The commanders of each legion have their own opinions on the battlefield. This is what Lynn is happy to see. Since Duncan, the commander of the southern ferry in the Hejian Land, feels that tonight is a good time for the army to attack, then Lynn should take it for granted. support.

The battlefield has never been easier.

The King's Road in the Riverland is already under the control of the Gripen Legion. The southernmost river crossing is the first main force of the Gripen Legion under the command of Duncan himself, including the Knights of Armor and the 2nd and 2nd Battalion of Heavy Armored Cavalry. , the 3rd and 4th Battalion of the Hu Ben Regiment and the Xiao Cavalry Regiment totaled nearly 9,500 soldiers.

The second main force was led by the commander of the Tiger Ben regiment, Rodat, and assembled outside the east gate of Twin Rivers City. Prepare for the battle of breaking the city.

The scale of the two main armies, a total of 17,000 people, these people are the nine-city combat strength of the Southern Expedition Group Army, and there is an independent regiment of 1,000 people mainly cavalry. Quietly go south in the jungle.

Under the guard of his own subordinates, Lynn returned to the central camp of the First Main Corps. After listening to the combat deployment of the Gripen Legion in the recent period, Lynn returned to a rest camp with satisfaction and simply cleaned up. After the battle, put on the armor and raincoat, and walked out of the tent again.

Han Niu, who had not seen him for a long time, still dutifully guarded Lin En's tent. When he saw a neatly dressed figure walking out, Han Niu in thick and heavy armor quietly turned his eyes to Lin En. Yep.

at the same time.

The night has also completely enveloped the earth.

The camp was built on wooden braziers under four tarps. The flames were blazing brightly, and the wind blew the flames, and the swaying firelight reflected. In the center of the empty camp square, the standing figures stood straight at the moment.

When Lynn's figure appeared under the high platform of the camp and was slowly ascending the platform, there was only a trace of commotion in the silent crowd of soldiers in the rain.

"Quiet!" The law enforcement officers of each battalion ran in the middle of the soldiers, signaling the soldiers of the battalion to calm down.

Lynn stepped onto the high platform, looked left and right, nodded with satisfaction, and then nodded to Commander Duncan.

Duncan put on handsome armor, came to Lynn, knelt down, put one arm around his chest, thumped twice, and then quickly got up again


Then, he turned around and waved slightly to the commanders of the battalions under the high platform.

The soldiers who were silent in the rain turned into deep black dragons, and under the dim and flickering campfire, they pulled out of the camp.

When the troops in the camp pulled out of the camp, a small team of cavalrymen holding the flag also quickly ran towards the sentry of the ferry for their own observation range on the river bank, and ran away in the rain.

The combat cavalry led the war horses, the baggage infantry pushed the ballista carts, the archers and crossbowmen, and the spears, swords and shields troops marched in a regular formation in three columns.

The troops extinguished their torches and marched silently in the clattering rain.

Soon, the troops arrived near the ferry of the Trident River. There are several tall wooden sentry towers set up by the Gripen Legion. There are also the sentry towers of the Lannisters of the river garrison on the opposite side of the river. However, due to the heavy rain, the shoal of the ferry At the place, the reeds that were set up in the past have all been withdrawn.

The first main force of the Gripen Legion arrived near the estuary and did not cross the river immediately.

The army first made a simple formation, and the formation of marching and fighting needed a small change.

Accompanied by Thin Monkey Hanniu and others, Lynn boarded the outpost tower and inspected the outpost tower.

On the east bank of the King's Road River Ferry, which is the direction of the actual control of the Gripen Legion, two three-story wooden towers are set up, with 100 archers and 50 emergency defense troops on each side, responsible for watching the arrow tower and Fortifications below the tower.

Lynn was standing in front of the window of the sentry tower, staring at the town of Earl Harroway on the other side.

As a riverside town with an excellent location, it has been completely transformed into a military defensive position.

There are many arrow towers, and I heard that there is even a solid wooden defensive wall with a horizontal span of up to 100 meters.

Lynn stayed on the tower. As the commander-in-chief of the army, the Supreme Lord of the North, he had no need to put himself in danger, and the frontline command had been handed over to Duncan.

At this moment, the troops under the tower are mobilizing quickly. All the archers and crossbowmen have entered the preset positions. Groups of soldiers, holding longbows and crossbows, holding shields, and carrying assembled ballistas on their shoulders, have begun to descend from the shoal. into the murky waters of the Green Fork.

The soldiers were quickly submerged by the turbid river water. The heavy rain made the river turbulent. However, there was a diversion from the central beach. Although the river was turbulent, it was not turbulent. The soldiers in armor could walk into the water easily. Forward.

The vanguard arrived at the small island in the center of the confluence at a very low level. The silt around the island was covered with dense reeds. After passing through the tall reeds, there was a large open beach in the middle.

Small islands are naturally formed because of the sorting and transport and accumulation of rivers.

Generally, where the rivers interact, the terrain is relatively low, the flow velocity of the river is slow, its transport function is relatively weakened, and its accumulation function is relatively enhanced. Therefore, a large amount of sediment in the river will be deposited at the confluence of the river or the place where the river empties into the sea.

When the flood season recedes, a large amount of sediment will be exposed, forming a beach.

When it is not in the rainy season, some caravans and pedestrians in the north or in the riverlands will even choose to cross the river here to enter the south in order to save the cost of crossing the bridge in the Twin Rivers.

Lynn stood quietly on the tower, watching the soldiers wading across the river, arriving at the small island in the river and setting up ballistas.

Looking past the temporarily resting Gripen, he continued to move forward, and he looked coldly at the faint bonfire lit across the river beach.

The light of the bonfires or torches was not obvious, and there was rain that interfered with the sight. The reconnaissance torches on the sentry tower on the opposite bank were like a small firefly in the night sky.

Twenty ballistas and ten small catapults were installed, and Duncan shouted from the center: "Get ready for battle! Get ready for battle!"

"The first echelon of sword and shield soldiers, the second echelon, if they are not found by the enemy after the ferry, they will be the first to launch a surprise attack on the enemy's two towers."

"If it is found, the first and second echelons of the crossbowmen team will rush to the rescue, and the task is still to take down the enemy's outpost tower as soon as possible, so as to gain space for the follow-up troops to safely ferry."

"The ballista array and catapult array on the island, after the battle starts, give me all the firepower to cover the opponent's city wall. Cover the siege team to approach, listen to the captains understand?"


Duncan's voice was loud and full of energy, but Lynn, who was standing on the tower on the east bank, could not hear anything, and the reeds covered most of the army that was about to launch a sneak attack.

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