A camp was built around the hills, with tents of all sizes stationed.

In the tent at the top of the hill, armed guards were stationed outside the tent door, and black and white flags fluttered on long poles.

The curtain door was tied to both sides of the door frame, and a square oak table was placed in the center of the big tent. A large map was pressed at the four corners, and there were wood carvings on the map.

There was also a similar map hanging behind the table.

They crossed the Red Mountains at a very fast speed. When the army of Storm's End had arrived at the designated location, the other army of Bone Road had not even arrived at Midsummer Hall.

Although he was dissatisfied with their speed, Cole could only camp here and wait except for sending ravens to urge them.

The scouts dispersed and sent news from the front at all times. Every time they got a little information about the enemy, the wood carvings on the map would change their positions. Obviously, Cole wanted to wait until the two armies were in place before continuing to march, but the enemy was already impatient to fight them.

If it is possible to fight, then no one would be willing to hide in the castle to fight a battle of defense. In addition to a bloody fight, war is also a psychological game.

The defenders are naturally at a disadvantage in terms of mentality.

"My lord, this is the news sent by Sir Lister's scouts." The officer brought a letter into the tent.

Sir Lister Morrigan was sent as the vanguard to harass the enemy's large group and to explore the enemy's movements as a scout.

In the letter, Earl Morrigan accurately reported to him the enemy's troop distribution and the results achieved.

In the first wave of harassment, they attacked the enemy's left wing according to Cole's instructions and successfully disrupted the formation of the rainforest troops, but they did not dare to go too deep. Instead, they quickly retreated after achieving the effect.

In the next attack, the enemy was obviously too cautious. They did not make much breakthrough. Lister could only lead people to kill the rainforest scout troops everywhere.

According to his letter, although the advance troops successfully slowed down the enemy's march, their position was less than a day's journey away from the camp.

Cole speculated that he would move the enemy's wood carving forward a few steps. On the map, the turtle emblem wood carving and the white bird emblem were less than a palm's distance away.

The scouts continued to send messages, making the position of the turtle wood carving clearer. The rain forest army chose to set up camp on the coast in front of a harbor.

Cole moved the wood carving to the left a few points. He compared his eyes to the map on the wall. The topographic map was more detailed. He saw the outline of the camp in his mind. The two armies were only half a day's journey apart.

He carefully examined the conditions of each road. This map was drawn by him at Wind's End Castle. It was the latest landform of Cape Wrath.

The place they chose to camp was the exit of a flat valley surrounded by a small mountain range. A river led directly to Broken Ship Bay, and the rain forest army was stationed at the mouth of this river.

This mountain range is not difficult to cross. Compared with the steep and rugged Red Mountains, it is nothing.

"Jose, go and call Camilo."

Jose is responsible for commanding Cole's guards, and Camilo is in charge of the cavalry formed by Cole.

The two armies are not large in number, with only a hundred guards and only fifty cavalry, but this is definitely the army that Cole spent the most gold dragons on.

Camilo, wearing a helmet and armor, walked into the tent.

"Your Highness." He saluted slightly.

Cole called him to the table. "According to the scouts, the enemy is less than half a day's journey away from us. They are stationed at the port where the Mist River flows into the sea."

"If I let you lead a hundred people to bypass this mountain range, how long will it take?" He pointed to the map.

In this long war game, everyone is growing up. Camilo stared at the map, pondered for a moment, and gave an answer, "If you only take cavalry, you can reach the enemy's rear in less than three hours."

"Are you sure?"

Camilo nodded confidently, "Your Highness, I have been hiding in this area with Jose for a long time. I am familiar with the situation and some trails here."

"Trail?" Cole asked with interest, "Point it, I'll take a look."

He pointed to a node on the map with his index finger and said, "There is a flat road under the Crow's Nest Castle that can quickly pass through the mountains." He turned to another point, "There is a dangerous road here, the mountains are densely forested, and it is very secret."

Cole looked at the place pointed out by Camilo thoughtfully, and his heart was slightly disturbed. He had neglected many places.

Sure enough, even the most tightly arranged arrangements will have omissions. Sometimes the turning points of war are often some inconspicuous small points.

"Okay, in this case, I need you to lead a hundred cavalry across the mountains immediately." He ordered.

After Camillo set out, he sent scouts to explore the paths Camillo pointed out.

Before dusk, the military camp began to light fires and cook. The center of the military camp was in contrast with the two sides. In the periphery were the nobles who joined during the march, while in the center were the two thousand Storm's End soldiers that Cole had trained for more than two months.

The central camp was neatly laid out and well organized, with tents lined up in rows.

There were more than three thousand people in the entire military camp at this time, and their rainforest enemies had expanded to five thousand.

When the sky darkened, the cold wind on the sea blew across the faces of each soldier, and the white bird wood carving on the map was slowly moving forward.

The moon rose from the sea and slowly climbed to the middle of the sky.

Cole rode on a warhorse, with a hundred heavily armored guards beside him, all holding long-handled axes.

The outline of a military camp has been revealed in the distance, and dots of fire are all over the coast.

At this time, the scouts reported that no trace of the enemy was found on the mountain road.

Cole looked at the military camp on the coast from afar. Did he think too much?

The sound of the horn came from the coast. It seemed that the enemy finally discovered their arrival.

As the night fell, the army was advancing in an orderly manner. Their dozens of camps of 100 people were advancing slowly. The 15-foot spears were raised high, and each camp was like a hedgehog full of spikes.

At the forefront of the camp were archers and javelin throwers. The right wing was led by 300 cavalrymen led by Earl Heywood Fell, and the left wing was led by 800 mixed infantrymen led by Earl Sebastian Erol.

Amid the sound of the assembly horn, dark figures spread from afar.

Cole sent people to beat the war drums.

As the drums sounded, the archers and javelin throwers began to pour out the arrows and javelins in their hands.

Archers are a type of soldier that is difficult to train, so the long-distance contest between the two sides did not last long.

The troops of the two sides are constantly approaching. Obviously, Cole's opponent has never seen this kind of square formation. The rainforest formation continues the traditional combat method of Westeros.

At the forefront of the army, there are shield soldiers holding wide shields and spearmen advancing together. In the center are complex mixed soldiers, light cavalry are distributed on the flanks, and the heavy cavalry has not yet appeared.

Cole is wearing that silver-white armor, matching silver steel throat guard, knee pads, iron chain gloves, steel boots, and a breastplate engraved with a white bird. The cross-shaped helmet covers the head, and the strip-shaped breathing hole mask covers from bottom to top, forming a sharp corner at the bridge of the nose. On the top of the head is a white bird with its wings spread.

The horse armor is also a set of silver armor, brilliant and dazzling in the moonlight.

This conspicuous armor will only be a live target on the battlefield. Unfortunately, if you want to rush to the front of this silver knight, you have to break through layers of heavy ink-colored heavy armor and long axe infantry.

The sound of fighting came from the front line, spearmen collided with each other, and the flat coastline suddenly roared to the sky. The soldiers of both sides collided in unison, like two iron walls with long spikes, anxiously kneaded into a ball.

Every time a person fell in the phalanx, someone quickly replaced him, and their movements seemed to be as skilled as they had been trained countless times.

Cole saw the enemy cavalry rushing out from the left wing. He roughly estimated the number of people, at least 500 cavalry.

The enemy commander obviously also saw their weaknesses. The more well-trained central army and the right wing army composed entirely of cavalry, the left wing was obviously just a mixed brigade.

Sir Sebastian commanded this mixed army to form a shield wall, watching the cavalry getting closer and closer.

Arrows suddenly flew out from behind the shield wall, and the first cavalry who rushed in fell off their horses.

Among these 800 mixed infantry, there were 50 archers hidden, which was the means Cole used to deal with the cavalry.

After the archers fired their crossbows, they quickly moved back, and the spear and shield soldiers quickly rushed forward.

The cavalry and the left wing army were mixed together, and there was an abnormal chaos.

The spear phalanx was the cheapest battle formation that could be quickly formed. Compared with the traditional formation that used armor and shields for defense, the spear phalanx used spears as its own armor and abandoned the phalanx of heavy armor soldiers. It advanced slowly and neatly, like a spiked chariot.

But the spear phalanx also had great weaknesses.

The combat power of the spears could only be concentrated in the front, and it was impossible to be comprehensive.

Because the war needed to continue to advance, the spear phalanx had to abandon the defense of the two wings. Therefore, Cole arranged a large number of auxiliary soldiers on the two wings of the spear phalanx. After the cavalry broke through the defense line of the left wing, it was necessary to fight with the auxiliary soldiers holding swords and shields before it could touch the spear phalanx.

Cole looked ahead and watched the fighting on the battlefield silently. The enemy's main force had not yet appeared, but the infantry of the rain forest had begun to show signs of collapse.

Although the weakness of the spear formation is obvious, its advantage is also very prominent, that is, it has a crushing effect on the chaotic formation. After the shield wall of the rain forest was pushed down by the spear formation, the rain forest blew the charge horn.

Countless infantry rushed forward aimlessly and crashed into the spear formation.

Cole watched his formation advancing like a chariot. In response to this kind of peasants forcibly conscripted from the fields, the spear formation instantly played its own advantages.

Heywood Fell seized an opportunity when they collapsed and led the cavalry to charge.

At this time, the heavy cavalry of the rain forest army finally boarded the battlefield. They rushed forward on the left wing. There were about a hundred cavalrymen, and their armor was engraved with various emblems.

Cole looked at the late armored cavalry.

He ordered the bugle to be blown.

Woo woo woo woo woo woo ! ! !

The armored cavalry led by Sir Oakley Cullen, who had been hiding in the rear, also boarded the battlefield. There were also about a hundred cavalrymen. This cavalry was assembled by the princes of the borderland.

Under the command of Sir Cullen, they also rushed to the battlefield on the left wing.

When the two forces collided together, they were like two giant swords on the battlefield.

The flashing of the swords, the collision of the horses, the piercing of the spears, the splashing of blood, the bloody side of the war was fully displayed, but as the spear formation continued to move forward, the fighting momentum of the rainforest people had become decadent.

The result of this battle was already predictable.

Toot toot toot!!!

Just when the battle situation was stabilizing, the sound of the horn suddenly came from behind Cole.

He turned his eyes and found that an army was rushing from behind them, and the sound of arrows whizzing was ringing in his ears.

José shouted instantly, "Shield up! Protect His Royal Highness."

The guards quickly put up a thick shield wall to resist the rain of arrows.

Where did this army come from?

He looked around and saw that there were about a thousand people coming, and the noisy shouts of killing joined the battle.

There were a hundred cavalrymen sprinting in front of the army attacking from the rear. Cole quickly ordered the long-axe guards beside him to meet the enemy.

He was indeed caught off guard by this sudden sneak attack. He had checked every possible way for the enemy's possible hidden chess pieces, but no matter which way, there was no sign of an ambush.

But now, this army seemed to be summoned out of thin air.

Caesar was galloping from the sea. If he was broken through by this ambush, then he was the only one who could change the battlefield.

Cole put aside his doubts and followed the guards on horseback.

He shook the long sword in his hand and roared to the guards, "Keep in shape! Keep in shape!"

The first cavalryman raised his lance and rushed straight to the guards in front. The guard raised his long axe and cut off the horse's leg, and the cavalryman fell down quickly.

Then the cavalry charged like raindrops, some were collided with the horses, some were hit by the long spear, and the guards suffered losses. But when the cavalry swept past, they lost most of themselves.

Cole shouted, and the guards began to charge at the infantry.

He rode closely behind the guards, occasionally killing a few enemies who rushed to his side. When he was on the battlefield, it was difficult to see the situation of the entire battle.

The guards temporarily resisted the advance of this army with their heavy armor and long axes.

Cole himself was also trying his best to kill. With the help of his heavy armor, he was invincible on the battlefield, and every charge would take away several lives.

He also killed all the cavalrymen who surrounded him. He was so conspicuous that the enemies kept coming to him.

After the formation of the guards was disrupted, he found that the enemies around him were becoming more and more numerous.

A spearman stabbed his horse with a spear, but was cut off by Cole's sword.

He rode his horse over and swung it in the air, and the spearman's head was directly chopped off.

At this time, Caesar sent him a picture to dispel his doubts. Behind the camp where they were stationed before, there was a fleet docked there.

It seems that he counted all the enemies on land, but forgot the enemies on the sea. The enemy had already circled behind them without anyone noticing, and he was still unaware.

Cole thrust his sword into the throat of the cavalryman who was on the way. He drew back his sword, and suddenly a shadow appeared in the corner of his eyes. Cole quickly turned his head away.

A mace flew past his eyes.

The owner of the mace was a knight who wore a heavy barrel helmet, and his sharp eyes were hidden under the holes of the mask.

"Fight for Lord Aemon!" He shouted, and then rushed forward again.

Cole swung his sword and fought with him.

The knight's shield blocked Cole's attacks several times.

His mace whirred around Cole, and one of the blows brushed the winged bird on his head, shaking Cole for a while. He secretly decided in his heart that he would have someone dismantle the damn bird when he returned.

Cole took the opportunity to stab his horse's head with a sword, and the knight fell down.

The knight with the mace shouted: "I surrender, sir. I surrender, don't kill me."

At this time, a thunderous cheer suddenly came from behind him.

"Long live Julius!"

"Long live Lord Cole!!"

Cole looked back, it seemed like they had won?

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