The aisles of the palace were glittering with jewels and glass.

The Red Keep was so crowded that Tyrion wondered how many knights Cersei and his father had appointed.

He only had half of his nose left, and the wound had scabbed over under the care of the maester.

Tyrion would rather walk on the mountain trails of the Moon Mountains than be in the public eye of these ladies and gentlemen in gorgeous clothes.

He looked more like a monster now. Tyrion was looking for a place with fewer people, but an unexpected person passed by in front of him. It was a girl from the Stark family. She had a slender figure, delicate cheekbones, clear blue eyes and thick red hair. She inherited her mother's beauty.

"Lord Lannister." The girl gave him a lady's etiquette.

"Hello, Miss Stark." Tyrion returned the greeting.

She didn't look very good, as if she was frightened by something. Tyrion didn't have to think about it, it was definitely his stupid nephew Joffrey.

Robert Baratheon and Eddard Stark had asked Joffrey to marry her, but now Lord Tywin and Cersei seem to want Joffrey to marry the girl from Highgarden.

Tyrion admitted that the girl was also very beautiful, but she had been married to Renly, so who knows if she is still a virgin. Although her father tried hard to prove it, our Lord Tyrell is probably still in the dungeon of Storm's End.

That boy is really amazing, can he not fail?

"You don't look very well, my lady. Please rest." Tyrion said comfortingly.

"Thank you for your concern, my lord."

She is like a canary, Tyrion thought, her parents trained her well.

Tyrion nodded and walked past her.

He walked straight through the front yard and walked up the stairs. He had to climb the stairs for a long time to get up. These craftsmen who built the castle were really damned.

Tyrion walked upstairs with a shaky step. His father Tywin was holding a royal meeting in the meeting hall. As the former prime minister, he was naturally qualified to attend. Although Lord Tywin only recognized him as the acting prime minister.

He walked into the meeting hall and looked around. Lord Tywin sat in the king's seat, and Cersei and uncle Kevan sat on the left and right.

The old and shaky Grand Maester Pycelle, his trembling appearance made Tyrion wonder if his skeleton would fall apart if a cold wind blew?

Lord Redwyne of the Arbor, he had drooping shoulders, a thin figure, and only a few tufts of orange hair on his bald head. His face was as gloomy as the river water in Blackwater Bay.

Lord Matus Rowan of Golden Tree City was neatly shaved and strong.

The Archbishop of the Cathedral was very thin, with sparse white beard on his chin.

There were many new faces, and Tyrion found that there was no chair prepared for him. No, there is an empty chair, which should be for Lord Mace Tyrell. The Lord Admiral seems to be unable to attend the royal meeting for the time being.

Tyrion saw his father looking at him with a gleaming look. If it were in the past, he would have turned around and left angrily, just like when Lord Tywin asked him to be the vanguard in the Riverlands.

He pulled the chair over, came to the end of the table, and sat on it facing Tywin.

"Tyrion, Lancel told me all your heroic deeds, and he admires you very much." Uncle Kevan said.

Yes, his good cousin Lancel, I don't know if his injury has healed.

"I hope his injury is fine, uncle."

"Everyone is here, Prime Minister." The eunuch said to Lord Tywin.

"Then tell them the news, Varys." Lord Tywin said.

The eunuch stood up leisurely, "Bad news, my lords. Our fleet on the Arbor was destroyed by the Ironmen. The Iron Fleet bypassed the Shield Islands and attacked Whispering Bay. We lost ninety-eight ships."

"They must pay the price." With a bang, Lord Redwyne angrily slammed the table.

"I remember that the Ironmen wrote to us to form an alliance before this?" Tyrion asked.

"It is not Balon Greyjoy who leads these Ironmen now, but his brother Euron Greyjoy." Uncle Kevan said to him.

"Why do the Ironmen do this? What good does it do them to destroy the fleet on the Arbor?" Lord Matus Rowan asked.

"My lords, this is not the worst thing." The eunuch continued, "There is a message sent from across the Narrow Sea."

Tyrion thought, are the free cities across the Narrow Sea also going to get involved in Westeros' affairs?

"One of the free trade castles, Lys, was conquered by Tyroshi and Dothraki. Tyroshi seems to have reached some kind of agreement with the Dothraki. The horse king Khal Drogo, who commands nearly 100,000 Dothraki, is leading his army to Westeros. It is rumored that he has nearly 40,000 knights under his command."

"Dothraki? Those barbarians on horseback?" Lord Matus Rowan said in surprise.

"Yes, the Targaryen princess married this Khal Drogo before."

"They want to take back the Iron Throne." Cersei said.

"When King Robert was reborn, we held a royal meeting for this, Lord Varys, Lord Baelish, the Minister of Finance, and Lord Renly. King Robert once advocated killing all Targaryens. But he was strongly obstructed by the former Prime Minister Eddard Stark." The Grand Maester spoke.

"He is a traitor." Redwyne cursed in a low voice.

"According to the information I have received, it seems that the Ironborn have also reached an agreement with the Dothraki." Varys, the Chief of Intelligence, finished his report.

Tyrion seems to know why they are attacking the Whispering Bay. The Ironborn and the Dothraki have joined forces. This is simply an alliance between pirates and bandits.

The Grand Maester cleared his throat. "I hear the Dothraki are invincible on the ground."

"Forty thousand knights? Is your information accurate, Varys?" Ser Kevan asked him.

"When I was a child, I wandered around the Free Trade City. I heard many stories about the Dothraki. They took pleasure in plundering and would kill wherever they went. Even tall city walls could not stop their bravery. The Dothraki are invincible on the plains and have few opponents.

"In the Dothraki tribe, everyone can ride a horse, regardless of age or sex."

Lord Tywin, who had been extremely calm, finally said, "No matter what, if Tyrosh, Dothraki and the Ironborn join forces, our enemies will undoubtedly be more difficult. You don't want a barbarian on horseback to sit on the Iron Throne." Come on?"

There has been a lot of bad news recently, Tyrion thought, if they really join forces, all the Seven Kingdoms will be destroyed. Then maybe Stannis and Stark will join in and attack King's Landing together.

"Lord Baelish has traveled to the Vale of Arryn, hoping he can bring us allies from the Vale."

"Then why don't we form an alliance with the North by the way?" Tyrion said suddenly.

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