Game of Thrones: Lord of Winter

Chapter 154 Assassination

"Oh, Your Majesty, Ser Gregor Clegane is a brave warrior, what a pity." The eunuch's face showed sadness.

She didn't care if the dog lived or died, she wanted the dwarf dead.

The gods in heaven were blind to let the bastard who took away her son go.

Cersei swore in her heart that the damned dwarf must die.

"Please allow me to retire. The birds have brought new news. I'd better tell the Prime Minister as soon as possible." Wallis said.

"What news?" Cersei asked casually.

Varys looked doubtful for a moment, then said, "News from the Narrow Sea, Dragonstone has been captured by the Ironborn."

"Khaleesi, you are so kind." The knight watched her save a slave girl, but this was not in line with Dothraki customs. Those who shed their blood for Khal Drogo should receive these rewards.

"Place her," Dany ordered her Cass.

"You need them to fight for you, son." Jorah couldn't help but remind him. "If you want the horses to run, you have to let them eat grass. If you even take away their spoils,"

"I am the descendant of the true dragon and the mother of the horse that rides the world." Dany interrupted him.

Jorah Mormont wisely shut up.

They rode on for a while longer.

"Khaleesi, a letter from Illyrio. He will visit Khal Drogo soon and bring the covenant of Pentos."

The fat governor who gave Dany three dragon eggs at the wedding, Dany should thank him for arranging her marriage to Drogo.

"Pentos has a large number of ships. With their help, we can cross the Narrow Sea more smoothly." The knight continued.

The ironborn have brought enough ships for them, and they are now docked in the harbor of Tyrosh's Crying Tower, but the ironborn longships and ships are not suitable for transporting horses.

The Ironborn seek to reclaim all the lands they had ruled before the Conqueror's War, the Riverlands and much of the West Coast, and of course the North.

Dany only agrees to return the lands of their ancestors.

Ser Jorah reminded her that the Ironborn are greedy. If they all agree to their demands, these people will definitely ask for more. Moreover, if she wants to rule Westeros, she cannot do without the support of the nobles of the Seven Kingdoms. There were many people who fought for House Targaryen in the Usurper's War.

Karasa is camped in the vast wilderness of the Free Trade City. Dany's small tribe, Kaas, is followed by many slaves, both men and women.

"Khalisi, look there." The maid Yi Li suddenly pointed in a direction.

Thick black smoke rushed into the white sky, like an ink mark on the white curtain.

"Fire," cried the knight.

"Let's go over there," Dany suddenly ordered.

Jorah stopped her, "Khalisi, this matter is not our business."

"I am Khaleesi, and I have the authority to manage anything." She ordered Kaas to follow in Dothraki, while she galloped ahead on the silver mare.

The knight looked at the Targaryen princess and muttered in his heart: "She is really looking more and more like a Dothraki."

Thinking of the timid girl he saw her for the first time, he shook his head slightly and said to himself: But she is still just a child after all.

More than a dozen tents burst into flames.

Dany quickly ordered her subordinate Cass to go forward and put out the fire. The mounted warriors hesitated for a moment, as slaves and eunuchs had to do this.

"Khaleesi, those slaves will be here soon." Qiaogo, the warrior of Khas, said to her.

"Follow my orders." Khaleesi's order was firm.

The fire was chaotic. The slaves covered the spreading flames with sand and soil, extinguished them with water, and cleared away the grassy areas around the flames.

"Khaleesi!" Suddenly a voice shouted from beside her.

Dany turned her head, and a cold arrow shot over.

The knight beside her quickly pulled her and let the arrow pass by her ear.

"Ah!" The arrow hit the maid Yi Li, and she fell off her horse.

Dany also shouted, "My child, my child!"

Viserion was on Irri's back.

There was sudden chaos among the slaves. They screamed and fled. Several Dothraki warriors rode towards the slaves. Ser Jorah drew his sword in his hand.

The blood and killing continued for a long time, but fortunately Viserion was safe, but he was frightened and cried loudly.

But the situation of the Dothraki maid Iri was not optimistic. The arrow dart was smeared with poison.

"This is the poison of the manticore, Khaleesi," the herb woman told her.

The manticore has a jade-like shell, a curved and barbed tail, and a creepy human face, which is both deadly and evil. Manticores make a hissing sound and can disguise themselves as scarabs. They have poisonous needles that can kill people instantly, and the poison goes straight to the heart.

Manticore poison is a poison highly prized by alchemists and maesters.

"Help her," Khaleesi begged.

"Khaleesi, you don't need a slave." Maid Jiqi said to her.

Neither the herbal woman nor the eunuch could do anything about this poison.

Then Dany thought of Mirri Maz Duur, that witch. She must have a way.

But she was already dead, a very painful death one night. Countless strange shadows surrounded her. She kept wailing until dawn. By the time Dany saw her, Mirri Maz Duur was already a shriveled corpse. corpse.

The mounted warriors who pursued the assassins returned with three corpses.

"Khaleesi, they are trying to cause chaos among the slaves and then escape." Dothraki guard Aggo said to her.

The knight dismounted sideways, walked to the bodies of the three assassins, and slowly squatted down.

"Iron Armored Ko, what are you doing?" Aggo frowned and looked at the knight. He killed all these people.

He reached out to touch the bodies, "I'm looking at who wants to harm Khaleesi."

"They look like Myr people, Khaleesi." He lifted his clothes, revealing a few copper scales, and shook his head again, "No, they are Rhoynar people. I met many knights from Dorne when I participated in the tournament in the Seven Kingdoms. Their armor was all copper scales like this."

The knight stood up and said with certainty, "These are assassins from Westeros, Khaleesi."

"They want to hurt my children. Who gave the order?" This time Dany did not cry, but asked angrily.

The knight shook his head. "I don't know, Khaleesi. But according to the letter Illyrio sent earlier, the daughter of the usurper, Myrcella Baratheon, was sent to Dorne."


"Princess Elia, the sister of the Prince of Dorne, married your brother Rhaegar and gave birth to two children, but she and her children were killed by the Mountain." Ser Jorah said.

Dany looked at the three bodies and murmured, "Why?"

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