Game of Thrones: Lord of Winter

Chapter 126 King's Arrival

The muddy road was crowded with people, and the gold-cloaked men escorted the nobles to disperse the group of skinny civilians.

Six copper coins bought a pumpkin, a silver deer exchanged for a pile of corn, and a gold dragon was worth half a beef rib or six skinny piglets. This is the current situation in King's Landing. Although they can receive material assistance from the South and West, the price of food is still high.

The gold-cloaked men walked all the way to the riverside. Today, an important person will come from the sea.

Tyrion looked at the messy riverside. Some corpses had not even been cleaned up. There were sunken ships everywhere on the river. Half of the ports were deserted.

He thought that maybe the Dothraki people came from the sea and couldn't find a place to stop the boat.

Bronn led the horse, he looked at the sea and said, "The ship is coming?"

The mercenaries' eyes are always good.

I saw the ship cut through the waves, passed through the broken ships, and came to the port steadily.

Tyrion saw the flaming crowned stag and the flaming white bird flying on the ship. He looked at the flag for a while and extended a connecting plate from the deck.

A black and gold patterned dress came out first, sheepskin boots stepped out of the deck, two garnet patterned scabbards on the waist, gray and white cloaks hanging from the shoulders, white bird silver buckle and cloak, clean and white face, slightly melancholy purple-blue eyes, with a little bit of Doen's features, but Tyrion guaranteed that these features were just right on this face.

The most conspicuous thing was the silver hair tied with a gemstone rope.

He admitted that he had seen many handsome people, his brother Jaime, the Knight of Flowers of the Rose family, Renly Baratheon. But Tyrion felt that no matter who it was, he would be ashamed here.

Tyrion could only try his best to find traces of his memories from this face.

Is this still the dark-faced, thin, bald and quiet Cole?

Handsome, tall, and imposing.

Everyone couldn't help but bow their heads.

He squinted his eyes and looked around, revealing a warm smile.

Tyrion thought, he was so handsome that the little devil could imagine the eyes of those women when they saw him.

Look, the knight behind him looked like a wine servant. Tyrion recognized him, Sir Garlan Tyrell, the second brother of the Knight of Flowers. Little Joff made him the Earl of Brightwater City. It was he who suggested to marry his sister Margaery to Little Joff.

The short figure was very conspicuous in the crowd, and Cole saw him at a glance.

He crossed the plank road and walked straight to the bluestone floor.

"Tyrion, you have changed a lot, but I still recognized you at a glance."

The little devil also grinned, with the huge knife scar on his face and half of his nose, he looked quite ferocious. "You have changed a lot, but I am not so forgetful as to forget my old friend."

The purple-blue eyes turned to one side, looked at the mercenary, and said, "This is a nice outfit, Bronn."

"Let me introduce you, this is Ser Bronn of Blackwater." Tyrion said to him.

The little devil continued to point to another child, "This is my squire, young Podrick, from the Payne family."

He said the names of each person one by one.

Kole also introduced his team to him.

"Please enter the city first. I have prepared wine and food for you after the journey." He said to Cole.

Cole stopped under the River Gate and looked at the towering walls of King's Landing.

"This wall is much shorter than the Great Wall. I guarantee that you will get bored if you look at it for a while." Tyrion also raised his head.

Cole nodded.

They entered the city from the River Gate and could see the patrolling gold cloaks on the city wall, that is, the capital guard.

Entering the city gate, he came to a chaotic muddy road, surrounded by crowds of people. The golden robes led the way in front. Tyrion pointed to the low house and said to him, "This is the muddy road. People also call this door the 'mud gate'."

A red castle can be seen standing in the distance.

He shouldn't have too much hope in this era, even if it is the royal city. Cole put away his curiosity and asked Tyrion, "You want to marry a girl from the Stark family. Will her family come?"

"At least we sent an invitation." If they want to come, they will come with an army. With Lord Eddard's character, how could he agree to let his daughter marry a dwarf?

"To be honest, I was quite surprised to receive your invitation." He looked at the pale and skinny civilians and begging children around him.

Tyrion threw the copper coin there, causing a frenzy of scramble. "I didn't expect you to come. I've heard a lot of rumors about you, Cole."

"Really? What do they say?"

"They say you have a bird that can breathe fire."

Cole chuckled, "In fact, I have a dragon that can breathe fire."

"It seems that Lord Renly was killed by a dragon." Tyrion responded with a joking tone.

"To be honest, I really didn't kill Renly Baratheon." He glanced at Garlan, and returning the son of the Rose family was their sincerity.

Rumors are strong, and everyone thought he killed Renly.

"I'm actually curious about how you got from the riverlands to Dragonstone. I thought you were dead." Tyrion asked the question that had been accumulating in his heart for a long time.

"Having a dream changed the world. I wonder if you have ever had this feeling."

Yes, Tyrion wanted to say, when he was awake, he was still on the battlefield, but he changed places after sleeping, and his nose was gone.

"Anyway, I woke up and arrived at Dragonstone. The maesters there treated me. At first, I couldn't even speak. They thought I was dumb." Cole said to him. "You should know what happened later."

Yes, what happened later was like a colorful legend. They broke through Storm's End, defeated the coalition forces of Highgarden and Stormlands, killed Renly, and captured Lord Mace Tyrell.

The muddy road was full of the smell of feces. The drainage system here was really bad.

They climbed up Aegon Hill, and Tyrion pointed to the Red Castle. "That's the king's palace. People call it the Red Castle."

He knew that Cole was in King's Landing for the first time.

"It fits its name very well." Red Castle, a red castle.

When approaching the castle, Cole acted calm, but he was still a little shocked. The thick walls and bronze gates, the iron portcullis connected to the trenches of the moat, there were sharp blades and spikes underneath.

There were soldiers patrolling on it. Today, the one guarding the drawbridge was Ser Boros Brawne of the Kingsguard.

But when the iron gate opened, Tyrion saw an unexpected person.

Loras Tyrell, the Knight of Flowers, was dressed in white, and he used to be colorful. He held a long sword in both hands and stood horizontally on the drawbridge.

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