Game of Thrones: Lord of Winter

Chapter 187 Sam Returns

In the room of the King's Tower, Jon tossed and turned. When he closed his eyes, their shadows flashed through his mind, his father, Ygritte

And when he opened his eyes, the dark ceiling seemed to be crawling with all kinds of weird things, forcing him to think about what Cole said to him.

He didn't want to care about the things in the south at all. Those guys, let the White Walkers catch them all. But Cole was right. They had to make the worst plan. Even Mance Rayder couldn't stop them, let alone those dead people.

The Wall is his now. Jon has to be responsible for his brothers, which requires more people.

If he said it, Robb would definitely believe it.

As the Lord of Winterfell, Robb has to consider the thoughts of the lords under him. In Jon's opinion, he would be a good lord. The new brothers of the Night's Watch said that in the south they called Robb the Young Wolf Lord, saying that he and his wolf, Grey Wind, were invincible on the battlefield.

People like to compare Cole and Robb, but Jon knows that they have actually competed, and Robb and Grey Wind have never defeated him.

Jon didn't know what happened, but he remembered that he had introduced Cole to Winterfell. Although his recommendation as a bastard was so insignificant, Robb was the master of the castle at that time, and he believed that Robb would pay attention to his letters.

He thought to himself that when he went to Winterfell, he must ask Robb properly.

Although Jon was very eager to return to Winterfell, as long as he thought of the castle, his heart could not help but sink, and his heart was like a sword stirring.

When he was young, he dreamed of doing something big. He imagined that he saved his father's life, and then he announced to everyone that Jon had proved himself to be a qualified Stark. But when this opportunity really appeared in front of him, it was his father who sacrificed his life to save him.

He was no longer a Stark, and Eddard was not his biological father, but Jon always loved him. Thinking of this, his heart was filled with guilt and hatred. It was obviously himself who deserved to die. Jon couldn't help but clench his fists.

Jon didn't know when he fell asleep. He only knew that his head was in a mess. He didn't get up until he heard a noisy noise outside the tower. He pushed open the door and the cold wind whistled in, which made him shiver twice. The weather was even colder.

"Jon." Grenn called him. Jon heard Pyp say, "You should call the commander."

"You know who's back." Grenn's tone was full of surprise.

"It's the killer Sam, it's Sam!" Pyp shouted from the side.

Hearing this name, Pyp circled around him. Jon was stunned for a moment, and then asked, "Where is he?"

This was one of the few good news he had heard recently.

When Jon saw Sam, he found that there were two women following him, Gilly? Val?

Gilly was Craster's daughter and wife. When they first met, she was pregnant with Craster's child.

Craster is the master of Craster's Keep. He has provided a place for the rangers to stay outside the Wall.

"You are finally back." Jon said with a smile, "and you brought Gilly with you. Well done, Sam." He praised.

Sam looked at the tired smile in front of him. When he came in from the ice road, Pyp told him that Jon was now the commander-in-chief of the Night's Watch.

He saw the camps set up around the Black Castle at the south gate of the Wall. Gilly asked him what those flags were. Sam recognized many emblems, but he couldn't figure out which family they were for a while, until Pyp told him that they were Cole's flags.

Cole? The man who kept the library in order.

"I want to see Mance." Val asked Jon. "I heard that you are going to judge him."

Mance, he shook his head silently in his heart. Although reason told him that Mance was not the real murderer who killed his father, Jon couldn't help but put the blame on the King Beyond the Wall. He believed that he was not the only one who thought so.

Jon's eyes were tired: "He is now the prince's captive."

"I want him to see his son. You should at least let him see him before you kill him." Val knew that the crow would never let his brother-in-law go.

"I will ask for you. If the prince allows it, I think Mance should be able to hug him." Jon's face was slightly cold, "Sorry, Val, we still have duties to attend to, so I'll leave first."

He turned and left.

Sam stayed for a while, squeezed Gilly's hand, promised to come back after dinner, and then hurried to catch up.

Jon paid attention to the back, he knew that Sam loved Gilly, she had a pair of innocent brown eyes, Jon himself thought she was good-looking, but compared to her, Val next to her was more beautiful.

The first time I saw Val was in Mance Rayder's tent. She was a beautiful blonde woman with long hair to her chest, gray eyes, a slender but plump figure, and elegant manners.

Jon talked to Sam about Gilly. Gilly would not be his wife, just as Ygritte would not be his.

"If Gilly says this child is mine, mine... then my mother will want him, and I know she will arrange a place for Gilly, a job that will not be more difficult than serving Craster." Sam blushed and told Jon that he wanted to wait until the Night's Watch was settled before sending Gilly to the Horn Hill.

"They say you are the Lord Commander now, Jon." Sam changed the subject.

Jon nodded slightly, "Just yesterday."


He just sighed, "So much has happened, Sam."

They walked to the King's Tower in silence.

"Do you know what silver hair represents?" Jon asked.

"Silver hair and purple eyes, the characteristics of Valyrians." Sam answered very quickly. Silver hair and purple eyes were once the most noble appearance in the Seven Kingdoms. He thought of what Pyp told him about Jon's life experience.

"Silver hair and purple eyes Targaryen." Jon Snow muttered to himself.

"Jon, about your life experience"

He shook his head, "It's nothing, Sam. I am Jon Snow, just Jon Snow, and I will never change."

After taking the oath, they only have one identity, the Night's Watch.

Jon asked him some questions about the White Walkers, but Sam himself was so scared that his mind was blank. When he regained consciousness, the monster had shattered into ice.

When Sam returned to Gilly, she was feeding Mance's son.

"He sucks harder than my child." Gilly held the baby to her breast and stroked his head.

The two women had already attracted the attention of the Night's Watch brothers. Every man who passed by couldn't help but keep his eyes on them.

It was not until a silver figure came from a distance that their eyes shifted, including Sam's.

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