Game of Thrones: Lord of Winter

Chapter 119 “Dragon Mother” is coming?

The oil lamp was dim, with twinkling lights, like the faint candlelight brought by fireflies in summer. In this environment, it was a big test for eyesight.

Although Cole had good eyesight, he still moved the chair to the fireside, where the light was brighter.

He unfolded the parchment again, and the Westeros continental language was coiled on it at a neat angle. I didn't expect Tyrion to have such good handwriting.

A small piece of paper fell down, and Cole picked it up. There was handwriting on it.

"From Tyrion, the Lannister employer who pays his debts."

"Are you still a virgin, my lord?" Tyrion seemed to look at him with a mocking look in his big and small eyes. "I don't know what to call you now, Cole? Or Lord Marquis of Summerhall? Or Lord of Storm's End?"

"Forget it, screw him. My father asked me to write a letter to invite you to King's Landing. I know it's stupid, you can laugh, but I advise you to finish reading the letter."

He put down the small paper roll and looked at the letter.

[I, Tyrion Lannister, will hold a wedding with Sansa of the Stark family in King's Landing in ten days. I specially invite Stannis Baratheon, Duke of Dragonstone, and Cole Julius, Duke of Summerhall and Storm's End.] He wrote a long list of names. This letter should be sent to Dragonstone, but it was indeed signed to him.

After the names and honorifics, the content of the letter gradually deviated from the invitation.

"Lys was broken by the joint efforts of Tyrosh and Dothraki, and the Ironborn attacked the Qingting Island fleet in Whispering Bay. What's the point of elaborating on these two things?" He muttered softly. He had heard of Lys and Tyrosh, but he didn't know much about the Free Trade Cities. On the contrary, he knew a lot about the Dothraki because of Dragon Mother.

This group of nomadic people on the grassland is the most powerful race on the continent of Essos. Their fighting power is unquestionable. Their light cavalry and archers are almost unmatched on the plains.

But the shortcomings of the horse people are also very obvious. They wear armor at a very low rate, or even almost no armor. It seems that wearing armor is a shame in Dothraki, but Cole can't remember the details.

Siege is also a major weakness of theirs.

These shortcomings prevent them from ruling the continent of Essos like the ancient Ghis Empire and the Valyrian Empire.

Cole never thought that the Dothraki could beat Westeros. This is not the great plains of Dothraki, the valley with towering mountains, Dorne with rugged mountains and scattered deserts, the storm land with many woodlands, and the cold and remote northern border. How many terrains can grassland war horses take down? If you want to learn how to conquer from the Khan, the Dothraki are not qualified.

"Euron Greyjoy of the Iron Islands and Khal Drogo, the Dothraki horse king, have formed an alliance!?" Cole couldn't help rubbing his eyes. What did he see? Khal Drogo, the horse king?

What a big surprise?

So it's Drogo who's on the other side of the Narrow Sea? Does that mean Daenerys Targaryen is there too?

The Dragon Queen is coming, bringing 40,000 Dothraki cavalry, and the strongest Iron Fleet of the Seven Kingdoms has already defected, and the Free Trade Castle has also intervened.

Cole couldn't help laughing, it seems that the Lannisters are panicking.

He really didn't expect that the horse king didn't die, it seems that many stories have happened on the other side of the Narrow Sea.

Has the downtrodden princess finally returned with the flame of revenge?

The letter didn't mention her dragon, and I don't know if the three dragon eggs have hatched.

If there are still dragons, then they don't have to fight, just weave the dragon flag at home and look forward to welcoming the king's army.

As the Baratheon camp, they are bound to be enemies.

After all, it was Robert Baratheon who took the throne of the Targaryen family, although he himself also had some dragon blood.

Would Stannis be willing to submit to the Dragon Queen? No need to think about it.

The Lannister family is the same as them in this matter.

The Lannisters' crimes must be settled first. As the culprit of the massacre in King's Landing, Duke Tywin cannot escape the blame.

You know, the Mad King Aerys was killed by the Kingslayer, and Tywin also indulged his vicious dogs to brutally kill other Targaryens in the Red Castle.

Even if the Dragon Queen is kind, she will not let these enemies go easily.

So Lannister is here to make an alliance? He continued to read the letter.

"It is indeed the intention of making an alliance." Although the letter only mentioned an invitation.

Sending the letter to himself, is it to let him persuade Stannis?

Should we stabilize the country first and then resist the foreign invasion? Or should we work together to fight the enemy first?

If he were to choose, it goes without saying that there would be no need to start a civil war since the situation is already very dangerous.

Storm's End and Dragonstone are both strategic points that face the enemy first. Before the external forces weaken the Lannisters, they will suffer first.

No one can stop the Iron Fleet on the sea now, unless the remnants of Redwyne join forces with the Royal Fleet.

The civil strife in Westeros provides the best opportunity for the enemy. Half of the forces in the Westerlands and the North have been defeated. The Stormlands and the Reach are almost incomplete, not to mention the Riverlands. Only Dorne and the Vale still have some strength left.

The end of the letter shows that it is not King's Landing that should be anxious, but them.

In fact, it is nothing more than a matter of lips and teeth. If the Stormlands and Dragonstone fall, King's Landing will also suffer, unless Lannister is willing to give up King's Landing and retreat to the Westerlands.

He put the letter on his lap and stared at the flames in the fire in a trance.

Would the Seven Kingdoms be willing to let the barbarians sit on the Iron Throne? Although they have Targaryen blood.

The reason for the Blackfyre Rebellion was that Prince Baelor, the heir to the Iron Throne, looked more like a Dornishman than a Targaryen.

He should write a letter and send it to Dragonstone. No, he should go to Dragonstone in person.

Stannis must agree to the alliance. If he doesn't want to be with the Lannisters, Cole can only suggest that they go north.

Winter is coming, and winter in the North is not so easy to get through.

This winter in Westeros is destined to go down in history.

So who will record the history? The Andals, the Rhoynar, or the First Men? Or the Dothraki? The Tyrosh?

Cole still remembers that a group of guys who are not really human are slowly coming from the Land of Eternal Winter.

The night is about to fall, and the dawn is still far away. He even wants to put his hands together and pray to the Lord of Light.

Although the followers of the Lord of Light are a little crazy, this Lord is the only god who can do something at the moment.

For a moment, he even thought of escaping from this place of trouble.

"Ah~" With a long sigh, the mist from his mouth was dispersed by the heat of the fire, and some images appeared faintly in the swaying flames.

It was a huge city, densely packed with people, a red castle, and a magnificent marble-domed church.

And himself.

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