"My lord, you should really go to the kitchen to take a look. The new guy is just a lazy guy. He doesn't sleep at night." Gage was bringing dinner to the table in the study. Lord Stark was handling government affairs. He complained on the side.

Before he finished speaking, a guard pushed the door open and said, "My lord, something happened."

Chef Gage swallowed the words on his lips.

Robb waved his hand to signal him to go down, but the guard spoke first, "Someone is making trouble in the castle. Sir Moran has brought people over. He asked me to tell you."

Hearing about the riot, Robb stood up. Recently, it has been a turbulent time. Bran fell from the building, his father went south, and his mother was assassinated. Now someone is making trouble in the castle again. He was furious. This was challenging the dignity of the Stark family.

"Call all the guards over." He picked up the sword hanging on the wall with one hand and went straight out the door.

Sir Harris Moran rushed to the servants' residence with a dozen guards. People gathered outside a room and looked inside. From time to time, some people pulled out of fear.

The guards pushed the crowd to open a corridor.

When Harris walked into the room, he saw seven or eight people lying here, wailing everywhere, and even some traces of blood.

In the innermost part, a young man who was not very burly was wiping a sword with a piece of cloth with a cold look. The cold light was aggressive and matched his deep blue-purple eyes.

The person lying on the ground suddenly reached out and hugged his legs, crying and shouting: "Lord Moran, you have to make the decision for us."

The young man wiped his sword without anyone around. Moran naturally recognized the child. The two had just met in the morning. He pulled his legs apart and asked the person on the ground: "What happened?"

At this time, another group of people rushed in, and saw the people around them saluted and greeted.

Robb walked to the side of the captain of the guard, Moran, with a stern face, followed by his adopted son Theon who kept smiling.

"Young master," Moran saluted.

"What happened here, Harris," Robb asked Harris Moran.

Theon glanced at the scene, "It seems that there was a fight, which is very common in the taverns outside the city. Those drunk guys always like to discuss things with fists."

Moran looked at the young man inside, watching him sitting there unmoved like a statue, not looking drunk at all, but still muttered, "Maybe the cooks are drunk."

"Lord Stark, you have to make the decision for us." The man crawled to Robb's feet, but this time he didn't dare to reach out to hug his legs. Tears and snot squeezed out of his swollen face, and his appearance made people laugh, but no one at the scene laughed.

"This new guy," he turned his eyes to Cole, and his body couldn't help but tremble, "He wanted to kill us, but Horn made a joke and he did it."

Everyone looked at Cole, and Sir Moran couldn't help but sigh. Putting the knight in the back kitchen, how could there be no trouble?

Eagles don't associate with sparrows. This kid dared to draw his sword under the eyes of all the guards of Winterfell in the hall. How could he be an ordinary person.

Some of the people lying on the ground had fainted, and some were wailing. They cried about Cole's atrocities in twos and threes.

Robb looked at the people lying on the ground and was shocked. Although these people were not warriors, it was not easy for one person to knock them all down.

And it seemed that there were no knife wounds on their bodies, so this man didn't even use a sword.

Cole slid the cloth down from the hilt of the sword, and the cloth broke. He put the sword back into the sheath and stood up slowly. In an instant, those guys who fell to the ground couldn't help but shrink their bodies.

The memory of being punched one by one was still vivid in his mind. Cole first walked up with a cold face, but Horn, this kid, didn't know the severity of the situation. He picked up the sword to provoke Cole, and even pretended to swing, but was knocked down by a heavy punch.

Originally, he wanted to teach this newcomer a lesson, but he was a beast, and his fists were like hammers.

The adopted son of the Stark family stared at "Winter Night".

"Lord Stark, someone is making trouble in your castle now, which is a provocation to the majesty of the Stark family." Theon turned his head and said.

"Catch him." Robb ordered coldly. What Theon said was right. No matter what the reason was, he had to show the majesty of the city lord at this moment.

After receiving the order, the guards drew their swords and walked up. Cole did not resist, but just watched coldly. They were about to reach out to confiscate Cole's sword, but Cole grabbed their arms.

"I don't think Winterfell is an unreasonable place." He looked directly at Robb.

"Winterfell is not a place where a cook can act recklessly, Stark. If you agree, I can help you." Theon said ruthlessly with a disdainful smile.

Hearing this, Sir Moran couldn't help but frowned, "Young master, fighting will not be sentenced to death."

Robb nodded, and then ordered, "Bring them all to the hall."

"It's just a small matter, but there is no need to go to trial." Theon said sarcastically on the side.

"Shut up Theon." Robb scolded, "The Stark family will guarantee justice for every lord."

Being taken to the hall, the candlelight in the hall made the hall bright and shining. Robb Stark was sitting in the chair of the guardian of the North. He was wearing gray-black leather armor and plate armor on the outside. The emblem of the dire wolf was holding up the bearskin cloak. His red hair was like a blazing fire. He sat upright with a cold face.

"Sitting in front of you is the future guardian of the North, the Duke of Winterfell, and the supreme ruler of the North - Robb Stark." Maester Luwin said in his gentle voice, "Tell us your story, and the Stark family will give you justice."

Some people have just woken up and are still confused about what happened.

"Lord Stark, this man is wielding a sword. We just said a few words, but he wants to kill people." The perpetrator Horn pointed at Cole and said loudly.

"That's right, sir. We were just chatting and laughing in the room, and he came in and beat people indiscriminately, and his attack was cruel." Another person echoed.

"Kill him!"

"Send him to the Night's Watch."

Instantly, there was a condemnation in the hall, and all the spearheads were pointed at Cole, whose face was as calm as a lake.

"Quiet." Moran scolded, "Lord Stark will judge."

Robb looked at Cole, "Cole, you can defend yourself."

"Yes, I started it first." As soon as Cole opened his mouth, the whole audience was in an uproar.

"You took my things without permission and insulted my ancestors. As a warrior, I have the right to challenge you to a duel."

When these words came out, everyone was in awe.

Someone laughed, "You call yourself a warrior, but you don't even have a surname. Who are your ancestors?"

'Maybe it's a bastard born by a cousin. Go ask your cousin's mother if she is favored by a master. Maybe she can share a surname with Jon. 'Of course, Theon Greyjoy didn't say the following words.

Kole frowned and looked at Theon. He didn't remember offending the adopted son of the Stark family. The two of them didn't even have any intersection.

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