Game of Thrones: Lord of Winter

Chapter 149 Lannister, a debt must be paid.

Joffrey is dead.

Died of a colorless and odorless poison.

Through the royal meeting, the Prime Minister decided to hold a four-court trial for Tyrion Lannister, who was identified as the murderer.

Tywin himself, Prince Oberyn Martell of Dorne, served as the chief judge, and Earl Paxter Redwyne of the Arbor and Earl Matus Rowan of Golden Tree served as jurors.

Uncle Kevan asked him to write down the witnesses who could prove his innocence on paper.

Tyrion had asked his little squire to find the mercenary Bronn and asked him to come here to see him.

As for the witness, he picked up the iron pen and silently wrote down a name "Sansa".

The squire left for a whole day, and Tyrion could only put his hope on this thirteen-year-old child. On the morning of the next day, he brought back Sir Bronn of Blackwater.

He was unwilling to fight as his own proxy knight, for a simple reason, because Cersei appointed the Mountain as her proxy knight, and his sister wanted him to die.

In order to win over Bronn, Cersei even arranged a marriage. The Earl is about to marry Lollys Stokeworth, a 33-year-old noblewoman who is recognized as a cowardly and stupid person. To put it bluntly, she is demented.

During the riots on the streets of King's Landing, she was dragged off her horse and raped by the mob. When the gold-cloaked guards found her, she was wandering naked on the pickled meat street. Now she is pregnant.

Originally, her mother, Countess Tanda Stokeworth, hoped that Tyrion could marry her mentally retarded daughter, thinking that he was her perfect match.

At the beginning, Tyrion was thinking that if he was asked to marry that fat and stupid guy, he would rather chop off the tools.

He sat on the chair weakly. Did he have to defeat the giants himself like Savin the Mirror Shield?

Tyrion had seen the power of the Mountain on the banks of the Trident. The giant sword seemed to be tailor-made for him, and the Mountain could pick it up with one hand.

In the Vale, the trial by combat had saved his life, but who could fight for him this time?

On the third day of the first trial, Cole was invited to come. As a witness at the wedding banquet, he was qualified as a jury and had the right to object to the trial.

Adam Marbrand, the commander of the capital guard, led a dozen golden cloaks to escort Tyrion to the throne room.

The long table under the Iron Throne had been moved away, leaving only one table. In the middle sat Lord Tywin and Prince Martell, and below them were Lord Redwyne and Lord Rowan.

The High Septon prayed to the Heavenly Father to preside over the trial.

Lord Tywin asked, "Tyrion, did you kill King Joffrey?"

"No," the little devil denied decisively.

"Then, was it Sansa Stark who did it?" Lord Tywin continued to ask.

Although Tyrion also believed that it was her in his heart, he said, "The gods killed Joffrey. He choked to death on pigeon pie."

After a round of questioning by the judge, Lord Tywin ordered the witnesses who identified him as the murderer to come forward and testify, and stated that no one could interrupt the witnesses during their speeches.

The first to come up were the Kingsguards, and Ser Balon Swann spoke first.

Ser Balon had helped escort Princess Myrcella Baratheon to marry in Dorne and survived the King's Landing riot. His testimony was: Tyrion beat Joffrey during the riot.

The Kingsguards vividly described Tyrion's threats to Joffrey during the riot to prove his guilt.

Afterwards, witnesses continued to come forward to recount his evil deeds, and every threatening word he said became testimony to identify him as a murderer.

The trial that day ended in vain, and it was difficult to prove Tyrion's guilt based on what he said.

Duke Tywin immediately announced a retrial the next day.

The witnesses of the trial on the second day were maesters. The two maesters who were responsible for dissecting Joffrey determined that the king died of poisoning.

Grand Maester Pycelle accused him of poisoning Joffrey with the "Strangler" and accused Tyrion of taking away all the materials for preparing medicine when he was acting prime minister.

Afterwards, various lords, nobles, knights and ladies came as witnesses.

The witness on the third day was Varys, the intelligence chief. He even had a complete set of documents as evidence. He said that Tyrion conspired to separate the Hound from Joffrey, talked with Bronn about the benefits of making Tommen king, and went to the maester's attic to take the grand maester's potion, etc.

The little bird heard everything for him, and he even indicated the date and place of the record on the parchment.

Gods be damned, the eunuch is here to send Tyrion to the seven hells.

There is one last witness, and the trial will continue.

At night, Tyrion sat by the window and drank alone. In the past three days, he didn't know that he had so many enemies.

Uncle Kevan believed that he was the one who killed Joffrey, and his attitude towards him became cold, and he even persuaded himself to plead guilty.

Tyrion couldn't help but smile bitterly, and the juice in his mouth seemed to be not wine but bitter gall. Until the day I die, I will bear the infamy of a kinslayer. No, until a thousand or ten thousand years later, my name will be spit on. I am the evil dwarf who murdered his nephew at the wedding banquet in the ballad.

There was a knock on the door, and someone Tyrion didn't expect came in.

He stood up and bowed to Prince Martell, "May the judge visit the suspect?"

"The prince can go wherever he wants-that's what I told the guards."

"You will offend my father by doing this."

"Tywin Lannister's mood is not at the top of my list of considerations. Are you drinking Dornish red wine?"

"From the Arbor."

"Juice with no taste." The prince said of Qingting Island's wine. "Water mixed with paint. Is it poison from you?"

The prince spoke to him of brothels and prostitutes, of "dwarfs' coppers."

This is a kind of prostitute tax, and the client must pay a copper plate every time he visits a prostitute. They called this tax the dwarf's copper.

"Spread your legs for a half-man, bitch." This is the joke in the Flea Bottom tavern.

"Everyone thinks you are guilty, boy," the prince reminded him.

"What do you think?"

The prince shrugged, "Appearance and reality are two different things. The crime seems to be unquestionable, so I believe in your innocence. But no matter what I think, it seems that you can't escape this disaster. Justice is extremely difficult to achieve here on this side of the mountain. Ilia "And Rhaenys, they didn't get justice, how could you escape?"

Sure enough, Dorn never forgot to avenge his sister.

"Isn't it up to you to judge justice? Your honor."

The prince smiled and said, "Do you think I want to come to you?"

Tyrion is confused. He doesn't want to come to see me, so why is he here? Moreover, the little devil can't figure out why he is here. Is he here to tease him?

How could the Red Viper be so boring?

"Someone asked me to tell you something - Lannister, any debt must be paid, and don't forget the double commission." The prince drank the wine in the glass, then stood up and left.

Tyrion was left standing frozen in his chair.

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