Game of Thrones: Lord of Winter

Chapter 147 The King's Wedding

He wrapped the letter layer by layer.

Under the candlelight, the Winter Night flashed a cold light.

Gently touching its thin blade, the number of people who can reforge Valyrian swords in the world can be counted on one hand. At this moment, he became curious about Viggy's father, even though his name did not have a surname.

"Old friend, I thought we would never meet again." He muttered softly.

The sword turned sideways, just reflecting a ray of light, and the Winter Night seemed to say, "Our journey is not over yet, man."


He shook his head silently.

This letter brought him a noble identity, and also brought him more things, perhaps it is better to say responsibility.

Just as Stannis thought in his heart, the Iron Throne and the common people of the Seven Kingdoms, the noble knights are all his responsibilities, because he is the most orthodox heir to the Iron Throne.

And there is a hatred in his blood waiting for him to solve.

His enemies are in the North, in the West, in the Riverlands, in the Valley, and they are spread over most of Westeros.

So where can he go?

He stood up from the table and walked to the windowsill.

Prince Dorne wanted him to go to Dorne, and when the Dothraki and Tyroshi mercenaries landed on Westeros, Dorne would rise up in his name to respond.

Is he tempted?

Cole looked at the stars in the sky and asked himself, "What should I do?"

He put on the black and gold clothes, while Duran was wearing white and blue clothes.

"My lord, I heard that they prepared seventy-seven dishes." The fat Duran said excitedly.

Cole nodded slightly. This matter spread throughout the castle. Everyone knew that Lannister was generous, and seventy-seven dishes showed the wealth of the lion.

"How are our gifts prepared?" Cole asked him.

According to the tradition of the Reach, people give gifts to both parties in the morning before the wedding of the bride and groom.

So they had to prepare a gift for Joffrey, and they prepared a hammer for him.

When they walked to the Queen's ballroom, it was already crowded.

Prince of Dorne, Earl Matus Rowan, Earl Paxter Redwyne

During this time in King's Landing, Cole had not dealt with Joffrey, so he presented his gift.

"Happy wedding, Lord Joffrey." He put the hammer on the table.

"I am the king." There was a little anger on his face.

Cole said nothing, just nodded slightly as a courtesy, and then withdrew.

It was not until Earl Paxter Redwyne presented a model of a sailing wooden ship that Joffrey laughed happily, and then opened his voice, "I will use it as a flagship, go straight to Dragonstone Island, and kill the traitor."

His eyes looked at Cole provocatively.

All eyes looked over at once, and Cole looked indifferent and sat between the seats.

The little devil presented a book to his nephew king - "The Records of the Four Kings".

"This is a book that every king should read, your majesty." Ser Kevan Lannister explained to him.

Apparently Joffrey would not miss an opportunity to tease his uncle.

Lord Tywin presented the king with a long sword, the scabbard of which was made of gilded cherry wood, wrapped in oiled red leather, and decorated with a pure gold lion head. The lion had ruby ​​eyes.

Cole wondered in his heart if it would be a Valyrian sword.

Sure enough, it was a Valyrian long sword.

Joffrey danced happily, and he asked everyone what name to give the sword.

The guests talked a lot, and someone said "Widow's Wail." Joffrey happily took it.

He said that he would use this sword to create countless widows. Then he took the sword and chopped at the book that Tyrion gave him.

At the end of the banquet, Lady Ellaria helped Prince Oberyn walk over to Cole. He looked up, "What a willful boy."

"I recommend you read this book as well." The prince said to him.

"I know a little about the deeds of the four kings, Young Dragon Lord Daeron, Blessed Baelor, Aegon the Unworthy, and Good King Daeron. There are some books about them at Storm's End and the Wall."

They left together.

"Are you going back after the wedding?" the prince asked him. He walked very slowly because of his foot injury.

Cole nodded, "First go back to Dragonstone, then to Storm's End. Where is your highness?"

"That brat king wants me to attend his royal meeting."

They returned to the yard together.

The king's wedding was held at St. Baelor's Cathedral the next day.

Cole followed Oberyn in a sedan chair. Recently, everyone in the castle knew that the Prince of Dorne and the Marquis of Summerhall had a very good relationship.

The Cathedral of St. Baelor is a magnificent marble dome with seven crystal towers. To enter the cathedral from the main door, you have to walk through a long corridor. This corridor is called the "Hall of Lights". Many colored lead glass balls are hung on the ceiling of the corridor.

At the wedding, the newlyweds will take their vows between the tall gilded statues of the Father and the Mother.

So they walked all the way through the corridor, entered the doorway, and came to the altar where they took their vows. There were already witnesses here. They were going to witness the wedding of King Joffrey I Baratheon and Margaery Tyrell.

The High Septon wore a crown of gold and crystal, Joffrey wore a dark rose coat and a deep crimson velvet cloak with stags and lions, with the crown resting on his curls.

Margaery Tyrell wore an ivory silk dress and a Myrish lace dress with countless small pearls forming various flowers.

The king and queen swore seven vows, received seven blessings, and exchanged seven promises.

Then they exchanged cloaks.

After the oaths were taken at St. Baelor, they returned to the castle for a feast, with the Kingsguard leading the way.

The king and queen followed closely behind, and Prince Tommen carried a basket to sprinkle rose petals for them.

They were greeted by a wave of cheers.

The feast was held after dusk, and the long table was set in the throne room, which was brightly lit.

Cole led Duran to the front, and the herald immediately shouted, "Sir Cole Julius, Marquis of Summerhall, and Sir Duran Bar-Eamon, Earl of Pointed City."

Some people's eyes were attracted. Lord Julius's handsome face always attracted countless ladies' attention. Some people thought that his brilliance even overshadowed today's groom, although his clothes were not luxurious.

The servants in royal clothes led them to the long table, and the audience seats were all musicians who were there to entertain the banquet.

"The kingdom's finance minister and foreign minister, Lord Tyrion of the Lannister family, and his wife Sansa Stark Lannister."

The little devil heard the herald shouting that abominable title.

This attracted everyone's attention again.

The king and queen came on white horses, and the servants covered them with flowers and scattered countless rose petals. The Kingsguard escorted them to the high platform.

Cole sat down at the table and listened to the High Bishop finish his prayer. Joffrey immediately ordered the servants to fill the wine and then announced the start of the banquet.

The king's seventy-seven dishes began to be brought up, the first of which was a thick soup stewed with mushrooms and butter snails.

Cole was not used to eating snails, so he stopped moving after just a small taste.

The singers began to play for the banquet. They asked for the names of the songs before playing. Many of them were songs Cole had never heard of. On the Wall, the Night's Watch brothers could only sing those yellow tunes from the countryside.

However, Cole heard a song - "The Rainy Season in Castamere"

This name made him shrink his neck.

Another person named Corilo Quinyantis sang a song - "The Dance of the Blood Dragon"

Seventy-seven dishes were served continuously, and Cole was very satisfied.

There were all kinds of laughter and joy at the banquet. The guests were intoxicated by the wine of Qingting Island and the joy of the banquet.

The clowns and jesters were singing and dancing, when suddenly the door of the long hall opened and a group of dwarfs ran out.

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