"This is Silk Street, sir." Duran introduced, "Here are the largest and best brothels in King's Landing."

They walked all over the streets of King's Landing these days. They watched the silent nuns on Silent Sister Street under the Visenya Hill. They were called Stranger's Wives. They wore gray clothes and covered their faces with hoods. They were abstinent and silent.

They browsed treasures from all over the world on Iron Street and admired a wide range of weapons and armor on Coppersmith Street.

Silk Street is the most advanced entertainment venue in King's Landing, where wealthy businessmen and noble knights lingered.

All kinds of women walked on the street, they were of different looks and gorgeous.

There were Andals, Dornishmen, and women from all over the Seven Kingdoms could be found here.

There were even black-skinned natives from the Summer Islands. They wore bright feather cloaks. On this island, this black race believed that intercourse was sacred, and prostitutes would be respected.

The whole street was filled with the scent of rouge and powder, and even women's singing could be heard faintly.

"There's nothing to see here, let's go." Cole turned his horse's head. He was afraid that if he stayed any longer, he would not be able to help but look inside.

You are still a minor, bastard. How can you think about these things?

Duran and José looked normal. Although this little fat boy was younger than Cole, he had already "eaten his mouth full of oil."

There was nothing strange about this. In Westeros, it was normal for men and women to get married at the age of thirteen or fourteen, but Sansa was only thirteen years old at this time.

The crowd in front of them suddenly dispersed, and those men and women retreated to both sides.

"Golden Spear Through the Sun!"

The sun flag dispersed the pedestrians on the road. Almost everyone on Silk Street had some status, so they naturally recognized what the emblem was.

Duran whispered, "My lord, that is the flag of the Martell family."

Cole nodded. He naturally recognized Dorne's golden spear and red sun emblem.

The leader wore a reddish silk robe with long flowing sleeves and a jeweled belt. His armor was densely decorated or inlaid with polished copper, shiny silver, and red soft gold.

He rode a charcoal-black horse, with a red tail swaying behind him. The round shield behind the horse was engraved with a pattern of a lance piercing the sun.

He was tall, slender and elegant, with a long and melancholy face, charcoal-black eyes, a slightly pointed nose, and silver streaks in his black hair.

He was a Dornish salt man. Salt men often lived by the sea, mainly in the Broken Arm area near the Dornish Sea in the Red Mountains. Their skin was olive-colored. In addition to salt men, Dorne also had sand men in the Dornish desert. Sand men lived in the desert and narrow river valleys, and their skin was even darker.

Dorne also had a group of descendants of Andals and the First Men, who lived in the mountains and passes of the Red Mountains. They were called stone men.

He seemed to be integrated with his mount when he rode on the horse, which showed his superb riding skills.

"Why are the Martells here?" Duran asked in a low voice.

"They should be here to attend Joffrey's wedding," Cole said.

He was looking at the man, but he saw that the man was also looking at him.

Cole asked Duran and Joss to leave. He was not surprised by the arrival of the Dornish.

"Where else have we not been?" Cole asked Duran.

The fat man thought for a long time and smiled bitterly, "My lord, I have only been to these places."

Cole nodded, and then just strolled around.

They rode slowly, but they didn't know that a pair of eyes behind them were staring at their backs.

"What are you looking at?" Ellaria Sand asked her lover.

Sand is the surname of Dorne's illegitimate son.

It was the first time she saw Oberyn with such an expression.

The prince smiled and said, "Nothing."

The Red Viper - Prince Oberyn Nymeros Martell.

The younger brother of Prince Doran of Dorne.

Prince Oberyn is quite legendary. It is said that when he was young, he traveled around the nine trading cities, traded with poisoners, and learned all kinds of dark tricks. He studied in the Citadel and had forged six chains before he got tired and dropped out. He worked as a sellsword in the Disputed Lands across the Narrow Sea, first serving in the Second Sons, and later forming his own team.

It is said that when he was sixteen, he was found to have an affair with Lord Edgar Yronwood's mistress, so the earl challenged him to a duel. Due to the prince's origin and age, the duel was agreed to stop when blood was seen, and both were injured. A few days later, Lord Edgar died of festering wounds. People believed that Oberyn had poisoned his sword. From then on, both his opponents and friends called him "Red Viper".

In Highgarden, he dueled with Willas Tyrell, the heir of the Tyrell family, leaving him crippled, which strained the relationship between Dorne and Highgarden.

The legend of the Red Viper is sensational, and it is rumored that he sleeps with both men and women.

There are his illegitimate daughters everywhere in Dorne, and they are called "Sand Snakes" by the Dornish.

Prince Oberyn came to King's Landing to replace his brother Prince Doran. The Lannisters promised to avenge his sister Elia and her children, but Martell was not so stupid as to not know who the real murderer was.

They wanted to judge the stupid Gregor Clegane and force him to find out who was the mastermind behind the scenes.

Oberyn's hatred has never dissipated, his anger has never receded, he must kill his enemies with his own hands, avenge his sister and her children.

Just now, I saw the shadow of Elia on a stranger.

Maybe her soul has been waiting too long, right in this King's Landing.

They returned to the Red Castle along the avenue. Cole had a glimpse of the capital in the past few days.

Apart from being dirty and messy, this city is quite distinctive.

In terms of defense, it can only be said that it is so-so. The larger the city, the more difficult it is to defend. It is impossible for the defenders to take care of every wall and every gate.

Of course, the attackers are already at a disadvantage. If they divide their troops, they will be easily noticed by the defenders in the castle. If they break out at that time, they will fail.

With few soldiers, they can only attack one side. With more soldiers, they can surround several sides. If Caesar observes the enemy's movements in the sky, he may be able to find an opportunity to raid and break the city.

But there is a Red Castle in King's Landing, which is the core of the capital. The difficulty of attacking it is even greater than that of the outer city.

In the case of insufficient troops, it is indeed difficult to take down King's Landing.

A better method is probably to use troops to surround but not attack. There are 500,000 people in King's Landing. If there is no food supply, it is easy to cause famine and riots.

But if you want to fight a protracted war, you have to make sure that no reinforcements will come to support you.

Either someone is holding them back, just like Storm's End held back the army of the Reach, or the defenders in King's Landing are isolated and helpless, or the city defenses are empty.

Such an opportunity should be difficult to come by again.

When Cole walked to his residence, he found that there seemed to be more neighbors around him, all of whom were Dornishmen.

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