"Who shot the arrow!" Jon asked loudly.

At this time when the sky was dark, the dense black of the ghost forest was spreading towards the Great Wall with a terrifying chill. The sentinel trees looked like standing puppets, and the eyes of the fish beam wood were flowing with blood-red tears.

In the evening, Jon saw his father walk into Mance Rayder's tent on the Great Wall, but now there was only chaos.

The fire flashed everywhere, and the wildlings and cavalry were mixed together and fighting each other.

Jon threw away his crutches and dragged his feet, struggling to walk behind him.

"Jon!" Pyp called him, "Where are you going?"

"Go down" Jon squeezed out a sentence from his mouth with difficulty.

He saw Pyp look back at the wildlings spreading over, as if a wave had submerged the Ice Wolf Battle Flag.

"Who is the commander here?" They saw someone coming from the east.

It was a group of brothers in black. Jon saw in the dim light that the leader was a short and strong man with a bald head, double chin and frog face. Following him was the thin and stern Alliser Thorne.

Jon knew that the reinforcements from Eastwatch had arrived. He thought angrily in his heart: Could it be that they shot the arrow?

"Lord Snow." Jon saw Alliser's gloating expression.

The fat and broad double-chinned man looked at Jon, "Are you Jon Snow?"

"Yes, who are you?" Jon frowned.

"Keep an eye on him." The man ordered the two Night's Watch brothers beside him.

Pyp stood in front of Jon and asked, "What do you want to do?"

"Boy, are you going to protect this chameleon?"

"Chameleon? Who are you talking about?" Jon asked.

"Of course it's you, Lord Snow." Sir Thorne answered him.

Jon's face was cold, "I'm not a chameleon. Get out of the way, I want to go down."

"Don't even think about going there now, traitor. You're accused of breaking your oath, Jon Snow." The man with the double chin said to him, and at the same time shouted, "Capture him!"

"I advise you to do what you can, Night's Watch." At this time, someone walked up to Jon. He turned around and saw a familiar face, Quint, his father's guard.

The man with the double chin saw Quint's gray cloak and his face changed instantly.

If there was one person Janos Slynt didn't want to see the most, it was Stark. It was because of his betrayal in the battle that Eddard Stark was imprisoned in King's Landing.

"Quint, we have to go down. Father needs help." Jon said to the servants of Winterfell.

Quint nodded.

"I'll go with you too." Pyp suddenly said.

"I'll go too." Grenn also joined. "I can help you, Jon."

"If you don't mind," said the short Viggie.

Jon looked at them gratefully.


The situation in the big tent was tense, and the fronts would be mixed at any time. The captain of the guard, Harris Moran, protected Duke Eddard behind him.

"I swear by the old gods." Stark said to the king of the wildlings.

Mance Rayder hesitated for a moment and put down his sword.

At this time, a wailing sound came from inside and outside the big tent, "Save me, save me! Ah ah ah"

Harris quickly swung his sword to chop the black shadow, and the sword that slashed across cut him in half.

"Watch your feet!" Mance Rayder shouted suddenly.

Harris was stunned for a moment, his legs seemed to be clamped by something, and his eyes moved down. The black shadow that he cut in half only had the upper half of its body left.

His legs were firmly grasped by the monster, and Harris was startled, and he used his other foot to push the monster.

"Get out of the way."

The wildling king appeared behind him. Mance grabbed a fire stick with pliers and burned it directly on the monster's hand. It howled instantly, as if it had suffered great damage. Harris pulled his legs back.

"What is this?" Eddard asked in shock.

"Dead." Mance Rayder said calmly, "This is our enemy, Stark."

"White Walker?" Harris asked in shock.

Mance shook his head, "This is a wight. He was one of our guys before he died."

The wildling king poured wine on the dead man, then threw down the fire. He said to everyone, "Go, get out quickly."

The flames of the tent began to spread. Mance explained to Eddard, "Only fire can burn dead wights."

Edard nodded.

There was chaos outside, and the wildlings and the guards of Winterfell formed a circle.

"Stop them!" Eddard shouted to the wildling king.

Some wildlings rushed over with weapons and were killed by the guards of the North who raised their shields.

At this time, a giant riding a mammoth rushed towards them. With a swing of his stick, the giant knocked a Winterfell guard named Ferry flying.

The formation was instantly broken, and only the captain of the guard, Harris Moran, was left beside Eddard.

"Lord Eddard." Harris helped Eddard up after he fell.

"I'm fine." Eddard Stark stood up, and just as he stabilized his body, the sword stabbed out of his hand quickly, directly at the face of a wild man who was preparing to attack.

He exhaled a mouthful of white mist and pulled out the sword.

Harris looked at the wailing wild man behind him and knew that it was the Duke who saved him.

Several guards came to them, and soon the Winterfell guards gathered five or six people.

The guards led by Eddard fought and retreated to the foot of the Great Wall at the same time.

A steady stream of Stark soldiers rushed out of the city gate.

They were getting closer and closer to the city wall.

"Father," Eddard heard a familiar voice.

After a fight, Jon finally found Lord Eddard. He was fine, which was great.

There was joy in his voice, and the worry in his heart was finally put down.

Jon walked up quickly.

"Jon!" He heard his father's shout.

Time seemed to slow down at this moment. He and his father were less than five feet apart, but the voice seemed to come from a long way away.

Slowly moving his head, a huge figure almost enveloped Jon. He saw the huge head of Thor and the stick as big as a branch raised high.

Getting closer and closer, Jon stretched out his arms to block it.

Unable to stop it, he told himself in his heart how terrifying the power of the giant was. He had seen it in the tribe of wildlings.

Suddenly Jon was grateful for being hit hard, and the whole person fell to one side.

His face hit the snow, and the coldness pierced his skin.

Jon endured the pain under his feet and climbed up. What he saw was a picture of despair.

Beep beep!!!

His mind was blank, with only a buzzing sound in his ears. Jon felt as if he had left this world. He staggered forward, and from time to time he heard the distant sound of fighting and the sound of horns. But Jon's eyes were only on the figure lying in the snow.

They seemed to be cheering. Jon turned his head mechanically. The last thing he saw was a rolling black flag coming from the east, with a white bird flying on it.

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