Game of Thrones: Lord of Winter

$ Chapter 34 “The King of Fire”

Once, twice, he couldn't remember how many times this kid saved him.

TN, is it really worth saving a dwarf? The dwarf has nothing to offer you.

The first time I saw him, he was still a timid boy, standing shivering in the cold wind, looking thin and helpless. But he caught his attention because of his good cooking skills.

At that time, in order to entertain him, Mormont specially asked this boy to cook the food. The food was served very late. He was so hungry that he wanted to curse, but after taking a bite, all his anger disappeared.

Tyrion didn't even remember how long it had been since he had eaten the meat he grilled. He was obviously a cook in the castle who cooked for nobles. He was so brave that he wanted to be a knight.

Now that you are a knight, don't give up so easily, Cole. I also want my father to confer titles and fiefdoms on you. Why are you here?

Although Tyrion thought he was used to life and death along the way, his heart still felt as painful as tearing. It had been a long time since he had been so sad for someone. He held back the tears flowing in his eyes, This was not the right time to shed a single tear.

Tyrion said silently in his heart, "I am a born devil with a heart of stone. This man just wants to cling to the Lannister family."

But the more he thought like this, the less he could convince himself.

Friend, friend? He chuckled, trying to cover up the sadness in his heart with laughter.

But Bronn had already seen his red eyes clearly. A man doesn't shed tears lightly. Even if he shows coldness due to restraint, he can't really be cold inside.

As Tyrion grieved, there was an uproar and noise, and all eyes were directed toward the Cave of Fire.

A black shadow was gradually emerging from the flames, and the swaying waves of fire caused the shadow to sway together.

All the free people's eyes widened. Is it ten blinks or a hundred blinks? They don't have any unit to measure time. Anyway, it is a long time. No one can live under the fire for that long, even if they have been exposed to it since childhood. Neither can the painting dog part of the fire nor the people of fire.

Many people rush into the flames and only come out within a few seconds. There are white stones everywhere in the grotto. As long as they are picked out, they can prove that they are a decent free citizen and will be welcomed and recognized by the people of the flames.

The figure was getting closer and closer, his eyes were close to the hole, and Tyrion was even sure that it was Cole.


The flames pulsed again, and the figure got closer and closer to the entrance of the cave. Everyone held their breath and focused their gaze firmly on the cave.

The fire snake stung and jumped up and down, and finally, a figure stepped out of the door of flames. He was completely naked, and his hair and eyebrows were completely burned.

I saw him holding a huge stone.

Cole picked up the stone by mistake. Something in the stone seemed to be calling him, telling him: pick up the stone, otherwise he will regret it.

Of course he didn't forget to pick up a white stone.

Bronn's eyes swept from top to bottom, finally stopping at his crotch, and he smiled meaningfully.

Tyrion's heart relaxed and he also smiled. This boy is really not young. He must find a woman for him when he gets off the mountain.

The old woman standing at the entrance of the cave trembled all over when she saw the stone in Cole's hand. She suddenly knelt down and kowtowed to Cole, shouting: "Lord of Fire! Lord of Fire!"

Before Cole and the others could react, all the Painted Dog tribe members knelt down to follow the fire sacrifice.

In an instant, the sound of shouting "Lord of Fire" came like a roaring tsunami, and people kept coming out of the house and kneeling on the ground.

Cole stood helpless, with the scorching flames behind him, and only feeling a chill under his crotch.

The flames seemed to be interested, and a roar of flames erupted from the cave, surrounding Cole's sides, as if to crown him.

"It seems that they have been conquered." Tyrion walked up.

Cole handed him the stone and reached out to cover it.

As soon as Tyrion caught the stone, he flicked it out instantly, burning a large piece of skin on his hand. Why is this fucking stone so hot?

The shouts of the freedmen grew louder and louder, and now only four of them, Cole, were standing.

The old priest knelt and walked to Cole's side, and said with tears: "Honorable King of Fire, you have finally favored your people again."

Cole raised his mouth as if he had a toothache, and reached out to help the old woman.

Tyrion stood beside him, tilted his head and shouted as well.

The shouts rose and fell and continued. Even Timei, the son of Timei, the red hand of the Burning Department, knelt down in front of him. He said: "Only the one who takes out the dragon stone from the flames , you are worthy to lead the people of fire. You are the real red hand, the king of the people of fire."

After speaking, he took out the dagger and cut his palm open, "My king, please accept my blood."

He used his other hand to wipe blood on his cheek next to the empty eye sockets, which were the eyes he had burned off. He was born to fight for the Lord of Fire, not just him, but every Fire People.

Belief is really scary sometimes.

Timei raised his hand, "Please let Timei, son of Timei, be your sharp blade, Lord of Fire."

Cole is not interested in being the Fire Lord now, he just wants to find some clothes quickly.

Several people from the Painted Dog Tribe also stood up, came to Cole, knelt on one knee, took out a blade and cut open his palm, "Duoqi, son of Duoqi, Pia of Pia, Harlan, son of Harlan, are willing to be your sharp blade, King of Fire."

At this time, the fire priest brought a robe and knelt to offer it to Cole, "King, please accept the loyalty of the people of fire."

He opened and closed his mouth in astonishment, and slowly took the robe to cover his body.

The people of fire can be traced back to the Age of Light, when the ancestors still ruled the Vale of Arryn. "The King of Fire" is the belief of the entire Vale of Arryn. It is rumored that the flaming sword in the hands of the Bronze King family and the bronze armor on their bodies were given by the King of Fire.

However, the Bronze King family has betrayed the ancestors and they have turned to the gods of the mountain people.

The King of Fire will pull out the sword of light from the flames and then repel the enemies from the north. This is a legend passed down from generation to generation by the people of fire until about two hundred years ago when the fire witch brought a new prophecy.

The Fire Witch and her dragon live in the Trial Cave. The Dragon Stone is what she left behind. She predicted that when the ice comes, the reincarnation of the Flame King will come to the Painted Dog Tribe again, pick up the Dragon Stone, and lead the brave free people to take back their homeland.

Every child who grew up in the Painted Dog Tribe has seen the Dragon Stone. It is quietly placed there, looking very peaceful. Someone once wanted to steal it, but it was burned to ashes by the flames.

Countless people who think they are the Flame King have rushed into the Trial Land to bring out the Dragon Stone, but only one person has returned alive in hundreds of years.

That person is the Red Hand of the Burning Tribe that was separated later.

PS: This chapter was revised overnight and several versions were written, but in the end I decided to follow the outline.

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