Use a hot knife to cut the flesh and blood, wipe the blood with burlap cloth, roughly pull out the arrow cone, and then pour it with strong wine.

This is the most advanced treatment method in the military camp.

The sticky herbs were wrapped in satin on his back, and Cole's forehead was already covered with sweat.

Kevan was worthy of being a veteran on the battlefield. He gathered all the troops and sent out cavalry to sweep away the enemy troops. He was counting his own casualties.

In this battle, the Lannister forces suffered heavy losses. Only about 7,000 of their 15,000 troops remained. Of course, the lost ones were not dead, but most of them ran away.

Cole and the others used 2,000 cavalry to attack the 6,000 cavalry in the north. The losses were not small, and they were reduced by half. Cole's own people suffered the most serious losses. It is estimated that there are only about 400 Flame People left around him. .

War is so cruel.

In fact, ever since people started to support Robb Stark, Cole knew that the situation on his side was no longer optimistic. If Sir Kevan hadn't sent an army to help, their fake reinforcements would have been exposed.

Although Stark retreated, bad news also followed. For example, Ser Jaime Lannister was still captured by the enemy. Kevan had sent a messenger to tell his brother Tywin, and he could imagine Tywin's anger when he knew the news.

When the messenger arrived at Tywin's military camp, it looked like a post-war situation. Looking at the flying roaring lion flag, it goes without saying that the Lannister won.

Victory on both fronts should have been cause for joy, but as the news of Jaime Lannister's arrest was delivered to Tywin, all the joy suddenly condensed to the bottom.

Some people suggested that we should continue to pursue the victory and invade Jinze. Some people suggested joining forces to attack Riverrun, and some even suggested retreating to negotiate peace.

Only Lord Tywin remained silent. His face was terrifyingly gloomy. After all, everyone knew that Jaime was his favored heir. How could he be in a good mood now that the heir was in the hands of the enemy?

He did not give a conclusion, but asked everyone to retreat first, leaving only Tyrion.

Tyrion's wildling army did give Tywin an unexpected surprise. The enemy only had a small group of cavalry and could not break through the barbarian army. Instead, they were killed by the wildlings and fled in all directions.

"Your wildling army and that kid really surprised me." Tywin poured him a glass of wine.

"You must be disappointed that the dwarf son did not die in the battle, right?" He took a sip of wine.

Tywin handed over a letter, "This is a letter from your sister."

Tyrion opened it and looked shocked, "What! They actually let Eddard Stark escape."

The further he looked down, the weirder Tyrion's expression became. Removing Ser Barristan, the Honorary Captain of the Kingsguard, and allowing Janos Slynt to join the Royal Council, what stupid thing did Cersei do? ! !

"Seven hells, what are she and her idiot son doing!" Tyrion couldn't help but curse.

They fought bloody battles at the front, but as a result, King's Landing was filled with smoke and smoke. Now even Eddard Stark, the biggest bargaining chip, has escaped.

Tywin obviously recognized his words. "I'm going to send you to King's Landing."

"To King's Landing? What should I do in King's Landing?"

"Take care of your nephew for me."

At the end of the letter, Cersei asked them to lead the army to support King's Landing in the name of the king. Stannis Baratheon, Duke of Dragonstone in the south, has expressed his opposition, while Renly Baratheon of Storm's End directly proclaimed himself king, even gaining the support of the Tyrell family.

"I have always been unpopular with my sister Cersei. It's not like you don't know. I'm afraid she won't listen to my words at all."

"Then take your barbarians with you and manage them in the city. At the same time, you can also manage the important ministers who are jumping up and down on my behalf. I think Xiao Qiao can do so many stupid things, and they must have a share. How unexpected is Se If Xi can’t control that little brat, just do it.”

Tyrion stopped, "I'm not even a knight."

"When you arrive in King's Landing, you will be the Prime Minister until I come to the capital."

Tyrion's mouth opened in astonishment, and he didn't know what to say for a moment. In the end, he just asked, "Why send me instead of uncle, or..."

Tywin's golden eyes looked at him without a trace of emotion and said, "Because you are my son."

All the words were swallowed by Tyrion at once.

"Can I take Cole with me?"

"Kevan thinks very highly of that kid, and he will help continue the attack on Riverrun."

Tyrion flashed with disappointment, but then he thought about it, it wasn't a bad thing that Cole fell in the eyes of his father and uncle. At least after the war, he will definitely gain a lot of money and be rewarded with titles and lands.

Originally, he wanted Cole to replace the Hound who had been asked to join the Kingsguard in the letter, or to command the City Guard.

The arrow wound made Cole's movements inconvenient. No matter how good his physique was, he did not have the ability to heal quickly.

The Lannister army is now garrisoned on the south bank of the Red Fork, backed by the River Road.

Riverrun saw that the Lannisters only had a wall around them, and they often sent out cavalry to harass their camp.

Sir Kevan, an old boy, doesn't embarrass Cole now. Instead, he gives him the command of the cavalry and lets Cole lead the troops to pursue the guerrillas in Riverrun.

The noble knights who were sent to Cole didn't like him very much, and a wild knight also wanted to stand on their head.

Cole didn't bother them, he just wanted four hundred sets of full-body armor to equip all his flame people, and then sent them out to patrol.

They camped under Riverrun for a few days. On this day, Ser Kevan sent someone to call him. As soon as he entered the tent, he saw him sitting in the main seat, with rows of westerly nobles and knights on both sides.

Seeing Cole coming in, Kevan directly asked him to sit on his side. At this moment, Cole felt that this old guy was not so annoying.

But all the westerly nobles were muttering in their hearts, who is this person? Why is he sitting on the side of the commander.

When Cole took his seat, Kevan took out a letter with a roaring lion's emblem wax seal on it. He spread the letter and read, "Westerly generals, listen to my orders. The war is urgent. I, Tywin Lannister, the 'Guardian of the West, the Duke of Casterly Rock, and the Shield of Lannister Harbor', order you to continue to attack Riverrun with Ser Kevan Lannister as the commander."

After hearing the military order, the nobles looked at each other in surprise. Did they have to continue to besiege Riverrun? Is that all they have? Then the meeting became chaotic, with countless opinions.

Cole said nothing. After the meeting, Cole stepped out of the tent. Suddenly, he stumbled a few steps and felt a little dizzy. He shook his head and didn't care.

Suddenly, someone called him from behind, "Sir Cole, the commander asks you to stay for a while."

Cole paused for a moment and stood outside the barracks waiting.

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