Game of Thrones: Lord of the Deep

Chapter 98 Colonial Attempts

Jack also sent Poseidon and two thousand Unsullied to clean up the slave estates around Astapor.

No city can be self-sufficient.

Astapor and Yunkai are different from Meereen in that they are surrounded by a large number of slave estates.

Dany did not liberate these estates at the beginning.

After Cleon took office, he did not touch these slave estates due to his weak military strength.

These slave estates are essentially no different from the noble castles in Westeros.

Poseidon and two thousand Unsullied quickly cleaned up the estates.

The slave owners who were willing to surrender were made barons by Jack, and the slaves in the estates became freemen, and the barons continued to govern their estates.

But the barons needed to hire freemen to farm, and the freemen had the same rights as the people of Astapor.

The estates had to pay one-tenth of their output as taxes every month.

Every six months, the outstanding people would be promoted according to the tax situation, and the estates vacated by this cleanup would be rewarded.

This time, Jack indirectly obtained nearly five million acres of fertile land.

Many of these lands are wastelands, and most slaves have poor farming skills. They basically bury seeds in the soil and then rely on the weather for food.

Jack is limited by the number of grassroots talents, so he can only use this colonial method to control Astapor.

At the same time, in order to appease the manor owners who were recruited, Jack formed the House of Representatives and the House of Lords.

The House of Lords is mainly responsible for governing Astapor, while the House of Representatives is mainly responsible for the land around Astapor.

The House of Lords and the House of Lords jointly formed the Provisional Government of Astapor.

At the same time, Jack summoned all the people in the House of Representatives, a total of more than 50 people, all boarded the Sea King.

Jack did not choose a pyramid to live in the city of Astapor, and he felt more comfortable on the Sea King.

On the deck, Jack met all the people in the House of Representatives, including 5 senior members of the House of Lords and 49 manor owners of the House of Representatives.

All 44 people looked at Jack Poseidon and Korakshu beside him with fear.

This fear did not come from Jack and Korakshuu, but from Poseidon. They would never forget the scene of a giant beast as tall as a house breaking through the gate of the manor.

In contrast, they would rather face the spear of the Unsullied than the roar of Poseidon.

"Everyone, I believe you should be clear about the current situation. Let me introduce myself. I am Jack Poseidon, the Sea King of Atlantis. You can also call me the Father of Dragons."

"From today, the Astapor Provisional Government will become a formal government."

"There is an old saying in Atlantis, called those who know the times are heroes. I believe that with the support of Atlantis, you will definitely be able to build a beautiful city-state."

"You'd better not have any crooked thoughts. The Sea God is getting stronger day by day. If you betray, the end will be a bit ugly."

After Jack finished speaking, a blue beam of light suddenly appeared next to the Sea King and rushed straight into the sky.

Everyone looked terrified, and Sanasis, one of the great councilors, immediately stepped forward.

"Please rest assured, Lord Poseidon, we will tear down all the bronze statues of the Harpy, and then make bronze statues of the God of Ocean and Thunder appear everywhere in Astapor."

Thanasis was born as a high-level slave, and he was very good at scheming. At this time, he already knew Jack's purpose.

It was nothing more than turning Astapor into a colony of Atlantis, which made him see an opportunity.

Since Astapor was a colony, it meant that Jack could no longer stay here. As long as he seized the opportunity, he would have the opportunity to become the king of Astapor.

When Jack left, he would be the king of Astapor.

Jack smiled at Thanasis, who was flattering. He had just found five stewards and maesters at random, but he didn't expect that there would be such a flattering person among them.

"Your name is Sanasis, right?"

"Lord Poseidon, I'm honored that you still remember my name."

Jack waved his hand, "Your idea is good. From now on, you are the mayor of Astapor, in charge of the House of Lords and the House of Representatives."

Sanasis was ecstatic, but he bowed with a respectful and grateful expression.

Jack looked at Sanasis with satisfaction. Before Atlantis could cultivate sufficiently loyal and outstanding grassroots managers, this kind of flattering person was the perfect object of support.

At the same time, Jack ordered Sanasis to recruit 15,000 freemen, who would become the military force of Astapor.

But they would be trained by Unsullied officers, and grassroots officers would also be Unsullied.

Jack wanted to control the military force of Astapor, and there was no room for negotiation on this matter.

Astapor had a total of 400,000 people, more than half of whom were slaves, and there were 800,000 people in the surrounding area, 99% of whom were also slaves, and even these slaves had never been liberated.

Now Jack has given them the status of freemen, and they will be paid if they work for the manor owner in the future. Jack also requires that their salary cannot be lower than the average labor salary of Astapor.

In this way, Astapor's overall income will increase, and it will be able to consume more Atlantis goods, anyway, it is the manor owner's money that is spent.

At the same time, Jack will sell the 3.6 million acres of vacant land at a clear price, three gold dragons per acre for good land, one gold dragon per acre for ordinary land, and one gold dragon per acre for inferior land.

The eyes of all the nobles present were bright. This price was a bit expensive, but it was acceptable, mainly because the land in Astapor was not in demand before.

Many manor owners would rather let the land go to waste than sell the land in their hands.

Now the opportunity is in front of them, they will definitely not let it go. With the land, they will make the money back sooner or later.

Then Jack sold another 100,000 gold dragons of good land after the statistics.

This group of nobles only buy good land, and they don't like the medium and low-quality land.

However, their dislike does not mean that the new free people in Astapor will also dislike it, especially the cheap low-quality land, which is as much as 2.2 million acres.

In the eyes of the new free people, this is the land prepared for them. As long as they work for the slave owners for a few years, they can save money to buy two or three acres of land and live a life of being the master of their own house.

However, Jack is not going to let them save money to buy land. Soon the Imperial Bank will set up a branch in Astapor, and they will have low-interest loans at that time.

After the nobles left with satisfaction, Jack called Kaido.

"You will be stationed in Astapor for a long time. I will let Newgate arrange a few politicians to be with you. With their assistance, I believe you can control Astapor well."

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, I will definitely complete the task you assigned." Kaido said confidently.

Since the first batch of high-level slaves arrived at the Sea King Island, Newgate has arranged for people to teach the commanders of the Unsullied to read and write.

As the highest commander, Kaido is naturally the one who studies the hardest. Now reading and writing are not a problem.

He even took the initiative to find some books to read. He felt that books could teach him a lot of things, not just reading and writing.

It is precisely because of this that he was able to go from a small captain of the Unsullied to the commander-in-chief of the Unsullied Legion in Atlantis, where the capable prevail.

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