Game of Thrones: Lord of Winter

Chapter 98 Arrival at White Harbor

The sea surface is like rolling hills, with one wave after another.

With a thud, Arya hit the ship's plank.

"Little sister Stark, don't fall into the sea."

Arya got up and looked at him angrily.

At this time, the ship had reached the outer sea of ​​Erin Valley.

They stopped at Cape Marseille for a day because of a storm.

Cole took the sword and taught Arya decent sword skills. Both of them were holding wooden swords. She slashed hard again and again, and Cole easily resisted.

As if she had found an outlet, she frantically vented her anguish.

But no matter how she attacked, Cole remained firm and motionless. She simply dropped the sword and walked to the side of the ship's rail with a pout on her lips.

Everyone treated her like a child and told her nothing.

Arya heard her mother shut herself up in the ship's cabin, praying to the gods from day to night, and from night to day.

Cole picked up the sword and asked, "What's wrong? You don't want to practice anymore?"

"Why didn't anyone tell me?" Her tone was tearful. "I'm also worried about Bran and Rickon."

"They just don't want you to be sad. Just leave some things to adults." Cole leaned on the railing.

"I want to help too," she said with tears streaming down her eyes.

Watch her cry. Cole thought, the current Arya is not the one who has experienced Eddard being beheaded, her mother and Robb being killed at the Red Wedding, nor is she the one who has experienced the training of the Faceless Men.

She is now just a ten-year-old girl with a naughty and active personality and full of curiosity.

"Did the chief swordsman of Braavos only teach you how to cry? Little sister." Cole said with a slightly mocking tone.

She raised her tear-filled eyes and shouted in an almost roaring tone: "No, I don't allow you to talk about him."

Arya picked up her wooden sword and struck him.

Cole ducked sideways comfortably, "In the Night Watch, everything depends on the sword in your hand. If you choose to hold a sword, you shouldn't complain, little sister Stark."

Boom, boom, boom. Her swords all failed.

Just like the formula Syrio gave her: Fast as a deer, still as a shadow; swift as a snake, still as water; strong as a bear, fierce as a wolf; fear is more hurtful than a sword.

How amazing, Arya marveled.

With a thud, Arya's head was lightly knocked. "When using the sword, keep your eyes on the enemy."

"Who is your most hated enemy? Little sister. Think of my face as him," Cole pointed to his face.

Arya thought the face was Joffrey's, but for some reason it reminded her of Jon.

"I won't fight." She put away her sword.

Colton was shocked, why didn't this little kid follow the routine?

"You're not Joffrey, and you're not Cersei," was all she said.

With a crash, the entire ship shook violently, and Arya jumped out of the ship unsteadily.

"Ah!!" Her hands were tightly clinging to the railing of the boat, as if she was about to fall into the sea at any moment.

A huge wave was rushing toward the boat. Cole held the railing and swung around, finally regaining his footing, but saw Arya's whole body hanging outside the boat.

"Hold on, hold on to the railing," Cole yelled at her.

Arya felt her hands slipping, she could no longer hold on and would fall.

Cole grabbed her hand and pulled her up, but he didn't know that the ship rocked again, and he himself fell on the board, his whole body lying across the railings, and Arya was hanging by one hand.

What's going on? He raised his head and saw a storm in front of him. Dark clouds covered the sea. The waves were roaring. The sea breeze was beating against the flag of the ship. Sailors came from all sides to close the sails.

Someone saw the two people in a panic and was ready to run over to help.

But he saw Cole lifting Arya up with one hand until she was close to the railing, and then he carried her off the deck.

Return the frightened Erya to Father and Mother Wolf.

Cole hurried to the deck. The captain was a Myr. He was standing on the deck commanding the sailors.

"Mr. Captain, what's going on?" Cole faced the wind and rain and approached Captain Mokuni Beka.

"We encountered a storm, my lord. By the gods, it is good to see that you are alright. My sailor told me that the deck is dangerous now that you were standing on it."

"What are you going to do?" Cole asked him.

"Storms have always been a sailor's worst enemy, but don't worry, my lord. I have encountered storms of this magnitude at least five times."

Cole looked at him, but there was nothing he could do. Let's leave it to professionals. He nodded, "I hope the gods can protect us, then I'll leave it to you, Mr. Captain."

The cabin was shaking and shaking, and several times he felt that he was almost leaning at a forty-five-degree angle.

In my ears, I could hear the sailors' heying and heying as they rowed. After shaking like this for an unknown amount of time, the ship finally stabilized.

He climbed out of the cabin and felt it was bright. The light of the setting sun shone on his face, making him a little dizzy. He couldn't help but rub his eyes with his hands.

I saw that the sea was calm at the moment, and although there was a cold wind blowing, I didn't feel how cold it was.

Cole saw a tired-looking Myr man.

"You are a good captain, Mr. Mokuni Beka, and your crew is also very competent. Are you interested in doing something for me?" Cole asked him.

"I can give you a bigger ship and let you captain it."

Hesitation flashed in his eyes, and he knew something about this adult.

"You can think about it slowly. By the way, I will give each of the crew members five silver deer as a token of my gratitude."

"Where are we?" he asked.

The Myr replied, "We are almost at the Bite Bay."

They are almost at the North. After entering the Bite Bay and passing the Three Sisters Islands, they can reach White Harbor.

White Harbor is the main trading port in the North and one of Cole's goals this time.

The family emblem of the Manderly family is a white mermaid holding a trident. Their family originated from the Reach, but was expelled from the Reach more than a thousand years ago, and then drifted to the North, and was finally taken in by the Stark family.

White Harbor was originally the territory where the Stark family established the Wolf's Lair to resist pirates, but it was given to the Manderly family by King "Jon Stark" before the conquest.

It was not until the morning of the third day that they arrived at White Harbor and got off the ship at the dock of White Harbor. Although the Myr did not express his allegiance, he said that his ship was waiting for Cole's call.

They were greeted by Lord Wyman Manderly, who came with a dozen guards.

Cole also brought ten guards.

"Lord Stark." The Lord stepped down from the sedan and saluted.

"We meet again, Lady Stark. How are you doing?" He saluted Catelyn again.

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