Game of Thrones: Lord of Winter

Chapter 182 Killer ‘Sam’

He walked out of the crow's nest and exhaled a long breath of white mist.

Cole knew that Jon Snow's heart was now mixed with too many emotions, and what he needed was to be alone and quiet.

"My Lord." Duran came over with his neck shrunk. It was too cold in the north.

"I'll take you to see where I grew up." Cole stepped forward.

Although Duran wanted to stay by the fire, he still followed.

"If you don't go to the Great Wall to take a look, this trip will be in vain, Duran." Cole led him to the rope elevator.

The one who controlled the ladder was a familiar brother in black. His eyes were full of curiosity. "Your Highness."

Cole nodded to him, "Take us up."

He opened the cage with ease and took Duran to the station board of the iron cage.

As the sound of the iron chain rang, Duran held the cage tightly with his hands and watched himself rising higher and higher.

Cole saw the fear in his eyes.

The wind was getting louder and louder. When the iron cage climbed up the 700-foot-high ice wall, it was met with fierce cold wind and the screams of the cannibal witch in the story.

"Stand firm, don't be blown down by the wind!" Cole raised his voice.

Glenn and Piper were sitting next to a steel basin full of charcoal. The wood that the officers cut from the forest outside the Black Castle was crackling and burning. Hearing the sound of the iron chain, Piper looked over and saw Cole with silver hair, walking up to the Great Wall with a fat knight.

In fact, Duran has become much thinner and taller. He is no longer the fat and weak appearance when he first met him.

Of course, Cole's changes also amazed the Night Watch brothers. The boy on the Great Wall who used to be as thin as a wooden pole has become tall and mighty, with silver hair shining like the sun shining on the ice wall, and a face that is slightly cold and melancholy.

Pyp looked at the unbelievably handsome face. In fact, he had not spent much time with Cole. They were the same batch of Night's Watchmen who came to the Wall with Jon Snow. They received combat instruction from Sir Alliser Thorne. Cole had trained with them briefly, but soon after Cole followed Lannister southward, and they had no more contact. Pyp could only occasionally hear this name from some news from the south.

Glenn didn't think as much as Pyp did. He stood up when he saw Cole.

"Hey! Cole." He waved his sheepskin gloves.

The animal leather boots made a crackling sound when they stepped on the ice and snow of the Wall.

Cole nodded at him and watched the former big man slowly walk over. Sir Thorne nicknamed him "stupid bull". Glenn's neck was as thick as a bull. Wrapped in black armor and cloak, he looked like a barrel. He was not much older than Cole, but his face was already covered with beard.

Benniu's smile moved the beard on his face. He opened his hands, and the armor plates collided. They hugged each other like brothers.

"I heard what you said." Glen looked up and down at his armor. "Pip said that you are now a great noble, more powerful than the commander-in-chief of the Night's Watch, and you will definitely not pay attention to us, but I bet with him that you are definitely not such a person."

"Then I have to bet half of it."

"Pip hid the wine. If you want to drink it, I can leave half for you."

"That's a deal." Cole turned to Duran, "This is Glen, a ranger brother of the Night's Watch." He pointed to Piper who also stood up beside the brazier, "The little guy is Piper, he can imitate several kinds of bird calls."

Piper has a pair of protruding ears, which is very similar to the characteristics of the Florent family in Brightwater City. Shilin also has such ears.

"Duran Bar Amon, Earl of Pointed City." Cole introduced Duran to the Night's Watch.

"Owen said the king would come to help us, but I didn't expect it to be you." When he walked to the brazier, Grenn said.

"Maybe only Owen would think so." The stupid boy was a diligent and good craftsman. His carpentry work was very delicate and he was gentle. He had some intellectual problems, but he was not really a fool. At least he was much more normal and obedient than Patchface.

Several kings have died. Duran saw Joffrey being poisoned and attended Stannis's funeral.

"Lord Cole, long time no see." Pyp greeted him.

"Grenn has promised to give me half of your wine."

Pyp was stunned for a moment, then shouted, "Oh, damn Grenn, I only agreed to bet with you half a bag of wine."

"Asshole, I heard it clearly, it was obviously a bag, and Virgie was there at the time, he can testify."

"Vicky?" Cole asked suddenly. "I haven't seen him. Do you know where he lives now?"

"He seems to have been sent on patrol." Pyp said.

Cole sat around the brazier. As Cole sat down, the brothers of the Night's Watch also sat down. Duran stood there stupidly and was asked by Cole to sit down.

"I just walked around the fortress. There are many familiar faces missing."

"Many people didn't come back. We also saw a white walker. We saw it with our own eyes. Sam killed it." Perhaps thinking that Cole didn't know this brother who joined the Night's Watch later, Grenn explained, "Sam joined the Night's Watch not long after you left."

"Samwell Tarly, I know." Cole said, "Randal Tarly's son, the heir of Horn Hill. I fought with his father in the south."

In the King's Forest, Cole led the cavalry to chase Renly and Randyll Tarly's troops, but the two never met.

"Tell me about the White Walker, what did he use to kill it."

Glenn thought for a moment, his tone slightly frightened, "It's a blue monster, Cole. Very tall, they are like snow, blue eyes, and silver hair." He paused for a moment, because Grann suddenly found that Cole, who was sitting in front of him, was just as he described, with blue-purple eyes, silver hair, tall.

White Walkers are never dead. But they can turn the dead into wights, a kind of monster that comes back from the dead. The wights will attack living creatures crazily. In the Ranger Expedition launched by the old bear, it was in the Fist of the First Men that they suffered the attack of the wights.

Glenn thought of some other stories he had heard: he drove the white shadow to kill Renly, which was the "ice spider" he brought from the Great Wall. He is a monster that the White Walkers and prostitutes made peace with.

After a moment of stunned, Grann threw this absurd idea out of his mind. How could Cole be a White Walker?

"Sam killed the White Walker with a black dagger. We called him 'Sam the Killer.'" Speaking of Sam, Grenn's eyes flashed with sadness.

He did not come back with them. Benniu continued: "After the White Walker was stabbed by the dagger, it melted directly."

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