of a unified dynasty would not exceed three hundred years.

In the late dynasty, the powerful would use various means to seize the most important means of production in ancient times - land!

And with the change of climate, once the cold climate period comes, there will be a large number of landless refugees.

Under this circumstance, unless a revival leader appears, even a wise king cannot save the feudal dynasty.

After thinking this through, Jack also had a determination in his heart. Since any system has shortcomings, he might as well learn from the county system of the first emperor and strengthen centralization.

At least Jack has the confidence to control a centralized feudal dynasty.

As for how his own descendants will govern and develop Atlantis in the future, it is not something he, a founding emperor, can control.

I just hope that by then, the founding emperor Jack Poseidon recorded in the history books of Atlantis will be a wise ruler and an emperor for all ages.

In modern times, archaeologists and historians praise his glorious deeds every day.

This made Jack satisfied.

Jack suddenly felt that his mind was clear. This problem that had troubled him since the establishment of Atlantis finally got what he thought was the most perfect solution.

"Newgate!" Jack suddenly roared, scaring the two people and the dragon next to him.

Especially the Korakshu under Jack's feet, it widened its eyes, which were not big to begin with, as if saying:

"Psycho, why are you roaring so loudly?"

Although Newgate was startled, he quickly reacted and said, "Your Majesty, I'm here."

"Give orders to have a big banquet tonight, I'll treat you, take out all the stored meat and wine, and invite every Atlantean to have a good meal."

"By the way, don't take out the Poseidon Brew, that thing is too expensive."

Newgate: "."

Although he didn't know what Jack was crazy about, Newgate still went to arrange the banquet.

Atlantis now has 31,000 people, and the cost of the banquet is not low.

Soon the news that His Majesty the Sea King held a banquet in the Sea King Palace spread throughout the island, and countless people cheered.

You should know that when the Sea King Palace was built, Newgate prohibited anyone except craftsmen from approaching.

Everyone couldn't help but sigh that His Majesty the Sea King's generosity was really not comparable to Newgate, a stingy man.

Ashley was one of the carnival crowd.

Sea King Island does not restrict itself from doing business.

Riding the rapid development of Sea King Island, she directly opened a tailor shop.

As her skills in making clothes became more and more advanced, her business naturally became more and more prosperous.

Ashley got off the bed and started looking for clothes. She looked at her husband who was still not satisfied and urged him:

"Mark, get up and get dressed quickly. We will go to the Sea King's Palace to attend the Sea King's banquet later."

"Why are you in such a hurry? The banquet will start at seven o'clock. It's only four o'clock now. There are still three hours."

Atlantis has a detailed 24-hour time division.

Jack divided it by referring to the time measurement methods of the Ice and Fire World and his previous life. During the long summer, it was dawn at four or five in the morning and dark at eight in the evening.

It may not be as accurate as Jack's previous life, but as long as the time is unified, it is accurate, and it can provide convenience for daily life and work.

Ashley rolled her eyes, "Haha, you are so tired in just ten minutes? If it works, it works, and if it doesn't, it doesn't. You still want to give birth to ten children?"


Mark jumped up from the bed immediately, "Who do you say can't do it?"

Mark went up and picked up Ashley, and then threw her directly on the bed.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

"Let me show you if I can do it!"

Twenty minutes later, Ashley put on the dress she made with a rosy face.

Mark put on his clothes slowly and leisurely, looking quite handsome, but a little depressed.

"Let's go, let's take some front seats first, it is said that the seats for this banquet are first come first served."

After saying that, she pulled Mark into the carriage, which was bought with her first pot of gold.

In the Sea King City, as long as you have money, you can get what you want at the dock market, such as a carriage.

It’s just that you need to register to buy a carriage, and then you have to pay an extra 20 copper coins for the monthly property cleaning fee.

Otherwise, you have to find someone to follow the carriage and shovel the feces all the way.

All the roads on Neptune Island are paved with cement, flat and wide.

Mark drove the carriage to the Neptune Palace. When he was about to reach the Neptune Palace, he was surrounded by endless wheat fields.

The Neptune City occupies half of Neptune Island in the design, and the Neptune Palace is located in the center of Neptune City, next to the No. 1 grain production base.

The No. 1 grain production base is Newgate’s consideration that if Neptune City is surrounded by enemy forces in the future, it can still rely on these 490,000 acres of fertile land to maintain consumption.

The remaining other grain bases will be built outside Neptune City.

The entire Neptune Island covers an area of ​​11,000 square kilometers, and Neptune City covers an area of ​​5,000 square kilometers.

The remaining 6,000 square kilometers, of which 4,000 square kilometers will create six million acres of fertile land for growing food.

The remaining 2,000 square kilometers will be turned into a 3 million mu pasture for breeding.

Everyone on the Sea King Island knows about these plans, because 30% of the planned fertile land and pasture will be sold to individuals.

Mark borrowed a 30-year loan from the Imperial Bank and bought 300 mu of fertile land and 200 mu of pasture.

Mark is also one of the few people who borrowed money to buy land, and more people are still waiting and watching.

After all, they are still not very confident about government loans, and always feel that there is a place for cheating people.

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