Game of Thrones: Lord of Winter

Chapter 111 The King's Illegitimate Son

The fragrance of pinewood permeates the Aegon Garden, and the colors of wild roses adorn the green branches.

The joy and laughter here seem to be isolated from the world.

The laughter of children can be heard from afar. Cole carefully calculated his age. In fact, he is only about sixteen or seventeen. He has long forgotten when his name day is.

"Under the sea, mermaids don't ride horses. I know, I know, oh oh oh." Patchface's figure walked through the garden, and the bells on his head jingled.

"My father, King Robert Baratheon, is the bravest and most powerful warrior in the Seven Kingdoms. Tall Duncan can't beat him at all." There seemed to be a sound of struggle in front of the open space of the swing.

"Ser Tall Duncan is very powerful." This is a timid female voice.

"My father taught me to fight. His hammer is invincible. I also have a hammer, a smaller one, but they won't let me bring it here, otherwise I can show it to you." The hammer made him feel very proud. "Your tall Duncan can't beat a hammer with a sword."

"It's not mine, it's Cole's, I'll let him take care of 'Tall Duncan'."

"Your fiancé? Oh, I know him, with silver hair, right? He looks so handsome."

The girl lowered her head shyly.

"Cousin, my father told me that a man can't just be beautiful, scars and alcohol tolerance are the medals of a man."

"Cole?!" Shirin suddenly looked behind the thorn bush with surprise, and saw him standing there with a smile on his face. Edric was right, he was too handsome, no, he should be described as handsome.

Edric Storm turned his head stiffly and met Cole's gaze.

He walked over slowly. He was only two years older than Edric, but he was much taller.

Edric thought silently in his heart that when he reached his sixteen-year-old name day, he would definitely be taller than him.

"Your Highness." Cole greeted her softly.

"Are you my cousin's fiancé, Cole Julius?" It was the first time that Edric looked at him so closely. His clothes were the same as his uncle Stannis's, and they didn't look fancy.

"I am Edric Storm." He said his name and announced, "My father is King Robert."

"Hello, Your Highness." Although he had the surname of a bastard, he was the king's child after all, and a bastard recognized by Robert himself.

"We are playing Westeros Adventures, which is a very interesting game." He pointed to the chessboard on the carpet. "This is my character, carved according to my father's model."

It was a knight with a stag-horned helmet, and the workmanship was much more delicate than 'Balerion the Black Death' and 'Sir Duncan the Tall', which showed that it was made by a craftsman.

Although Cole had never seen Robert, he had seen Renly. Although the child in front of him had a pair of protruding ears of the Florent family, his face was full of traces of the Baratheon family.

"Will you join us?" Edric asked. He was straightforward and generous, just like his father.

Cole shook his head gently. He was about to return to Storm's End. He just came to take a look and say goodbye casually.

"Lord Storm, please let me have a word with Shireen?"

Edric looked as if he had suddenly realized something. "Oh, I know, I was abrupt. I apologize for you, brother-in-law."

He left in a hurry, but Cole knew that he was hiding behind the stone pillar and peeking.

"Edric, your head is exposed." Shireen said to him.

He jumped up like a monkey and explained, "I'm just picking up something."

"She is Uncle Robert's son. My father brought him back to Dragonstone." Shireen fled from Edric in a panic.

"Well, I saw him when I was at Storm's End." Cole picked up the wooden knight. "Do you still keep it?"

Her face was slightly red, and she lowered her head, using her clothes to cover the gray-scale skin on her face. Shireen knew that she was ugly and this piece of skin would be scary.

Girls in Westeros can get married at the age of thirteen or fourteen.

"You should ask the craftsman to make a better-looking one for you." He looked at the vaguely carved knight.

"I promise to take good care of it for you."

Cole chuckled. The little princess in front of him was just a naive girl who was new to the world. Maybe she didn't know much about the so-called engagement.

When she grows up a little and develops fantasies about love, I wonder if she will hate this marriage.

His understanding of love is very shallow, and he would not think about pursuing a passionate and lingering love.

Cole likes Shireen's character. She is different from most people in this world. She has the most simple innocence and kindness, but she also suffers the pain brought to her by this world.

From the appearance, grayscale disease undoubtedly destroyed half of her face.

"It seems that 'Ser Duncan the Tall' is well taken care of by our princess. I am going back to Storm's End, so let it stay with you."

"Are you going to Storm's End?"

"I have to protect Storm's End for you."

"Can I go with you?" Shireen asked.

Storm's End has been given to Shireen by Stannis. Now, in addition to being the legitimate heir to the king, she is also the princess of Storm's End.

"There will be a chance, but not now." He slowly opened his hand, which was a pearl necklace, "A farewell gift, I hope you like it."

Shireen thanked him and took the necklace.

They chatted like friends. Cole was not a humorous person. He could not speak sweet words like a bard, and he thought it was wrong to say love words to a little girl. Of course, even if he was asked to say it, he could not utter a word.

Cole shared some stories and experiences with Shireen. She listened carefully, frowning and smiling from time to time.

"Cole, you seem different." Shireen said to him suddenly.

The two had been together for a while on Dragonstone Island. At that time, he was the princess's guard knight, and of course he was just a bodyguard and attendant in name.

Cole touched his cheek, "Really? It is always difficult for people to discover their changes."

"I used to call you the dumb knight." She covered her mouth and chuckled.

Cole has indeed changed a lot. I don't know when he no longer hesitated to speak, and he would not feel oppressed and uncomfortable because of the noble status of the person in front of him.

He became more like a Westeros person, or more like a Westeros noble.

The philtrum will change silently, and time will not only take away the appearance.

The next morning, taking advantage of the north wind, the Myrish ship slowly drifted down. The king bid farewell to his future son-in-law, and the King's Hand was left to the Onion Knight who spoke frankly.

He had to return to Storm's End after all, and could not stay by the king's side for a long time to give him advice.

Sorry, I only wrote one chapter today.

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