"Lord Tyrion, we didn't expect you to be here. But please cooperate with us. This tavern is going to be closed now."

Tyrion was in the private room of the tavern, looking at Osfried Kettleblack: "Osfried, you are the deputy commander of the capital garrison, and you are taking Humphrey Weewater, who is responsible for guarding the Dragon Gate, and a group of gold cloaks to close the tavern near the River Gate?"

Tyrion didn't even want to call him a knight. The Kettleblack brothers didn't even go to the battlefield, but they were knighted after the Battle of the Blackwater. Just because they are all Cersei's people, they listen to Cersei's orders.

After the casualties and deserters in the Battle of the Blackwater, the number of garrisons was reduced from 6,000 at most to 4,400. Sir Adam Marbrand, the captain of Lord Tywin's cavalry, was appointed as the commander-in-chief. The garrison's finances could not support the troops' salaries, but Cersei did not allow Adam to reduce the number.

It was because Cersei regarded the garrison as her own. Whether it was secretly searching for the illegitimate son who killed King Robert or closing down the tavern that openly discussed the "Dragon King of Dragonstone", they were needed.

Osforley answered solemnly: "It's my duty."

"Duty?" Tyrion laughed, "I didn't know you had such a sense of humor, Osforley."

Osforley: "This is the will of the Queen Regent, please-"

"Speak louder, Osforley," Tyrion interrupted him, "Whose will?"

Osforley blushed: "Please cooperate, Lord Tyrion."

Tyrion wanted to laugh. If Cersei had a little brain, she would not do such a thing in such a blatant way. At present, only the port of Rivergate in King's Landing is open. There are countless merchant ships coming from the Throat every day. It is simply a pipe dream to block the news they bring, unless they sink all the ships passing through Dragonstone in Blackwater Bay and pull out the tongues of those sailors who have been to Dragonstone.

During the Dance of the Dragons, the Black Party seized King's Landing. Rhaenyra's harsh rule made her lose the support of the people. The people began to call her "Maegor with tits". It is said that someone in King's Landing tried to ban this derogatory name at that time, but a hundred years later, the word "Maegor's tits" became a dirty word in King's Landing. This severe ban is bound to bring more serious backlash.

But to be honest, what other way can there be?

Only at this time, Tyrion would think that Lord Tywin asked him to raise funds for the reconstruction of the port of King's Gate. If he took out the money now, would Lord Tywin start the reconstruction immediately so that King's Landing could receive more merchant ships from the Throat and bring more news about the Dragon King and dragons?

The cost of rebuilding the port terminal on the King's Gate side is shocking, but it must be done, because King's Landing is the second largest port in the country, second only to Oldtown, and the river must be dredged as soon as possible to reopen trade. But where does the money come from? He had only glanced at the royal accounts in the past few days. The royal family owed an unimaginable amount of money. The Lannisters, Tyrells, the church, the Iron Bank, and the banks of the Free Trade Cities all owed astronomical amounts.

Tyrion even began to miss Littlefinger who had sailed away. He went to marry Lysa Arryn, ruled the Vale, and left a mess behind.

Tyrion sometimes maliciously hoped that the Dragon King of Dragonstone would find Littlefinger and ride a dragon to burn the ship he was on.

Although Tyrion was skeptical about the three-headed dragon, because when the news that the Dragon King of Dragonstone had a dragon spread at the King's Landing dock, Tyrion went to the dragon bone storage room of the Red Keep in King's Landing and looked again and again, but still couldn't imagine what a three-headed dragon looked like.

He was in a stalemate with Osfryd, and the person he was waiting for finally arrived: "My lord, your choice of taverns is always impressive."

"Sir Bronn, you made me wait so hard." Tyrion didn't embarrass his sister's lackey anymore. He called his squire Podrick and the captain of the gold-cloaked guards of the River Gate, "Let's go, let's change places."

Osfryd breathed a sigh of relief, watched Tyrion leave, and then continued the work of sealing.

The tavern owner and the servant were all detained, as well as several sailors and the captain of a merchant ship. They might not have imagined that the first group of people who came to King's Landing to sell intelligence made a fortune here, while they could only be imprisoned for bringing intelligence.

How many people did Cersei arrest in the past few days? The topic of the Dragon King and dragons became a taboo in King's Landing overnight. It is hard to say that Lord Tywin did not secretly acquiesce.

The catapults used by the guards in King's Landing at that time still dominated the market square inside the gate. Now it has been abandoned, and stones and asphalt barrels are scattered everywhere. The children climbed up the long wooden throwing arms and swung around like monkeys, chasing each other.

"Remind me to ask Ser Adam to assign the gold cloaks to guard here," Tyrion ordered as he rode between the trebuchets. "The fools must fall down and break their necks."

At this time, there was a shout from above, and a pile of horse manure was thrown not far in front of the Chancellor of the Exchequer. Tyrion's horseman stood up and almost knocked him over.

"Think about it carefully," he said while trying to rein in his horse, "or just leave it alone and let these brats fall down like ripe pumpkins and smash them to pieces."

Tyrion was in a bad mood to begin with, and now these naughty boys humiliated him in public, which made him even more furious.

Who among the Lannisters and Tyrells in King's Landing was in a good mood? Tyrion thought, maybe Ah Dumb was in a good mood. Ah Dumb was the youngest son of the horse keeper and stable boy brought by Lord Tywin. He was a fool and knew how to have fun all day long.

The mud road was crowded with people, but driven by the golden robes, soldiers and civilians gave way to the little devil's team. Children with sunken eyes gathered around, some stared silently, and some begged loudly. Tyrion took out a large handful of coins from his wallet and threw them. The children immediately started fighting, shouting and pushing each other. The lucky ones among them might get to eat a piece of moldy bread tonight.

The Market Square has never been so crowded, and countless supplies have been brought in by the Tyrells, but after the free distribution stopped, the price of food was ridiculously high. Six copper coins buy a pumpkin, a silver deer is worth a pile of corn, and a gold dragon is worth a knife of beef or six skinny piglets. Despite this, there is still a steady stream of buyers. The haggard and withered men and women gathered around every carriage and every stall, while the miserable and helpless people stood at the entrance of the alley, watching gloomily.

Nowadays, merchant ships from other places can make a lot of money in King's Landing. The premise is that they learn to be careful about their words and deeds at the port and dock, so as not to cause disaster.

They quickly diverted back to the temporary offices of the ministers who were leading the reconstruction of the pier near the King's Gate.

As soon as Tyrion entered, he asked Podrick to guard the door, and then brought Bronn into the drawing room.

It's quiet enough here.

Maybe there is a little bird eavesdropping somewhere. After all, the eight-clawed spider Varys is not that easy to deceive, but Tyrion feels that he does not need to be afraid of him yet.

"Tell me, what new story does that Dragon King have that reaches King's Landing?"

The inspection at Linhemen Wharf was just a pretense. Now the dignitaries in King's Land are panicking again, all because of the constant news about the merchant ships at the wharf. It is said that the Dragon King has a dragon, and it only takes less than a pee to capture the dragon. Stone Island, and more than that. There is new news every day about how heroic, wise, wise, and caring he is for his people.

A few days ago, people thought that the most anticipated event on the 300th anniversary of Aegon's Landing was the wedding of Joffrey and Margaery. Who would have thought that as the 300th anniversary of Aegon's Landing approaches, Dragonstone There will be a new "Aegon" coming to the island, and he will be a naughty "Aegon".

"You have heard about him riding a three-headed dragon and conquering Dragonstone in just one pee. The story about how he paid a reward to save the 'little fish' on the Blackwater River was told the day before yesterday. He gave Dragonstone Chapter 3 of the garrison's tomb agreement also mentioned that surrenderers were allowed to attend the funeral. Well, these two are new. It is said that one day not long ago, he inspected the fields of farmers on Dragonstone Island and discussed autumn planting with the farmers. A farmer ate black dough at home. If this is true, I admire him very much. The taste of that thing is not much better than that of your noble masters for feeding livestock. "

"He may have tasted even worse food during his exile in Essos, and besides, I can do this too."

Bronn said: "But he is the Dragon King and it is useless for others to eat shit. There will be no sailors or people to praise him."

Tyrion said angrily: "Damn it, I dare say that the money he spent on those merchant ships to rescue people in Blackwater Bay was not as much as what I gave you in the Eagle's Nest City before. As a result, not even one person sang my praises." There are no stories.”

".He is the Dragon King, others -"

"Stop. Don't try to bury me with any disgusting words. The dwarf demon doesn't want to hear your ridicule." Tyrion interrupted, "Continue to tell what you heard."

"It is said that there was a merchant ship owner who was a kind-hearted man. I heard that he was offering a reward for rescuing the survivors of the Blackwater River. I also heard the story of his 'little fish'. I was very moved. I rescued a few survivors and sent them to Chaotoubao Pier. Later, he refused to accept the bounty and wanted to follow him in this kind of charity, but he sent someone from Dragonstone to reprimand the merchant ship owner. "

"What?" Tyrion was surprised. The dragon king's actions always exceeded his expectations. "Why?"

"The people he sent said that the merchant ship owner's refusal to accept the bounty was a violation of the regulations. If everyone was like the merchant ship owner, then from now on, people would no longer rescue people from Blackwater Bay. Yes. According to the bounty regulations, one must receive a bounty. Receiving a bounty will not damage the character of the merchant ship owner; but not accepting the bounty will set a precedent, and people may not rescue people from Blackwater Bay again, so the merchant ship owner will be very ashamed. Received the bounty. I really don’t understand the twists and turns.” After finishing speaking, Bronn commented, “But I dare say that the freedom knights will fly away like sparrows when they hear this story. Scavenging on Dragonstone.”

"What a formidable enemy." Tyrion said. "Have you never thought about it, Bronn? These stories are simple and clear, catchy, short and fast, easy to understand, full of ups and downs, and better than many bards." The romantic songs sung by poets are more likely to spread. Why did the court questions of the little Earl of Tidehead spread so quickly among the sailors? "


"Because this is what he spreads, this is his purpose, he just wants to spread these things. Seven fucking hells, if he really has dragons, then his dragons may not be enough to sweep the entire continent of Westeros. But before that, Bronn, he won't grow up waiting for dragons on Dragonstone like his ancestors did. Before that, he will shape himself into a real 'king' in people's hearts. The seven kingdoms are in chaos, but he is there calling for peace, planting autumn crops, doing good deeds to save people, look, how shameless we are, how noble he is!"

Bronn smiled and said, "Since he has a dragon, why not let him be the king? Didn't he accept the surrender of Shireen Baratheon? Those knights and soldiers who surrendered were only put in the dark prison, and nothing happened. I haven't heard that he took anyone's title. He encouraged people to plant in the fall and store grain for the winter, which sounded so good to the people."

It was hard for Tyrion to say that the look in the mercenary knight's eyes when he looked at him was not arrogant and mocking.

Tyrion warned him: "If others hear this, you will be guilty of treason."

Bron shrugged: "I have only been anointed with holy oil for a short time, and I don't have a deep understanding of the loyalty of knights. Is this also called treason?"

Tyrion ignored the thorn in his words and asked: "I heard that Tyrell's army is withdrawing from Storm's End?"

Bron pouted: "How can I know such a secret?"

"That's right, it seems that my father and Lord Inflatable Fish have not been blinded by the desire for power. At present, his various actions are more aimed at Stannis, and King's Landing just happened to be affected by these things." Tyrion ignored his nonsense and analyzed it by himself. "Most of the soldiers he sent back are from the Stormlands, and Stannis is in the Stormlands now. Those soldiers who returned will disrupt Stannis's morale. Stannis claims to be the legitimate king. We make room for Stannis, so that he can help us test whether his dragon is real or fake. At least we will not become Black-hearted Harren, right?"

Bron laughed and said, "You, the finance minister, are worried about so much? Have you counted the copper coins?"

Tyrion ignored him and just looked up from the window towards the direction of the Prime Minister's Tower of the Red Keep. He remembered what Lord Tywin said: Some victories are won by swords and spears, while others are won by paper, pen and crows.

King's Landing has no fleet now. Even if it has a fleet, how can it attack Dragonstone, which may be guarded by dragons?

And there are always more effective ways to spend money.

In order to switch to Robert, Lord Tywin did too much to Targaryen. Now Targaryen is back with a dragon, and even Cersei knows that they have no way out.

He wondered, will there be another victory that depends on assassins and poison?

Public opinion warfare and peaceful evolution are a combination of punches used by offshore regimes when they have few troops, nuclear weapons, and poor information flow.

War is not just about soldiers fighting on the front line.

Although most of the time the final outcome is decided on the battlefield, the real war begins before the battle begins.

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