Game of Thrones: Lord of Winter

Chapter 165 Preparation

Brienne was on her knees, sweating profusely, her soaked hair matted together.

There was a long sword on her shoulder, and the blade of the sword was close to her head. If she moved even a little bit forward, blood would flow from her neck.

She lost completely. From the moment she slashed her sword, she never hit this man. He dodged with ease and was as nimble as a fish.

"It seems that I have won." He turned the edge of his sword, made a circle in the air, and put it into its scabbard.

Brienne bit her lips tightly. She didn't know if what was left on her cheeks was sweat or something else. The footsteps were getting farther and farther away, and she heard bursts of cheers coming from around the school grounds.

"Brenne!" an anxious voice called her.

Lifting her head up with difficulty, she saw her father's frightened eyes.

Lord Selwyn's eyes wandered around, trying to see how injured his daughter was.

Apart from a black mark on her face, he couldn't see any other injuries, but in the battle just now, she had been hit by at least six or seven blows.

He helped her up, "What are you doing?" Seeing his daughter's desolate appearance, Selwyn didn't know how to scold her.

"Father, this is my own decision."

"Well, if Storm's End taught you this, I really shouldn't have sent you here." The father felt regretful again.

They supported him and staggered out of the school grounds.

Cole hung Winter's Night on the wall and asked his servants to help him remove the armor.

He picked up the paper on the table and listed a table on the paper:

【Mulin Hall

Greenstone Castle

Rain House City.]

He put ticks behind several castles such as Dusk Advent Hall and Crow's Nest City.

Cole is still waiting, and some families have sent ravens to the castle. Lord Gurian Swann of Stonehelm praised his achievements in a letter, but said that he was too ill to visit Storm's End in person.

Lord Ismond of Greenstone Island sent a letter from a raven, angrily denounced Cole as a treasonous conspirator, and called on the princes of Storm's End to respond with troops to kill the traitor Cole.

After Stonehelm City, he put a question mark, and Greenstone Island was crossed by Cole.

He unfolded the map and searched on it, and soon found Ismon Island on the sea outside Cape Wrath. Cole seemed to know the source of their confidence. Storm's End had no fleet.

Looking through the directory records of the families of Storm's End found in the study, I found the catalog of the Ismond family. In the latest text, there is information about this generation of the Ismond family.

Kasanna Yismon, her husband is Stephen Baratheon, Duke of Storm's End, and her three sons are: Robert, Baratheon and Renly. Died in a storm at Shipbreaker Bay.

"Your Highness, there is Miss Brienne asking to see you." The guard knocked on the door and called.

"Ask her to come to the study." Cole took off his sword, tied it around his waist, put on his cloak and walked out of the bedroom.

She had changed into a set of clothes, including rough breeches and leather armor, but she did not have a sword. The mud on her face had been washed away, revealing a face with freckles.

The washed forehead hair is still a little damp.

"It's good that I feel a lot more energetic." Cole commented on this.

But "Beauty" Brienne doesn't seem to like others looking at her. "I want to know, where is Shireen Baratheon?"

Cole shook his head, "I don't know either."

Her brows furrowed.

"I don't know more than you, madam. I can tell you that it is unknown whether she is alive or dead." He shook his head and said. "If you find out that she is dead, just tell me and our deal will be over."

Let her find someone who has no trace of his life or death?

Brienne's frown deepened. She knew that Shireen Baratheon was Stannis's daughter.

"Okay." She nodded in agreement.

When she walked out of the study, she turned her back to Cole and said, "I am still the enemy."

Cole smiled, "Of course."

Brienne rode a warhorse across the drawbridge of Storm's End. He returned her armor and sword, and even brought a new blue cloak and robes, as well as a brand new knight's shield.

She glanced back at the towering castle on the horse. She didn't know what she was thinking. She moved her eyes down the castle. Under the gatehouse, her father was standing there looking at her.

That white hair made her heart tremble. She gritted her teeth, turned around, lightly kicked her spurs, and galloped away.

At midnight, the lights in Storm's End study were still on.

During this period when only the Night Owl was still cooing, the whole of Westeros fell into silence. He looked back out the window. The moonless night was unusually dense, and only a weak candlelight was still blooming. of light.

Except for Cole who didn't sleep tonight, there was a pair of eyes hovering above the storm land.

Caesar spread his wings and flew in the clouds. The mountains, rivers, vegetation, and rivers and canyons he saw were transmitted to the study of Storm's End like a painting.

The stylus was filled with ink, and the parchment showed a detailed outline of the stormy land. When the last drop of ink fell, the sky had turned slightly white. He moved his neck, put the stylus down, pushed away the chair and stood up.

A ray of morning sun is slowly rising from the sea, and the cold wind blows on my face, bringing a bit of refreshment.

After the gray world became brighter, this huge castle also came to life. The servants walked back and forth in the corridors. Cole adjusted the long collar of his white silk underwear, put on a black wool vest, and buttoned it. Put on a black cloak,

Roll up the map on the table and put it in the drawer. Just then, the servant brought a plate of breakfast.

A cup of hot milk with honey and a bagel with fruit syrup.

The assembly horn sounded outside the castle, and the soldiers got up from the tents and rushed to the square quickly.

Those who didn't get up would be punished by losing their lunch, and almost no one dared to hesitate for a moment.

Soon, dozens of large and small squares were formed in the barracks.

The sound of training even echoed in the Storm's End Castle, often attracting residents in the town to watch.

In the open space where the soldiers were training, they could see the figures of cavalry riding horses, and they could also see soldiers holding 15-foot spears marching in an orderly manner.

Cole counted the armor in the arsenal, and then went to the storage room to inspect the castle's material reserves.

After enjoying lunch in the castle, he walked out of the castle and led a team to the town's dock, where most of the shipbuilders under the jurisdiction of Storm's End Castle were gathered.

Cole hired them to build ships for him, paid them salaries and exempted their families from taxes. Shipbuilding has already begun here, and a steady stream of carriages from the Royal Forest transport raw materials.

The income and expenditure of Storm's End fluctuate like water every day, but overall the expenditure is greater than the income.

Gilbert also complained every day that he shouldn't treat those soldiers so well.

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