He looked at the sea with a solemn expression. Legend has it that the Storm King cast the magic of the Children of the Forest on the thick city walls in order to resist the wrath of the gods.

The storm was extinguished at this point, and the anger of the gods could only linger on the sea, bringing its anger to the sailors through the storm.

Human beings like to cover historical figures with a layer of mythology. Of course, Cole cannot deny the gods in this world, because he has seen some omens in the flames, although he does not understand what they mean.

Even though she claims to be the spokesperson of the Lord of Light, Melisandre often misunderstands R'hllor's intentions.

He walked back to the desk from the window sill, "No matter what, we have to find it even if it's a corpse." Cole sat back in his chair, "We have lost Dragonstone. It is conceivable that the next 'storm' will be direct Come to Storm's End. We should live up to the name of this castle and stop all storms that want to bring destruction.

The King trusted us when he entrusted us with this responsibility before he died, so it is now your duty and mine to defend Storm's End. "

Onion Knight nodded.

"In King's Landing, I made an alliance with Prince Oberyn Martell of Dorne. Dorne will be our ally in the future, so at this moment we should make all the princes in the Stormlands surrender as soon as possible. ." Cole continued. "Davos, I know that you are always very eloquent. So I would like to ask you to take the edict of Storm's End to the various castles in the Stormlands. We will prepare Storm's End for Stannis Barra." King Theon holds a funeral and I hope they will be there."

The king also gave him the task of lobbying the nobles. He drove his ship, the Black Bess, north along the coast. On the way, he passed through Seagull Town, the Five Fingers Peninsula and the Three Sisters Islands. He was treated with courtesy and neglected, and most of them The nobles knew he was Stannis's envoy and avoided him.

"Tell them that I am the one who calls the shots at Storm's End now. If they are willing to attend the king's funeral, then I can forget about the past." Cole picked up the Winter Night that was placed next to the table, and he took it from the arsenal for It found a sword hilt, Cole's arm moved slightly, and the sword was half unsheathed. "If they have forgotten who their lord is, I will lead the army to visit them personally."

A little worry flashed in Davos's eyes, "Will my identity be..."

Cole and his status are not noble, and now they are taking on such high positions, how can those noble-blooded Stormland princes be willing to submit to them.

"You are now the king's hand in charge of the king before his death. Don't lose the identity of the prime minister. Your duty is just to tell them what I said. If they use this to make things difficult for you, you can ignore it. Then I will only Let them know that fists are much more useful than their blood.

Of course I will ask Camilo to follow you with a team of cavalry, and they will be responsible for protecting your safety. "

noble? Is Targaryen blood enough?

After Davos hesitated for a moment, he accepted the task.

Stannis made him Hand of the King, but he didn't know how to govern a castle or a kingdom, and he couldn't even read a few words.

The death knell rippled over the castle, and the mournful sound rang three times in succession, announcing the death of the king.

The Onion Knight walked out of the study and walked through the hall. In the corridors, he could hear the conversations of the grooms, servants, cooks and soldiers in the castle.

They did not recognize the Prime Minister who was simply dressed and spoke unscrupulously.

Davos heard an old groom say, "I heard that the cathedral in King's Landing also knocked three times for the king."

"You idiot, King's Landing is ringing the death knell for that imp king," another groom said to him.

"Then for whom is the bell ringing now?"

"King Stannis, of course."

"God damn it, how many kings have died already?"

"Who knows, anyway, the king, like the soldiers, will die if he gets a knife."

He thought of an old Valyrian proverb: All men must die.

The Onion Knight only stayed for one day. After packing his bags the next day, he began to carry out the tasks assigned to him by Cole.

He wondered in his mind, "Should the King's Hand be at the mercy of the Prince Regent?"

He didn't understand. When Stannis lowered his eyes and his pupils lost color, he was left with infinite confusion.

On the school grounds, the knight named Camilo has assembled a cavalry of about fifty people.

The flag bearers on both sides of the knight set up two flags, one was Julius' flaming white bird, and the other was the crowned stag restored to black.

Davos is certain that the nobles of the Stormlands will definitely welcome this flag more. But is there still Baratheon in the castle? If the letter they had originally told the world about Cersei's incest was correct, the only legitimate heir of Baratheon would be Shireen.

This is a cavalry with regular equipment, white bird round kite shield, armed sword, plate pottery armor, and even the horse armor is similar to the matching.

The horses lined up neatly in two teams, with pairs of solemn eyes peeking out from under their half-covered helmets.

"Your Majesty Prime Minister." The knight, who was also born as a commoner, walked to his side.

He was much younger, and Davos knew that this knight had been knighted by Cole himself.

"I'll spare your trouble for the rest of the journey, Sir Camillo." said the Prime Minister. They were already familiar with each other on the ship.

The soldiers guarding the gatehouse lowered the drawbridge for them.

The main residence of the tower can have a full view of the entire Storm's End. From here, you can see the entire Shipwreck Bay, and you can also see the ant-sized figures in the town outside the castle.

From here, you can even see the Red Mountains, which separate Dorne, Stormlands and the Reach. For thousands of years, the Rhoynar and the Andals have fought one after another in the mountains, which has also caused deep resentment among the people on both sides of the mountains.

Prince Martell stationed two armies in the Bone Road and Prince's Pass, which made the border of the Stormlands always under the threat of Dorne.

Cole did not easily send troops to those traitors because of the pressure from Dorne. If the Dornish took advantage of the civil strife in the Stormlands and decisively sent troops, the consequences would be self-evident.

The army originally assembled in Midsummer Hall had been ordered to move to the Bone Road before Cole set out for King's Landing to counterbalance the threat of Dorne.

Fortunately, there is no such worry now. When Davos returns, Cole must have made full preparations for the war.

He turned his attention to the Narrow Sea.

Daenerys Targaryen, his blood relative.

In the brothel on Silk Street in King's Landing, Prince Oberyn confided Dorne's plan to him. Supporting the Targaryens in distress was their original idea.

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