Game of Thrones: Lord of Winter

Chapter 102: Three Dimensions of Windbreak Castle

Gilbert Fallin listened to the report brought by his men, which was the news coming from King's Landing.

Lost, they lost. Their navy was reduced to ashes by wildfire, and their army was routed by the combined forces of Tywin Lannister and Highgarden.

"My lord," the guard reported to him, "Sir Camillo took over the defense of the city and opened the gates."

"What?" Gilbert stood up in shock. Could it be that they already knew the news of Stannis' defeat and planned to surrender the city?

He picked up his sword and was about to walk out of the tower, but saw that the entrance to the stairs was blocked by the knight named Jose. Jose asked him with a stern face, "Master Falin, where are you going?"

His face turned livid, and then he realized that he was a step too late, "I am the acting city lord, what do you want to do?"

"Nothing to do. The acting Lord of Storm's End should be Sir Cole. I'm just following his orders. Please stay in the castle now, sir. I will tell the public that you are sick."

Gilbert opened his mouth and cursed, "Your Majesty ordered your lord to garrison Storm's End, but where is he? I think he has forgotten his duty."

But Qiao Se ignored him.

Gilbert directly pulled out his sword and said, "The king ordered me to guard Storm's End Castle. I will never watch you dedicate the castle to the enemy."

"Dedicate the city?" Jose asked in confusion. "Lord Cole will not order us to sacrifice the city."

"Then why did you open the city gate wide?" Gilbert asked with his sword.

"Of course, the militia are brought into the castle to strengthen the defense of Storm's End."

Gilbert paused. He was only responsible for handling some of the internal affairs of the castle. The city defense and military affairs were handed over to Camillo and Jose by Cole. However, he also knew about their training in the militia, but because they had been holding meetings outside the city, , he knew very little.

He sheathed his sword. "Trapping me will not help us defend the city. Get out of the way."

"Please stay in the castle until Lord Cole comes back." Jose was unmoved.

Gilbert felt insulted and wanted to draw his sword again to duel Jose. His allegiance to Stannis will never change easily, and his son is still with the king.

This is no time for honor. Storm's End needs to conserve its strength.

"When Cole Julius comes back, I will personally ask him for an explanation." Gilbert turned back.

After four hundred militiamen entered the city, the enemy followed closely. After all, their news was not brought by birds, and it was already the third day after Stannis's defeat.

The first wave to come to Storm's End was an army from Highgarden, with a small number of about five to six hundred people.

The gatehouse and drawbridge were tightly closed. Counting the militia, they had a total of 900 defenders.

On the fourth day the siege army grew larger, and from Storm's End the banners fluttering above their camp could be seen clearly.

On the fifth day, the size of the siege army was close to five thousand, and they set up a military camp outside the city.

Someone shouted to the castle to surrender.

Little did they know that they were greeted by cold arrows. This behavior angered the siege army, and then the two sides started a round of arrow competition.

Both Jose and Camilo had no experience in managing the castle, and the logistics were messed up by them. After some discussion, the two asked their literate men to write a letter, and then hung it up at the location designated by Cole.

The envelope was passed to Cole by the white dragon, who immediately wrote a letter and then ordered the white dragon to send it to Storm's End. Still using the raven method, he caught a raven, hung the letter on its feet and threw it into Storm's End.

Sir Gilbert finally recovered from his illness, although his complexion was still not very good.

He took over the affairs of the castle, leaving José and Camillo to continue their defense.

As the army under the city grew larger and larger, the atmosphere of the castle once again returned to that depressing one.

"We have no reinforcements, my lord," one of Gilbert's attendants said to him.

Today, the besieging army once again came to the city gate to persuade them to surrender. Camillo was ready to let the archers shoot them to death, but Gilbert stopped him.

He told Camilo that when the enemy tried to persuade them to surrender, they followed his words and acted as if they might be persuaded, so that they could buy time to wait for reinforcements.

But those who persuaded him to surrender soon brought him extremely bad news.

Stannis's army was almost wiped out at the Blackwater River. Surrender was surrender, death was death. Only two thousand people fled with him back to Dragonstone.

They have no reinforcements.

Camilo immediately ordered the archers to release arrows, and then said loudly: "The reinforcements led by Lord Cole Julius are coming. Storm's End is not alone."

That night, Gilbert asked him if the reinforcements were real. How many reinforcements are there?

Camillo answered him, "We should trust Lord Cole. He can defeat the people of Highgarden twice, and he can defeat them a third time."

Although he spoke with confidence, he never answered the questions he asked.

Gilbert thought to himself that the reinforcements should just be an encouraging word. How could there be an army coming to support Storm's End now?

Stannis was definitely out of luck, I heard he was seriously wounded.

He only has two thousand troops left, and their morale is currently low. They have just experienced a huge defeat. If they all fall on Storm's End, it will really be over.

As for the troops in the north, they have too much to take care of themselves now, so why bother sending troops to help?

Now Storm's End can only rely on itself. The army of Highgarden is not as large as when Renly besieged Storm's End. Moreover, there are enough materials in Storm's End now. If nothing unexpected happens, it can defend for a year or two.

When Stannis recovers from Dragonstone, he will definitely come to support them.

With this thought, Gilbert's determination to defend the city fell.

The enemy only surrounded but did not attack for the time being, and archers and crossbowmen shot at each other from time to time.

The people of Highgarden knew how difficult it was to break through Storm's End. They failed in their two sieges.

But with the arrival of one person, the situation of the war changed dramatically - Lord Mace Tyrell.

He came from King's Landing with two thousand cavalry and took over the Highgarden army that was attacking the city.

Then the Highgarden army began to cut wood and make equipment, and set up a siege posture.

Lord Mace vowed to wash away the previous shame. He knew that the one stationed in Storm's End was Cole Julius, who led the army to burn his food twice.

His second son, Garlan, had a high opinion of this boy and did not recommend him to lead the army to attack Storm's End.

Storm's End was now like an isolated city, and this was the best opportunity to capture the castle.

Mace had fought almost all of his battles in Storm's End. This time he must ride his horse through the castle's gatehouse and sit on a high seat in the hall.

After the news that Storm's End was holding out reached King's Landing, he quickly came.

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